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Everything posted by platinumruggo

  1. I've seen a lot of your videos and I always wondered... why exactly are your toolbars off screen like that? I'm pretty sure you know your keybinds like the back of your hand but damn. Anyway, love the videos bro. Keep them coming.
  2. Yeah concealment ops got hit with a huge damage nerf, so we're not nearly as strong as we used to be. Considering that our opener, hidden strike, is needed to really max out our damage rotation. PVE takes that away pretty much all of the time due to how missions are structured with after exiting the conversations and immediately fighting. You can't stealth out because it just resets the people's health and that's no bueno. It sucks too because I never got a chance to really experience op damage before 2.0 hit. I had an op, but rerolled it into a sniper and made an op MUCH later after 2.0 hit. I've seen videos pre 2.0 with ops pretty much hitting like trucks but hey...
  3. I have been on the receiving and giving end of a premade loss and win. I can honestly say that I don't understand people who are against premades in anyway. I pug about.. 85% of the time I queue, I lose a lot more matches than I win mainly due to my team. It might come off as cocky, but it isn't. I main an op, I used to do concealment all the time until I decided that coming out on top dps with only like 370k damage while everyone else are playing better classes and getting less numbers than me, wasn't a good use of my time. Played with some really cool people about a week ago, joined a guild, started doing premades pretty often. Definitely the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. Being able to go from losing about 60% of my matches to about 30% is a huge boost. Premades have an advantage over pugs, especially if they communicate, are good at their class and so on and so forth. There are multiple factors in this argument, not just one reliable source to pool from. Premades don't want to NOT be able to queue with friends, pugs get tired of getting crushed by premades. However, no one is stopping pugs from forming premades or premades from queuing solo, so wherein does the problem lay exactly? Are people just simply complaining to just complain or is there some validity to their argument? I can wholeheartedly say that if more people got on around the time I normally play, I would premade 100% of the time. Hell, even though I premade more, me and my group still don't win ALL of our matches, and I'm okay with that, I'd get bored if that were the case. I suppose the point I'm trying to get across is pugs shouldn't try to stop people from grouping up and actually ENJOYING themselves with their friends. Even if a premade is good, if their other four teammates are trash, it'll be pretty difficult to win even for good premades. I've come back from potential losses against good premades mainly because my team decided to actually step up and stop being bad and help. It's all about preference I believe. Stop complaining, group up or just continue to play solo and get crushed. Your choice.
  4. I'm loving Treek a lot more than I thought I would. Disappointed though that her gear is so low, but I'll cope. Thanks guys.
  5. These things are damn near impossible to get. Not to mention the damn slicing missions on my server are going for 100k... **** man, just make these crits more accessible.
  6. I would say it should at least drop you into combat, not break you out of stealth. That would leave HS basically useless in some situations.
  7. I busted out laughing so *********** hard at the bolded.
  8. I'm glad someone finally updated this VERY outdated guide. Thank you good sir.
  9. What's killing this game is the sheer amount of complaining you people do. Seriously, I bet everyone at Bioware looks at the PvP forums for laughs at lunch and thinks "Wow, these people whine like children who didn't get what they want for their birthday." PvP was miserable for new people wanting to try it out once they dinged 50 before 2.0. Granted, Bioware dropped the ball, HARD, when 2.0 was released, naked bolster, augment glitches, etc... However they have since fixed most of the problems and PvP for 55 is actually enjoyable. I have primarily PvP'd since about January of this year and I would never PvP at 50 since it was horrendous. At least more and more people ARE PvP'ing because of bolster, which results in faster queue times for everyone. Yes the people are terrible but hell, with all your aug'd out conq gear and your obviously superior skill, these people should be no problem to kill right?
  10. I laughed way harder than i should at this.
  11. I know I'll get crucified but I'll choose A. I have been pvping in this game for a long time, and I absolutely despised 50 pvp because of the fact that recruit was **** and i was tired of people in better gear beating me just because they played more. I know, I'm such a kriffing noob, sue me. After 2.0, there were bugs and it took a while to be fixed but hell I actually enjoy 55 pvp a lot. I even have mostly all partisan gear with four conqueror items. This never would've happened prior to 2.0. I mainly pve'd when I first got this game but pvp has become something i mainly do when i log in and it works. I believe where it counts, like ranked, there shouldn't be bolster. But for regs, keep it. Anyone who WANTS an advantage over someone in a video game just so they can continue to shred noobs doesn't have any skill whatsoever. Sorry, not sorry.
  12. Go for power, people say that crit's DR is pretty low/high (don't know how people calculate it) so you'll end up getting less crit the more you put in. Power will increase the damage your attacks do so stack up on that.
