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Everything posted by NeuroniaSW

  1. If in games where I can't skip the tutorial I do not stick around for more than a few months. In this game grinding Korriban for the nth time gets really old. Being able to just start on fleet at level 10 or whatever would be amazing, if you have a 55 or 60. Not sure you want everyone doing that though. I will say that SWTOR has added enough new timesinks (Strongholds, GSF, Flashpoints) that I'll be staying here a while now instead of just a month or two. Oh yeah I totally endorse EVE. It's a huge learning curve at first but there is so much you can do. When I logged out a while back I had a beginner stealth ship built and was going around ambushing people haha so fun.
  2. There's different kinds fo rudeness. In a PvP forum where everyone knows each other it's ok to call each other bads or w/e (I'm pretty bad at GSF and mediocre in Warzones so I take the bads label as a badge ) but generally people will just throw out condescencion like rainwater to enforce their viewpoint or whatever. The community here is too large to delete or mod every comment, so people will just get away with antisocial views and so on. Just ignore people ingame and report truly offensive stuff on the forums and ingame. That usually alleviates things somewhat.
  3. Alright, I have come back and after a month ingame I would like to build a Stronghold with my friend, but am a little confused. Big questions: 1)It says I need a Guild Bank. To get this I need 12 alts/people and the credits (no issues on either), but if I get the Bank does it go into my inventory and can I then place into the Guild Stronghold for all to use? 2)Can I use personal Stronghold items in the Guild version? For example, I got a bunch from reputation purchases or Cartel packs or so on....and I'd like to make then available to all players. Is that possible? 3)When I first built the Stronghold it gave me a limited amount of furniture. While I obviously have no need for 50 beds, where can I buy more basic furnishings, or even fancy ones (like trophies, better beds/desks etc) to improve the look? Thanks!
  4. My biggest problems at the moment are rotations on my level 55 Marauder. Generally I go: Force Charge/Leap, Scream, Smash then Gore + Ravage, rotating in a Force Choke (and using Cloak of Pain and using CLoak of Pain and Saber Ward before every fight as I can. The issue is that Ravage is slow and I get a little frazzled between using the interrupt. the aoe Stun and so on. I do fine most fights though (but Oricon has been kinda messy, as well as the giant bird thing in the Section X Heroic Zone). Second would be my Bounty Hunter. Problem here is I go Sweeping Blaters, Death from Above, Heatseeker/Tracer Missile, Power Shot etc. My abilities take a fair bit of channeling though so mobs that might be Strong or above can close; I do have Electro Dark and Jet Boost for some stun/knockback though. Thanks!
  5. I like to do Black Talon social runs with a friend so we can boost our social points to get clothing. Since we've done this...dozens of times, we just spacebar through all the dialog so we can get to the end and start over. If I am running dialies, I want to be as expedient as possible to get my credits and move on the next dailies. I have no issues looking at the scenery and reading/listenting to cutscenes if the group wants that.
  6. I guess the short answer is that it is not that easy to overthrow Force users. In your character's storyline you gratuitously choke (and sometimes kill) with the Force and once you progress you gain more and more ability to change things on top of your physical attributes. That aside, you don't know what the other side is going to do. It's all great to say the Republic is all about good and freedom, but they have their own Force users and armies and agendas. The devil you know might end up getting more play than the unknown. There are also enough fractious episodes among the Sith that the horrible boss you have might be gone by the end of the month. Who knows, the Sith might be able to read minds too and perhaps have some capacity to alter the environment. It's grandiose, near limitless power. As for my characters? My Chiss Bounty Hunter does not care one white about the Empire. She is close to 1,500 Light Side at the moment and gives the finger to Imperial Authority whenever possible. My Agent is Dark Side, but creeps closer to Neutral as the game goes on. My Inquisitor and Juggernaut are both pretty much entirely corrupt and hate life, so they like what the Empire is doing. I mean, life isn't great if you're just a farmer and your planet blows up and so on, it's basically endure and hope change can come along. There's also the possibility that your own plans and the Empire's align as well...
