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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. There aren't many of us around that fought along side me on the forums and I could quote my pervious warning posts but most are deleted, due to my other account being banned. Can't even search for them. I made a lot of points over the years that is obvious the devs and forum community manager want to keep hidden. :confused:


    Sure was funny during the announcement of 3.0 I called the 4.0 expansion and level increase over a year in advance to work along side the movie released. I still have that feather in my cap. Though it was such a letdown. Devs failed veteran subs.


    It wouldn't take much to take the best of SWG and combine it with the best of SWTOR and have a killer game.


    We don't agree often and have had out battles but this I do agree with.


    But we will see this game in the future. It's in the works and is the death of the SWTOR IP.


    But not sure if it will satisfy everyone. LoL

  2. Yep happens to me to, they even said to roll back my driver which I did and that worked till this last patch and now it crashes to desktop if I'm outside and scroll my mouse pointer over any mission on the map or on the side panel and if I try and use the port icon things that takes me from Heroic to Heroic,,, I found myself having to quick travel to the nearest cantina then using the port icon just to go to another heroic,,, Now this crap has been going on since they added 4.1 what the hell is going on why haven't this crap been fixed yet I mean its making the game almost unplayable.....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


    Note: Ok just tried this:

    And I can validate that by turning off Texture Anisotropy in-game does stop the CTD so far,, I did a heroic that I ctd on every time and I didn't with that turned off so I think we found a fix YEAH!!!!


    Nice thanks for posting, I'll add this to the list. I didn't know Anisotropy was causing these crashes.


    I'd still like to know your systems to see if a trend develops. Are you guys using Nvidia graphics cards or AMD?

  3. In 3D computer graphics, anisotropic filtering (abbreviated AF) is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures on surfaces of computer graphics that are at oblique viewing angles with respect to the camera where the projection of the texture (not the polygon or other primitive on which it is rendered) appears to be non-orthogonal (thus the origin of the word: "an" for not, "iso" for same, and "tropic" from tropism, relating to direction; anisotropic filtering does not filter the same in every direction).


    Basically better textures at the cost of higher GPU use.

    If you're crashing with that setting on, I would ask what graphic card are you using and power supply wattage.

    CPU and any overclocks is used. Driver version?


    Seems odd that setting stopped the crashes. It could be a weak power supply, driver or heat. If the GPU is working harder it creates heat, it is also using more power. If the power supply is unable to supply enough power it may cause a crash. Too much heat can make things unstable. But drivers can cause similar issues. The latest driver isn't always the best driver.


    SWTOR uses much more CPU than GPU. The hero engine is poorly optimized and confirmed by past and present devs. It's too costly to upgrade let alone change the engine. Though other companies have and are doing it with success. SWTOR is on life support due to new movies and new MMO title tie in coming in the future, announcement coming sooner than expected.


    I'm glad you found a fix, I just hope it's not a bandaid to an underlying issue.

    MSI Afterburner is a nice program to run and keep track of GPU and CPU usage. Temps, and clock speeds. If I suspect an issues on my rigs, that's usually the first place I look. What's the temps and how much are they being used during normal gameplay activities? On Screen Display in the top left corner of my streams and videos. One of my last streams I was actually helping a guy set his up. My settings and config for MSI afterburner is displayed and explained quickly between war zone rounds.

  4. Nope,


    I was right about what 2.0 brought. What happen to those 8 week patches and community discussions with devs? Oh those blogs and threads were removed.....


    Was right when changes with 2.6 and forward. Ability changes, merges, removals....examples, acid blade turned into a passive, hidden strike removed, attack FOV was increased, backstab changes, knockdown removed, then turned into a root, then turned into a stun, so why remove it to begin with? DPS lowered on concealment. It's still a wet noodle.


    Was right about x12XP boosts and the entitled rants that came with it, the speedy leveling and lack of endgame doom. Players blew through levels fast then complained there was nothing to do. Player don't know their skills and their roll in group content.


    Was right about 3.0 and how it has screwed up class balance more so than previous patches. FOTM have turned into FOTY. Bringing revan back was a mistake and just wasn't written to be believable.


