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Everything posted by Storm-Cutter

  1. I don't suppose much will change. There are plenty of quick dailies, Heroics, PVP and GSF which can be used for plenty of money. If you've been following the PTS it looks like top-level Mats might be replaced by another tier, so you might consider selling some or all you have. You may as well spend any currency that you have ( if you can) since the return rate when they are converted never usually amounts to much ( if any) Bounty Contracts usually sell well, as do some of the rewards from Conquest if you are in a top-10 guild. There is always the Cartel Market, paying CCs to buy items which you then sell on the GTN. You could gamble with the randomized packs or just buy something you know will sell. - You should be able to make a few easy millions that way. IF you're into crafting there is still money to be made, but I wouldn't say it was particularly quick and easy unless you have rare recipes, or have tons of mats doing nothing in storage. GL. You still have a few more weeks to make your fortune.
  2. If nothing comes to mind with a new toon, press 6 to 10 letters at random, add a few vowels and feed it into one of those online anagram solvers, that give you all the combinations. That's how BW came up with LAna Beniko after all. -I'm sure in all the combinations there'll be something that takes your fancy. OR chop and change letters from something you like, towns, football clubs, cycling heroes, anything really. Naming is only hard if you're not original, and wanna be called Boba Fett or Darth Vader or Shae Vizla - which are against the ToS anyway.
  3. Yes. But it'd take several man-years to develop and many millions to make a new level-1 to level-cap story arc. There is neither the talent, time, or the budget to do it, so basically unless you pony up a few tens of millions of dollars and persuade EA that it'll make them a boat-load of cash, it'll never happen. Sorry to lance your Jawa Baloon.
  4. The 2 WB on Ossus give a lot of Conquest points. If people are playing the game however they want, I don't see a problem. I'm in 2 big guilds and we always make a top-10 place. I always do at least the personal goal for these two characters. I'm also GM of 3 teeny-tiny guilds. Sometimes we only make about 50K in a week on all my other characters with all my IRL friends. Guilds and Conquest are geared for lots of players doing lots of things - over and over and over. Some people will craft 24/7 some do SM ops, some just keep killing Colicoids. - It's all legitimate. If it's a loophole but certainly allowable, why not get a raid group together and farm it 24/7 if conquest means so much.
  5. Sorry to have missed this one.... Any chance your guild could post the questions here on the Forums for additional entertainment? Or are you planning to recycle some of them. Anyways, TY for everything that <SMW> does, event wise. TBH it's a lot more than BW ever manage. Cheers
  6. I leveled a Sorc DPS through lowbies and Mids recently . It was mostly arena which I really don't like, but with the XP boosts on it wasn't to arduous. - You certainly learn a lot about the character and their strengths and weaknesses in the process. - and TBH not many people in those lower brackets are horrible and toxic. Have fun learning and leveling. - At least regs at 70 is mostly objective maps and people are generally sanguine about playing objectives and playing your role. - If you manage to do those two things you're already a step ahead of a lot of players. GL and welcome back.
  7. Great content, great story, great characters, great PVP experience, a vibrant community.....Is what builds a great game and a great legacy. Pushing grind as content over and over is never gonna win people over. How much he was an architet of this or just doing what he was hired to do is only ever gonna be matter of conjecture. - Here's hoping that his successors make this the great game that it could ( and should) be.
  8. Don't forget there's golden certificates Cartel market certificates Fleet Comms PVP comms Gree currency Thorn currencies Mannan Data currency Dantooine currency Masterwork crystals Relics of Ossus DNA Sample Monumental Data crystal Umbara currency And probaly a load of others I can't remember. Here's hoping the Crates from the Heroics are going to get converted. I've got 100s and I can't really be bothered to open them all one after another.
  9. Crafting was a big part of the game, but since a lot of Decos and Armor went into the Cartel Market, you're unlikely to make easy millions and billions from crafting cosmetic stuff. Ofc there are a few exceptions, sometimes for some reason people like the retro outfits, or decide to buy gear off the GTN rather than from vendors. There is some demand for gear, dyes, hilts and barrels and a few armour pieces that remain in demand. Don't give up hope. - But realize that crafting is no longer meant to be the money spinner it once was.
  10. Once again Tech classes may be at a disadvantage since their off-hands are different in mirror classes. Unless a Vibroknife can transform to a off-hand blaster pistol etc.
