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Posts posted by HexDecimalUK

  1. Problem


    Im not going to stand here and pretend i havent been throwing my 2 cents in on class balance this guy does too much damage, this guy has too much CC blah blah we all know what's what and agree on most of it. But, as i play more and more arenas im seeing the consistent deciding factor is stacking the same classes and specifically against their natural prey. eg 3 smash jumping a healer, or 2 snipers and a merc utilizing the electro net preventing any means of escaping the double ambush/follow through while being immune to leaps, or 3 stealth DPS, so on. these make target focus extremely OP against teams made of more rounded compositions . as i have always said 1 smash is never a problem in fact he is pretty much throwing himself to the wolves every spawn unless he has 2 pocket healers the problem is they come in hoards and follow each other its not hard and the same is true of powertechs that taunt for eachother and Ops that cross heal each other and so on. I had read that arenas would not allow 2 of the same advanced class/role to share a team and that seemed very promising but that isn't happening and as we can see the boards are overflowing with complaints about balance.




    BW can adjust classes forever and we will always complain but the biggest solution is to enforce that class role stacking does not occur. a team is as strong as its weakest player but team work can overcome this as long as that weak player is not accompanied by another and a third weak player against their hard counters.if the que finder can not find 4 different class roles it should not pop. it might take longer but hey! maybe more people would cue if it could be trusted.


    Roles being class+role IE DPS jug or healer Op so healer Sorc+DPS sorc=OK but DPS sorc+DPS sorc=Not OK 2 snipers=No 2 mercs=NOOO 2 smash=are you kidding me?


    Also not to put too finer point on it but multiple off tanking vs off heals is also imbalanced. DPSer who have heals can not simply off heal in fights a merc can drop that AOE but he is a noob if he isn't spending that GCD on a tracer missile but taunts/etc can be done before the fight even begins.



    TLDR: stop allowing 2 or more of the same class role (role meaning class playing DPS/HEALS/TANK) on the same solo ranked arena team.

  2. Solo ranked is just easy ranked comms to me at this point, the balance of this game is so horrible i cant even take it seriously anymore and just feel sorry for those who do. nvm the QQ this class vs that class etc. all they had to do was keep their promise of ensure both teams had healers and not stacking classes (EG 3 smash) but they didnt and so arenas are just a joke.


    TBH if this troll patch goes through me and my 4 lvl 55s are gone. frankly i feel silly for even giving this game a chance in the first place.

  3. Yup, nerf Shadows. Some more.


    RIP Shadow/Assassin class. Everyone go play an Operative or a Smasher.


    excuse me but what? granted the O-P is a bit but hurt but he is also a bit right, i nearly have my sin up to 55 and already it does tripple the damage with twice the utility/CC, 3 9k mauls aided by the spike, low slash, stun and shroud and an execute, i don't even use my voltaic slash/shock and why would i? just maul/execute. and this a class that gets it's pick of the targets IE who is off CDs who is taking damage already etc. at level 36 i felt stronger than my 55 Op and feel free to hit my youtube link to see what i do with that alt.


    want to match Ops to assassins, add the damage from hidden strike to back stab, remove the cool down from back stab and give the Op viscous throw with the vibro knife. and sins still have the advantage of low slash/recklessness but no their burst is 3 5k if lucky stabs and then a feeble follow up that doesn't even apply it's CC to players. and one smash is a problem for nobody but like assassins they come in hoards and smash you at once, if only trashassins had the basic intelligence to apply that simply logic to killing healers instead of leaving their team for dead at central objectives and failing to ninja cap/hold the far objectives and thinking the double sabre automatically makes them hot ****.

  4. So firstly i read BW admit they gave maras too much damage, they'r fix? nerfing undying rage, because no one knows to stun them at the moment they pop that apparently. Good job BW

    secondly apparently the entire community as it turns out and along with what is witnessed every day in the game are wrong and DPS Ops>Assassins. havin g an execute and a spammable melee that hits 9K+ compared to the Op's maximum of 6K on cooldown and no execute must just be a myth.

    Madness Sorcs obviously have terrible DPS to, as we all see and its just not possible to watch their target's debuffs and re-apply the dots between lightning apparently.

    The most worthless class in the game, Ops, who i just fall about laughing at when im jumped by one gets the buff they have been screaming for, a bit more damage on an ability they never use HURRAY!

    Apparently vengeance jugs don't have chilling scream and need overwhelm, um OK i guess i was the only VG jug who had that one.

    PTs already got their burst they cried for i don't need to go into detail, although the added survivability must have been some awesome bonus :rolleyes:.


    anyone else thinking this? or just me.

  5. Played Sawbones since before 1.2. Sad to see healing in cover nerfed, but I do agree the nerf was necessary, it will also change activating Voidstar doors in cover as well :(


    To a couple of posters who said they never used cover as sawbones.




    OMG this was extremely powerful and if you didn't realize it I'm sad for you.


    Many many sages died because the 2 Mara's hunting the healers couldn't leap to me, not to mention with correct positioning when in cover you have protection from the Smash Monkeys... need I go on?