    Was right about 4.0 and lack of content, companion changes and how it negatively doomed solo play, no more solo HMFP with these garbage companions. Level sync flushed team play while leveling. Companions feel over powered when you're level synced to lower planets (do harder content). KOTFE dumbed down the game for a simple minded casual gamer. These gamers are not long time subscribers and have shown will not support the game over the long run. They want everything handed to them with as little work as possible. New Game Etitlements has been passed around when you combine 2.6 changes through 4.0 changes. It has impacted the game just as Sony Online Entertainment did with New Game Enhancements with Star Wars Galaxies. It just took a bit more time and more laid off developers. KOTFE story isn't Star Wars. It's Star Trek with glow sticks and poor writing.



    We've already watched subs fall off, F2P is falling off faster as these subs aren't even sticking around for F2P. Other games have come that pulled active players away from SWTOR servers.


    Companions without gear are dolls to play dress up with. They aren't unique. Not memorable. You could have KOTFE with companion gearing and original unique abilities. Those that were confused with gearing in SWTOR really shouldn't have been playing an already very simple game and gear/stat load out.


    Lack of PTS to test KOTFE. we beta tested the expansions for months and still have issues today. Subs still beta test patches before the rest of the community gets a chance with early access. Changes are made 2 days later on our finding. This hurts the community as all we posted was problems and issues. When new players or f2p read these threads it takes the steam out of the excitement.



    So have I been wrong? Nope, drinking with devs has confirmed the SWTOR demise and rise of a new title coming which is to be announced in the near future.


    Should have listened to veterans that warned what was coming. x12XP, abilities changes/removals/merges, companion gearing/abilities, and level sync has killed a very good game. The original direction and idea of the game was lost with 3.0-present. BW/EA pulled an SOE and screwed their community over.

  5. Shadowlands it's not often I wait for 10 mins or more for a queue pop. Mostly play during the weekday. Rare to see me online in the evenings.


    Many from SL moved to Garbinger. I get asked weekly when I'm moving my healers there. I really have no interest in moving. Higher ping, quantity doesn't mean quality player base. :rolleyes:


    Leave the game, you won't be missed. Nothing will change. Every server is seeing a bleed. There's other games out there.

  6. I solo queue a lot, more in the past. I have notepad open with all my call outs. A quick copy and paste. I have my incoming calls pre-typed. I will focus target on a node guard. So if I see him taking damage or sapped, I can make the call.


    I can't count how many times the veteran ranked players in regs would call me hacks and macro king for my call outs. They stand out and are nearly instant when they hit an offnode. Double tab enter to send that pre-typed message while in combat or at a different node. I've been called bad, terrible, just quit, unsub and more harsh words and descriptions. All because I'm an objective player.


    I watch the entire map. Where my teammates are and what the enemy is doing. I've lost count on alderraan how many times the enemy sends 2 or 3 to grass or snow while we head to mid at the start. It's an instant double tap for that node before we even get to mid. 2 guys peel off and help the node out.



    Ignore these players. They may be scrubs and you double their stats or they could be seasoned veterans and do great in ranked. Top f the ranked boards yet all they see is number. They are ineffective at objective play and know it. When someone is out performing them they complain and use words as an attack. It just shows how childish they are and don't give them a second of your time. Continue to play and do your thing. Nothing wrong with that.


    I stream all my content. Viewers ask why I have notepad in my streams, they soon realize why when they see it used inside a war zone or before the match begins as I setup a (Vëttë): -= EAST - Left Side =- call out on voidstar as one example


    I group with guild and buddies and either use guild TS or my personal mumble, but I still take the time to pre-type call outs for those not on the voice chats.


    Watch my streams and you'll see me survive more often than others. It's knowing the roles/classes, understanding defensive abilities, cleanse, heals. I solo players at off nodes as an operative healer. I've out DPS'd entire 4 man teams in arenas. The first comment on chat will be their DPS sucked. Guess I'll DPS. There are a lot of war zone tourists out there getting Pierce and the droid. They complain a lot when undergeared and inside war zones. They take a huge amount of damage and hit you with wet noodles. More so than concealment operatives. :rolleyes:


    I will hold players up at off nodes solo. Most recent was a couple days ago against 2, then 3, then 4 players trying to defeat me. I kited and healed. While my team was capturing other nodes for a comeback win. I don't have to kill you, I don't have to take the node. But as an operative healer, I am able to tie up a few players which takes stress off other locations. You get used, then call me names. I /laugh and move on.


