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Everything posted by Chrisweaver

  1. They had 3 healers that were doing over 700k heals. Unless the team he is in is a premade who knows how to focus fire they aren't going to be killing many people. They ended up winning so good for him. Good job OP you made em pay
  2. Someone's sarcastic radar is broken.
  3. For the past 2-3 hours there have been solo pops with a wait of no more than 10 min.
  4. That is exactly what I said.. It is any less than 58 that will ruin your expertise. The 1900 expertise comes from not wearing your relics
  5. If you do then you have significantly less expertise. The expertise you get from 58 and about with augs is in the 1900s and above. If you use less than that you maay be getting higher health but you will be in the 1800 expertise range. Edit: this may just be the case with certain classes. I only know this to be the case with the last 3 classes I've played. The assassin the mercenary and the juggernaut
  6. Once you hit level 50 if you are wearing anything below grade 58(rakata) your health will be at 25k. If your gear is not augmented you will only be bolstered to about 26k. With augments and lvl 52/53 gear your character will be bolstered to 28k. Side note. Bolster pre 55 has made it so you can only make your 54 so strong. Purple lvl 53 implants will give you less expertise than their blue counterparts. Also in order to get the full 28k health you must be using relics with augments. This means having a high enough ligh/dark side points. I suggest taking diplomacy if you want to take full advantage of relics while leveling.
  7. Bolster gives conquer and obroan about 100 bonus dmg....
  8. I only started Queuing arenas on my sorc 3 weeks ago after naming him my official main but I've been playing sorc for about a year and a half (valor 100) so I know a thing or two about sorcs. One benefit our class has in solo queue especially is our group utility. In a group of 4 dps you have the advantage of starting your team off with static barriers. These become crucial in games where there are no offheals available. Because we are a light armored class with interruptable abilities and offheals we are the first person targeted. The good news is we know we will be targeted first so plan your strategies around that. For example I was in an orbital station facing 4 mauraders (2 rage 2 carnage) vs me a merc and I forget what else. So the merc came up with a plan to use me as bait. So I wondered out into the middle of the arena way ahead of my group looking like a total noob. The enemy mauraders saw me and all charged at me determined to wipe me out. However at the moment all 4 mauraders jumped to me the plan was hatched. I popped my force barrier while my team unloaded all their aoes on my location. Because they had all just used their leap and my team was far enough the enemy could not escape and took devastating losses in health. Now not every team is going to be suckered in that easily but the concept is important. Make yourself an obstacle for your enemy. Make them pay by dotting them up and letting the clock run down on your enemy while they expend time and energy chasing you. I've noticed lately (even on my team -_-) a lot of noobs get tired of chasing the sorc and attack another target. This is where our H2F abilities shine as a quick bubble and a dark heal and any hope of killing that other person before he kills you is shot. Games with a healer gimp me a little but it is manageable. The first thing I look at is whether or not the other team has a sorc (dps, if it is a healer they lost already). If there is not a sorc you still have an advantage of the static barrier on your teammates meaning you can take the fight to them I'm the beginning of the match. Other than that it's a test of skill and ccs. Now sorc heeeealers are a whole other story. Sorc healers should not queue for arenas. Its unfortunate Op has been the official healers since 2.0. Innervate needs to be uninterruptible and consumption fixed. A healer should not have to kill himself to get energy. Using consumption in a arena is tantamount to killing yourself. But I can only cry about it so much without affect so I will let someone else do my job I guess.
  9. Back on the day(a year and a half ago) I leveled my sorc as a healer through pvp only. I took a looked at the dps trees and said that didn't look like it was for me. I ended up getting to 94 valor brings purely a healer. After the announcement of 2.0 I stopped playing my sorc because of the amount of healer ops taking my job. I just reached 100 valor last week but I've turned into a dps now and am enjoying that quite a bit. Anyway sorcs are great leveling healers. They have some of the strongest heals pre 55 and you will learn a lot about how to Line of sight your enemy and how to look inconspicuous. Edited the bold
  10. Qft I wish I could queue Hutball all day. Looking forward to the new one.
  11. Oricon was a pretty happening place these last two days with usually 40-80 imps there. Definitely a good deal of open world pvp. A good warm up for this upcoming event on alderaan..
  12. I happened to meet with the director of EA. He told me and my friends basically the same thing. I'm addicted to this game is pretty much like crack for me so I'm not quitting though. I couldn't record the whole convo but here is what I could get.
  13. Chrisweaver

    Holy ****

    Well that's cool finally
  14. Grenades are what keeps my merc and sorc up when I am getting jumped. Don't cry about them. One thing you always need to be expecting is to be cc'ed. If you see someone and they see you expect that they are about to cc you and cc them first. Also using grenades while leveling is called being prepared. While leveling up you need to learn when the best time to disrupt your enemies is. You will also need learn how to get yourself out of sticky situations. Also while you are leveling you may not have the amount of ccs that the enemy team has, grenades are the best way to make up for that.
  15. They moderate the forums. I said that wildstar looked homosexual in that who exodus thread and it got deleted by the moderators lol
  16. Pt hybrid "tanks" in reg wzs. I can understand doing it in a rated arena where it is basically required. But in regs you are just being a douche. Plus I lvled my pt tank a true tank and now these new dps pts can be tanks. Dam it, they took my job! http://youtu.be/G07szNm_5Jk
  17. Hahahah I have done this once or twice
  18. I am an alt aholic and I leveled my last 3 characters purely from wzs. It's not as fast doing story but its lots of fun if you love pvp. The wz comms you get can be traded in for planetary comms. (Bolster tip, if you want the best stats just go for the high main stat mods and armorings. You can be 3 lvls behind and you were be bolsters to right stats.) also augment all your gear of you reeeally want to have fun. Just remember they more you gear yourself I'm lowbees the more ahead of the curve and the more OP you will be compared to everyone else. You will also learn a lot about your class in pvp scenarios that will come I'm handy later on
  19. I am interested where this will be I'm the skill tree. I am hoping this will take subversions place but still give us the 30% force regen and only cost 1 skill point. If they take put the force regen from there I will be a saaaad panda.
  20. All full spec tanks are pretty much balanced endgame. However the PT has a hybrid spec that let's them do major dps, have 50% dmg reduction, plus use a guard.
  21. Hmm well it's a good step. Hopefully Sorc healers can get some love too we will see
  22. I will not hold my breath but I would definitely love this feature. I would play hutball all day
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