    If you cant close in on an Op in cover then how do you fight snipers who can actually hurt you while in cover? not that i even use it on my Op except to quickly place the explosive probe

  6. So glad i have been levelling a deception assassin to replace my op, how did i know they would nerf the already worthless DPS op, So now i can cross warriors off of my list of targets along with the unscratchable powertechs. Sorcs that can just remove my entire debuff and still have a trinket and kite without any issue oh wait now i cant purge their dots and escape so might as well /stuck if one of them targets me. cant touch assassins OBVIOUSLY since they have an execute as well as the ability to remove my debuff with force shroud lol, and lets not forget who mercs cant be rooted, chased, escaped or out DPS'd between they hydro overrides/net so they are out to and naturally snipers can see me coming as well as now being able to kite melee. think that covers everyone. RIP DPS Ops XD
  7. Them op 2k crits and 1.2k non crits. Even shoulder cannon is op now:rak_02: I have seen everything. Some people will cry about anything it seems.


    i said hard hitting not OP and referring more to the push back and your talking to me about crying? again lets refresh our memory it took how long bioware to hear our complaints? 1.2 up to 2.0 and for you it was 2.0 to 2.4 who is really the better crybaby :rolleyes:

  8. An amazing player is going to do well in any spec, if they had played a Mara, sniper, or merc instead they would have done even better. Why? More DPS (still, even in 2.4). More CC (still) More DCD (again still).


    One or two good players does not make a balanced class. Now can you honestly say that you didn't faceroll most PT's post 2.0? Laugh it up, but AP still isn't anywhere near within 5% of Mara or sniper DPS and survivability. So my question, why are you losing?




    Do you honestly think PT's were anywhere near maras, snipers, and mercs post 2.0?


    Seriously? Really?


    Sure you could beat bad players on those specs, those who wouldn't or didn't know how to use their CD's. Anyone with half a clue however?


    One of you saw a bad player last for 40 seconds as a PT. Even though 6-12 seconds of that was probably due to the bugged absorb relic granting 6 seconds of invulnerability per proc - the reaction is HEY lets nerf Pyro PT!


    and are you really speaking as if the PT nerf was even remotely comparable to what they did to mercs in 1.2? let alone how fast they fixed your class vs how long it took them to fix mercs and merc heals are still to this day useless in the hands of most competent players. a couple of months being set back, oh, your a real martyr. And yes powertechs were fine, they had all the utility they needed to set up and take down all of my toons when they played right not that that happened often but it did and so it should, when the few who knew what they were doing played right but most don't, they just role through their meta rotation and expect to get a result. and BTW maras/snipers are also in for the nerf bat so you shouldn't be anywhere near them and mercs? now? OP? channelled AOEs arent hard to interrupt but il think you find other casters hit allot harder at least you can interrupt a merc you cant interrupt a sorc if he roots you and uses polarity shift, or an entrenched sniper, or a proc'ed chain lightning/death field with auto-crit. i could go on but im deverting from the OP


    Also and feel free to correct me if im wrong but arent PTs supposed to be sustained DPS as aposed to burst? i mean that i see great survivability in DPS PTs, and really hard hitting shoulder rockets that you can use while stunned it looks like your more built to withstand bursts and out DPS the follow ups, maybe a little bursty for pyro but still an overall sustained CQC damage class but that's just guessing based on what iv seen since 2.0

  9. Because PT's are finally competitive? And now maybe you aren't as good as you thought you were because you can't faceroll them?


    did you say finally competitive? en thesis on finally?

  10. lol this is just a bad argument. powertechs had close to horrible dps post 2.0 pre 2.4, now when they are given a buff to put them on a competitive level of dps people are saying that they are op? They needed their buff. i mean lets be serious, would you rather them be as strong as pre 2.0?


    but im guessing you probably would like barrier, guarded by the force, dodge and stealth as well am i right?


    i dont mean to be such an ***, but there will never be a middle ground as far as buffs & nerfs.


    Wrong, BAD powertechs had horrible DPS, i saw plenty of powertechs top the 1 mil mark after the nerf, i never saw a mercenary do that, or a jug, or sniper or assassin or Op, if a warzone ended with a 1 mill DPS scorer it was either a Mara, a Sorc or a powertech. don't ask me to explain it that would be speculation I prefer to talk facts.

  11. Why is this person allowed to que for RANKED Arenas?



    Green mainhand weapon, No gear check, no stim, guaranteed loss or fast death with this person on your side in soloQ. By the way, this is at 1650 rating in soloQ, not sure if MMR is working right because I was at 39wins, 9losses at the time with 19 game win streak, not sure how I got paired with this guy, someone care to explain this?


