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Everything posted by Danylia

  1. First, this is not a complain. I really like the Manaan bonus boss and would hate to see it nerfed. So far I only ran the FP with guildies. We pretty much oneshot every other boss there, but have mixed success with the bonus boss: sometimes it goes down fast, sometimes we wipe for 30+ minutes. I'd say we figured the strategy - how and when to move, what to do and not do (AoE); how to deal with the row of death (Concealment roll for the win); when we die, it's usually because of a mistake. Usually, but not always. More often than we'd like, we die with no idea what happened; generally this means that we are moving, no one touches any circle, and BOM - explosion. The results are also different, sometimes it wipes the entire group, sometimes it only kills one person, and sometimes it kills all but one person. We attributed this to lag, but I'd like to know if there isn't some "hidden" mechanics we are missing - like for example "every 4th probe explodes prematurely". Any similar experience/advice/tips?
  2. I'd never expect myself to say it in a "Player bounties" thread, but this idea is solid. It would still need some polishing, but I like the core of it.
  3. Actually I think Rishi and Nightlife are different as well. The first likely didn't have some sort of "persistence flag" in place, so they reset each time you logged out. The second did have this flag ... but then, one day, something happened (database error is my wild guess) and the Achievements were lost. Which isn't all that important of course, but it makes me hopeful that they will address the Nightlife Achievements differently than the Rishi ones.
  4. - Heroic on Dromund Kaas, the boss drops loot (some non-weapon offhand) and we roll. I didn't need it (I knew that much), but greed? I don't want to be greedy! Disassemble - hmm, no idea what that does, but it sounds pretty neutral, so that's what I choose. Even better, I won the roll and disassembled the offhand into an artifact fragment. Which made me both wonder where the offhand went, and, after finding an artifact fragment in my inventory, think that I got some super mega rare item. - During a Heroic on Tatooine, a Sorcerer reminded me to not broke CC. I had my own CC (Slice Droid) and could use it, but had no idea about the others. When I said that I can't see if a target is CCed, the Sorcerer (politely!) explained that the big purple whirlwind is a hint (earlier I did every single Heroic on Dromund Kaas, Balmorra and Nar Shadda, without any party CC knowledge). - New ability, yay! Hmm ...Interrupts the target's current action, and prevents its use for 4 seconds. That must be the most useless ability ever. I leveled my first sniper to level 40+ without ever using the interrupt (and died in certain fights a lot). Only after a "restart", when I created second Sniper, I learned about interrupting and it's proper usage. And boy was that a change in gameplay! - I thought Coordination (the IA buff) is only usable on other players. And when I noticed I get it too when cast on others, I started to chase other players and cast it on them in order to get the buff on myself. - I did every Flashpoint when I was at least 10 levels above it, so I could solo it and enjoy both the story and my pace. This way there was no chance to find out there are some actual boss mechanics, of course ... until general Ortol in Cademimu. "How can I keep dying when I am so overleveled here! And what's the Rocket Fire which is killing me? The boss doesn't even have a rocket launcher!
  5. For Operative: it's not very original, but I still haven't found anything more fitting than . As for explanation, I think the name says it all.
  6. Honestly? With things as they are now, roll in the middle of the pack and spam Sucker Punch. It will oneshot most of the standard mobs while regranting UH each time, and it's the fastest and least frustrating method how to take a group of enemies down. If you are afraid about the incoming damage, just open with Flash grenade.
  7. First, a quote which describes the problem perfectly (I didn't want to bump the thread with it because it comes from 2012): To reiterate the same with my own words: When you have no target/your current target is dead and you get hit by a hostile mob in your line of sight, the game automatically marks this mob as your new target (even when "auto target nearest enemy" is turned off in Preferences->Controls). Is there any way how to prevent this auto targeting, e.g. I would always have to select next target by myself regardless of anything? What happens to me with the current system, much like the quote says: I kill mob A and hit Tab to "target next enemy", which would normally be mob B. However mob B was already assigned as my target due to the auto targeting system, usually a split second before I hit Tab, so now I'm targeting mob C (next enemy to B). And before I cycle back to mob B by repeatedly hitting Tab, it takes a while and a lot of frustration.
  8. So far I have completed the unique class mission on Rishi with my Agent, Bounty Hunter and Sage. All got the proper Achievement (and codex update) but only the first got her class title The titles for Bounty Hunter and Sage are missing. Additional notes: - I completed the Agent's mission prior to 3.0.0a, the BH's and Sage's missions were completed after 3.0.0a - I completed the whole Rishi storyline with the Agent, with BH and Sage I stopped right after doing the class mission (so they both now have to
  9. If you don't mind me hijacking Ruffian guide for Scrapper question: What about Blood Boiler and the UH regrant from Round Two? Do you rely only on Flechette Round for both, despite the narrow window (6 seconds) and non-synchronized cooldowns (10s, 12s and 18s)?
  10. Thanks for posting this! I thought I'm the only one. Anyway, yes, confirming this - it also happens when using the Fleet pass.
