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Posts posted by HexDecimalUK

  1. Not so much a suggestion as some creative indulgence/speculation for the next expansion :)


    Marauder/Sentinel: For 3 seconds abilities hit 1 additional enemy player in range and in quick succession and are animated by a fading duplicate of the player model, targets closest additional target


    Juggernaut/Guardian: begins a rapid series of sabre swings dealing damage in a 4 meter cone. At the start of the channel accuracy is lowered 50% and gains 30% of max accuracy and crit per second and defense is raised to 200% but loses 50% per second. Can be used while moving.


    Mercenary/Commando: For 3 seconds any tech ability activated is accompanied by a second and slightly weaker duplicate of that ability either from the opposite hand/wrist or in quick succession. a telling animation will occur.


    Operative/Scoundrel: Holds offhand weapon to the throat of an enemy player removing control for 8 seconds, all damage sustained by the Operative or hostage is absorbed and stored by the op and released at once after 6 seconds, target can be dragged by the Op at 60% movement speed(alternatively) all incoming damage to both units is converted into charges worth 70% of damage sustained, additional healing to both partys builds an additional charge at the same rate. if the effect is broken the charges are consumed as internal damage to the target and and healing is done to the Operative. Must be behind the target and in stealth.


    Powertech/Vanguard: Launches several feet into the air and 15 meters forwards igniting a trail of napalm in the player's path which lasts several seconds and dragging any targeted player caught in the inferno. All strong and player enemies in the line are rooted for the duration by the burning napalm


    Sniper/Gunslinger: Hurls a range tracker which sticks to the target for 30 seconds and allows any 1 ranged ability to be fired from 60 meters, cannot be dispelled, does not respect global cool-down.


    Sorcerer/Sage: Creates a temporal vortex (AOE) that lasts 3 seconds, at the end of which, all events taking place during this period within the aoe are undone. Dead players cannot return to med centers if death occurs in this zone unless the effect is cancelled by intervention. effect can be canceled by killing, hard-stunning or removing the sorcerer from range of the event horizon until the effect ends. sleep, spike, and knock downs have no effect on the ability.


    Assassin/Shadow: For 4 seconds any damaging ability used by the assassin places a force camouflage field around himself and his target rendering both invisible to friendly and enemy forces. cannot be broken by outside sources of damage however the assassin remains completely visible to his target. a telling animation will occurred


    EDIT: these are imagined with great consideration to PvP, PVE and role playing in general. Idealy i think the merc should be using his jet pack more but how do you mirror such use for the mando? pretty awkward situation IMO.

  2. Massive opener? have you been in a wz with a sorc or sage healer on the opposing team? Your opener is trash hitting that damn bubble. If and op doesn't kill me in the first 4 gcd which only might happen in lowbie pvp he is toast or normally its a stalemate and they run away if I don't die fast enough. Ops are good for killing idiots, noobs and dying players.



    So basically ops are OK as long as their unlucky with their crits? and what op is going to attack a bubbled sage?

  3. Lol, you didn't read did you?


    There are two scenarios there, not just one. Don't really know why you seem to think that I only said you can exploit bads, but in cased you missed it, I said you can exploit people who have used their CDs/off guard.


    So again, congrats. You found the spec that is designed to exploit the derp and the person who is out of defenses/off guard, as that spec should be.


    But most of us here understand the logical fact of it not being an issue with the spec, but an issue with the standard of player. Your DPS fails outside of those two scenarios, don't overestimate yourself. However, there is a massive amount of stupid in WZs, and considering the decent players can easily be found without a CD or caught off guard all the time in a WZ, it's like open season for your spec.


    this is why i felt they needed an auto-crit instead of just a damage boost, so far as know Ops and Mercs are the only ones now that don't have this and i have heard that they are least viable but i dont know this as fact. i cant comment on arenas because i do prefer warzone's and i think its pretty unfair of you to shout me down with that. I'm not arguing with you about their viability outside regs and only wish 8v8 ranked was still going on because IMO warzones, arenas, story and raids is too much to balance 8 classes for at once but that's whole other issue.


