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Posts posted by HexDecimalUK

  1. Congratulations, you live in a country with better internet access than the US. In contrast, I live in a country where communications monopolies are allowed to consolidate, price gouge, neglect network infrastructure upgrades, and generally rip off consumers with impunity.


    Seriously, the FCC (US regulatory agency that "oversees" communications, including internet/broadband) would not even define my connection as broadband. Granted that is somewhat self-inflicted as I refuse to deal with the local monopoly that charges $100/month for only slightly better speed that barely meets the definition of broadband, but still.


    It's kinda hard for me to feel sympathy for your merc KB complaint when I still remember stealth classes like your sin whining and getting our overload nerfed because 360 KB Electric Bindings was too OP QQ. Yes that change made overload 1000x more vulnerable to latency, to the point where I've watched streams of even the best sorcs missing overload occasionally. If it's never, ever happened to you since the change, not even once, then either you have a perfect connection with 0 ping, or you've never touched your sorc since the nerf.


    Oh, and calling me out for complaining about latency affecting my KB when you use the same word in the title of your OP to describe your complaint? That was brilliant.


    the difference is Im talking about latency that can and should be fixed by the developers, with great ease where-as you are are talking about something that is not even the developer's problem, or anyone else's that i have met on your servers.


    @STUPIDsyrup, feel free to keep all those other issues in pvp to yourself and then wonder why they are not fixed while thinking that gives you the authority to flame down others who take the time to point them out and how they effect the game. Everyone's username should be as well earned as yours is although i would have gone with bittersyrup but well, you typed it <3

  2. If you have the time to complain about this, then you have a wonderful life


    cant be as wonderful as yours taking the time to respond to forum posts with your one lame general troll line, i wonder which Xbox forum you learn that from? do you feel good about yourself, are you proud of how cool you look?

  3. And meanwhile, 100ms of latency can be the difference between a sorc being able to knockback at all or missing his knockback entirely, let alone worrying about what direction the enemy goes in.


    At least your knockback is still 360!


    i have a sorc as well as a sin at 55, i have never missed an overload. But then i also dont try to make fun of forum posts with a forum post with includes me blaming internet lag :cool:

  4. Il open with an obvious example for comparison, Back in beta BW changed project so the damage occurred at the start of the animation moving the big rock that comes out of the ground to next the target instead of coming from the player, Makes sense right? i mean its not fair that one class can do damage at the start of the global cool down and the other at the end right? YET, still to this very day the merc's jet boost knock back occours at the end of the global cooldown while Mando's knock back is at the start.


    Some examples of how this effects PVP, you see an opportunity to run in and knock a healer away from the tank and towards slowed melee team mates. a mando will have no problems but a merc could knock him in any direction as said healer has a full second to change his position. Interrupting say an unentrenched snipe at the end of a cast. mando perfectly timed, merc too late. preventing a smash, i play smash on my jug from time to time, never get a mando they knock me back the instant i land on them, Merc.. smash then flay back often as im force screaming at them or force crushing them or i at least get the first 2 strikes of ravage, or a maul on my sin, it goes on and on what mandos do to me with their knock back that my merc, no merc could ever do.


    It extends to simple tactics to, a mando has almost a full second of kiting time after knocking back an assailant because the effect occurs at the beginning of the full second global cool down the rest of that second the mando is free to high-tail it to a line of sight or what ever but a merc must stay in that position and ensure the knock back takes effect before moving away.


    For the merc opponents may also use ability to block the knock back altogether such as force shroud or crouch (if a sniper decided to run up and use debilitate for example or an assassin following a maul with force shroud if that maul was to say break a low slash.


    I could go on with more and more examples of how the commando gains massive superiority over his merc brother with this simple tiny difference but i think if a single mid range attack deserves to balanced on shadows/sages the mercenary deserves it on his most vital defensive ability. and more toons i get to 55 the more im exploiting this flaw on mrcs in ways i cant against mandos.

