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Everything posted by Storm-Cutter

  1. I'm not 100% convinced a heal is required. I do sometimes forget I have it, and some arena maps keep the location between rounds, so if you're not watching the buff bar or icon on the quickbars ( mine is nowhere near the centre of the screen) , I tend to think ooh! here would be a good place and it just transports me to the previous good place. TBH I'd much rather have the 2nd roll back. - As you say, hololocate doesn't stop the dot damage, and if you are in range, your opponent(s) can often find you and finish you off, however carefully you place the marker. A few maps have obvious drop-points, so you can blast the enemy when they think they are escaping the fray.
  2. The stories went downhill after Illum. Some descended faster than others. You could headcannon it that the smuggler matured over the years and grew to accept their new role as commander. Alternatively they could just be in a serious phase, when talking serious business. Overall though, even the best voice actors can't raise a mundane script to ascend to the heavens and walk with the gods. . - Besides, they're just given a bunch of lines to say in the voice - There's probably little directorial input at this point, since most of the budget went on other things- like making a new gearing system and designing planets and making cutscenes and mini-movies and cartel market items to flog.
  3. Hihi. I main several viri snipers and a DF gunslinger ( mirror) I got the Ultraviolet Blast tactical as one of my first Tactical drops, so have used this on and off. I need to give Exploited weakness a go sometime and the Airbourne agents tacticals , since I have these two now as well. - Trouble is, regs can be such a crapshoot, it's difficult to assess whether I'm doing more or less damage over the course of a match. I don't like the arena format much, and I think Viri can be kind of weak, since I'm often focused, so spend lots of time running around trying not to get hurt, since more often than not I get 3 or 4 DPS all whaling on me at the same time. I love the simplicity and when left alone can rack up a lot of damage. I also find them fairly mobile, though miss the second roll. - I'm still trying to get used to holo-locate - since I rarely played classes with it until recently. I could certainly do with a few nuanced pointers. - I've been PVPing for years, but sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is what one needs. It's probably not a L2P issue, more a L2P-better. Only wish I could get close to some of those players who manage 10K DPS _and_ 2.5K HPS heals in a match. - Yikes! TY
  4. ^ THIS. I log in my [artifice] crafter twice a day. Each time list 5-10 crafted items. Most sell on the day, each item for 70-90K on average ( little or no mats cost, since I gather my own) . - So yes, it's easy to make 1/4 to 1/2 million per day if you're crafting always-in-demand stuff. IF it was billions per week, I'd have many billions. - which isn't the case. Not that it matters, since I've nothing to spend it on anyways. Which is why for me, crafting is an amusing sideline, not something I'm mega-serious about. as an aside, running heroics isn't the optimal. - Running conquest content on several characters to top the 50K goal is more effective use of your time. - Especially if you can group up with guild-mates for quick points, like world bosses and ops and champion kills. -And it's more profitable you're in a big conquest guild. GL
  5. just did it on DM. Worked just fine. CQ points okay. for individual missions and conquest points for 1 per conquest weekly. I don't want to teach people to suck eggs, but they are sure it's all complete....? Even the upload scan data hand-in and catching all the macrobinoculars items, and uploading that data to the republic or empire?
  6. There have been a few attempts to rebalance classes before, and have thrown up new problems. I think any hope of proper analysis and adjustment is gone. We have the hand we're dealt. You can play any class and any role. Some people swap, others persevere, some people can make the worst classes shine, while others can still make a hash of OP classes ( like me ) Most PVP matches are decided on tactics, skill, the matchmaker and a bit of luck. Tactical swapping is gonna be a thing for a long time to come. It's part of the toolkit now. - I can't see any changes any time soon. For the Devs, PVP tweaking is mainly in the 'Too difficult' category.
  7. ^^ This. Last night I made 1/4 Million coz I stopped to chat with someone. They were asking about credits and amps, and by the time 10 mins had gone by chatting, I'd made a bunch of stuff, listed it and sold it. Picked up the credits this morning. -Easy peasy!