    PS really if you think im wrong i am open to it, explain to me, i am here to learn as well as give my opinion and when people just try and deny me the first amendment , i just laugh!

  4. No its more just the random crap that I've seen you spew all day in general chat plus the posts on these forums outside of this thread as well. Crap like "no class should be able to 1v1 and kill someone" was my favorite in general chat today.


    I dislike people who want to nerf a class, especially one they play themselves while the class itself is struggling to barely be viable and because of people like you the spec is going to be garbage in 2.7. You think people laugh at concealment in ranked now? Come 2.7 you may as well delete the class if all you do is dps.


    My exact words were Ops shouldn't be able to solo a player as easily as i do, which you would know from the screen shot you obviously took before coming into the forum with this story right?

  5. Operatives are alright now, bit OP in PvE.. but otherwise fine. I initially thought the changes would have bigger impact but they really did alright. Even though I still think the survivability was and still is a bigger issue than the damage.


    You're still going to get asskicked by a suprerior player if he doesn't screw up.

    As i said they should have just been given some kind of auto crit, maybe on one lacerate? or explosive probe? i dunno but its that consistency they lacked. right now i just think the hidden strike belongs and much bigger cooldown because its kind of unfair that i can repeat that massive opener so quickly into a fight

  6. So doing /laugh and making fun of you in general chat is raging now? Cool beans.


    "whats wrong hex, you mad you focusing me?" <-your words

    then i didnt fraps the whispers that you sent me on 3 different toons after i ignored you because well, you seem to be a bit of a weirdo i mean who stalks ppl like that over simple forum posts? and now ofcourse you're here carrying on?


    And btw the OP doesnt say that i solo "everyone" it just says that i am getting solo kills that i feel i shouldn't have got or at least so easily as i do" nor does it say i beat every class though iv defeated each AC at one point and another i certainly dont win em all, infact warrior AOE stuns and mando knock backs are always a bane but nothing i cant handle with all my CDs up so long as my head is screwed on. remember, i suck at Op! i was the first to admit this


    But like i said i don't know what you think iv done to you for you to make things this personal and really recommend you see this for what it is, written words on a forum between 2 randomers.

  7. I just realized the OP plays on my server. He tunneled me and failed to kill me on all the times he opened up on me and I'm playing an undergeared vengeance jugg atm lul. Guess he's not as op as he seems to want to believe lol.


    tunneled? i fail to see how attacking an objective is tunneling but OK and for the record its was an Op on his team that's topped me while my own team ran like lemmings to their death at the far node. And you are really halariouse bro. I have no idea who you are and then in that WZ you just rage at me over general and now you in here laying it on. im no one mate, im the poster of one thread outlining my own thougts on a class and your leading your own campaign against me. well who ever you are i absolutely envy your life and the full day you have spent giving me your undevided attention.



    and PS it was a 2 attempts on you, well 3 actually but i got you the first time.

  8. No one's really looking to compliment you, as knowing a rotation in a certain spec isn't very impressive.


    It's just that you're attempting to claim you can destroy anything as a Concealment op, when in reality, you have two scenarios that net you a kill:


    1) You're fighting a noob that doesn't know how to fend for themselves.

    2) You catch someone with their pants down (without CDs or stun break etc)


    Plenty of those two exist in regs, while ranked, you cut one of those out completely and make it very unlikely for number 2 to occur.


    You are not OP, don't worry. When you play in the ranked matches, you'll see it's still an uphill battle for a spec like yours.


    with respect I'm not talking about ranked, just regs. and saying everyone i beat is noob is a pretty wide call-out what you're basically telling me is your just awesome and anyone not on your level who prefers warzones isn't entitled to have an opinion round here.

  9. Hex, I love your passion. Makes me want to log onto my Operative right now!


    But this sums it up pretty neatly... Operatives will never be viable in ranked unless it gets survivability.


    im playing ranked atm, tbh i enjoy casting more but i see what you mean about squishy its like, i get my free kill then i am one lol but what of regs? different story altogether and i for one actually enjoy a good huttball or voidstar

  10. No one is going to waste stun break on debilitate in serious PVP, man. All of your strategies here only work against PVE players in unranked who are only playing to get the daily.