  5. Taking respec out of warzone was the right move. Stop hiding user the guise of "I was only switching because we had no healer." No. The truth is players were switching their specs to make defending nodes and doors a cake walk when they were on defense. They might have queued as a DPS but to keep the other team from advancing they switched spec in the second round.


    You play as what you queue up as. You don't get another choice. Allowing people to respec in WZs allows a team to remove their disadvantage on a moment's notice.


    The better solution is for the WZ system to attempt to make balanced teams. At least for a minute or two.


    or as i said just insure at least but no more than 2 healers are on the team, and heres fun if it cant find one, it doesnt pop or the spawn doors don't open between rounds

  6. Stopping respec in warzones has created this problem.


    The change was in response to vocal bads who probably already quit.


    Please restore respec IN warzones and everywhere at any time.


    EVERY ONE has access to doing this and its TOTALY FAIR since everyone can do it at ANY TIME.


    Why have multiple trees and specs if I cant change them on the fly.


    It should be made EASIER to respec with 3 profiles that have a tree and button layout. That you can click to at any time.


    Perhaps respec-ing should have a 10 minute cooldown but that solves the issue and the old issue. Maybe 15 min.


    or just only switch spec in the spawn zone. /problem

  7. Am i really the only one noticing this? its either 4 or 5 healers or none is it really that difficult to code the que finder to require at least 1 but no more than 2 healers for a team? Oh let me guess it will take longer to pop for people right? is that why i go from a team with no healers to a team with lots fo healers is it? You stopped us being able to respec in warzones the least you can do is keep your promise of fair matched compositions, il play my warrior no healers just run out ravage and die. il play my sorc and we'll all stand in a circle healing eachother. How am i actually supposed to enjoy this game?
  8. If there is one bane of warzones that has stayed constant from release to present day that im now more sick to uninstilling than i have ever been its that if there is one healer or tank on a team there is 5 and all the DPS is on the other and this is imp vs imp! yes in terms of damage it might trade off fairly but this game is about CC and Survivability first, DPS second And stacking the unstoppable healer or unmovable tanks against the damage dealers in an objective game is a borderline troll! what happened to composition matching? because if you meant match all the players on A team instead of between 2, job well done. Can we please just all admit the WZ que finder is a total abortion and just go with the PVE system! at least before some of us could respec to balance things out and maybe we wouldn't be hearing so many threads QQing about class imbalance as we would actually be able to serve our roles properly. You wouldn't sell us chess sets with all rooks and bishops in one colour and all knights and pawns in another, but that's essentially what we are paying for and we don't even have 8vs8 ranked as a way of getting a fair warzone any more either. geniuses!


    /but-hurt rant

  9. 1st - I don't understand why people insist on spelling things wrong that are written out right in front of their eyes...it's Oricon. You see the word 20 times when heading to that place. It's on your minimap. Sheesh.



    2nd - This didn't require a bragging video. It's a fairly standard gank-tactic. You just did it on the new planet area. /cookie


    Nothing to see here, move along. 0/10.


    i would imagine its the oldest tactic in the book, but what im pointing at is the fact i can pull them from the load in point. which is kind of broken, i had originally had the intention of using the phase walk to lure people closer to the edge, ie i would let my self get jumped then telliport and pull, but i could just camp there all day if i want, but instead , i decided to just fraps the funny exploit, forum food keeps a community fat as i always say. (fat meaning big since i obviously have to point out the obvious to some of you) :rolleyes:

  10. Iv noticed consistencies throughout this game wherever chance is concerned, in PVE its the same player who wins the roles, in PVP you get your crits on the same players and none crits on the same players (story alert: On ilum i specifically notice this, its always that same guy that i only get small numbers on and the one i get huge numbers i always get those numbers. This is under bolster and my new sin even when im in deception will have the same experience of this as my over geared Op) Healers will be placed on the same team as other healers in Imp vs Imp, same with tanks and this isn't just roles its same classes and gear level and the reason i dont play heals myself, i just do not care to be competing with most of my team for healing points. the more aware of this iv become the more iv noticed it in all the areas of the game.


