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Everything posted by Cjirucha

  1. I really like the idea of cloak of pain being useable while stunned/mezzed. Concerning the first idea, I'm not sure that it would solve anything. Part of the problem, for me at least, is if I get stunned without any defenses up, I'm dead. And dead quickly I might add. Lowering the cooldown of force camo will help me get out of sticky situations more often but it won't help me pull through a hard stun which is the main problem right now. I honestly think I'm able to use force camo enough as it is. What about adding something relatively low in one of the skill trees like increased damage reduction while stunned? I think powertechs (maybe?) have something like that. I also fully support the revert of undying rage to take the health cost at the beginning of the ability.
  2. Well, strength and endurance are a given with this class. Any piece of gear you get will have those stats. The secondary stat you should be looking for is power. Attempting to minimize crit/alacrity while maximizing power and surge rating will result in an increase in DPS. I don't know if you are referring to PVE or PVP specifically but for PVE you will want a little accuracy rating in your gear whereas for PVP it is not necessary. As far as rotation, I'm sure you know that everything revolves around the gore window. You should only be using ravage, execute procced force scream and vicious throw in the gore window. If those are all on cooldown, use dual saber throw and massacre in the window. Outside of the gore window you should be focusing on building up rage in anticipation of the next gore window. Your filler abilities at this point should consist of assault, battering assault, massacre, rupture, and dual saber throw. Also, attempt to use berserk for a gore window so you can fit an extra ability in there.
  3. I have both a main hand and an offhand curved lightsaber. Main is called Dread Battlefield Commander Lightsaber and the offhand is simply called Dread Battlefield Commander Offhand Saber. Both were obtained from the Tatooine bonus series.
  4. Hey guys I just switched from carnage to annihilation for PVE and man does it feel strange. Going from pretty much on demand burst to sustained dots just feels...weird. Anyway, I was wondering what you guys think about the rotations posted on dulfy for the spec? So far I've been trying to use those and I feel a little clunky but they seem to be decent. I was also wondering how you guys avoid clipping rupture. I did TFB last night and there were so many freaking dots on the boss when rupture proced I just had to guess whether or not 6 sec had passed since I last cast it. Haha not ideal. Overall, I'm starting to really enjoy the spec but any additional tips/tricks would be appreciated.
  5. Cjirucha

    Open world PVP

    I personally think the gree event is a lot of fun! Since you are clearly new to this event I'll try to help with some useful tips. First off, bring friends or guildies. Wandering around alone in the pvp area is a huge no. Being in a group will make the dailies a lot easier and faster to complete. It also discourages gankers from bothering you. Bring some war zone adrenals and medpacks. Even if you don't have any pvp gear yet they will help your group stay alive should you be attacked. Should an attacker defeat you and continue to bother you, simply switch instances. There are at least 2 or 3 instances at any given time during this event. Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to enjoying the gree event as well as open world pvp! Good luck!
  6. Oh God another PVE whiner. Seriously suck it up and quit your ************. This is an MMO. Part of playing means you will eventually have to deal with other players. Occasionally, those players may cause you some grief. Deal with it, learn from it and MOVE ON. Don't ever want to be bothered by other players? Play a single player game. I can recommend several.
  7. Well I can't speak from a juggernaut perspective as I haven't played a dps one before. I can however give you some tips for sins and maras. For a sin, your best bet is to stun them as soon as they open on you so you can survive that initial bust. Stun, pop HO and kite. Your kickback works pretty well against them too. If you can survive their initial bust they will most likely stealth out and/or pick a different target. I main a carnage marauder and let me tell you if you throw electro net on me...wow I can't do anything. If CC breaker is on cool down I throw my sabers at you, pop adrenal and some defensive cooldowns and hope I survive. Not a whole lot a mara can do with electronet on them. Using HO and kiting is more difficult however as I can pop predation and continue to wail on you. At that point a good stun goes a long way to keep the distance between us. That electronet though lol...really shuts me down.
  8. LOL I can only imagine how much those PVE guys are crying to each other. I read a post the other day where they were complaining about dying during oricon dailies because a flagged player walked into their AOE. I mean are you serious?? Suck. it. up. Love the gree event so far though. I got ganked, (sorry defeated rather), by a scoundrel and shadow tank combo multiple times. Got some guildies together, lured them to me and made em pay Good times for all.
  9. Cjirucha