    Yes, deception, really. That class that can hit you with a massive duplicity powered maul twice in a row. That class that gets a melee critical boost from critical force attacks, which are all but guaranteed. Yes, that deception assassin that gets a gigantic damage reduction from blackout instead of a useless speed boost. That blackout that finishes cooling off automatically when he comes back from stealth to spike you again.


    There's a reason why there's plenty of assassins in ranked arenas and no concealment operatives.


    i didnt say debilitate, do you even know what im talking about? do you play swtor?

  11. I kind of sit there and take it while the guy next to me crushes you into a sticky paste. You know, because you're a less lethal deception assassin that dies twice as fast.


    Don't worry about those 8 vs. 8s and 4 vs. 4s. One day we will realize our dream of a 1 vs. 1 queue and concealment won't be rubbish anymore.


    are you srsly telling me im the only one sapping your buddy before hitting you and flash banging him the second he breaks it? im sure the other 99% will catch on soon enough.

    And btw, deception? rly? you mean to say the class that has to perform 3 global cool downs that dont even do damge (spike/voltaic slash twice) and then has to leave combat before he can repeat the shock/discharge that hit for what? 6K each? that class with the massive glowstick that anyone can see a mile away that has no unroot or defense against ranged attacks such as snipe/unload ect? that wears lighter armour actually. i suppose they could low slash, crushing darkness, maul, wrecklessness, discharge, shock, discharge but pulling that combo off is easiuer said than done in the middle of an 8vs8 respect to those who can!

  12. I have had no trouble dealing with Scrappers before and after the patch if you knew how to handle them

    They have always been an easy kill.


    And how DO you handle being stunned for half you health twice? i hear alot of people talking that they can deal with opsbut im yet to see and thats from the side holding the vibroknife. so please tell me what it is that everyone else iv 2-shanked isn't doing :rolleyes:.

    I look at this way, do i walk away from marauders with 100% health on any other of my equally geared classes?

  13. Have you ever had a buddy you 1v1'd in a game, any game and its just like you try and give them a chance as best as possible but really your just toying with them, Thats how my Op is now, in terms of tactics against any class itas more one sided than a madness sorc vs a VG jug that didnt take the overwhelm or unstoppable skills, and damage wise every target might as well not be wearing gear at all. Since the patch iv solo'd multiple players using vanish/sap and flash bangs on nodes/doors, iv walked away from marauders, powertechs, even lightning sorcs with full health and at first i was feeling like my hard work mastering the class while it was "unviable" was being rewarded and that i was simply skilled but it was long after i really warmed up on the class before i just walked away from fights thinking what is wrong with this picture, Iv gotten good at a class for nothing because its so easy a monkey could play it now and own ppl with the simplist PVE playstyle and next month its getting changed so much that my entire playstyle that i worked for so long on is totally invalid. TY EAware for dumbing down yet another good game to appease the lowest common denominator.


    Before the Op took hard work to play but no more than any other class, i played it more often than most of my level 55s and never felt like i was at any disadvantage now i dare not even touch my other classes because i know exactly whats coming for me, ME! or so to speak.


    Now im seeing how they are going to rebalance them and its like, whats the point? how will the Op stand out from any other melee? it had a perfect trade off between casuing resolve and burst damage you hit them hard but white barred them as quick so you had to be cunning and use the environment to your advantage, pick your situations, and now its just a rinse and repeat free kill rotation that is as satisfying as going to tatooine and solo ganking a lvl 20 clicker. And before you come at me with cure acid, this and trinket the second stun that, the acid does not clense most of the time and by the time you do get back on your feet your almost dead and all they need to do is re apply the acid with back stab, chiv, lacerate, overload shot GG they dont even need stealth to do that as the role procs evasion which sheds any root or dot and blocks incoming ranged and melee attacks but if you think you can handle that and apear to be doing so, they can always vanaish and hit you with that 9K hidden strike/lacerate.