    This is not to say certain players are immune to crits in general i cant know that but rather immune to crits from specific other players and maybe prone to heavy crits from others. Class/spec/gear has nothing to do with it

  11. So what? Sorcs can sonic barrier for 12 seconds which is also a trinket think about that, you attack the sorc healer, he barriers while stunned, what are you going to do wait for 12 seconds while your free casted on, the second you look away he is going to heal to full. he will trinket any follow up CC and in heal spec force sprint sheds roots and slows, then recklessness on the instant self heal, polarity shift for uninterpretable fast casting and you have to deal with that while fighting the DPS, the Sorc can slo peel with knockbacks, his stun reduces your damage by 25% thank on that, affliction slows, Ops dont have any of that stuff as healers you know that right? and what about assasins, they can sap healers, AOE taunt, gaurd, forceshroud any kind of AOEs that would break stealth and have the sorcs force sprint CC shedding all without breaking stealth what about snipers who can kite into CC immunity that heals them and doing so blocks all damage, i could go on and on about every class because every class has awesome potential.


    Now quit being a PVE hero and expecting your basic raid playstyles to give you free wins and learn how to adapt on the fly. Sheesh

  12. Well guys i finally got my own assassin at 55 and couldn't resist throwing up a ROFLvid. Still getting to grips with the phase walk skill but as iv only ever seen shadows and sins use it to duck out fights when they are loosing or even more contemptibly to leave nodes and tunnel points, i really wanted to play around with it and try and use the phase walk on the fly during fights. Again im pretty new to the big leagues on my sin and not even geared yet (27K bolstered LOL) Click the link to laugh yourself silly, POt5 WPvP FTW! :cool:




    Happy holidays

  13. Why do we not have this? all the facilities of the fleet, a dueling dojo, docking bays? what about adding a progression system where guild members can contribute various coms towards adding everything from the initial venders and dummys to PVE decks like the ziost star has. I see lots of cruisers floating round the fleet anyone of the could be a different stage of guild ship model and the inter fleet shuttle could just take you to an instance dorr that quickly loads yours or maybe oinly one cruiser is necessary, i imagine the interior should be too long loading quite quickly actually. and while were at it what about free flight when you when you arrive in your ship? is that possible? just a suggestion :cool:
  14. I don't think it feels abandoned. At all. I'm always starting new characters and see the starting planets filled with people all the time. I also see fleet constantly busy and the other planets have many people as well. So I don't get where you are under the impression that this game feels abandoned. Sure, it doesn't have 100 people every square game mile, but it has lots of people.


    And let's be honest. Sometimes there can be too MANY people.


    constantly repeats and even edits the OP with big bold letters saying im refering to dynamic events, whole forum gets up in arms and has a continues flid about the population.


    Yes i did mention the population isn't what it could be but thats me pointing out a single consequence but on the whole i dont have a problem with that.


    When a thread that states its about one thing and everyone gets defensive about another that is proof that the OTHER is a real problem that they have already acknowledged but again its not my problem and i dont know how i could have made the OP clearer that i feel the game is abandoned by EAWARE and not the players although in every guild iv been in only 1 in about 20 still play the game but again thats not what im talking about.


    *sighs and walks away

  15. There will Always be Doom and Gloomers the Same OP will say the same thing about Wildstar ESO and Titanfall after they burn through all the content and see that they don't have events every two hours there either.. i love how some people think the newest thing out or coming out soon is going to be the Holy Grail of MMO's and change everything when in fact they end up being Average or a Disappointment


    I don't think that at all, in fact i expect very little and im circling total disregard for PC gaming itself in a rapidly decaying orbit but there are games, MMOs, mods of games that do exactly what im asking after years and are still to this day packed with players and developer involvement as a PVPer those games dont have the balance and attention to PVP i demand but those i point towards those games are always shocked at how lively they are and that's not say i don't play them at all.


