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Posts posted by HexDecimalUK

  1. I've made a shorter more to the point version which I can reproduce below




    • At launch, expertise was 15% across the board - clearly meant for an advantage for those who have pvp gear. No expertise bolster at all.
    • By 1.2, expertise was recurved on the DR because people would only do BM/rakata hybrids. This change shows that they want people to do full pvp gear.
    • By 2.0, expertise was recurved into its linear DR today. It was ambiguous as to which was better - power or exp crystals. Bioware clearly wants us stacking pvp gear to get an edge over our opponents.



    • At launch, bolster did not look at expertise. It was only used to bolster ability ranks, effective level (so lv 10s can hit lv 50s and not resist everything), hp, general stats, etc.
    • By 1.2, bolster looked at expertise I'm pretty sure (can't remember :p), because in 1.2 expertise went up to 22/18/12 percentish as far as dps/DR/healing goes. Clearly meant to even the playing field.
    • By 2.0, expertise is now fully bolstered and has no real use. From launch to 2.0, the bolster has evened the playing field to the point where expertise is useless.


    IKR but people in the full obroan still have an edge, if balance is so important to BW that they will put this bolster system in, why is there an Edge over it? why dont i just grind out the top PVE gear im shure it takes as long but at least i can stand up in HMs or just dance through dailys.

  2. no gear=pure skill

    Most players=bad skill

    Bad skill=realization that you are weak and useless

    such realizations=ragequit

    ragequit=no money for company


    I play counterstrike buddy, that logic is not true lol i mean srsly that game is hardcore difficult and sees over 1 million unique players a month, hows about halo CE, 8-10K daily spike on a 2001 game, you like not having lag compensation? GW1, still active still running tournys i could go on listing busy games to you and in all of them 90% of the players are worthless yet they play because the game is good. And i think if this game wasnt AS good then it would be gone by now like every other MMO that tries to compete with world of warcraft and using that same outdated progression system. feeling like a giant because your top geared and getting off at the size of your own metaphorical junk is for other games (ehem eve) Swtor is already above pay2win it should be above grind2win as well and that doesnt have to conflict with PVE at all.

  3. If theres one thing thats always puzzled me about this game, or ANY game, is the need to mix gear progression with PVP. If BW care so much about balance as to come up with a whole bolster mechanic then why is there tiers of gear for PVP? and why do we have to earn and spend coms on gear to do what is already being done by a buff? (too an extent) the message is " we want the game to be balanced but we also want you to try and out gear eachother" am i the only one who finds that notion totally absurd? am the only one who refused to arena until im full min max obroan? am i the only one who is constantly sighing in disappointment when my team mates are in lvl 40 greens?


    Now it seems to me that the only reason to add a progression system to PVP is to make players feel good about themselves by being stronger than others and enjoy their superiority, That or pressure us into playing more than we would to get on even ground with everyone else, is the gameplay alone not fun enough? i for one think it is and doesn't need this kind of a system to keep me playing it and if anything the thought of winning simply because the other team were under-geared is worse than loosing


    This other side is the whole PVP vs PVE thing, the gear must be equal in terms of stats right?, Why? im pretty sure that old warhero gear would still stamp all over the current best PVE set or maybe they just need to update the armour ratings without effecting the stats.


    Wouldn't it make more sense to simply have 1 tier of PVP sets for FREE that is good enough that it can stand up to even the best PVE set in the world without being nearly as good against the environment say maybe Partizan grade? and then as a bonus serve a starter set for PVE like the old recruit gear. No need for bolster at all then.


    But perhaps thats all a bit of an overreaction to say all my gear should be free for all of us, im merely trying to blow my point enough out of proportion that my logic makes sense, because happily it doesn't take too long to get the first set, i just really don't see the need for the second set? its caused me to bench half my 55s because if i haven't got time to gear them then why play them? it stops me exploring other aspects of the game because i gotta get my obroan min maxed and still keep a plentiful supply of adrenals and med packs and i think if this game just stopped at Obroan and left it at that come the next season of gear there would be allot less PVPers leaving the game as i see in disturbing numbers in every guild iv been in. Ask yourself how many inactive 55s are in your guild?


