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Everything posted by pegasussgc

  1. I think any petition or poll done through this website will only give skewed results. Those of us on the forums are usually a very small minority of the games population, and a much more involved minority at that.
  2. From what I understand it is a big seller.
  3. I'm excited about KoTFE, but I don't agree with what you said right there. If the group content is more difficult and/or time consuming, there is not reason why it shouldn't reward more.
  4. Everyone is entitled to carve out their own enjoyment from the game. If people like SM ops so they can meet new people or take some newbies through their first op while seeing the story content, then they should be able to. I understand that people who have this stuff on farm mode will get bored, but let's face it...they were going to burn through new ops and get bored at some point too. The farm mode heroes will have that chance, but we're getting story content and new reasons to play the backlog of older ops first.
  5. There is no way to satisfy everyone. Best you can do is to try and satisfy mostly everyone.
  6. I want rescaled content. I'm not saying I don't want new content, of course I do but I also want more than 2 ops that drop relevant gear. This is a good start imo, it is building a foundation of end game content instead of making older ops irrelevant everytime new ones (with lvl cap raises) are released.
  7. I have no idea why people use third-party antivirus on home machines. All you need is Microsoft Security Essentials (built into Windows 8/8.1 as Defender) and Malwarebytes. Just use common sense when browsing **** and torrent sites and you'll be fine.
  8. 1. I have like 30 characters and I plan on doing more. 2. I have done agent 3 times, and I plan on doing it again. 3. I love the Consular story, even though a lot of other people seem to hate it. That's about all I can think of right now.
  9. Coruscant is my current favorite, but DK is close. Nar Shaddaa is pretty good too, but I don't really use it. I want a Manaan stronghold the most, and that seems like what many others want to. Though it will probably never happen, I would love a ilum stronghold, it is probably my favorite planet in the game. The beautiful night sky and snowy landscape.
  10. Yeah every time I visit Manaan in Swtor the music just brings me back to KOTOR 1. I love it.
  11. I have to agree with the OP here also. I actually liked SoR my first time through, but after taking several characters through I find it's like hitting a big brick wall for me. The XP is fine, but it's the fighting over objectives (especially on Yavin) that really annoys me. I hope they don't have KotFE built the same way, where I have to wait for 5 minutes for something to respawn, only to have some idiot jump in and grab it as soon it does. I usually just log off and try again later after that, but it's always busy on Harbinger.
  12. Your problem is the AMD cpu. This game needs good single-threaded performance, the kind you can only get with an Intel cpu, at least until AMD releases Zen next year. I don't know your budget, but here is a good $572 PC build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/wq8DdC That core i3 will destroy ANY AMD processor in single-threaded performance and can easily be upgraded to an i5-i7 when you get extra money.
  13. I don't get the confusion. The 1-60 game will still exist (although streamlined - most likely xp buffs and what not) as it does today, 60+ will consist of the story that will be rolled out in KOTFE. You won't lose any of your alts, strongholds, or gear. Obviously you wouldn't lose Treek either, as you could just go to collections and get the contract again and reclaim her.
  14. The only way there will ever be some semblance of balance would, as someone else has already mentioned in this thread, be if there were different ability "modes" for PVE and PVP. Sure you would have to adapt a bit coming from PVE to PVP or vice versa, but that is so much better than having classes that aren't viable at all end game.
  15. I did a little more research, and here's a $375 PC that will run Swtor at 1080P no problems: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/pegasus912/saved/fw4v6h Not as much of an upgrade path as the $457 build I posted earlier, but then again this is cheaper if you really can't afford that extra money. Again buy Windows from: http://www.reddit.com/r/microsoftsoftwareswap - it is legit, no worries. If you need a monitor they can be found pretty cheap as well. And if you're not sure about building a PC here's a good, quick guide: It really is easier than it looks.
  16. You're going to struggle to play swtor with either one of those laptops. I highly recommend a desktop since it's much more cost effective. For example: This is a very cheap ($457), starter build for a gaming PC with a potential future upgrade path. It will run swtor at 1920x1080 maxed out 60fps no problems. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/pegasus912/saved/9QHD4D Get your WIndows 7 or 8 here for cheap: http://www.reddit.com/r/microsoftsoftwareswap However, if you must have a laptop here are some options in your price range: http://www.walmart.com/ip/40100005?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227027792948&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=46539864632&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=52739694008&veh=sem This one looks better: http://us-store.acer.com/aspire-v5-552p-x404-touch-notebook?utm_campaign=cj_affiliate_sale&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=4109053-7488622&utm_content=VikingCC-12102890&utm_term=12102890&cjid=7488622 These laptops aren't ideal for gaming, but that is the best I can find in your price range. They will be fine at 1366x768.
  17. I was looking at the Alienware alpha when it came out, looks great. While I usually prefer to build my own PC, the idea of a gaming computer that small is very enticing. Thanks for taking the time to make a video!
  18. It would be nice, ESO also uses the modified Hero engine (I actually think it's completely reworked). Although it was in alpha when it was adopted by SWTOR if I recall correctly. So even if they could just update the Hero engine to bring it somewhere inline with ESO, perhaps with DX 12 support. I know it's a long shot, but we can dream.
  19. Technically it would be fine, but I wouldn't recommend it. Swtor, like many MMO's rely heavily on single-threaded performance which an AMD cpu just isn't good enough at right now. I would recommend a Intel Core i5 such as: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116942&cm_re=intel_core_i5-_-19-116-942-_-Product It is a little more expensive but it will be a massive performance improvement. Even a Core i3 would be fine for Swtor, but the i5 will be good for other, more modern games.
  20. That CPU is fine...and 8gb of RAM is considered to be the sweet spot for gaming these days. Obviously if you're doing rendering or other intensive non-gaming work than you'll want more than 8gb. To the OP: I'm not sure what the problem is then, I've seen lots of complaints about the UI causing lag lately. That could be related, but it's hard to say from here. Hopefully it works out, maybe a clean install of SWTOR (after exhausting all other troubleshooting) would do the trick?
  21. If you're going to get a new monitor, I would just get a 1440p monitor if you absolutely want higher than 1080p. Make sure it has G-SYNC also. A 760 Ti may be able to handle SWTOR at that resolution at around 30fps (SWTOR is poorly optimized, but isn't that graphically intensive). Even the best GPUs on the market struggle with 4K, and it could be another year or two before we see single GPUs that can handle 4K games at 60fps+.
  22. A gtx 750 ti is more than enough to run this game on Ultra. To the OP, I'd recommend using a driver cleaner program and then re-install latest Nvidia drivers. I have an EVGA GTX 750 ti 2gb SC edition and have no issues. Just for reference my full specs are: Core i7-4770 @ 3.4ghz 12gb RAM 2 TB Hard Drive Windows 8.1 Pro And to help narrow down the issues, what other games do you play, at what settings, and how do they run?
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