    Its no secret this game has fallen horribly short of its intended population if you think its doing well your sorely mistaken its NOT, go take take a look at the WOW server browser and then this game's server browser and then look up how much money has been spent making this game, then look up failure.


    Live dynamic events is a way to make the user feel like they are in a highly active and busy environment, it shows caring and attention from the developers to both the top geared 55 and level 1 noob alike. it creats a sense of spontaneity and excitement to get involved with these things WHILE THEY'RE HAPPENING. Yes its not really all that much for most part beyond treats for the attentive but its called posotive reinforcement and above all benefits the most important player to us, the NEWBS! you think i really want these things at 55? i just want to see direct involvement by the developers the point is to keep the leveling newbies interested and excited while the trudge towards the endgame content that we enjoy.


    Sure i enjoy the gree event, the bounty broker thing, things like that but why are they so rare? i mean were paying for this can they not be bothered? whats to stop the gree being on a daily bases? then the ship just takes off and npcs and orbs and boxes and crystals don't re-spawn, . why isnt a dread guard cruiser flying over kaas city and dropping a ton of HKs down each day, wheres Revan? this galaxy is in a permanent stalemate and doing nothing when it could be in a raging war but there are no attacks, no surprises, no bonuses, the player base might be alive but the GAME that we occupy is totally and utterly dead and forgotten.


    and GSF is a joke, a clone of starconflict as someone already said, i didnt care for that game why would i care about this one, even makeb is dead, they add the content and leave us to it so what? thats the builders of this theme park now where the hell are the organizers? all i see is gift shops.

  16. Yes i get that sometimes we get expansions but that's not what im talking about at all and if anything they feel like an occasional cooky to keep us quiet, something they can just throw in and forget about, they aren't actually organizing or really animating the galaxy to its full potential or any potential, the world doesn't breath, it doesn't move, nothing happens except NPCs re spawning after we kill em. what events we do get is a feeble example of what should be happening all the time. end of the day im paying a sub to repeat the same content over and over. I dont expect BW to constantly add new content thats absurd i do however eexpect them to play with that content as organisers of the game as much as they expect us to play it.


    And if i were to look at it from a PVE'ers point of view it is shameful how little that is done, again im not going to cite other games or mods of other games(advertising) but compared to these other games iv tried this game doesnt even begin to involve the player with the game world but im a PVPer so what i don't get in those games is balance hence im still here but by the skin of my teeth's interest. i could go on but hopefully you see what i mean and if your happy with what the game is giving you then fine but when you log back in see many players are inactive in your guild and tell me your in a majority.

  17. And it has done for a long loong time since before free2play and while i am looking forwards to new games in 2014 (ESO/Wildstar/Titanfall/etc) i would certainly rather stay on SW:TOR but not if it remains as it is, IMO it needs the event to be happening faaar more frequently, and i don't just mean the gree, the bounty hunter thing, double XP days that might or might not be happening every often enough to not care about any of them, but there isn't even any daily events to hightail it round the galaxy to. When im playing other MMOs or even multiplayer MODs "that shall not be named" its like every 2 hours something happens for me to plan my evening for as well as big weekend things. i come to this and its just que for warzones, grind daily's, im a PVPer mostly so that's kind of it for me and even then my daily's are souly for the sake of stims. I mean there could be so much more going on in the game if someone just organized it.


    :2 hours of valor and bolster in outlaws den

    :raid bosses attacking kaas city or even the FLEET

    :NPC invasions of random friendly zones

    :double XP drop in/drop out Open space combat

    :Mining events like 2 hours of awesome drops in specific places like again kaas city and so on

    :2 hours of faster crafting

    :Po'Companion'mon load into arenas with ur companion and u can only control their quick-bars

    :Pet-Hunts (and realy they need to be respawning when their available who the hell re-clicks them after every Ops just sayin)

    :2 hours of PVE coms drop-chance in certain places

    :gambling on naar shaddar (i also seem to remember a droid race back in the day)

    : tickets to load into ranked arenas as a spectator in spectator boxes (grey out quick bars)

    :add a form of bolster and access to coruscation for imps and DK for pubs lowbies can insta-gib their enemy's for 2 hours but also have 55 enemy players spawning in random areas, will you defend your own young-lings or invade?

