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Everything posted by WoodChipper

  1. I would appreciate a few more options. Especially orange, purple, black, and white. They could get really "crazy" and have pink or teal sabers.
  2. Why is it that people wanna change factions? As people in the Navy say "choose your rate, choose your fate". Same thing applies here with factions and whatnot.
  3. I love Star Wars and I always wanted to try an MMO so here I am. Been playing since March and I am about to resub for another 3 months.
  4. If there is an option to pay monthly for access to everything then I will continue to play till I am bored.
  5. Thats good. Especially the part where they cant talk on general chat.
  6. The more slots seem like an easy addition.
  7. I agree that a day/night cycle would be great as an addition.
  8. How is this working? I understand the basics but are these free players allowed to join any server? Can they get a ship and go to all the planets? Can they have someone carry them through all of their story missions?
  9. Chipper Legacy Woodchipper (Chipper) Inquisitor Axeman (Chipper) Trooper
  10. pics or it didnt happen
  11. LOL I thought I got suspended or something. Glad to see its just BW being BW.
  12. If you are recruiting for your guild, please avoid long messages on general chat. I feel like I am being sold something that I have no need for.
  13. I have been playing since late march and I enjoy doing one character at a time.
  14. It is not a weak class. If you play it wrong or equip your character wrong then you will be beat.
  15. Well the gameplay is different. Instead of shocking and bashing every enemy I fight, I am now shooting them and not using force powers. Also its the brand new areas that makes it feel like brand new content.
  16. I played through the entire Sith Inquisitor story and reached level 50 (story was really good for inquisitor). Now I have enrolled my second character (republic trooper) and let me tell you it feels like an expansion pack (lots of new content) to the game. Has anyone else had this experience or am I alone?
  17. Yes I do understand shift work. I am in the Navy and work 7pm-7am so It affects me also. But I also am not whining and I understand why they choose the times they do.
  18. Its happening between 3am - 5am eastern standard time and 12am - 2am pacific standard time. If this is during "prime time" for you then jump on MMO made in your country. But it makes sense Bioware does maint. during the times they choose.
  19. Well it is an american game run in america so it shouldn't be a surprise when it has maint. during slowest part of the night in america. Also it is only 2 hours so chill out.
  20. I would highly recommend transferring. Everything is much better.
  21. For PVE go to Correllian Run and for PVP try the Fatman.
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