  7. Just from someone starting out, few of the things I would like to see: 1)Flat reward for beginning ships/players so you can get your early upgrades down, then scale down to normal rewards afterward; 2)Matching with similar skill levels, know it can be gamed so not ideal; 3)Some sort of Commendations (Basic or even Warzone) to GSF ship req conversion. DOesn't have to be even transfer by any means, but would allow sturidier ships at the outset. (In reference to Item 1, do your first match get 1,000 ship requisitin win or lose so you can get one upgrade. Then get a little less next time on top of your earned req. Just to make progress a little more...reachable.)
  8. Sniper - Usrule (Female) (Grey hair bun, cyborg with glasses/microphone apparatus) would DEFINITELY go for Kaliyo. They are made for each other. Kaliyo keeps Ursule from taking herself too seriously and Ursule keeps a "leash" on Kaliyo, they trade barbs. I am not levelling her to 50 just so I can get this opportunity. Jedi Sentinel - Loryta (Female) with Kira Carsen, would be more of a deep friendship and longterm stable idea and less of a "wreck the sheets" scenario. Trooper - Jeromus (Male) - Not with the Cat dude you get at the start, that's for sure. We'll see what other male companions come up. Pursomous (Female) - No one...Jaesa is too crazy. She's trying for Malavai at the moment but he's incredibly stuck up. Just read the OP again, you can't target current companions? How lame.
  9. This x 1000. When someone passes my Sniper the ball (usually my play friend) I IM them and unload a ton of invective. I'm generally at my best when I'm just picking off the balll carrier or stunning them in the acid pools or just escorting the ball carrier and leg shotting peeps or so on. If I can carry I will, but I would much rather pass to an open teammate. Huttball isn't bad, it's just much less faceolling running around and teamwork will crush an unorganized team. Would love a few new maps though...
  10. Been here a few months with my friend, still having fun but the lack of variety in mid-level planets is kind of frustrating. Thankfully having to do cooperative crafting/level goals with my friend is keeping it fairly fresh and the Warzones are generally fun too. It's not any worse than the other MMOs I've tried anyway, and there is a gleeful exhiliration in force choking someone.
  11. This was sadly disappointing to me. I rolled an Agent on Prophecy of the Five and was expecting to be attacked non-stop as soon as I emerged on Hutta, was anxiously panning around to see other players conning enemy to me and...nothing. I figured everyone would be flagged as enemy but this does not appear to be the case until later on I guess. I'll keep levelling up there but so far the lack of carnage is unsettling.
  12. I get the OP's gripes and I empathize. Maybe the devs should just make Arenas on each server, and make a coop zone somewhere (neutral, can't attack each other outside of duels, both factions can meet and talk) click a terminal, pick a map and do 8 v 8s or whatever, maybe larger. Hardcores can get ladders and rankings going, PuiGs can putz around in Warzones. Is there a reason the top teams haven't met on the Training Room server (whatever it's called) to have sustained challenges?
  13. Can't speak for the 50 stuff but the 49 and under queues fill rapidly and are fairly decent. Huttball can be a massive fiasco depending on team organization but most of the other stuff is pretty decent if your Ops Leader calls incs, directs you on goals and so on. I've gone from 30-37 on my Sniper on solo queues and I've only had one bad play experience, a Huttball match with a lot of raging...otherwise everyone is just fantastically friendly.
  14. Never_Hesitate nailed it, but also: Make sure you keep your mods up to date; learned this the hard way my 28 Jedi had no hilt for her saber and level 6 and 20 mods heh. Got that fixed now she's fine. Try carrying a medpac or two, use them at tough points during fights. Use a stim for your chief stat before tough fights. Use your companions strategically; if one has a "tank mode", have them use it while you peg away at the mob. You can also 'sync' attacks at times; My Knight and Kira both Force Charge and that gets a mob quite low. Sometimes you need more damage, sometimes sustainted heals. With Heroics, I find if you're 3-4 levels above them it's soloable. There are usually a lot of elites, so if you can withstand the damage, heal up and keep going you should be good. Try running Esseles or Black Talon in Fleet for modable drops, they also give social points which can lead to some nice modable gear as well from social vendors.