    : hunt down Revan (he is hiding somewhere in the galaxy as a world boss, find him and call for re reinforcements, defeat him for rewards) once u target him he throws up a shield that requires a 30 man group to beat lowby worlds could bolster any player in the fight perhapse?


    there is soo much potential for spontaneity in the galaxy that just is not happening and Im sure bioware could invent hundreds of these things and just being around for these things would give allot of players who like myself are becoming bored with the same routine day in day out, the game feels almost totally written off with a few token events once in a blue moon instead of a regular bases maybe just because the devs have nothing better to do or EA just dont think its worth paying them to organise these things and if they don't care why should we? even the facebook page has more events than this game does how sad is that? why cant the gree land for 2 days of the week every 2 weeks ilum is totally dead for the second week of the last 2, same with the bounty thing, same with double XP weekends i mean in all seriousness bioware do you want people to play this game or not?


    EDIT: TLDR: Yes i mean this game needs more live dynamic events to bring the galaxy to life, including making use of the slowly added content.

  18. Ive had this argument before on POT5 server, the fact is that whether you like it or not MMOs are rock paper scissors orientated, why? because you have a role specific to every class, its about team work and being good at your own role in the game. besides not everyone is a DPSer, you ever saw a madness sorc fight a healer op?
  19. If there was no gear grind, pvp would be a useless venture since commendations wouldn't do anything. Not everyone finds enjoyment in the sheer aspect of pvp, there needs to be a reason to do it.


    Without it, pvp probably wouldn't exist.


    Why do you even play video games? or breath? im deadly serious here as well, what your saying is you spend your spare time and money on something you don't enjoy just to get a sense of superiority and accomplishment, i got news for you buddy, getting geared in video games is no accomplishment by anyone's standards in any context at all its not even a reward its just a hurdle, an inconvenience and i feel deeply sorry for you if that's what your life has been reduced to, i for one would like think the majority of players play PVP for the enjoyment of facing off against players and mastering their class over others. What you have just typed demonstrates that people are coming into PVP, waiting in line till their geared, and expecting to have their happy meal-free kill served to them. that's not PVP bro, that's grind vs grind your not even being rewarded with anything other than playing more OFTEN than others, you would think that actual personal experience would give enough advantage but i know that's living in dream world every time i see 55s with high valor rushing the far node on novara coast instead of attacking healers but that another gripe altogether.

  20. I've made a shorter more to the point version which I can reproduce below




    • At launch, expertise was 15% across the board - clearly meant for an advantage for those who have pvp gear. No expertise bolster at all.
    • By 1.2, expertise was recurved on the DR because people would only do BM/rakata hybrids. This change shows that they want people to do full pvp gear.
    • By 2.0, expertise was recurved into its linear DR today. It was ambiguous as to which was better - power or exp crystals. Bioware clearly wants us stacking pvp gear to get an edge over our opponents.



    • At launch, bolster did not look at expertise. It was only used to bolster ability ranks, effective level (so lv 10s can hit lv 50s and not resist everything), hp, general stats, etc.
    • By 1.2, bolster looked at expertise I'm pretty sure (can't remember :p), because in 1.2 expertise went up to 22/18/12 percentish as far as dps/DR/healing goes. Clearly meant to even the playing field.
    • By 2.0, expertise is now fully bolstered and has no real use. From launch to 2.0, the bolster has evened the playing field to the point where expertise is useless.


    IKR but people in the full obroan still have an edge, if balance is so important to BW that they will put this bolster system in, why is there an Edge over it? why dont i just grind out the top PVE gear im shure it takes as long but at least i can stand up in HMs or just dance through dailys.

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