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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. Hello, I do not often sub, but since I have joined in subbing for each of the KOTFE Chapters because I saw XO Jorgan was to be at my trooper's side once again, well, I couldn't resist. When KOTFE started I was there, and disappointed. My team was gone, and I was left with a bunch of misfits that were often at each other's throats.


    I didn't know what to think, but when my crafting was limited, I started to hate KOTFE. I am not sure about you, but until, some of the later patches I could only craft up to 186. Now I can craft the 208 material. I am a crafter, so I was very happy.


    Loot scales to level. I can do solo flashpoints and right click on the god-bot droid buff and the overkill droid goes away. I am not sure if that was always there, but I found that out recently.


    We have level sync and I deleted all chars but my main to see how using the lowest leveled mods on every planet and very rarely using a companion to see what kind of difficulty awaits me.


    Now we are in 4.2a and I have been happy with the changes.


    I didn't like KOTFE at first, but what about you? Are you happy? Do you like it? How about new characters leveling across planets?


    Would you rather equip your companion yourself, and have that option, or would you rather keep it the way we have it now, an auto stat system?


    Yes this broad, but that is the point. I will vote pro direction the game has taken. What do you think about post 4.2a?



  2. Went up against some premades and double premades tonight. Good challenge. Won some and lost some but still a good time.


    Nothing wrong with premades.


    Though it's the war zone tourists that spin me up. Had one tonight. Didn't do a thing. Looked at his gear, starter insta-60 gear, as a level 65. This is your issue. Not premades.

  3. doesnt work all the time. when quality is online, this happens but is defended most often.


    can watch examples on my stream, i do watch the off node and its guard. ill put that call out into chat quickly and call out on voice comms, if grouped.


    players have also started to watch for me. though im an operative healer, i will solo fools at off nodes and steal it. or sap/cap them. but those that know me and dont see me, do know where im going to be and will head there, usually cutting me off or interrupting my cap.


    usually what happens is an inexperienced unstealthed teammate sees me on their map and follows me, ruining any attempt before it starts.


    its a good thought but after 5 years in the WZ's all this has been attempted but rarely works anymore when quality players are online. though it will work against scrubs all day long. :p

  4. I stream to hitbox, twitch and YouTube.

    SWTOR.tv has all 3 embedded.

    Vëttë operative healer and Vádër Jugg tank on Shadowlands are my 2 65's

    Usually online during the day, not so much on the weekends or week nights. I do have somewhat of a life. I won't PvP while overseas due to ping. It's not worth the trouble for team mates. But I'm usually running HMFP for new players.








    No BS discussions, comments, opinions. Just PvP and new PvE content. Sometimes I group up for war zones but mostly solo queues. I'm a bad. Nothing special, I simply stream all my content.


    Most of my viewers watch from work.

  5. A new "Special Promotions" vendor has been added to Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and both Fleets. This vendor will allow players to trade Razer promotional crystals for +41 stat versions:

    • SE Black Green Eviscerating Crystal
    • SE Black Green Indestructible Crystal
    • SE Black Green War Hero's Crystal
    • SE Black Green Hawkeye Crystal



    Are we able to actually get these if the code no longer shows up?

    I ask because I have 2 SWTOR keyboards, 3 mice, 3 headsets and 3 mousepads. And have been unable to register them to aquire the crystal.

  6. Oo, oo. I run a healer operative. Did I solo kill you a few times on an off node the last 2 days?

    Or was I one my skank Jugg and crush you?


    The only 2 classes I've played since beta. Does that make me a FOTM?

  7. Bioware is following Sony Online Entertainment's footsteps.


    Dumbed down solo game for a simple minded casual player base.


    I've been saying it for 2 years yet my warnings went either unnoticed or trolled. Everything I predicted has come true. I've watched this movie before and it doesn't have a happy ending for the majority of the community. Be that PvE Raiders or PvP elitist.


    It's all about the cash shop and quick short strokes for single serving friends. We aren't children, stop creating short weekend cartoon content. We are adults and want long term satisfaction and entertainment.

  8. Companion conversations are based on class mission now. It doesn't matter where their influence rank is. It's about where you're at in your class story. Usually end of chapter 1, 2, or 3


    Sounds like a heat issue on your laptop giving you graphics errors. When was the last time the case was removed and the fans and cooling fins cleaned? Ever reapply thermal paste?