  8. Being in a big guild and making your Conquest goal weekly can easily yield 4 or 5 Solid Resource matrixes - which sell for 900K - 1M each . - So that's easily 5M a week from doing that. Conquest also rewards frameworks which can be worth several 100s of 1000s. ( IIRC both mats usually go straight into materials inventory) Pretty much everything in the game rewards conquest points, so you can do whatever you like to earn them. - Check the conquest missions to see any high yield activities. Check if you can work on more than one daily or weekly at a time, since some double up. Scan the GTN for cheap discovery missions that match your crew skills and run those. They can often yield rewards that sell for greater than the cost of the mission. You can also make quick credits by crafting stuff and selling it. Or just running gather missions and selling the mats. If you make all your own stuff from self-gathered mats, then they cost almost nothing to make. If you have unused or unwanted stuff in inventory, and they're not bound you can sell them. It's sometimes surprising what you accumulate, put aside for later and easily forget. You can sell unwanted gear for credits, though the returns aren't that great anymore. check your inventory. - even stuff like unbound XP boosts are quite valuable. Major ones sell for around 1M most days. You can trade in heroic mission boxes on Odessen. Most have companion gifts in them. - Sell those on the GTN. Unless you like the gear, sell that to any vendor. OR you can go the quick way and spend CCs on pack and high demand items. - There are some that sell for 10s of millions, so if you choose wisely, you could make 65M in a matter of days. If you are in an active guild, you could ask nicely if they'll lend you some credits. The guild might not but a friendly player might. If you are a dead guild and you have control of it, consider selling the guild. A basic guild with SH and Guild ship and GB will sell for about 5M. You can easily join another guild. Most recruit on fleet at peak times. Most of all though, if you are saving up for something, keep your eyes on the prize. It's easy to get distracted and buy something else in the meantime. Consider mailing credits to an Alt, so it's not so easy to make rash purchases. GL
  9. I can't guarantee it'd be a fix, but have you tried the repair option from the launcher? ( log in at the launcher, don't press 'play' and the repair option is under the cog icon. Sometimes a file gets glitched. This option will re-patch any files that don't match with the server. It may take a few mins. If the problem doesn't fix itself, try raising a ticket.
  10. I never understood the introduction of ( combat) Amps and Tacticals. - If class balancing was hard before it must be even more difficult now. However, clever tactical swap-outs will never make up for weird matchmaking choices, skewed skills distribution and the number of clueless individuals in many matches. I don't want cookie-cutter classes, but there should be a baseline for DPS, heals and mitigation. if you have stealth or off heals or an additional DCD ( for instance) then you should be knocked back in something else proportionately. - Adding tacticals and what you can do with them Out of Combat just muddied the water further.
  11. Air vent bug is inexcusable. De-syncing is a bit harder as it is an ongoing problem. Although maybe tweaking the map might overcome it, rather than trying to get more horses under the hood. Gearing changes weren't really necessary. didn't need a major overhaul. - Certainly didn't really need a level cap increase. Engine upgrade ain't never gonna happen unless they find $200M behind the sofa along with a time machine. OP's point is valid though. They made a few changes, but engaging with the players hasn't happened in the last 8 years, so is unlikely to change any time soon.
  12. which was a nice way to sell occasional certificates to those trying to get the kingpins ( and achieves) a bit quicker by buying the certificates. They used to go for around 300-300K which wasn't extortionate, but was a nice little earner for anyone who had all the achieves and only did a bounty to break the monotony. Nowhere do I think anyone was exploiting anything or anyone else. - It had been a thing since bounty week started. -On Aug 13, 2013 with Patch 2.3 Maybe currencies shouldn't be tradable, but why make them so to start with? - Probably 1 set of coders not passing on sufficient guides to those that came after.
  13. On DM, being in a big guild is only replying to their recruitment shout-outs. I've been kind and curteous to guild members and helped out a little if asked, but not really done anything but put points on the conquest board for them consistantly. If I'm feeling rich I'll chuck some credits in their bank, or some excess mats, but they've never demanded anything of me. The first 50K is probably the easiest and quickest almost every week. usually done in less than an hour actual play, doing pretty much anyting. It's even less time if you can craft some big-points items like war supplies, dark projects, and invasion forces. - That can be done in minutes. - and i'd say a few minutes to log in and queue up crafts is about as casual as you can get.
  14. chapter 14 If replayed, has Arcann actually standing in the room when the top-secret ( Gemini) plan is discussed. - The one Arcann isn't supposed to be aware of. When the character's ship arrives on Darvannis, there is an identical ship on the landing pad. In the exact space.... Making parking one's ship through another to cause all sorts of spacial interference anomalies.