    Anyway my point is they were fine how they were and if your really feel they wernt then maybe an auto crit should just be worked into the previous build to give them some consistency.


    Anyway that's my thoughts on the subject, just wanted to toss that in on the pile as one of the few Players running a DPS Op pre-patch

  14. Just an occurrence while playing my sin, really it seems only fair considering the a VG jug gets the viscous throw proc, and wrath also has a secondary proc (lighting strike) it would also make the madness sin feel more like a melee adding more cinamatic lightsabre ork into the play style which is something i have always felt that the game lacks. But honestly here im looking at VG and Sorc madness and thinking if its good for the goose its good for the gander although a raze-procced assassinate could also have a variation on its animation for the cinematics.


    Would it be OP? i doubt it, as iv already compared to other melee share similar CDs but the otherside is they would be using one or the other and then once either attack is used its on CD so the sin has be careful how he orders his procs assuming he is in a possition to do so at all since assassin melee is more than kitable at this point in the game's evolution.


    Would it actualy benefit the sin? Yes raze often triggers while the previouse crushing darkness is still ticking and doesnt stack, for this reason finding ways to cast the crushing darkness before reseting and proccing it is pointless which limits the play style and options open to a madness assasin, also many classes can heavily resist DOTs which makes the madness sin less versatile.


    Am i being being biast? probably yes, i like my assassin and ofcourse im going to defend it but i have 5 other characters at 55, the sin is the least played and when i do play him i dont want to be just another deception guy and as the proud owner of sorc i feel to much like im playing that sorc than a melee class but its plain to see why the middle tree is favored for its autocrits, resets, and the powerfull mauls.


    TLDR: IMHO raze should also proc assassinate. but not free from its respective cooldown so like wrath they get a secondary proc to choose from but like vengeance it isn't a freebee.

  15. Madness sin/lethality Op are probs the least used in PVP but hey! these classes gotta have something for PVE right? if you think about it having a massive burst and survivability is good for the first 10 seconds in a boss fight but then what? and do they need survivability when there a tanks keeping aggro? clear to see that one is for players and the other is for raid bosses. those specs even have the AOEs and smaller but still worthwhile hits.


    Unfortunately sustained or, backloaded DPS builds seldom come with burst survivability while burst builds do :s, good luck getting 2 ravages off on mr smash monky before the 1-2-punch knock out. im not saying it isnt possible but its just pays far more dividends to smash back.


    Other than these obviouse DOT melee classes i think mercs are still the least played. and with no autocrit and a generally sluggish pace due to late activations its no surprise, might get a lucky round now and then if your allowed to freecast and he gets those big 9k heatseaker crits but in the end they simply cant be relied on

  16. I actually agree, no one asked for a buff to VG, it was simply the tree that took skill, now you put any half witted healer behind one of em and whach him go from person to person and tear them apart. i mean isnt the trade of that juggs cant be stopped and maras cant be escaped? either way a full ravage must be earned and wasn't that the point? i used to be proud of playing VG before, now i just tank for PVE, there is no honor in that class now.


    Ofcourse what would i know http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYmz82gKBs

  17. They needed an autocrit to correctly match them with assassins as much as they alter the damage numbers Ops only have a chance to be as good as their force using counterparts. My point is they could have just nerfed Op DPS added an autocrit and made them viable as well as fair to fight against. Would it have been game breaking to say shiv and maybe lacerate automatically crits on targets effected by acid blade because if so we can just say if the Op wins its beause he got lucky not because he is good and oh wait, assassins used to get their crit from the Debuff and apparently that wasn't fair so they made it on the buff. So why doesn't acid blade auto crit backstab and hidden strike? HEY if its so OP why do assassins have it? we can apply this thinking to mercs to, why doesn't 5 stacks of tracer missile autocrit heat seekers? if its OP then the arsenal merc who wins just got lucky its a not skill class. and still if we replaced the damage buff on heat seeker its would hit as hard as thunderblast but need at least 3 casted tracers, yeah thats the same as an insta-casted DOT that thunderblast requires isnt it o_O
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