    Could also be power supply going bad, starving your GPU and CPU of power.


    What laptop is it? CPU, GPU, SSD or HDD, driver, Windows version? This will help us assist you

  9. Post-4.0 companions are easily ignored. They all the same. Nothing unique about them.


    Pre-4.0 companions were different. Unique abilities, equipment, weapons. You could customize them within their DPS/heal, burst DPS/ AoE DPS, tank/DPS, and for treek, tank/heal stances. You could gear them out to be DPS monsters, or tank gods.


    So, yes current companions are missable. Influence doesn't really matter overall. Post-4.0 companions perform at a significant lower level than Pre-4.0 companions. It was the gear that mattered. The majority of the community found gearing companions hard and thus we have been stuck with under performing pets.


    Lower level and level sync you won't see it. Do harder content and the lacking abilities and power from Post-4.0 companions shows up. Pre-4.0 companions when geared properly were an asset in Hard Mode Flashpoints. A few of us had HMFP on farm, solo with those companions. It was the more challenging and rewarding solo gameplay PvE wise before 4.0. We can not do it with Post-4.0 companions. They can not survive through high burst DPS phases on bosses. They don't have the gearing and stats to mitigate damage, push out enough DPS, and heal through burst mechanics.


    You asked for easy mode solo MMO with minor group content and got it.


    I for one would gladly pay 14,000 cartel coins for geared companions.

    Purple gear in a companion would last 8-10 levels. Companion gearing was easy.

    Legacy gear made this even easier. Kaliyo would share my Powertech tank gear. Mako wore my operative heal/dps gear, vette wore my operative DPS gear.


    What killed it was x12XP boost, the current purple mission giving x8XP boost, level too fast, not enough credits and Comms for gearing. Add in level sync and now gear means nothing. Leveling is still way too fast. People don't know their role and abilities. Let alone want to spend time on tweaking proper gear on themselves or their companions. Thus we in the garbage state we are currently in.


    BW devs were not talking to each other with all the changes 4.0 NGE added. I'm going to call it NGE because since 2.6 to currently a lot has changed. Abilities removed, merged, changed from active to passive and the balance issues all contribute to a junk system in KOTFE. It's a different game. A new game with garbage enhancements to a more simple minded casual cummiunity.

  10. Nothing wrong with resolve. Use it to your advantage.


    The problem is noobs, not understanding it and CC at the wrong time or break its on damage.


    It's a L2P issue.


    The mechanic works as it should.

  11. I need to know how many of each different Jugg Tank augment to ensure success in Warzones, How many Absorb, How many Fortitude, How Many Shield. I already have Skank Tank Augments but I want to get back in to Warzones again so I need to know what the proper augments are that I need.






    It's not just augments you'll need to adjust. Defense is useless, toss it for crit, power

  12. Update: Infusion/KoltoPack:


    Tip: You can clip the timing of your Infusion. What does this mean? You can still get the ability to activate even though you forced a cancel on it by stepping forward or backward (such as if you are fake fasting). How does it work? At 1.2 seconds in the cast step forward or backward to cancel the cast this will save .15~ seconds.


    I have tried to do the same thing to Injection/Underworld Medicine but it more RNG if it works.


    Example of Infusion/Kolto Pack Clipping : http://www.twitch.tv/kissingaiur/v/51347202


    Shhhhhh. It's not the only one....

  13. The HK-51 questline was originally added when level 50 was the cap and there was no level sync. I believe the requirement to do Maelstrom Prison or Foundry as HM was to prevent players from soloing it. False Emperor was a level 50 flashpoint so soloing even story mode was impossible for most players. Then came the expansions with level cap increases, making the flashpoints progressively easier. At level 60 it was outright trivial to solo a level 50 hardmode flashpoint.


    Now we have level sync and solo mode for flashpoints, but the mission still requires hardmode for one of the flashpoints, while the other can be done in any mode. I think it's time to revisit the design of this questline. The options that make the most sense to me are:

    • Follow the recent changes in game difficulty and make any mode acceptable for flashpoints. Players will be able to complete the questline solo, but that's not so different from the Shadow of Revan times.
    • Emphasize the grouping aspect and make both flashpoints require hard mode. This will return things to what they were in vanilla, making soloing practically impossible.


    I'm fine with either of these solutions. The current state though makes me feel like the mission has been forgotten.


    Please take complaints about the excavator elsewhere. This thread is for the flashpoint aspect of the HK-51 mission.

