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Posts posted by knowmyname

  1. Yeah, it might be worthwhile to play operative before they take away yet another core ability that defines the class. On the other hand, it might be best to just avoid wasting your time.


    Someone remembers when Acid Blade was an active ability.



  2. I wish dps record threads recorded the spec that the players were using also. Would encourage more variety.


    I'd like to see separate columns for each spec so people that love to play the burst spec of a class don't have to use the dot spec just to get on the leaderboards, for example.


    Like they do on Shadowlands?


    SL PvP old posts


    I think the kids over on Garbinger do it too

  3. /general:


    Yep, a few examples in my streams and videos. I have notepad filled with call outs, copy and paste into chat while loading into the War Zone. Ready for a quick double press of the ENTER key. The call is made when I need help or when others need assistance. It's good to keep an eye on off nodes or where the enemy is/isn't during a match.


    If the calls need swapped say from east to west, I have already selected my west call out for a quick alt+tab out and copy. Run the game in windowed (full screen) mode for quick alt+tab to desktop


    I have notepad in my streams because players called it hacks and macros when they saw my unique call outs and how quick they pop up. Unfortunately not everyone is on voice Comms.


    At 7:19 in that video you can see my first call to -= SNOW =- even though I'm Mid, I know it will be busy. Throughout that match I double tap enter to get those calls out, then when I have a chance ctrl+V to paste it into chat. Click on a play in the ops frame to get out of chat. Just an example of how quick those calls can come. That alone can be a huge advantage for your team. Do this and when you get sapped or stunned, instead of clicking on stun break, double tab enter so your prefiled call out is sent to your team. The sooner that call goes out the sooner your team mates can respond.


    My sapcap videos show how easy it is to use sleepdart and debilitate to get players to use stun break too early. I will flashbang you and take advantage of the situation. Sins will do the same thing. No one is over powered. It's a learn to play mechanic. Use it to your advantage.

  4. Been there done that with my guild. Never resolved and that old guild of mine is still posting and recruiting new players.



    Customer service is a joke in SWTOR. I have never seen an ingame CS or GM whatever you want to call them.



    Be sure to add a security key to your account, be that the mobile security key or the Microsoft one (heard it works too), or if you can get your hands on one of the physical keys. This would add a layer of security to your account and is highly recommended.

  5. One thing you are neglecting to mention is the self-buff 50% damage resistance they get that has around 90% uptime.


    I'll take a look at it when I run a Hard Mode Flashpoint and re-evaluate the tank companion performance.

    Pierce, Senya, and Scourpio are my Influence Rank 50 companions on my operative healer. I will add 1 tech and 1 force user to my juggernaut tank for a comparison between classes for poops and laughs. Streamed of course for exposure.

  6. The topic creator needs to take new screenshots and reword the complaint. The screenshot is from 4.0 and there was a change to this in 4.1. (As I mentioned in my previous post.)


    I'll be looking at it when I logon later. But I have looked at them after each patch and have not seen a change from original 4.0 stats. The point I'm making is these new post-4.0 companions cant even hold a candle against their properly geared pre-4.0 companions. I'll post an updated image of their stats.





    Lowbies will argue their companions are better suited now than end game companions. I'm not leveling characters now so won't comment. But end game hard mode Flashpoints solo with pre-4.0 companions was a challenge and enjoyable solo. But in this post-4.0 companion environment, it's nearly impossible. Companions just take too much damage. There is no armor. Just a HP boost and power adjustment. Lazy fix to companions that did not need any adjustment.


    The base aim, cunning, strength, and willpower stats rolled into Mastery was fine. Easy gearing for your characters and companions. Companions could still wear whatever gear you wanted on them. It wouldn't matter. They could have still been lazy and made every companion a trinity stance as it is now.


    Companions aren't unique. They don't stand out from each other. They pets in a costume. Nothing more and melt when you fart in their general direction.

  7. http://swtor.tv/SWTOR_4-0_Companion_Stats_Pierce_Influence_50.png


    There's the stats, see what's wrong?


    Tank is pointless. BW replied in other posts and said they knew about it and would correct it right after 4.0 was released. Still no change even after the big nerf to DPS and Healer companions. Tank companions lost about 20K HP.


    Still garbage tanking companions.


    Older post describing issues


  8. Anyone saying there's no cheats in PVP then they are playing with there eyes closed. Just do a web search and the jump hack and speed hack are listed. they won't be all either. There is no way a group not in a guild can have all teams mates with 30 or more kills and my team has a high of 3. I have played PVP with SWTOR came out and i remember when the first hack appeared. One on one i can accept getting beat with one on one battle. How ever to get one shot?? I have 208 sepced gear and aug. No way should i get hit with 3 20k hits in a row??? So if you want people to play this game. Fix this issue.


    Armor debuff and crit attacks will hit for 20K or more...


    Players do group up into pre-mades that are not in the same guild. I do it often. I have friends outside of my guild.


