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Everything posted by platinumruggo

  1. I play an op and we definitely do not have as many stuns as you say we do. Debilitate and flash bang, one of these breaks on damage which happens almost instantly in an intense fire fight. In fact, what class has MORE than 2 stuns?
  2. I know me personally playing on my mid level op, I've done close to half someones health before with the hidden strike and back stab combo, although i don't have AB yet so i have to substitute corrosive dart for it, sucks but it works. I've never taken anyone down to 30% health though, maybe i need to watch more op videos.
  3. Planetary comms are worthless if you don't have a Cybertech toon or like 5 million on each toon. You can buy mods, armorings and all that good stuff from the planet vendors, it'll save you money since people over charge for their ****.
  4. I originally came to this game for the PvE, although like many others, I would've loved KOTOR 3 over this but that's neither here nor there. Why is PVE such a burden to do for some of you? I've gravitated more towards PvP in the past 5 months or so and am enjoying it, but the PvE really isn't as bad as some of you make it out to be.
  5. There can be one canon, but that doesn't matter that other storylines CAN'T exist right?
  6. platinumruggo


    This is my first MMO, and when I started playing for real last April I've been key binding from the start. It just makes things a LOT easier. But people are different so why argue?
  7. I suppose it just depends on the quality of the players on your server really. I have done quite a few games at 55 on my vanguard and I don't find myself dying extremely fast. But like I said, quality of players and other factors enter the situation. I figure now that since every team has like 6 healers that no one should be dying lol.
  8. Honestly, I don't quite understand WHY some of you are so AGAINST pve grinding... Like it's there for a reason. Most of you are choosing to ignore the other half of the actual game to make money because you apparently don't like it. No one's forcing you to do it, which is why you don't need to do it but gosh darn bros, just grind. You can literally do the daily/weekly on black hole and get 100k on EACH character you have. I know some of you have like 8 alts... that's 800k right there, not to mention the money you get some sending your comps out to sell trash lol. P.S. Don't get me wrong, some more actual dailies/weeklies for PvP would be amazing, since I do love to PvP, especially on my op. I am in support of more dailies and weeklies to get some more cash but damn.
  9. I still play my trooper, using the tactics spec. It works really well.
  10. All of this post right here. I am a casual and I play pvp to pass the time, not to feel any sort of competitiveness, I'm fixing to change that once I upgrade my computer so i'm not running low frames in wz's but for now, casual. I almost NEVER pvp'd pre2.0 at 50 pvp. Hated getting rofl smashed by a team of war hero people and all that jazz. With 2.0, with bolster being broken, i can compete lol. I'm an average player also, nothing spectacular but i can compete. I do find pvp more enjoyable though and haven't really ran into too many augment glitchers (not that i've paid much attention in the first place) so idk.
  11. Even with the spotter ability that gs/sniper's get, they're still highly vulnerable to stealth classes. I haven't met too many slingers that are good at 1v1's at melee range. I know I've killed many snipers up close on my vanguard, using the tactics spec too lol.
  12. At least he has the gall to admit that he's outclassed and not just QQ'ing like the rest of you ******es in the PvP FORUMS. Anywho, keybind, keybind, keybind. You will love yourself after you get yourself some solid binds.
  13. I laughed a lot harder than I should've.
  14. PvP definitely isn't balanced, I'm a casual and I know this. However, with the amount of time and money BW spent on making this game the "ultimate mmo" with the largest files being the audio files lol, what did people expect? This is my first mmo and I didn't even start pvping until 4 or 5 months after I really got into this game. Too many snipers and sorcs, healing is way too flipping powerful, trooper dps was gutted and now what used to take a modicum of skill to achieve (breaking a million damage or healing) now seems like everyone else can do it. I don't do much 55 pvp but it's great to me to be able to jump in and compete but it is unfair to the people who spent countless months min/maxing and all that jazz to just be able to be defeated by some ******e in tionese gear. I say put it back to what it was, recruit gear, maybe up the comm count a few comms, give a new set of gear and keep the gear in now and **** should be fine.
  15. I agree that you should work towards being a better player and what not, but majority of people don't actually WANT to be better players. They want everyone else to be on their level of skill (which obviously isn't very high to begin with) so they can feel as if they're actually good. I'll tell you right now, I almost NEVER pvp'd at 50 before 2.0, it was boring to me because everyone else already had the top tier gear and getting steam rolled is not fun at all. At least in a game like COD of gears of war or something, everyone was pretty much on the same level. You could earn better weapons with increasing levels, but it didn't matter as long as you had the skill to be better than your opponents. That really isn't the case with this game, I highly doubt this game will ever be in a competitive scene unless BW wants it to be, which is why PVP really isn't a huge focus for them at this moment. However now with how bolster works, I (being a casual with pvp) can compete with people with better gear. I'm not a bad player, but getting steam rolled isn't my thought of a good time.
  16. That's because the difference between the 10-49 bracket and the 50 bracket was so astronomical because many people had full WH or EWH, full augments, highest mods, etc and were running premades which made PvPing in general once you hit 50 a waste of time unless you're willing to put in the time and effort to get better gear. I absolutely despised 50 PvP because I actually HAD fun in the lowbie bracket, I had no fun whatsoever in 50 pvp. So I don't believe that it didn't "work" per se, it's that people who didn't care (casuals like myself) to bother with 50 pvp anymore stopped and just pve'd for the rest of their swtor time.
  17. I've never left a WZ in my entire time doing pvp in this game. Just don't see the point in it, especially since losses still count towards your dailies, some of them at least. Not on the weekly obviously but still.
  18. Plus wasn't the technique lost with the time? Plagueis didn't seem to have a need for it when he killed his master and so on and so forth.
  19. There's still plenty left to do, fp's, ops, re roll other characters, etc. I played a free trial of wow and thought it was terrible, dunno but hey, to each his own man.
  20. I've played plenty of HB games since the roll was implemented and I have only had one instance where the roll was absolutely ridiculous. Other than that, I haven't encountered a roller that was annoying with a capital A.
  21. Instead of being a negative nancy about it, help BW. These kind of games lives and dies with its community, and if the entire community has this same consensus, it'll definitely die. Don't get me wrong, I've been here since the start (not beta, but since it released) and I've seen some of the dumb **** that BW does. But be understandable with this.
  22. Or people could create a new chat tab and have only ops chat show up so they know they'll never miss a call out (like people call out in pugs anyway). Just another suggestion, although I am in favor of something that helps inept people play better and contribute to the win.
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