  15. You can get class-specific stuff before 50. My Agent got the jacket and boots, you can mod them up and they aren't too too bad. It is annoying that you can't get War Hero gear until later, but I suppose the Devs didn't want an early arms race in the pre-50 Warzones.
  16. Same here, but the OP's point about the social aspects of the game is quite valid. I've been in Flashpoints, teams, all sorts of stuff and the only time I've actually had a conversation (RP or otherwise) is in a Black Talon run with some RPers...otherwise no one says anything, ever. The best chance for a convo is General chat. The game otherwise is MMO...grind and craft and re-roll. The game could really use a branching level 20-30 path because Nar Shaddaa is getting a little old, Taris is nice for a change though.
  17. Just started doing Warzones on my 28 Sniper, now 32. So...this is from a newcomer's perspective, feel free to admonish/correct/point out flaws. Do really well on Voidstar, lots of cover and room to Snipe or throw grenades or probes. Usually can rack up 40+ kills in here, fun stuff. Huttball, generally try to snipe the ball carrier from the railings or leg shot them, not a lot of room to be effective though. Really have a love/hate with this map...most of the teams I'm on simply won't/can't carry the ball over the enemy line, and when I try to get open no one passes, heh! It's a fun map but it looks like it definitely can require some direction from the OPS Leader. Fun part with this map is, of course, the ball carrier having a HUGE yellow "Kick me!" arrow over them. Novare Coast is a lot of fun. In between the abundant cover opponuties or defense of the emplacements, can usually mow down a fair number of enemies. It's been pretty Sniper-friendly so far, only issues have been if a Mara catches wind of me, not long for this world. Ancient Hypergate can get pretty messy. Players tend to congregate toward the middle or head down the tunnels, hard to get single targets so far despite furious "TAB"ing. A little harder to contribute for me so far but still trying to figure out my role here. The enemy clumping leads to some nice grenade kills though. Overall Snipers don't seem particularly overpowered. A canny group will simply send a few melees at you when they see you entering the cover or snipe animations, or they'll "spin" you or stun you and that's all she wrote. Even if you hit your escape button the damage is still cutting through your paper-thin hit points. Now, it should be noted I'm writing this from the perspective of someone with a few orange, blue and green gear pieces so nothing fancy. I am still holding my own though and am closing on 2,000 of these Warzone Comms...which to my understanding need to be turned into "Mercenary" comms to get items from vendors? So far the Sniper role seems like a lonely one; on a good map (mentioned I wanted to marry/elope with Voidstar map earlier heh) you can do quite a bit of damage but the better your opponents are the quicker you get dispatched. I generally hit the clicky shield + Adrenalin Probe in a fix, but that's often not enough, espeically with the paucity of healers so far. There is definitely a glass cannon feel to the class that makes it tons of fun. I started playing with a Jedi Shadow build but got really bored with Stunning + Bubbling and wanted something a little more exciting, so far Snipers fit that bill! Still wondering if I should wait to 50 to get all the PvP gear, or if the gear needs to be replaced or what...and exactly what benefits the gear has. I'll figure that out later I guess. On Ebon Hawk by the way, we seem to have a small but dedicated group that logs into Warzones between 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Eastern, no trash-talking so far (a big change from previous games I've been in, might change later though....) and PvP has been a lot of fun with the objective-based stuff. Looks like it will take forever to get to 60 Valor though, at 22 now...sheesh.
  18. Getting to this late but I solo because I like reading the text/hearing the dialogue, exploring and going at my own pace. I have a "Pair" character with a friend so we eitehr team together on those or solo till we are even. I am playing this because it's a Star Wars MMO, the multiplayer aspect is great for chatting and meeting people but there aren't (from what I have seen) any global chat channels outside general, PvP, Market...if we could make a global channel and invite people/mod it would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, but that's neither here nor there. Also, I take care of an elderly person that might need attention at a moment's notice so I can't really join a group, say "brb care needs giving" then afk for 15-30 minutes, really rude to the team leader. MMOs are nice where I can progress on my own but help others and chat with others when I feel like it.