    All you have to do is hit someone or heal someone to get credit for a kill. Only one player gets the killing blow. So if your team does death match and doesn't focus targets down as a team, you'll be spread out for easy kills for a team working together. Even if they are not in the same guild. Players will mark healers and focus their effort down on the ungaurded and weak

  9. No, we cant do it, and yes we have high damage burst, but this thing is less dirty then operative's overlong stun which ruins every ancient hypergate warzone! :p


    Yes, sin can and do sapcap just as easily as operatives.


    L2P and get that call out as soon as the first stun happens, don't break the first stun. Move away from the pylon so the stun wears off before the cap can complete. If the operative or sin has to move away from the pylon to stun you, he has to move back to it to capture it.

  10. :mon_trap:

    Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Do you have the special snowflake title irl?


    Fixed your OP, your self quoted quote. :rolleyes: you're not the coldest beer in the fridge

    Be sure to quote the entire post, not a part of it. I called you out and will give it a 2/10 rating. I've seen better troll posts by BW Community Managers

  11. As long as we're in a petitioning mood, I thought I might draw attention to the most woefully under powered and poorly designed spec in game- the sorc healer.



    1)Light armor.... Tf bioware! We're so squishy and mercs are so tanks with heavy armor. Why would you make us wear this light armor that does no mitigation!


    2)Lack of a resource cool down. Mercs and operatives get adrenaline probe and vent heat to gain like 50% or their resource, we have a worthless on the gcd move that doesn't give close to 50% back and actually DEGENERATES our force regen... Just another example of mercs and operatives being much better


    3)Overly long cooldowns. Our force barrier cool down is way too long. I mean, three minutes?? Operatives get half that on their stealth out and they can avoid all that white dmg, which is what the majority of dmg in pvp is. And mercs take the prize for most op move, they can disengage every 20 sec with the brokenly overpowered move that is rocket out!


    These are only a couple examples, there are too many instances of sorcs getting nothing while mercs just have everything. But I know how to fix this!


    Innervate is now a passive aoe effect that will continually heal every ally within 60 meters. Every tick of innervate reduces all active cooldowns on all targets by 100%.


    Roaming mend was too unreliable, so now it can bounce up to thirty times and has a 100% crit rate. The cooldown has also been removed and force bending is no longer consumed by any heal.


    Each tick of Revivification now grants a stack of Rerollsorcheals. Each stack absorbs all damage dealt to the target, multiplies by five, and reflects it back at the attacker. This can stack an unlimited amount of times and lasts for fifteen minutes per stack.


    To combat the light armor issue, force barrier is now a passive effect. It is therefore possible to move and use abilities while under the effects of force barrier.


    To fix the resource situation, all sorcerer heals now restore 100 force every time they heal. Excess force becomes Unbound energy, dealing 100k aoe damage to all foes.


    Lastly, the speed multiplier for force speed has been doubled to 500%, and force speed now lasts for one hour per use. While under the effects of force speed, the sorcerer cannot be targeted.


    Hopefully with these changes we sorc healers will be able to compete with mercs. Feel free to sign this petition below to show your support for class balance!




    Looks like a L2P issue. Sorc/sage is the best healer in game. In the average player's hands it can be a work horse. In a great player's hands it's nearly unstoppable. Why do you think there are so many of them running around?


    I'm placing your posts under troll as its so full of holes and obvious trolling content. But if you're for real L2P Sorc/Sage

  12. I'd like to see it in SWTOR but it would have to be PvP only. Meaning an option to put a bounty on a player if the player did the killing blow outside of war zones. Open world PvP and flagged.


    Inside war zones it would be too distracting.


    You would have players hiding inside guild ships and guild/personal strongholds waiting for a buddy to claim the bounty.

    Open to any class, bounty hunters get a little extra reward just because bounty hunter. Small credit boost, or crystals/comm reward per kill or title achievements. Nothing game breaking.


    Keep it out of the PvE Care Bears so they don't complain about being forced into a PvP situation.


    So many kills inside war zones would put a bounty on players. If not claimed more credits could be applied as PvP achievements are met. No reward other than a title achievement for defeating a bounty claimer if you (the bounty) defeat them. Your reward is beating the bounty hunter and living until the next hunter comes to collect

  13. Let me quote myself:


    Just wanted to remind others, operatives/scoundrels are the hot class not the burst heal class. We are in a good spot.

    Average players are average, good players are good and the few great players really stand out.


    When paired with a tank we are very strong. But so are other healer classes.


    The only 2 things I'd like to see tweaked is shorter cool down on cleanse and a small buff to probes, our bread and butter.


    Though if sorc/sage was brought back a notch or two then you'd see how powerful we truly are.

  14. Not in SWTOR. We had player bounties in SWG.

    Kill so many NPCs of the opposite faction and get a bounty on your head. Kill someone flagged for PvP? They get the option of putting a bounty on your head.


    It was forced PvP and the Care Bears hated it.

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