    Oh snap https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1269502_10152252735382067_1582620405_o.jpg

    This is why im loosing interest in ranked, AFKers, stealth trolls who don't fight/grief PVE'ers and about 1 in 5 teams will even listen to the simplest tactic while the others just rush through the middle spamming AOEs with no regard to resolve and CC. At least make it so only 4 player premades can cue for ranked (and can only cue ranked) like RWZs were and make pugged arenas pugs. Yet again bioware fixes a problem, and then fixes it again causing a new problem,

  12. TBF it was my understanding that PTs were nerfed for a reason but again im not talkiing about their damage or making any statements. i see im gunna be repeating this alot but then again im starting to see that alot of this flaming isnt about me at all since none of it bares relevance to the OP
  13. O lawdy I knew once PT/VG got a small buff the first QQ thread would be following shortly. 2.4 burst is still no where even remotely close pre 2.0. What your seeing is people actually dusting off there PT/VG and you associate your teams horrid play with a higher population of PT/VG in WZ.


    i thought this might be the case but im actually referring to their survivability compared to jug/sins.


    And i DID SAY that it was my own perspective, i didn't mean to state anything out right and tried to make sure you understood that in the OP and that it was a question. but hey i would rather get called a noob for asking than feel like im playing an unbalanced game :rolleyes:

  14. EDIT: as i said, i thought i might get flamed out, and as i also said this is just my perspective not a statement or a QQ please nerf again! a simple no they aren't as OP as that would have been enough guys <3


    Am i really the only one that thinks bioware have made these guys invincible? i have an even harder time killing them now than pre 2.0 and i run a mercenary! infact i haven't seen a single PT loose an arena since they started it, just seems like the team lucky enough to get the good class wins every time. Not that i take any pleasure in being the one to call overpowered on classes i know that makes me look a newb but without pulling out all the numbers and such wasn't it there damage that needed fixing? and now they have better defences to? (and i regularly saw them top 1mil dps in warzones before 2.4)


    It absolutely astonishes me how fast and how happy BW were to rebuff these guys after what they did to mercenary and its not like they were even remotely unviable like we were.:mad:


    and finally i get that every class has it's bane i have 4 (nearly 5) but this is consistent with every one of em im not talking 1vs1 obvi there are ways and means for every class to face any other as im sure you will all list to me as if i haven't already worked this out in WPVP (my thang :cool:) but what they bring to arenas in terms of DPS/CC/survival seems totally unbalanced to me at this point.


    TLDR: why did they get the additional defensive CDs as well as DPS when only DPS was raised to be an issue?

  15. I am a Sorc. I tried a hybrid 0/30/16 spec which I usually run and then I went Lightning. Force Lightning was all absorbed, Affliction ticking doing no damage. Shock procced twice and did 1500 each time. Then he went back to 100% health. Death Field I -think-did 2900. Mind you I was in full PvE gear and fully min maxed conq.


    Hybrid sorcs will not beat a sniper and you are a fool for trying that lol, when it comes to fighting snipers as a lightning sorc make sure you get overload off before they can entrench and use polaraty to afflict, thunder blast etc and make sure you stay close enough to electrocute them if they stun break the overload overwise just get close enough to use your bubble stun against them. save your sonic barrier for the split second before aimed shot. Ive dropped many a sniper/slinger with my sorc just dont give them a chance to entrench in front of you and if they do, you just LOS and wait or walk away. happy with that? :cool:

  16. total false advertising as well, that big rush at the end was way more than 2 frames per second.


    PS freeze frame last second rush and count how many sabers don't have people attached to em, or any other part and laugh at how out of line the blades are with with the hilts or high up the hot blade people hold them lol

  17. and the fact that Ops cant successfully vanish when dotted (TY for the pointless cure that cures nothing) while assassins get a 3 second invincibility that allows them to vanish CC-free or cast their phase walk no problems.


    The only thing wrong with ROLL is that its VISIBLE! IMO it should stealth for 1 second duration of the global cool down without ending combat or untargetting us since operatives don't half the damage of assassins and no where near the utility as they are now. it might look like a troll-roll but i don't think i have ever ditched a hostile player with it because after 4 roles im out of energy until long after that player catches up to me and thats with a full bar which after doing anything i do not have.

  18. Lol, nice..


    I have various other songs in mind that would go well for vids, but, I don't have a channel nor do I really stream anything. Been considering it though...


    Meh, if shadows are running around ganking, try and get some sins and operatives to go out and make them pay. I'm also sure it helps to be in tank spec with PvP gear on. My jugg is getting close to having a full PvP tank set to go with her DPS set. >: D


    Tank spec in DPS gear is a fave of many but i switched out all the absorb and shield chance stats from my tank gear and stacked and augmented defense and power and run vengeance, they always dump their stuns when i leap and then block/dodge/parry everything like a jedi should :D

  19. I like you choice of music. :)


    Would recommend Public Enemy No. 1 by Megadeth and I am Legend / Out for Blood by Arch Enemy for future videos.



    My operative needs to find people to stalk. My jugg and marauder have been having most of the fun. :(


    I was considering that very song by arch enemy :D and have used carcass and megadeth in previous vids on my channel :)


    i would love to take my jug into wpvp more but when your not a stealth its never long before about 5 shadows jump you :rolleyes: not that i don't take regular detours into pub areas while doing my dailys on these classes :rak_03:

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