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Posts posted by HexDecimalUK

  1. I have to wonder as another did, how does nerfing one class help another? Everyone knows that Merc/Commando are weak PvP classes. That was my first toon and I've since rolled 3 new ones for PvP purposes.


    On a side note, I don't get why people refuse to play certain classes or trees "out of principle". This is a game of numbers, and leaving 200k+ damage on the table out of principle is silly. "derp..I like to play a bad PvP class that puts out less damage because I rolled it first and it's more challenging to underperform..derp". <-- That guy is worse than the smashers, at least they have the sense to use the system to their advantage.


    I don't actually want any kind of buff, extra tools would be cool as they would cost heat and thus raise the skill gap as additional abilities to manage IMO.


    and i don't enjoy playing simple blatantly OP classes by that logic i should go and play team fortress and spam rockets just to see myself with the highest score at the end of the match. maybe il go play startrek online and buy the invincible pay2win ship that can out manouver anything because hey, ITS THERE and by you're logic im dumb for not exploiting that. i know lets all just be power techs and snipers shall we? lets see how much fun this game will be then

  2. Can't say I blame you for your frustration. But I haven't had much trouble with PT/VG only the very good ones I've seen are trouble really. Rest are just and PT/VG they go down the same way. But I do admit Mercs/Commandos need a look at.


    if anything i'd say a jet pack assisted super sprint like inquisitors have i mean they have that, then other classes have stealth and warriors got force leap. whats the merc got? all im seeing is Melee is high damage vs ranged attacks are low to mid damage, tanks have better armor, heals can regen yes makes perfect sence to me. but wheres my force leap? i have a jet pack for crying out loud and i dont get to jump accross 30 meters with it like that dump truck jug can? if it can hover me 10 feet in the air hile i blast rockets at the ground surely i can give me a run boost or jump me over 10 or so meters. even PTs got a kind of jet pack movement and if you think about it they are surely far heavier than mercs, they are TANKS!

  3. Assume what you like for now, but its not uncommon for me to see PTs go waaay beyond 600K, and a couple of weeks ago i sat in aaw of a 1000K DPS score with a respectable protection and objective score, if i didn't know better, i would be calling hacks!


    I cant pilot a powetech? sure thing and i cant pilot a rocket launcher in halo either o_O wheres the adrenaline? wheres the blood rushing for the glory of taking down and equal or better target? sorcs, assassins, warriors, even you operatives bring it on i can always say to myself well nice try if im not jumping on my desk yelling at my screen with excitement, and il fly at a powertech just the same but getting 3 shotted before im half way through my rotation despite my stuns and interrupt, is getting really old. there's a saying i live by sir, Cheaters NEVER prosper. maybe share some of that CQC goodness because mercs get dived on like its going out of fasion these days.


    Yes i am ALl for AOE, right now im a hybrid and everything is stacked on splash damage and AOEs don't like that? maybe try learning to not ball up together, i think that should be easier than lining up multiple targets with a single rotation? man its like the BF3 console forum all over again.


    And they got nerfed 3 times? cool story bro! what did they nerf?, did they take 3 bolts out of their space marine terminator armor? the proof is in the pudding time and again they need more than a nerf, they need neutering:eek:


    Sorry for my grammar again I still have yet to calm down about this >:[

  4. i was unaware that SWtOR was self-aware




    oh, and ps: http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f84/redsoxfanatic08/swtor2012-12-3101-06-45-63_zps77bbd3bf.png


    that was from about a week ago


    TY can't see if that's 500 or 600 because its low res looks like 5. i have 1 or 2 500K scores in a week myself and funnily enough its always voidstar, now show me a clear 600K on timegate plus a braggable objective and healing score just like the massive objective/protection score that finally inspired me to come in here and make this rant. im not trying to burst you're bubble there my friend i know it takes allot to hit that DPS with mercs but that kind of proves my point that you wanted to remember that sweet DPS score.

  5. All 3 of the classes have a "large" heal that takes about 2 seconds


    For imps



    Merc - Again about a 2 second cast should be the focus of your ints. They have a interrupt immunity shield which can be annoying. I only play healers in PVP so I don't do much with these guys besides flash bang them. Some one can probably come in and shed some light on how to shut them down.



    rapid scan is spammable and crits high but i would be more concerned with his tracer missiles because they are also spammable, and stack, and come faster each time, and buff the follow-up attacks IF the merc cares to use them. if you int anything on a merc you int the tracer! You're welcome.

  6. Hopefully Mercs and Operatives will be nerfed. Smash and bubblestun need to be buffed. Remove Resolve.


    Mercs? really? ok if you ever see a lazer pointing on you turn round and interrupt it. if its a merc's tracer you just stopped his entire rotation. If he sticks a bomb to you then wait till he unloads and interrupt that then lay into him laughing. nerf mercs haha even the sorcs dont give you a warning laser for their force lightning/shock/overload rotation.

  7. 3 months i gave this game to patch itself and fix the balance, I,m not even going to get started on operatives and their touch of death since i don't have one of them, what i do have is a powertech, and a merc (merc being my main so guess where this is going). The powertech i refuse to play for the same reason i don't hack in FPS games. Vs my merc they have 3 times the DPS , 3 times the armor, a protection bonus and a bunch of extra fun ability's. Why? what is the trade off? and what am i supposed to do go healer? that's rich "Hey, check out my bright green blaster shots" that doesn't scream kill this healer to every player in the area. Aside from the 2 or 3 percent difference here and there i might as well just spam rapid scan which crits the same as emergency scan. And please, don't try pitching me spec builds or saying its me because i have a seen one merc beat my average 350K DPS score in a WZ, i needn't even inspect the bounty hunter that goes 600K plus i just see his protection score which mercs can not obtain. wanna flame me like you do everyone else who calls out the appalling balance in this game? prove it, show me a merc do 600K DPS in any WZ after the last patch i will name you my god for proving i haven,t wasted every day i've put into my merc please go right ahead someone! Mercs are offense vs defense? lolololol, try offense vs god mode.:mad:
  8. btw, mad props to your lvl 41. a brave man you have in your ranks ;)


    TY :D my first MMO as well :D I don't know why, but i jut kept re-spawning at a very nearby med center behind your group that brought me there after the first failed push. So i figured i'd just ogg for a bit while we were waiting (ambitiously) for some more imps. Not as bad as Hoff but still some of you would do the balance a great service by making one or 2 sith side characters, if your 'Ard enough :p .



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