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Everything posted by WoodChipper

  1. I have completed one space mission. I am a level 41 inquisitor. No need to play them really.
  2. My server had 62 people on last night at 9pm. Thats peak hours. 62 people.
  3. The free to play until a certain level is a good idea. Probably level 15 or 20. That will attract more people.
  4. I am currently on a mega server. Right now there is 4 people on the entire server.
  5. I believe it may be Anturi Reach. I am on right now as a lvl 41 Inquisitor. But there is only 4 people on the entire server. Yes, only 4. There was 62 last night at the most. If you think your server has less people then post here. I really if any server is less populated than mine.
  6. I agree with you about server merges not transfers and stuff to do on the side. Maybe a planet like geonosis that could have the arena. They could throw a podrace on there ala episode 1 racer and you could bet credits on it.
  7. I'm a level 5 light side sith and after level 15 it seems to make no difference in story or in anything else besides what sabers i can use.
  8. If you have only gotten 1 character to 50 then you are missing out. Make a character on the other faction and enjoy completely new places and stories.
  9. lolz my l33t sources say 1.3 is in june and 1.4 is in late august/early september
  10. I am on Anturi Reach which has the lowest pop so almost any standard server will be a blessing.
  11. Why are you just sitting on fleet? Go do something.
  12. You are correct. If it weren't for Blizzard, Bioware would of never even considered using both Imperials and the Republic. /sarcasm
  13. When I realized if I left my Sith Inq at the cantina when I logged out that I would get double xp.
  14. Speed... Now that is a whole other afternoon
  15. It's really a better way to gather info rather than read everyones I quit on bioware letters.
  16. They completely ignored the question regarding if the vendors would come back
  17. Increase the level cap by 5 or 10 Next chapter of all classes storylines A few more flashpoints More worlds like Hoth and Tatooine and less like Quesh
  18. I have an idea. While it may not be brilliant I am sure some will agree or like it. What would you think if when you went to log into SWTOR an optional poll was available to do. It would be 10-20 questions and would ask questions such as... What is the thing you would like to see in a future update? When during the week would you like the weekly patch to happen? Would you suggest this game to your friends? Explain your answer etc etc... All of the questions would have 4 or 5 answers along with the other option where you could get 150 characters to say whatever it is you want. What do you think? Please talk as if you were face to face with these people on the forum and not as a big man behind the keyboard.
  19. If you dont play at least 1 imp character and 1 rep character then you are missing out
  20. Im on anturi reach and we have 60 people on the imperial side during primetime lol
  21. Like - The voiceovers and story Tatooine and Hoth Companions that are not worthless Dislike - Missions all feel the same Low population Linear gameplay
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