    You can still get the parts, can't solo HMFP anymore but there are groups doing HMFP queues. Just select the one HMFP needed and queue.


    Foundry was story mode only for the part but false emperor needs to be HMFP.


    4.0 killed companions and the tanks and healers aren't able to keep up with the burst DPS phases so we can't solo the hard mode Flashpoints anymore. Pre-4.0 companions when properly geared were strong enough to solo Hard Mode Flashpoints. Post-4.0 companions don't have the proper stats and can not survive. But it is doable with a buddy. But easier with a full group. Those that said Post-4.0 companions were Over Powered, needed to get out of level sync and play harder content.


    I'm one of the few that could solo HMFP Pre-4.0. Had HMFP on farm for gearing Alts and companions or I would run HMFP for people that needed gear/HK-51 parts. Bonus bosses and all. 4.0 has taken that aspect of the game away from me. Yes, I'm still bitter. It was the one thing in PvE that was challenging for me, and that I could do whenever I wanted, solo.



    If on Shadowlands, I can give assistance. I have an operative healer and Jugg tank with proper gear to run people through these. I have influence rank 50 companions on both my mains.


    Pm me here or send an ingame mail to: Vëttë or Vádër

  14. I group for group play. Chit chat, organized game play, just someone to talk with. Can't do it solo. I have guild voice Comms, my personal voice chat or end up on a buddies voice.


    I don't group to win, pre made is not a guaranteed win. I've been in matches with double premades and failed, hard at times mostly due to lack of proper communication.


    Is there a problem with grouping? Nope. It's your option. If you want to be carried and rely on others then solo queue. If you want to coordinate attacks, defenses, focus fire properly then group up. Make some friends. They don't have to be in your guild. I tend to solo a lot, I do group, when a spot is open. Or I'll group with 1 or 2

  15. original tank companions are better at tanking and holding agro


    original healer companions are better at healing


    original dps companions are better at dps


    force users heals tick one more time than tech user companions


    tech power and force power is different. force power companions have higher power ratings


    unique companion abilities have been removed. so those that purchased or unlocked via CC treek and HK on all characters are ignored. everyone can get them and these companions are the same as other companions. Lokin lost his rakghoul abilities and other companions no longer use their original pre-4.0 weapons.


    4.0 screwed up companions because gearing a companion was deemed hard :rak_02:

  16. You're better off using onboard graphics than an Nvidia 740 graphics card. Hit eBay for a proper video card with at least 3 gigs of vram


    Look for a 770, 780, 970 and 980 in the Nvidia cards


    Even a 760 and 960 would work. But not a 750 or 740 series. Never run a x50 or x40 series card. It's a waste of money and they are not designed for graphics intensive programs such as games.

  17. I used to have Hard Mode Flashpoints on farm with geared companions. Be it a tank companion on my operatives or a healer companion on my Jugg and Powertech tanks. Can't do that since 4.0


    I enjoy the mechanics of HMFP and doing it solo was a personal challenge. Not everyone could do it but the few of us that could stood out from others that complained about companions and their gear. When you do it right and know the fights, HMFP was easy solo.


    Tacticals and story mode Flashpoints are a face roll. Too easy and no challenge and no mechanics.


    Those that said post-4.0 companions were over powered needed to do harder content. The post-4.0 companions fail at what a properly geared pre-4.0 companion could do.

  18. Did a heroic star fortress on my operative. Tanking was better but pierce still died twice on the final boss. I'd run out of energy trying to keep up with the healing. Granted I'm an operative healer so not much for burst healing. I got to the heroic moment late and it was basically a waste. I could have done better but all in all it was not a 3 hour run like it has been before.


    I'm not happy with it still but it was a step in the right direction. But I'd rather run a DPS companion stance rather than tank. It's faster and uses less resources.



    Xsplit is not working with the latest Windows 10 version. Constant crashes if it even loads up. So using Shadowplay to stream only to twitch. I have the clip but will edit just the Heroic Star Fortress run. I skipped much of it.

  19. Sin w/ insta whirlwind is spec'd wrong. Dont care if their a tank , they should be deception for highest gank dmg ( shouldnt have a sin tank in wz's anywayz lol #Juggslivesmatter)


    Objective players will roll tank sin with insta whirlwind. It's not always about numbers. :rolleyes:

    Use the tools you have to your advantage.

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