    Of course if there's a good argument to this i will welcome it, in fact i would thank you to give me a reason to renew my subscription :rak_03:

  4. should just end as a draw if this happens except of course for the quitter who aught to suffer a que penalty as well as a rating penalty. i mean whats a 3vs4 going to prove? nothing and whos to say this isnt a toon being used souly to give wins to another? possibly a single user syncing 2 accounts
  5. what do you expect? phil collins? im not a DS fan myself but il use it for length/suitability if i cant think of anything else but no matter what music you put on a video its going to at best please half the viewers and by please i mean not annoy. but if you hear music at the start here's a thought, mute it and open whatever song you like in another window/your media player
  6. Looks like the resolve alone could be an issue. Don't want to give the wrong target full resolve and if your team adds in there, or breaks your flashbang, I could see where it could be a problem


    usually if everyone's brawling it out around you just go strait for the poisons and stick with sever tendon and stun when you need to without resolving at all. but i see why your concerned and this, its what took me so long to work out how to do it because like you i didnt want add resolve too soon BUT in lethality you need to set up your target and your sleep and flash bang are all you have if you dont use them they need only break the stun and since your cull exploits your poisons you should already have those on them asap SO, flash banging afterwords wil break on any damage other than your poisons which dont tick on targets effected by your sleep effects. if that makes sense :s


    The key is that your poisons dont break your flash bang (part of the spec) this allows you to stack everything up and cull does extra internal damage from each dot so mezzing and then flash banging if the mez is broken is a catch 22 set up that lets you apply your poison and probe and what-not. also flash bang reduces their damage for a while, once your target is poisoned flash bang becomes worthless as any direct damage will break it and they should already be poisoned so what are you going to do? when they are resolved you use sever tendon, extended evasion and your shield to tank and spank. and you also get a root break on counter measures and thats when you shiv and cull.

  7. I see. Does look to do pretty well on all targets. I have to try this stuff out.


    Thanks for the vid. Perfect timing as I was contemplating DF on my scoundrel.


    TY and your quite welcome although the trick is singling out the right targets at the right moments, its an easy spec to trip over especially by your own team's collateral AOEs :cool:

  8. I'd be curious on how this works out as well. You seem to be doing ok but the first couple I didn't see you open with shoot first (er operative equivalent). Not sure if you should or not as I always ran scrapper. Also not sure why you sleep darted prior to opening there.


    EXIT: Or no, you flash banged at the opening. Why?


    Good questions

    Hidden strike often back fires for example i could get knocked back or they could throw up their defences dont forget only scrapper has the knock down effect on it otherwise its just another kinetic stab.

    Opening with sleep and if broken flash bang allows me to stack up my dots and explosive probe as they don't break my own CC but in some cases like sents who have massive damage i may go strait for the flash that way if they don t break it their accuracy (vital to sents) is reduced for a while and i can still stun if i need to.

  9. Thought i'd finally give the lethality spec a good go since shooting people in the face is always fun, took me long enough to figure it out and still not sure if im doing it right as i couldn't find much in the way of pvp guides for it, though I think its working as intended. Open to any advice from long time users of this class-spec (inb4 uninstall i know i suck :p)