    So don't worry about these children.

  7. LoL. Sorry thought you were on shadowlands today when we were actually dancing at South on Novare Coast.


    A little boring early this morning in the war zones when my team 3 capped

  8. Don't even need a trinity to get a premade.


    Pugged solo and WZ popped. Arena. 2 people quit against a premade. 3 vs 4 and we won.

    Not all premades are good or even a win. :rolleyes:


    If you know your class, how to defend and defeat other classes, things get easy. When your team knows their role then the premade doesn't matter much. Especially when seasoned players end up solo and on the same team. Develop a plan that suits all play styles and stick to the plan. Focus down targets together. Peel from healers, interrupt casters. Swap target on guard. It's basic PvP 101. L2P and you can be successful in solo queue



    This anti-premade agenda doesn't hold water. It's just Bads complaining

  9. Well. Now I know why I almost killed you a few times. You lagged and froze.

    thats the stream bugging out. I've been working on the settings to get it to stop doing that. I'll look at hitbox and twitch and see if those 2 had the same stuttering. I use restream.io to push 1 stream to 3 streaming sites.

    Check for my confidence underneath your shoes, please.


    Hmm. I'm gonna sub to your channel. That was interesting to watch. And to listen. Ya'll echo a lot of what we say

    over in Rep side... "We are melting." "God we suck." "INCOMING... NM they took the turret." Ok, so maybe it's more mirror reversed, but still.


    My one shining moment I caught your friend there trying to sneak behind me. I'll kind of own that moment. Anyhow.


    That was such a good strategy. It seemed like ya'll didn't give us a break to regroup.


    Yeah the 3 of us have been grouping recently. We all go back years but only recently started grouping up. We tired of trying to kill each other. LoL


    I tend to group with anyone and in it them to my mumble. Though I do solo queue a lot as well.

  10. I've been quiet about it for a while but shield probe is great for arena acid. I'm outlasting sorc bubbles when we both are full health.



    Shhhhh ;)



    Oh and I hit a personal best 5161.69 HPS in an arena



    On Shadowlands, we don't have the big Cleve groups so it's hard to get above 4K in 8vs8. Either a huge focus on single targets that I have trouble keeping up with or not enough enemy DPS and effective healing suffers. I've done 4K in 8vs8 but it's a lot easier to do in arenas.


    Go a little before that time stamp and a few minutes after when I'm alone on west. You'll see the DPS I'm talking about. Or lack there of. I was stuck for nearly 3 minutes as well with a sage and guardian working

  11. East coast, I would select Shadowlands.

    Operations daily

    HMFP runs

    Plenty of Reg war zones

    Ranked pops though solo is fun group up for team ranked for a challenge


    If into reg war zones, we have a few streamers. Plenty of groups to team up with and get on voice Comms for coordinated strikes. I stream everything and host a mumble channel that is open to regstars

  12. Your team (last night? it all blends together) had a GREAT strategy at Novarre Coast. Ya'll were running us in circles, keeping us just off balance enough to keep us from trying to take a second node. It was like trying to herd cats when Aristacrats (sp) and I realized what ya'll were doing.


    I took East from ya'll for a split minute, but no one came to help and I got overrun. Then you did exactly as you said and just harangued the hell out of west until GG. It felt like an appropriate time to try and relearn how to play my Vanguard. Almost got you a couple of times, but alas... The OP-Tank-Healer spec you run proved too much. :p


    Was the the one I got stuck on?

  13. Operative roll and Holo-traverse still bugged.


    I still experience the Operative roll and Holo-traverse bug. Being stuck in 1 spot in a war zone is not fun.

    A sorc pull, an enemy sin pull, and a knockback will work.


    Tonight's holo-traverse was funny though but still annoying. Mara and a sorc slapping wet noodles at me for nearly a minute until I mentioned in general chat I was bugged and needed a pull.




    Video coming shortly when it's finished processing on youtube. . .


    @ 56:44 I'm stuck in 1 spot. I used roll twice then holo-traverse to the guardian. @ 59:06 the sage pushes me and I'm released...finally. I'm stuck there against a sage and guardian for nearly 3 minutes :rolleyes:

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