    Mara Woes

    You should mention that Guarded by the Force (or Undying Rage) makes you unkillable for 4 secs at the cost of half your current health after the fact. Also for Combat/Carnage, Ravage is ALWAYS able to be interrupted. The ability in the Carnage tree simply roots the target during ravage so at least they can't run away. To the OP, marauder is a tough class to play man. It'll help once you get force camo, but it's going to be a constant uphill battle. Marauders are too easily stunned and killed. Carnage, arguably the best pvp spec for this class, is especially prone to this. By the time you reach mid-tier pvp you'll probably be having a better time but come lvl 55 it's going to be hard all over again (probably harder lol).
  10. Hey so I've started gearing up for PVE in 168 and 180s. Looking at whats available from the comm vendors, I have to say I'm disappointed. There is a lot of critical rating and alacrity gear compared to power and surge. For example, all the belts and bracers have critical rating rather than power. Also none of the ear pieces have power/surge. What's up with that?? Can anyone give me some tips for the ideal gear set up at this level? Thanks.
  11. This is a well worded, intelligent post that seriously addresses some of the main concerns we as "insert any other class but sage" have. In all seriousness though what does /5char actually mean? I've seen that a lot and haven't heard an explanation behind it. Would someone mind explaining it to me with more clarity than the OP??
  12. I feel ya. Thanks for the advice! For now I'm just going to let you two hash it out haha
  13. Haha that was really funny. Nicely done, can't wait for the full version.
  14. Well I said mid 300k seems on the low end to me, but saying it's terrible seems a litle harsh:( I'll definitly work on some rotations on the training dummy though and of course keep practicing. Do you play carnage as well on your marauder? @Tevzz Thanks for the great response man. Come to think of it, I do tend to tunnel vision a target and try to finish him (unless he's getting heals). Definitly something for me to work on. @Chosonman Also thanks for the response. I'm inclined to agree with you that playing the objecive well does not always reflect in the scoreboard. Any additional tips or snippets of advice are appreciated.
  15. Hey guys, I play a carnage specced marauder for pvp. I haven't been playing the class for a very long time but I believe I'm starting to get the hang of the tricks of our trade. Now my question has to do with damage in unranked 55 warzones. My average damage per wz seems to be around the mid 300k area. On voidstar and other longer wzs it's usually anywhere from high 400k to low 600k. This seems to be on the low end to me but my question is- Is this normal for a burst melee spec? Or (to more experienced players out there) does this indicate a glaring problem with my playstyle? Just for background, I have full obroan pvp gear (which I am working on min/maxing) with 4 or 5 overkill augments (mostly blue). I think I also tend to play more objectively than some DPS (ex. I go straight for objective rather than force charging to nearest enemy etc.) Any advice/tips you guys could give me would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  16. Ok thanks for the specific answer! So my only other question is why does 100% melee accuracy not matter for pvp? I'm guessing 95% is good enough and it will actually be a dps loss with any accuracy in gear?
  17. Hey guys so is it a good idea to have close to 0 critical rating since FS autocrits from the execute proc? Also I'm wondering how much melee accuracy is ideal. That is, should I attempt to reduce it if it is say 102%? Maybe switch out some accuracy with power or surge? I'm talking specifically carnage spec for pvp. I'm pretty new to min/max so thanks in advance for any advice.
  18. So when are these answers coming? Did I miss them??
  19. Ya no sympathy for the OP unless he was gone for a reasonable amount of time. The GM of my guild left for close to several months. The officers designated a new GM who has since become a trusted and well liked leader. Recently, the original GM came back and demanded lead back. It really split the guild and after much discussion we ended up denying the original GM his request for reinstatement. He quit the guild, took a sizable chunk of people with him and created another guild with a similar name. Quality demonstration of leadership
  20. Male agent is by far my favorite. I won't even skip side quest convos I've done numerous times just to hear that cool, calculating voice. He just sounds like a very intelligent guy which I like. For npcs Kilran's is pretty great. Cracks me up every time- "Kilran Out!".
  21. I am also excited to see what they say. Will it be a blatant slap to the face or more of a subtle "we just dont care" kind of answer. Only time will tell.
  22. Thanks for the reply mate Have to say I'm a little disappointed with the decision to pair the 20% DR with stim boost. Oh well, it sounds like the issues are far from solved but here's to hoping life gets better with each patch. I'm curious to here what snave has to say about the responses. He was supposed to do a stream discussing them at some point I think.
  23. Are people generally satisfied with the answers they gave? I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Would someone mind outlining the devs' responses. Thanks.
  24. Hey I'm wondering if there's any kind of dress code for these things? The St. Julian is pretty nice and I'd hate to show up over/under dressed.
  25. Do you guys have a place for players new to raiding? I'm a seasoned player but have never consistently raided nor am I geared to. I would really like to get in to it however. Also just out of curiosity, do you have need of any particular classes? Thanks.
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