  11. My 2 cents / what I'd like to see: Drops - Tactical Flashpoints: Fine as they are Drops - Hardmode Flashpoints: - Each boss drops 1 Elite commendation, bonus boss drops 2 - First and second boss drop Basic (186) gear, however with optimized mods (unlettered) and enhancements (low endurace/ high secondary stats) - Final and bonus boss drop Elite (192) gear Commendations gear (all tiers): Remains as it is with one change: The Chest and the Offhand (the most expensive pieces - 140 commendations each) will now contain optimized (unlettered) mod - 1x Power and 1x Critical for DPS/Healing sets, 2x Defense for Tank sets Token gear (all tiers): All pieces only contain optimized mods (unlettered) and enhancements (low endurace/ high secondary stats). In addition, each secondary stat/combination of secondary stats is available on at least 2 different pieces; for example, Accuracy/Power will be on Chest and Boots for DPS set; Power/Alacrity will be on Offhand and Headpiece for Healing set; Shield/Absorbtion will be on Legs and Gloves for Tank set. And so on.
  12. The one thing which I miss in this expansion is something like the Macrobinoculars/Seeker Droid were. They brought two different and long mission chains with some awesome puzzles. They brought things to do/kill time with (scanning every planet for the MCR-99 droids, and digging for Speeders, Armor and treasure). And finally they brought their own faction - GSI - with another reputation and another - quite robust I'd say - set of dailies. Certainly they were not to everyone's taste, but for me, they were what gave Makeb's expansion the feeling of longevity.
  13. Few things to consider: - Tatooine and Coruscant kingpins are the hardest hitting ones - You said you soloed him easily shortly before 3.0. Do you think you would be able to solo him as easy with the gear you had right after 2.0 (was it 162 at the time? I don't remember anymore)?
  14. You mean Shriek? (cannot think of any other cleansable mechanics in that fight, long time since the last EC run). If I remember correctly, with proper tactics execution Shriek should be only hitting Zorn's tank (and maybe a healer) so more than 1-2 cleanses aren't necessary.
  15. There's another related thing that bothers me. All the pre-3.0 tactical Flashpoints are (or seem to be, unless I'm missing something) available in Groupfinder ONLY at level 55. Not before, and not after. That means if you want to do them and don't have a premade group, you have exactly one level for it (and good luck getting a group when 55 is no more a level cap). You could argument that they aren't "needed" any longer due to Solo mode and HM versions, but what about things like Achievements? Is there a reason why these FPs aren't level 55-59?
  16. Remember the (in fact still not properly fixed) bug where Agent as the only class doesn't get the new "Imperial Fleet approach" cinematics? I suppose this bug with missing companion interaction is of the same sort.
  17. Take care Morthag! It was always nice to fly with you.
  18. Sadly confirmed. To elaborate a bit on the issue: 1) You can't see any of the prefab decorations (decorations purchased from the prefab droids) in the decoration menu 2) Due to 1), you can't place any of the prefab decorations even if you own them 3) The already placed prefab decorations are still there, however you can't adjust their position/rotation, and if you pick them up, you can't place them again due to 2) While not a gamebreaking bug (fixing the latency for example certainly should have priority) it is in my opinion a major issue since not one, but dozens of decorations are "broken". A developer's acknowledgement of the problem would be very appreciated at this point. EDIT: Here are other threads on this issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779132 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779174 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779179 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=779097
  19. Assuming you aren't brutally outgearing and outskilling all of the DPS, how do you, as a healer, expect to keep the aggro? This "aside" of yours really confuses me. If there isn't a real tank in the group, the highest geared DPS inevitably ends up as a pseudotank due to how threat generation works. It's really that simple.
  20. Don't get me wrong. I like the utilities as well, and I also like the fact that I have to choose instead of just picking the "obvious choice". It's just that the first and third tier feel like "So many goodies! Which one to take?", while the second feels like "so much useless stuff, and I have to take something ..." (again, from PVE standpoint).
  21. Masterful is second and Heroic is third tier. Sever Tendon TA is definitely good, but it is also Heroic tier. The whole Masterful tied seems to be PVP oriented - it is difficult to find there one, not to mention two good PVE utilities: In fact, I even consider taking 4-5 utilities from the Skillful (first) tier and only 0-1 from the Masterful one.
  22. I believe the complain is about too many "crucial" (quotation marks because crucial is up to debate) utilities being in the Heroic category, so you'll inevitably lose some of them in order to get the others. To be honest, I feel there's a grain of truth in it - we have very solid selection in Skillful and awesome selection in Heroic, but the selection in Masterful is (especially for PVE) somewhat lacking.
  23. I'm completely fine with Carbine Burst costing TA, however I'd love to see its "conal form" changed. Trying to get into the right position for it is a real PITA (and a waste of time), not to mention things like lag and engine - how many times have you tried to use Backstab (in PVE or PVP) only to get the "You must be behind the target" message, although you visually were behind the target? I think Carbine Burst should be like Fragmentation Grenade - it hits the target ( = it would require a target in 10m distance) and nearby enemies around it.
  24. I had my share of losing matches where I "did well" (like here) but usually I forget them as soon as they end (unless I'm angry at my teammates for doing something stupid). In my favorite losing match, though, I had so hilariously bad team that I really couldn't be mad at them: here I was trying to master the Clarion, to have at least one decent ship Republic side. At the start I went C and captured it, however after a while it flipped neutral (because the enemies outnumbered me 4:1 there, and I went to kill a gunship). It stayed neutral for quite some time, with me fighting against the superior numbers, until I eventually died. All the time, my team was doing ... whatever. After respawn I went and took A, and since the score was like 100:900 at the moment, I couldn't be bothered to do anything more but to defend the satellite and wait for the match to end.
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