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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. remember when we would do Hard Mode Flashpoints ( HMFP ) solo...


    you were geared, your companion was geared. and you would enter the foundry, battle of ilum, cademimu, or false emperor with just you and your companion. I would take players through them just for the HK parts. just me and my companion and some PvE scrub along for the ride to get his/her loot.


    well, take them in there now. its not going to go very well. these companions suck when compared to previous versions.


    the pre-4.0 companions were very easy to customize and tweak their stats. the cookie cutter post 4.0 companions are just farts in the wind in comparison. we could set kaliyo as dps or tank and she would do a great job at it. you could have vette do single target dps or aoe them down. sorry these post-4.0 companions melt when they see the silver dogs jump on them. they cant take the beating they could pre-4.0


    though there are a few threads out there that say otherwise. sure they can take on multiple weak mobs but throw in a few silvers or golds and they fizzle away quietly. they have no defenses.


    some say pre-4.0 GameIsHard - now these players are complaining companions are OP, yet these people never did Hard Mode Content with companions before 4.0


    post 4.0 companions are weak when compared to properly geared pre-4.0 companions

  2. Are you deaf or do you just ignore everything. Third time, levelin teaches you jack squat about playing a class endgame! You keep whining that all the noobs are due to 12xp. Where have you been? Let me tell a story, I was in an ops with a self proclaimed grinder who went up against master and blaster. I ask if he knows how to play, response I've been playing this toon for2 years I'm not a newb I have played the old fashion way since launch and know my class from questing. Want to know what happens next? He can't hold aggro the whole time and he forces me to tank both at the same time. I kicked him and replaced with a friend who power leveled a toon during 12xp in 8hours. We easily finish the ops. Moral of the story, stop repeating this nonsense that we got to grind to learn or the newbs will ruin us. No stop. All your points are made out of ignorance. Maybe that was you I kicked? :rolleyes:




    You need to go back to school.

    Maybe you should read all the posts before smashing a bunch of words together. You'll understand what they are trying to prevent. You seem you would rather blow a quick load than enjoy the entire ride. You won't last long in the MMO world. Go back to your console child. The grownups are talking.

  3. you do realize that if x12 XP was never released, this thread wouldn't be here.


    there would be less tasty tears from the supporters of x12 XP, well because there wouldn't be any to begin with.


    you got it for 3.0 release, don't expect it to become the norm or feature you can purchase. there was a reason it was introduced for the short time it was around. there is a reason its gone and more reasons BW doesn't comment on this thread,


    stop your crying, man up and move on. instead of arguing in this thread, you should be leveling up that alt to run some class stories :rak_04:

  4. So with these numbers what is the desired % for defense, shield and absorb?


    Just easier to view


    Currently high defense and I am very spikey


    1300 defense roughly 25%

    777 shield roughly 38%

    299 absorb roughly 21%


    Afk now so numbers are close to what I recalled from last night while looking at them.



    When I swap the defense enhancements for absorb I take more damage. Which is why I'm dealing with the spikey dmg I take especially in larger pulls. Just want to even it out so my healer is taxed less.


    Jugg tank. With full 69's mostly min/maxed

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