  19. NeuroniaSW

    Importance of PVP

    The best PvP I played was in the now defuct City of Heroes. You moved at over a hundred miles per hour, so did your opponents, you could duck behind buildings to break LOS, got 8 people vs. 8 on vent and called targets, heals, all that stuff. PvP here is ok. I duelled a few times and lost some, won some. It seems very slow though with not being able to run/jump/super run but I'm certainly willing to give Huttball a chance later on, and Warzones/Open world. From what I saw there were no rewards from defeating players in duels at least, no gear drops, no repuation increases, no titles...so I'm not seeing much reason to do that. I have heard that there are Comms in warzones so I'll probably run those for a while. I'll really need to see how the team aspect goes before making up my mind. If we can do 8 v 8s or 4 v 4s on a variety of maps that might make it worthwhile. I do generally like PvP in games but without a ladder/ranking system it's just...meh. As for PvP's importance to a game, it's vital as an endgame progression but generally overstated when most people just pve for drops and such. The hardcores will, as always, determine how much a game can survive from its pvp.
  20. They just added a new warzone didn't they? More RP options is good thing. There's a new planet and content coming, perhaps it will also include a world event. You also get all Flashpoints updated to 55 and so on. Honestly, on most of my alts this won't even come up...I make alts on concept and that means I sometimes get left out of the "Flirt" options due to gender sameness. Spacebar is still around to skip through stuff, and we don't have any evidence of it being LGBTQ-Erotic at all outside of a sentence or two ingame. Who knows, it might not even reach your companions and it might be an isolated contact here or there. You can still avoid it and progress so...
  21. I don't see this is a big issue ingame. My Imperial Agent Ursule would definitely "go" for Kaliyo because they share a lot of personality traits (lust for violence, bordeline sadism) but my Jedi Knight Loryta wouldn't go there with Kira Carsen. As long as it's a branching option [Flirt] with my companion and that's about it then I'm fine with it.
  22. Well, for me...I started out subbed and my friend f2p. He switched to a sub with the "xp loss" at level 10 or so, where there was a marked slower progression compared to me. I wouln't pay $10 for a starter planet, no. But I would pay $10 for: New planet Bunch of arcs on planet Expansion of skill trees New Active class power Level cap increase (though I doubt I will have even one 50 by then...) And I'll pay $10 just because I am enjoying myself at the moment and if the money helps fund more stuff and longer access before the game decays, that sounds fine. Now that being said, I won't be doing this multiple times a year...I do expect some free stuff with my sub.
  23. I accept nearly all team requests as long as I get a tell. I decline all blind invites. I have been able to solo "most" stuff so far, needing help with a few Elites so teaming generally hasn't been an issue. Flashpoints, of course I do with a friend or gather more people.
  24. Friend and I will be purchasing a pre-order i nthe next few weeks. The pre-order is not immediate for a few reasons: 1)We are leerly of the post-50 expansion. Both of us have late 20s-mid-30s characters and the game "ends" at 50 in so many MMOs, we hope that isn't the case here and there are actually quests/flashpoints with some difficulty at level cap. 2)Cartel Market dissatisfaction. We just aren't spending our coins. We came from City of Heroes where we had a LOT of cosmetic options; understand here looks are gear based and you can earn social items which is fine, but I'd pat coins for say...a themed outfit that I could mod, or stuff like that. Or just...stuff like a server transfer (not that I need one, Ebon Hawk is fine so far) but the prices seem too high on a lot of stuff. Still like the game after a month or two and not unsubbing, just hoping the new planet has a good amount of content and some flashpoints/interesting arcs. I hear there are no actual class arcs which is a shame...
  25. Imperials think of bounty hurters as less than droids, and alien bounty hunters as less than that. I was on a Chiss Bounty Hunter, the burn...
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