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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by PavSalco

  1. Hate the idea it makes all the time I played and levelled up my character pointless now when I go to a old world. Why not just get rid of levels all together Bioware?

    More and more MMOs are going away from levels. Levels are nowadays just a sign of your skill and story progress. That's what level are for if you ask.


    I do not support this and I won't be going back to old plants now due to this, thanks for blocking off areas to those of us that don't want to be forced down bioware

    "to those of us" you mean 0,01% of the playerbase. I have never seen more than 3-4 high levels on older planets except the ones where you have strongholds ofc. People don't revisit them except for the achievements hunting. You and Sebastian won't be coming back to older planets now but many more will come in your place.


    Alternative to leveling up and useful loot means a great incentive for all the players that don't have a syndrome of god.

  2. Sebastian, shall I pass you some salt? I always enjoy your whiny threads concerning like 0,01% of the playerbase. Seriously, almost no one was interested in one-shooting mobs on the planets. There was no incentive except the achievements. If more people had been like you, we would have seen highly populated planets but we don't.


    Even when your high level is downscaled you are sitll pretty much powerful in comparison to mobs you fights. Musco proved it on today's stream.


    It's a great change. If people are tired of leveling up through Makeb/SoR, they can do missions on older planets and get exp adjusted to their actual level.

  3. We are one month away from the expansion release and we still don't know how the Alliance works. We haven't seen any update on the datacrons nor on the character slots. Are you going to show the Alliance on your upcoming stream and answer the questions regarding these two other matters?



    Hey Kurin,

    Influence in simple terms, is affection under a different name. There were some system reasons why we made the name change but ultimately it functions in largely the same way. We will likely talk more about Influence when we talk about your Character's Alliance.



    We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


    As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.



    In talking with the development team, the plan is to increase the subscriber maximum character limit per server by 2 for the Fallen Empire launch. Not confirmation it will happen, but it is definitely their goal!
  4. You can actually find out exactly what datacrons you need with way less effort than this.


    Hit Y to open achievements.

    Go to location>planet name>exploration

    Click on the datacron achievement. It lists the datacrons by type (ie. Tattooine Strength Datacron), and whether or not you have it.


    This is true but it only works if you had one character hunting datacrons. If you had more, the achievements won't tell you much because they could have been gathered by different toons.

  5. Bla. bla bla. If many can do it, then you can surely do it too. Don't blame the controls. They are fine. You are just using them wrong. If you are terrible at controlling your character get a guild with flagship. Ask your friend to do it for you and then teleport you.
  6. So in other words, if you don't want to do the crappy new "expansion" content, you don't get the "free" companion? The companion we were told that we'd get if we were subbed by date X and stayed subbed until the expansion came out?


    Would have been nice to know that little detail before. Of course, that might have reduced sub numbers, and you can't have that, can you?


    We are probably getting "a contract mission" via mail to start a mission for Nico. They said the truth from a certain point of view. I bet more people are happy that Nico's presence is justified in the story and that we are getting additional content in the form of a quest chain. That's better than getting Nico in the mailbox.


    Of course, that might have reduced sub numbers, and you can't have that, can you?

    Likely not everyone is acting like a little princess that is unhappy for not getting her stuff immediately. We are getting access to Nico and that's all it matters. How we get it is another story. The game is advertised where storytelling matters, so getting a quest to unlock companions should always be considered.

  7. No I didn't understand them wrong, and from what I see on the forums ... many people on this forums expect the same as I did.

    Therefore I suggest to use the reason and follow the dev posts rather than going with own imagination.

  8. This companion recruiting from other classes seems to be getting annoying. You hyped it all up Bioware, made us all hope we can finally go through game content with any companion we'd like, and the way it sounds now ... well sorry but if this is going the way it seems to be going, with recruitable companions only usuable in KotFE areas, would be really DISAPPOINTING. Better clarify this quickly Eric, if you don't want an uproar like the Slot Machine fiasco, which you never bothered to comment on anymore after one or two posts.


    u wot m8? I think you understood them wrong. They never said you would be able to go through game content with any companion. They always described the changes in relation to KotFE and they also warned that they were doing something with companions and their influence on the story. So it was as clear as crystal that you wouldn't be able to recruit every companion you want at the beginning of the game. We need to wait until a particular companion has his part in the story.


    Of course we will be able to use companions we gain in KotFE outside this expansion. Why would Bioware disallow that? It would cause outrage.

  9. Does this mean that if you don't play through fallen empire you can't get him as a companion despite being advertised as part of July's/August 10th subscription?

    One doesn't exclude the other. It's still a reward for subscription. You just need to play KotFE to get him :rak_01:

  10. Dude, this is an extremely pointless suggestion, as almost all weapons you'd be using are able to be modded, so why would we use 1 weapon for stats, and another for the look? The main reason it works for your Outfit is because there are several green quality items that SUCK stat wise, but their design is awesome. Doing this for weapons would be kinda pointless. For instance, the Campaign Medic Blaster you pointed out, you can replace the mods in it with 192 mods, therefore it has the strength of a higher level weapon, but it has the design you like.

    You are completely ignorant to the pros of the Outfit Designer. It was introduced to encourage people to buy more armors and swap them as they please without any additional high cost. Before the outfit designer every time you wanted to change a uniform, you had to pay over 500k while swapping the endgame mods and augmenting a new gear. When you wanted to return to your previous look, you had to pay again for swapping the mods. Nowadays you pay only 40k to equip a new cosmetic and you can come back to it at any time for free. This encourages people to have multiple sets since it doesn't cost them fortunate to change the look.


    The OP's wish for weapons, despite the fact it's a popular request, is far from "pointless". If he wants to change his weapon every day, it costs him nearly 50k a day. Once again the outfit designer would be handy.

  11. Wha? The don't look anything alike. Leonel & Marco are tan,bald, with goatees and brown eyes, while Arcann & Thexan are pale, with crew cuts, blue eyes, five'oclock shadows. And not to mention their heads & bodies are shaped way differently.


    It's not about the look but about how they behave. It's very similar to the Cousins from BB. In silence doing their job and caring about one another :)

  12. Bioware Austin is convinced that no matter what, more abilities = more fun.

    But I believe it too. The more abilities we have and the more they are balanced, the more choices we have in our rotation. I would love to see two viable rotation for each class instead of just one set in stone. Keybindings? As long as someone doesn't do hard operations or pvp, they are not needed. But if people do play hard content, they need to manage about 20 binds. It's not that bad. If someone has over 20, it means he has unnecessary binds to skills that he shouldn't use or are not that important to bind. For instance, binding Assault, Smash and Vicious Slash on Vengeance Juggernaut is just a waste of keybinds.

  13. But I can only be logged onto one character and 1 server at a time. - I can't see a WZ pop on another server. 90 cartel coins to 'speculate' that another server is more active.... I can't see that as a solution. 90 coins to copy characters.....That'd be a step in the right direction, if not a solution without it's own unique problems.


    Or simply ask people about the servers you are interested in.... treads like these regularly pop out on reddit

  14. Totally agree with you. Have a seperate lvl 65 version, but leave the old versions in game as well PLEASE!


    If Bioware doesn't do this, I am boycotting ops until they do. And I hope a lot more players will do the same.


    Great, so even fewer people will play operations. Why would Bioware invest its time into doing new operations then? :rolleyes:

    If you want to boycott, the only thing you can do is unsubscribe and tell them the reason why you did so.

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