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Everything posted by Aristore

  1. Bump. Again. Honestly what do you devs do all day?
  2. The devs are all too busy playing WildStar to give a response
  3. Think Bolster in Swtor is bad? How about pvp gear being completely useless: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/72028-whats-up-with-pvp-gear-explain-please/ https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/68330-is-pvp-gear-worth-it/ Think Balance here is bad? Looks like in WS it's even worse!: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/69948-so-warriors-at-50/ https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/70744-we-have-a-serious-problem/ https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/72169-this-is-pretty-stupid/ https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/74465-pvp-in-a-nutshell/ Sick of afkers? Let me introduce you to Bots!: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/67883-bot-are-destroying-pvp/ https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/73976-ratio-of-bots-to-live-people/ https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/71768-i-bought-wildstar-to-pvp/ In short, every game is flawed. There will never be a perfect gaming experience. Will WS cripple SWTOR? No. Are there people who are going to like WS more? Of course. Does that mean WS is better? Of course not. No game is objectively better than the other. It's time to stop the WS vs. SWTOR bit and use the forums for the really important stuff. Like shouting about of OPFOTM juggs are. damn juggs. NERF IT ALL TO HELLLLLL
  4. LOL lets take a quick peek at the Wildstar Forums: Player so fed up he and his brother unsubbed: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/71934-quick-story-of-an-extremely-disappointed-and-now-unsubscribed-player/ Another player done with the game already? hmmmm: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/74658-think-i-had-my-full/ Simplistic, one dimensional pvp? Come to WS, you'll get it: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/74465-pvp-in-a-nutshell/ Bots bots bots and more bots. Think afkers are bad? Try a bot: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/71768-i-bought-wildstar-to-pvp/ Fads will be fads will be fads. A new game does mean a game changing game. Wait 5 months, and then talk about Wildstar. Until then it's just another fad
  5. Where the **** are you guys playing. If I queue up for ranked on the Bastion or on pot5 at anytime other than 4am in the morning I get a pop within 10 minutes, easy. Are you trying to get a pop on some backwater PVE server? What the hell do you expect? Are you playing on Jung Ma? Here is an accurate description of Jung Ma : RP-pvp If you want pops get to a pvp server. Otherwise it's your own fault
  6. Background audio currently works for all sounds except the one that matters: Warzone Pops. This is really upsetting because this has been an issue in the past and was fixed, but now it's back again. For clarification, when I'm in queue for a warzone and alt tabbed out, I will never hear the sound for a warzone pop even if the queue pops. If I'm lucky and alt-tab back into the game while still in the allotted time to either accept or reject the pop, the sound plays as soon as I alt-tab back in. I have no explanation for this behavior but as you can see this completely defeats the purpose of having background audio in the first place. I have tried restarting the game with the setting both on and off. No effect. Please look into this. Whatever happened in this last patch has undone someones correction.
  7. There is a 99.999999% chance what you experienced was not a hack. IMO one of the best things about pvp in MMOs is that in any given game you can start off and be a decent player but it takes hours upon hours upon hours to be a great player. Most likely what you thought was hacking was something you don't understand, which will simply change with time as you begin to understand the functionality of other classes. I used to think everyone was hacking. Nowadays I know for sure that they aren't.
  8. Logged in for the first time in 3 weeks tonight. Played 5 solo ranked arenas in one hour. Pretty sure Wildstar can go suck a cartoon diiick.
  9. Solo ranked is still and will always be the funnest part of this game. The RNG factor is what makes it entertaining. Consistently play well and you WILL see your elo rise. If it doesn't, it's not matchmaking's fault
  10. This is not true. Juggs are not invincible. Skill > class. One solo ranked that comes to mind was 4 sorcs vs the 4 juggs, which we sorcs won without losing a man. The next was mara, op, sorc, mara vs jugg, jugg, jugg, op. That one seemed like a given seeing as they had guard and taunts but we had none. Oh wait except we won that one too. The change to ED is going to be much bigger than you think. IMO the main problem is the length of time a jugg is in lol2full mode. Currently it's so long that waiting it out an arena simply doesn't work. By shortening it to 10 seconds you're going to find a lot of juggs blowing it early and their "God" status is going to drop drastically when the bad juggs start performing as bad they play. If you fear a jugg that much, focus him. You'll find that the majority of them don't know how to handle the pressure
