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Everything posted by Aristore

  1. So i'm leveling a BH right now because of course I am and it's plain to see that about 50% of the server is doing the same. In all lowbie pvp matches I'm seeing as many as 6 pyrotechs on a team. Sign of impending BountyHuntocalypse? Sign of bold as brass, side of the barn, bullseye crosshair saying this class is BIS? you decide.
  2. Its unacceptable. Whatever punishment they have going on is not working. On the bastion i would say a team mate quits before the first round or doesn't show up in almost half the arenas. Quitting is absolutely rampant on this server on the imperial side. I propose that if a player quits before the first round or queues up and doesn't enter the match twice within one hour there is a 6 hour debuff that prevents them from queuing solo ranked. Solo ranked is a unique situation in the game in that you put your fate in the hands of the (completely worthless) team generator AND your performance is recorded, therefore it needs a better way to prevent players who don't care from constantly quitting and gimping the players who do either implement harsher punishment or allow ignoring players as a means to avoid serial quitters
  3. There is a tarp to the left of one of the entrances to the arena that completely blocks your vision of what's going on if your camera is scrolled back far enough. Your camera doesn't adjust to beneath it like it does with other terrain and it has no purpose other than a little decoration. I don't see any point to having this especially since an opposing player can take advantage of it by assuming most arena players probably have their camera scrolled back. If the devs added it as some cutsie addition to the arena that's supposed to spice things up they failed because it's just annoying and if not it's horrible design on their part. Get rid of it.
  4. From the perspective of a casual PVE player, I can say the endgame material seems very very haphazard. Until doing a little research I had no idea that the ops were even part of a bigger story line. They seemed like totally underdeveloped one-shots with a few random bosses and no external tie-ins. Considering the Dread Master story line can be completely skipped if not completing every mission on every planet or unless previously aware of their existence and taking an active role in engaging in their missions, the value of ops in terms of lore and story building are lame. The fp's seemed to have a decent story line but even then with the inconsistency of being able to find a group and the lack of incentive to do them in the right order you only get a grip on the story after having completed them all 4 or 5. Imho adding an opening cutscene that got you immersed in the story would be great.
  5. Get this ******** off the forums. If you're being sarcastic way to go you just earned two douche points. If you're not then there's really nothing to say.
  6. PvP is fine. PvP is fun. If you're complaining it's probably because you're losing, which means you'll only stop complaining once you start winning.I gather from the fact that you would rather QQ about losing than try to improve and start winning shows that you'll only be happy when your main is buffed and everyone else gets nerfed into creamy dust, allowing you to taste winning. This is not going to happen. I would try to stop QQing if I were you. No game is perfect. No game is perfectly balanced. Do you really want to live in a Star World where all classes have the same dps/healing/tanking capabilities? Where every damage record for every class is 2.35 million across the board? Picture endless perfectly even warzones filled with easily interchangeable team structures, none better than the last. Soon all outfits blend, leaving a single, balanced, endless entity. And there will finally be peace in the Galaxy. All because someone QQed a little because they were losing, and not winning.
  7. I've noticed this too and it's driving me crazy. I personally have noticed that none of my attacks/heals are immune to any of the variety of interrupts while using polarity shift. Obviously if they are being tricky and using pushbacks/stuns that's one thing but sorcs/sages are still 100% susceptible to all interupts, including standard interupts. Please fix immediately it is seriously hindering the effectiveness of sorcs and limiting the ability to a simple alacrity increase.
  8. This may be somewhat true in sub 55 pvp but is completely false once you reach level 55. Players who don't have pvp gear will find that they are at an almost insurmountable disadvantage in level 55 wz's.
  9. Representin' for logic and SMASHING scared little QQing overmatched trolls. I think it's time for him to step back into his back yard because he's obviously failed on the pitch of logic. Credit where credit is due.
  10. I full-heartedly agree with this. The people who are really getting punished are the players queuing solo who have to fill the spots of these players abandoning their teams. I think if you have a "get a good team or quit" mentality you should just get a good team together before queuing for WZ's. But then again players who leave just because they aren't getting their way are probably not going to have many friends to begin with. Overall the problem is that there is no punishment for leaving. It's something bioware should really consider changing.
  11. PVE is awesome. This game is founded on story telling and getting immersed in your character and his/her quest. Probably half the people who complain about PVE are the same people complaining about the new bolster system/PVP, which makes no sense to me in a game whose developers openly admitted to not trying to revolutionize gameplay, just story telling. If you're not enjoying watching convos and using just one iota of your imagination to get involved in the story, you're really missing out.
  12. lol It's true in reality i have no idea what I'm taking about nor could i offer any evidence to support my claim. But I'll post it anyways
  13. Just played three warzones and each was filled with at least 5 if not more Smugglers/Agents on the opposing team. I get that a lot of people are complaining that they are OP right now. That would be all well and good if it were a difficult class to play. But frankly it's not. In fact I'd say it's just about the easiest. Average players are easily posting 500k dmg in warzones while the average melee player struggles to hit 300k. This is leading to the biggest problem of all imo. Entire teams filled with smugglers/agents. There is no point playing these warzones as melee when a long/short range dps class with stealth capabilities and guards against force leap can simply kill you with 7k crits as soon as you get out the gate. And the problem is people are taking note of this, and are zerging smuggler/agents like they have no choice if they want to be successful. And the sad part is they don't. So now warzones are filled with melees who don't care enough about the game to lvl another toon and mediocre players flocking to arguably the easiest/most powerful class in the game.
  14. Haha yessss. Finally all the 'leet' players and their 'leet' guildies have to face up their own incompetence. it has been stated more than enough times that the bottom line = your comm farming has gotten you no where, the skills you could have been developing are now a foreign subject to you, and all you can do is cry BROKEN!! ahh it's such a satisfying day on the tor servers.
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