  11. Maybe its better to leave the WZ, explaining to the remaining players why you did so. "Sry, but I'm leaving because player xxx is/was/has been offensive. I no loner wish to group up with such people." Hopefully the offending player will see the error of their ways. - or the remaining players will blame player xx for leaving them in a 3v4 WZ. I've done it a couple of times. I got some supportive whispers after, and a load of abuse from xx. - Which prompted me to ignore player(s) xx. I'm not bothered about rating any more I'm here for fun and entertainment and to build friendships with sensible other players. But if I was [bothered about rating] then 1 refused match isn't going to adversely affect it.
  12. I know Onderon better from the Clone Wars and the rebels led by the young Saw Gerrera. I'm sure the concept and final art will be awesome. Lets hope some of the writing and combat team watched those episodes and had some more dynamic action for the latest chapter. It's getting a bit lame when there are two bases- and bunches of imperials or republic aligned people standing in groups within a few dozen yards of one another. ( yawn) Lets add in some tanks rolling in from the jungle- Legions of droids or troops to fight, a nice bug town to fight in and a PVP map/ area to boot.
  13. if you are into movies rather than series, then 'Wolf Children' is great understated anime entertainment. wikipedia / Wolf_Children Its the story of a student who marries a shape-changer and has to raise 2 children who show signs of having the ability to shape-change. There is also 'Your Name' which is the touching storyof 2 teenagers separated by space and time trying to save a town from disaster. wikipedia/Your_Name If you are into longer series, then there are so many. - but my friends and I love RWBY Which follows the development of teenagers who develop their powers in an academy for heroes, who are on a mission to save the world. It starts light and humorous with a lot of nice touches, but becomes darker by series 3 and as the kids grow and become more powerful, they realise that every villain has a bigger badder puppet-master pulling the strings. It has great music, voice acting and a huge fanbase. wikipedia /RWBY There is also Gen:Lock Which is very high quality and superb technical animation and good VA - Which follows a small team of elite combatants who download their brains into giant Mecha to hold back a global threat - an enemy AI who can learn, nanotech that is all consuming and suprising characters popping up in unlikely places. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gen:Lock It's a bit like Ghost in the Shell and Blade runner, and very much like Gundam and several other Mecha series. There are also the classics. there are loads of these, but I can always re-watch Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Appleseed, and Akira. - And anything by studio Gibli of course. Hope this helps. There are obvs loads more, but some or all of these should keep you going for a bit. GL. I'll check out some of your choices, btw. Cheers.
  14. You could just keybind the ability - then you can virtually do it in one select AoE and plonk it down with 1 click. I usually use the same key for AoEs on all my characters, since my teeny brain can't handle large numbers of differing keybinds between classes. - Same for Interrupt, DCDs, insta-heals, speed ups etc. - all same mouse button or key or combinations.
  15. On release it'll likely be: Late Buggy Break something else Need to be patched Needlessly painful for a section of the playerbase. Unlikely to ever get fixed. You may choose any 5 out of the 6 above options.
  16. Storm-Cutter

    Valor rewards

    You got a title and an achievement. Wear your title with pride if you want. I agree that a decent reward should be available - even a selection. Tuning, flair, pet, mount, armour, customisiable what-not. But it's hard to reward players who put in days or weeks worth of work ( while paying a sub to PVP) - on a shoe-string budget. NVM stump up some IRL cash and buy something off the GTN. It's all you can hope for. WD on rank 100. tho'. You don't see nearly as many around as in the old days. (- Sigh. ) I kinda think wearing the title just puts a big target on your back in a WZ though.
  17. Going back to OP's original point, since it's a weekly quest there are 3 other possible reasons its not available : 1) you already did it on that character 2) it's still pending from a previous week. 3) you've already accepted 25 missions, so cant take more unless you abandon or complete 1 or more. Check your missions list. With a lot of dailies and weeklies on Ossus, event PvP etc. It's easy to fill 25 mission slots for a weeks worth of questing. Questgivers are droids. 1 to the Right of mission board pubside and on impside it's up the stairs almost above the cargo hold access in the base. - Face cargo holds, go 180 degrees, and the stairs are on your right. The droid is on the far side when you get to the top. GL
  18. I just worry that with all these options over optimization and a huge addition of complexity, that balance will be even harder to achieve. When we had skill trees these were scrapped because there were so many variables, then we got utilities to choose from - some of which were must-haves some of which were garbage and a few of which were situational - or tradeoffs. Now we'll have al these plus several other options..... I think that makes it more (not less) complex. BioWare don't have a stellar track record on balance between classes, and making every class viable for end-game PvE, equaling DPS vs HPS and making Tanking skill-sets somewhere in the middle with all their DCDs and abilities in harmony. - Even just a simplified summary here seems kinda complex to get right - without additional skills, amps, bonuses, utilities, CD reductions, Dot spreading, movement, mitigation, heal options and the rest. Time will tell, but I reckon its gonna be off-the-scale unbalanced for some considerable time. - Enough for a lot of people to reconsider their involvement in the game. - I'm calling it now.