  11. I'm pretty sure this is the definition of BW-1 you -0
  12. It might also be Obliterate, a skill in the Rage/Focus tree.
  13. Basically your entire season will be determined by how well you play/ lucky you get in your first 10 arenas. Here is the unlucky cycle: -You end your first 10 matches with a below 1200 rating. -You start to get paired with other sub 1200 players, often against teams of players all above 1200 -The matches you win, you win because the other team is simply comprised of worse players than yours. I.e. you manage to dodge the player with 450 elo who queues with greens and insta dies. Yet because the opposing player's elo is so low, you earn barely any elo for the win. - Your wins start counting for less and your loses start counting for more. Soon you may find yourself with an even record but because of the way BW handles elo you'll still have a sub 1200 elo, and the cycle will continue. It sucks if you tank the first 10. If you don't get ready for some smooth sailing
  14. Pistols I bet you're exactly the kind of tool that quits an arena because he's afraid of the big bad jugg on the other side. If you want to cry about match-making stick to regs or Hello-Kitty
  15. Please stop queuing. You'd probably blame your ****** elo on the weather if you saw two other people doing it too. It's solo ranked. You don't get a good elo by consistently winning the arenas you're guaranteed to win. You get a good elo by being good enough to bridge the deficit between your bad teammates and the 4 juggs on the other side and winning when logic dictates that you should lose.
  16. I'm guessing your arena was a 3v4 either because a player on your team quit during a round or because he was afk and was therefore booted after the round started. If that's the case then unfortunately the arena is still considered a 4v4 when the elo is calculated. The only situation where the 3v4 "ELO reduction" for a loss takes place is if the arena was a 3v4 from the very beginning. This situation is of course the absolute least likely scenario for a 3v4. Unfortunately it's the only situation that BW felt the need to include a condition for, probably because allowing the arena to count as a 3v4 after it has already started leaves plenty of opportunity to manipulate the system, i.e. you're in a losing arena with a guildie and you decide to quit to spare them maximum elo. If you're claiming it was a 3v4 from the beginning and you lost 18 elo I'm calling pics or it didn't happen. When it comes to elo statements on the forums tend to be a bit hyperbolic.
  17. Just come to pot5 and you'll get to queue sync all day with the Courecant Crushers. We're by far the most successful (solo) ranked guild on the pub side because we only queue for ranked when it's off hours and we have a minimum of 4 guildies queuing for solo ranked at the same time. We probably take up 3/4 spots in 80% of all arenas played on the pub side on pot5! It's so awesome!
  18. This **** is so hilarious. I swear there is a new era of bads flooding in that thinks the method to getting better at pvp is crying on the forums about whatever class they don't understand.
  19. Maras should not be guarding nodes. That's the job of stealth/tank classes. The key to playing marauders is picking your spots. If you leap into a group of 5 opponents and expect to do anything valuable you've got it all wrong. A marauder has incredible burst potential and should therefore be utilized to eliminate the squishier classes in a few swift blows. Look for sorcs and ops to blow up. Also the defensive cooldowns on marauders are amazing. Use them frequently.
  20. a) Your dick bagishness seems to have skewed your vision because you've missed the point of the thread. On the other hand you have managed to prove you're kind of an elitist tool who looks for opportunities to validate his own ego by digging up a thread which had received 0 replies in 3 days. You also tend to be wrong. The entire point of the thread is that the weights applied to how elo is awarded for wins and loses needs to be re-calibrated. IMO They need to narrow the gap between points awarded for a win against a team with an elo average of 1000 and an elo average of 1600. The first will get you 7 elo, the latter will get you 17. This is especially true for players below 1200. Since their elo is low, they tend to be grouped with low rated players, making it exceedingly difficult to scrape out wins. To add insult to injury their opponents are most likely also low rated, and they will therefore earn a minimal amount of elo for a win. Example: There is a major difference between a player with an elo of 1000 who is say 50-62, and a player who is 0-12. Yet both of them have an elo of 1000. Both are viewed the same in the eyes of the elo gods. But both are clearly not of the same value. If the system was a little more in depth in its view of players I believe fewer players would feel cheated out of elo. They also need to reduce the significance of the first 10 matches. Everyone has experienced the uncanny swings your elo takes in the first 10 arenas. I started 8-2 on my sorc and was at 1420 right off the bat. That's just ridiculous. b) Your argument about win/loss ratio would be valid if that's how ELO worked. But it's not. A player with a record of 51-30 will generally have a similar rating to a player who is 101-80, assuming they had the same elo after their first 10 matches. Let me explain: Average points for a win- 12. Average points for a loss: 12 (51 * 12) - (30 * 12) = 612 - 360 = 252 (101 * 12) - (80*12) = 1212 - 960 = 252 I'm glad you have mastered the art of condescension. I'm sure it makes you feel good. I know I've learned a lot about being condescending just from reading your posts. Thanks Bro!
  21. You sound so hardcore. Except you really don't. This is a casual game. Your accusations of solo queue manipulation and "algorithm" hacking are like accusing the elderly of rigging their Sunday night Bingo. Welcome to the nihilism of swtor. Pvp is what it is and it will never ever be anything else.
  22. For regs. Maybe For ranked. **** What are you a dps posing as a healer? Yeah not exactly optimal.
  23. This bug sucks. How am i supposed to rub our endless string of victories on imp side pot5 against the queue syncing baddies on pub side?
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