  13. Just because this guy in this video was able to retain a little under half of his energy from rolling to the ball does not mean that other ops do it the same way. I've seen people do nothing but roll straight to the ball and have no energy left to do anything, and obviously if they use AP then they'll be waiting another 2 minutes for that to come off CD. For what purpose? To get to the ball first? If anyone is smart enough, they'll mop the floor with the op when they get to the ball. I've seen it happen and I'm sure other people have seen it happen. OP roll is not OP whatsoever, it expends 1/4th of the energy everytime it's used. Not to mention if it's abused, you're LEFT OUT OF ENERGY lol. This guy in the video was able to manage it by not abusing it, good for him.
  14. You sir, have won the internet.
  15. Considering ops are completely OUT of energy after 4 rolls, it isn't that game breaking. If you're good you can catch an op right when they vanish. No problem here, move on.
  16. My rig is pretty much ***** honestly. I have a amd 6770 graphics card, 8 gigs of ram, pretty crap MB. i have a 2.6 ghz processor, i OC'd it to 2.9 and it helped the performance by a slight margin. Not by much though. Like I said, I run 9-17 frames in WZ's on average. Once I do get the money saved up, i'll just build a new rig.
  17. Definitely the IA. I had heard everyone talking about how good it was for months but had never played one due to the fact I was a saber jockey for a long time. I decided to play it and gawd damn, it's way too good. My friend seems to think that the trooper story line is the best, to each his own I suppose.
  18. As many bugs as bolster had when it was redesigned in 2.0, it definitely made me PvP more. I pvp'd a decent amount before 2.0 but after it, I definitely started to 55 pvp and it was fun. I despised 50 pvp before 2.0, it might be fun for some of you to get trashed and trashed because your gear isn't good enough for weeks on end just to grind out some gear to compete... But not everyone wants to sit there and do that, and that is where the problem lay. I don't mind getting creamed because the player I was facing was BETTER than me in every possible way. However, when I get creamed because he spent more time than me grinding out gear, that's just idiotic. A lot of people have left this game saying the PvP is lacking, yet no one actually provides any concise solutions to fix them. Most people I see on these forums create badly worded forum posts about how bolster sucks and give everyone recruit gear again so I can stomp them in my fully aug'd conq gear or whatever, it's just pitiful. Prior to 2.0, once I got a toon to 50, I stopped pvping on it, I just created a new alt and pvp'd on it instead because I hated 50 pvp and how elitist it felt. Post 2.0, I can get into a wz and CONTRIBUTE and actually help my team win, instead of getting trashed.
  19. I wouldn't remove the cost, so much as reducing it. There's no reason it should cost so much energy just to apply the damn effect.
  20. Yeah the out of combat mechanic needs to be fixed, I've waited several minutes to get out of combat just so I can rejoin the action or try to ninja cap or whatever, this is unacceptable. Congratulations on being elected good sir, hopefully we can get the proper issues evaluated so ops using the dps specs can be viable.
  21. I agree with the slight cooldown on AB, even though it already has one, but at least make the effects of AB last longer so that it would justify the added cool down of this ability so people just don't spam it.
  22. Yeah forgot about them, also it wouldn't be adding something just for the sake of adding it. It'd actually help with certain specs. Like they could reduce certain things that makes healing ops so "OP" as 98% of the community calls it and then add a stance that allows for some of it to be gained back but at significantly lower rates. Or for concealment since it has energy issues, either change stim boost back to the way it was before 2.0, because lets be honest, who cares about better alacrity after using it? It's really only there for the free TA. Anyway, add a stance that would boost energy management for concealment and lethality or help out with poison effects or something. Each stance is beneficial to a certain spec so why not let op/scoundrels and sage/sorcs have it? They'd also need to be reduced in some way to actually make it so a stance is actually necessary.
  23. I only roll whenever I need to vanish out of combat, other than that I don't use it too often. I don't trust my teammates enough to roll all the way to the ball in HB and throw it back so that's out of the question lol. I only use sever tendon when I need to stop an enemy from leaving prematurely, it may be an issue on my part. I might have to change my rotation a bit to help with this. if anyone has any tips for me, I'm all ears.
  24. Funny, I had viewed this video a little while ago before I looked in the op forums and to see it's yours... just ironic. Your gameplay is really good though, I must admit. I can't wait to get the money together for a better rig so I can stop running at 9-15 frames in a wz and can actually do all of this stuff without everything bugging out. Also before anyone makes a comment, swtor's graphics settings are horrible. I run almost the same amount of frames when I run everything on high as opposed to everything on low.
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