  10. Just this morning (or last night for US) I was against a premade that had a healer and a bunch of sorcs, with no healers on ours all random and in awful gear, even my merc was sporting a new set of shells that I had yet to augment. and yet we dominated them, don't get me wrong we were getting butchered but determination was our ally. The moral of the story is don't count your bodies before they're dead.
  11. I think an easier way to fix this game in terms of player proximity performance is to add geometry options, particals, decals and so one. the amount of plygons this game uses is ridiculous for an MMO and the the amount of animations is even worse. BUT this may require BW to rebuild and save as presets just about every piece of the game world and items. BUT IMO reducing the player models in war zones would be a good start.
  12. yes it is possible to port the game over to a different engine without requiring a full re installation but the engine alone isn't the problem with frames its much more complex than that and BW were working on performance and made great strides from 10FPS on the fleet to 60 and up for average gaming rigs, as for the new EA free2play staff i doubt performance is as much of a priority likely because enough people have levelled in this game enough to show its playable. i believe the LOW FPS is much more to do with servers myself but as for graphics on the whole one needs only to look at graphics options to see how much effort has been put into the visuals, how much RAM the game takes, and so forth. Yes it is easy for the current dev team to increase performance dramatically but even easier to cause an endless chain of memory leaks and glitches that will blue screen your system at any point. each map is its own remember with its own tags and textures and physics seperate from the others and must be updated separately there is no one code fixes all solution. The otherside is a basic things like frame smoothing that make frame rates appear faster, i thought WOW had better performance until i ran fraps and found i clock less in underworld city than i do the fleet regardless of player proximity. but i remember a world pvp event that crashed out the server all together and that tells me that the server is at fault because lets not forget your computer cant animate anything until the server feeds it the commands to do so, repeat commands are also separate from unique commands and caches must be cleared for new data, force charge from your mount for an example.
  13. How do you 1vs1 the class with the best defensive CDs, hits exactly twice as hard as any other class, has an execute, an IMS and all the CCs it could want? hmm well you could, oh wait. you might.. ah nah. oh and they getting a dps buff to so yeah. you don't.
  14. warriors get a choke, knights get another lawl smash


    This game promotes storys if u do all the storylines of all the classes in the game u will get all the legacy special ablilitys :D


    depends, is that choke channelled like the legacy force storm i just tried out on a sage wasN'T and have the same increase on damage? i got a 55 jug, not far off the story so it shouldn't take me long in my conq gear, il let you know how it goes :cool:

  15. You only get Legacy Dirty Kick from completing chapter 3 on Smugglers. There is no such thing as Legacy debilitate, only Legacy Orbital Strike.


    And Legacy Abilities hit abnormally hard. Which is why they are tied to the 20 minute cooldown of Heroic Moment, and are only usable with an active companion.


    Legacy sweep hits for 10k on Trash mobs. Same as a normal smash right? Except. No ramp up time. None. At all. Even more of a no brainer than regular smash.


    OK but this inst a bit harder, its exactly 10 times harder, and wait a minute, why are pubs getting a 9K instant for smug while imps get a 3 second casted AOE that takes another 6 to do damage? OH well, flash bang and sever tendent will tell me how hard that hits, 10X orbital strike this is gunna be interesting

  16. yes its a stun like debilitate


    OK, my point is that my debilitate doesn't hit for 9K infact i dont have a single ability that hits for that amount of damage, even more confusing to me is that if this is a lagacy ability where is mine? i have the buff and orbital strike but no debilitate. also the animation unless my eyes were tricking me was a sith smash, nice 1vs1 and then Bam, a third of my health.

  17. Jumping before Shatter/Impale doesn't make them hit harder.:D


    Vengeance is very entertaining in regs. Fun vid, indeed. Inspired me to spec Vigilance from tank for the lulz again. Could use more dubstep though.


    TY and yes its great fun leaping hither and thither immune to stuns while hurling your sabre all over the place seldom gets boring :cool:

  18. you mean we will actually have to use defensive CDs on VG jugs just like any other DPS class? oh no! but rly Its a lazy answer for sure but its not like the ravage is doing that much damage, VG is a sustained damage spec and for it to be so easy to escape the VG's best attack as walking away while its channelled is pretty annoying especially when burst class's attacks just happen instantly or as part of a set-up, IE getting knocked on your face by an Op for an instant 15K stab combo, or shot in the ankles by a sniper, these take just as much CDs as overwhelming ravage will or simply burst back, or self heal. the other side to the argument is vengeance doesn't have anywhere near the follow up that carnage has and although it all adds up the same you don't have to blow any CDs to evade 6 seconds of a vengeance jug's attack right now.
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