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Everything posted by pegasussgc

  1. I'm not sure I understand you correctly. Are you under the impression you lose abilities when you are downscaled? If so, that is not true. Only your stats are downscaled.
  2. Probably more than likely just making sure they were 100% confident it was going to be implemented when KoTFE launches before announcing it.
  3. No...your gear still works just fine. Set bonuses (passives) and stuff will work. All this was shown in the stream.
  4. Definitely not signed. I actually will be able to group with my lowbie friends on my higher level alts without taking away the gameplay experience from them.
  5. What content does level-syncing remove? I don't mean content intended and designed for groups.
  6. What other value is there for old gear schematics besides cosmetics anyway?
  7. Just hyperbolic nonsense, all of it. The majority of that stuff is intended for groups anyway. As for not being able to kill a korslug on Korriban, did you not even watch the stream? You get scaled to the highest level intended for content on that planet, you will still be able to solo heroics and kill korslugs just fine. Musco didn't have any trouble doing a heroic on DK.
  8. I agree, seriously cannot think of any other downsides. I don't know what the big deal is.
  9. Good, I don't think it needs to be optional. What possible purpose does being able to 1-shot every thing on lowbie planets serve? The lower planets actually will have some replay-ability now.
  10. Good argument there...care to elaborate? What are the downsides to level sync? Because I haven't seen any yet.
  11. There are so many awesome QoL changes/improvements in KoTFE. This latest live stream really got me excited for it.
  12. How about something simple, like "Flurry". Similar to KOTOR. edit: oops, person above me said it already.
  13. My advice, don't look at gaming as a waste of time if you enjoy it. Put it into the category as fun and go from there. If you find other stuff more fun, then do that stuff instead. There's this view of video games that some people have where they believe it is a waste of time. I only find that to be the case if you don't enjoy it or get addicted and let it interfere with your professional life.
  14. Ahsoka wore shoes: http://orig09.deviantart.net/a214/f/2012/237/1/e/ahsoka_render_03_by_trdaz-d5cc60o.png http://i.imgur.com/Azfsz0d.jpg That is canon.
  15. The pentium g3258 is going to perform pretty closely to the i3, and better already than the FX-6300. So I wouldn't upgrade. Just buy a new GPU, maybe a GTX 960 if you can, but a 750 ti or 950 ti (rumored to be releasing soon) will be plenty for this game. Edit: unless of course you play a lot of newer games, than I'd go for the i3 or better yet an i5.
  16. There are a couple of options. 1. Build a PC - Here's an example build that would work well: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/pegasus912/saved/V7VgXL at $750, here's another at $1000 http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KcTWsY 2. Buy a pre-made, this is going to be less ideal but if you have the money it should be fine. You can try originpc, mainpower or something like that. It's going to be considerably more expensive than building your own, but it's an option.
  17. I think it should change, I just see giving companions gifts over and over to be grindy. But we do need to see how the companion system will work come KotFE before we know what to expect.
  18. Wait...they are taking out the operations, flashpoints, heroics and making this an offline game?
  19. Out of the two, Sith Warrior is my favorite. I think the moment it hit me was on Tatooine, where I feel SW has the best story for that planet out of all the classes. The companions seem more fun for SW also imo.
  20. Don't worry about accuracy until level 55+. It isn't a huge factor when leveling.
  21. We have all these older ops just sitting there doing nothing. With KoTFE we're going to see all of it scaled for level 65 and many of the FPs available to lower levels. I see this rescaling solution as a fantastic move, as many, many new players will have a reason to enjoy this content that currently hardly ever gets played. EC, KP, EV, along with FP's like Kaon under siege and Lost island are really enjoyable with compelling stories. I guess there's no point to this thread but to voice my opinion, and maybe inject some positivity into all this negativity. My hope is that this will bring more people into raiding, some will be awful at first...but they will improve.
  22. You are not the only one, I too am excited about KoTFE.
  23. The people who use the forums (myself included) are a really small minority of the playerbase. I don't think much can be read into the number of threads popping up over this new blog post. I'm quite happy to have a reason to play those old ops again, as I wasn't around (along with a huge portion of the playerbase, I would wager) when they were first released. So they've always been faceroll for me, hopefully that changes.
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