  19. Running around starter planets aggro-ing everyone for quick galactic conquest kills. Using heroic transports to bypass planets with Orbital stations. doing 1 or 2 quickest dailies a day to get the 6,8 or 10 for the week. Midbie PvP with xp boost on during 2x xp periods with full rest xp bonuses and all xp unlocks unlocked. not bothering to collect loot especially if it a few measly credits. Going AFK with the volume turned up load to listen out for PVP and GSF pops - while getting some jobs done around the house. Just gotta jiggle the mouse every 5 mins or so to keep logged in.
  20. How can you not win a 26 v 9 match...... oh I see... thing is if you exclude people from re-joining the queue it'll most likely kill the queue completely. People have been asking for quitting penalties almost since day 1 - when the PvP populations were healthy on 100-odd servers. Now we're down to a handful of servers does the problem get amplified out of all proportion. BioWare can't see a problem, and haven't the resources to do anything about them.... But yay! New shiny things on the Cartel Market! Woo! Chalk it up to experience. A You can still hone your skills on a lost game.. We all feel your pain, GL on a better match next time.
  21. Check the forums here and maybe search for Swtorista online for advice. Swtorista Link / There is a fan community guild listing with many of the major guilds described. SWTOR community guild listings.... As well as a wealth of info there are many guild descriptions( searchable) - with contact details. If one takes your fancy on your server , you can PM them.
  22. A simple system that depends on tokens that can be gained in reasonable time from PVP activities. Absolutely no random lockboxes, no lockouts behind reputation, no special currency for certain items ( such as main-hand/offhand) and all legacy bound so we can send gear to alts. UCs are fine as a currency. Trading up one empty shell for the next grade is fine. + UCs and/or MWDCs if you have to. And make MWDCs available for regs - as a daily completion reward maybe. Let us trade MWDCs for the Monumental DCs as well. - Maybe 5 or 10 for-1 or something? Let lower level alts earn currency as well. If we're playing the game and PVP-ing why not get an appropriate reward than we can spend anywhere within our legacy. while you're at it, look at the daily and weekly PVP rewards too. - especially the schematics. There aren't any schematics that I haven't already got ages ago. - Week after week, they all end up being sold to vendors. I'm predicting a whole heap of trouble with new skills and abilities and utilities and gear and such as it is.... At least keep the currency and progression simple and sensible.
  23. Just a thought.... couldn't you make the guild withdraw limit 100K credits for certain ranks, then adjust qualifying people's ranks to suit ( ofc if you have rank adjusting privilege )- it'd be up to them to withdraw the prize money from the GB - and save you a load of time with mail lists and such? You can do a send to all mail - without attachments, asking if people still want the prize money, that might reduce the workload somewhat - 100K is a big deal to some people, not so much to others...
  24. Guild business is guild business. It's up to them who they recruit, hire or fire or what rules conventions or restrictions they have. The studio have little interest in internal guild politics unless an actual ToS rule has been broken. However, having said that, the gamer in me says that you should settle this as amicably as possible. If the credits have been spent, then it's up to you to explain and offer an apology and maybe offer some recompense. If the credits are still in the guild bank, I think buying some trust and goodwill is worth it, since its no material loss to the guild funds. Who people are IRL should not be an issue. We all hide behind characters and avatars - it's the nature of online gaming. some people are up front other people are more private or like to assume a new role. - any combination of which are all equally valid. This player can't have you banned or shut down your guild - however they might bad-mouth your members in general chat, drop out of Pug groups, WZ or other group activities with their character their alts or their friends. - Sometimes even if you feel you are in the right, offering an olive branch of peace saves you load grief in the long run. GL - let us know what happens. OP
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