  15. Do the new content to level up to 75 - prob quickets way. Use an XP boost if you can. Do dailies and weeklies, FPs, PVE, GSF and PVP which yields lots of TFs for more gear. Make sure you do 50K+ conquest points a week. On several chars if you can. ( group up for high yeild points rewards) If you can be in a top-10 guld, make sure you can make the conquest target. Scour the GTN for grade 11 missions. Spend any spare time gathering grade 11 mats. Mek Sha is stuffed with nodes. PVP instance is less populated. Also gather off peak times. Sell surplus gathered mats. Use CCs to buy CM market stuff that is in demand for millions. Spend some of this on boosting Companions to rank 50 ( of you haven't already got them. Send comps out constantly for fluxes, veda cloth and recombinators etc. Craft lower level gear for steady credits. Fashion never goes ot of fashion, so concentrate on dyes, and in-demand cosmetic stuff. - But bear in mind people still levelling want good gear every 10 levels or so. Any conquest and mission mats you have spare, sell. - Especially as Solid Matrixes go for a million each and you can accumulate 10-20 every week with a few hours work on conquest in a top guild. GL. 50K conquest is a couple of hours for the first few characters. Mission mats cost prob 50-100K per day. 10 embers and 10 solid matrixes sel for 10-12 million. - Can easily accumulate this every week. Augment gear that works for all chracters, either fixed stat, or champions 306 pieces. Put mk-10s in legacy gear while you make mk-11 stuff. So reallistically with an hour or 2 a day, and a few weeks effort, you should be well geared up across all your level 75s, even if you share Lft side and are a few set-pieces or I ratings short on right side. you'll be okay for most content. ofc this can scale up for 10-hour a day grinders, or reduce for 2 hour a week casual playstyles.
  16. End game gear drops like confetti. - So why try to craft it? TFs are easy to come by. Even Solid matrixes and Embers aren't difficult to accumulte. - So yeah, end game crafting requires more mats, but by harvesting nodes you get lots every time you stop by and gather. Yes the fluxes, veda cloth, recombinators and such don't drop much each mision, so you have to spin around your crafters every time you log on to keep up, but the crafting times aren't too horrific. green component to make blue to make purple components is needlessly tedious tho'. But the best thing is that old stuff built with minimal old mats still sells well if you're in it purely for the priofit. TBH I've never got what people get out of crafting other than simply making credits. - Unless they were gearing alts in a less expensive way then doing content. - Which is now obsolete at level 75 since everything is legacy bound anyways, making 2-3 sets of gear all you'll ever need for 98% of the game. There are lots of higher priority things to fix. But since they're unliekly to do anything to fix even the most the horrible bugs, then fixing crafting is probably never gonna make it to the front of the queue. SMH.
  17. OTOH if you run 4 or 5 chracters to personal conquest goals every week and do a few PVE dailies between pops, you'll end up with 2-3 cargo bays full of ~306 gear of varying types and 10s of 1000s of TFs in which to buy gear. BUT: +1 from me. Getting <306 drops when every gear piece is full 306 every moddable item is full of 306 mods, and everything is augmented is piss poor, since the system was supposed to be an upgrade or equal. IMHO in 6.x, the gearing isn't particularly tedious. It certainly can be expensive unless you have 10s of millions of credits to burn, but it certainly isn't working the way it was promised. Only thing for sure is that any fix will be too little and too late for the majority of players.
  18. I'm still here after 8 years. Sadly none of my IRL friends are - the very ones that got me into this game in the first place. So many nights of plotting and planning and experiencing everything. Chatting, socialising, making new friends and new characters..... Now it's just me. Everyone else left after KotFE launched and I can't persuade them back. They think it jumped the shark and went into decline then. - and in many ways it did. I don't think they'll ever be back. BioWare went down a path that they couldn't follow. I jumped to PVP and though it's still not perfect and sometimes very frustrating, at least it keeps me entertained. - though not for the hours on end it once did. I do a daily most days and that's my lot. It's never the same with online friends. Though they are some of the nicest people. Those late night FPs and Ops without simultaneously larking about in voice chat are not the same on one's own. Sad really. Watching a game that could have been epic slowly spiral downward to this. A chapter every 6 months.... that you can do in an hour is nothing to be proud of, really.
  19. Operatives sorcs and Mercs all have their upsides and disadvantages. - If you are undecided, try levelling one of each for a short while. You should get a feel for which works best for you - Although it may be harder to get PVP pops at low level. - But trying to keep a companion alive in a hard pve fight is a good way of training yourself to heal yourself and others rather than being tempted to dps all the time. Once you are competent at heals, maybe run a few FPs or uprisings and see how you can cope with small group healing. It'll help firm up muscle memory, keep your attention on the raid frames and keep your attention going between yourself and your party. GL.
  20. Gearing is so easy now. Since you only have to get 1 set, then you can use it with all your max level characters. Everything is BoL at the top ratings. the mods are freely swappable as well. You can buy any mods you're lacking and TFs drop by the 1000s every week for completing a few dailies and weeklies - of your own choice whether PVP GSF or PVE. - Even a custom 6 piece bonus set is only 6M and 18K TFs. How much easier could it be?
  21. TBH this is probably the easiest. - However, on the GTN, these usually go for around 150K, which is only 10-15 mins around a dailies area, and you can do these on multiple characters once a day and buy 'em if they're not dropping from missions. There's a whole host of CM items that sell for 10s if not 100s of millions, enough to buy 100s of Embers. You can also earn dozens of solid resource matrices, and sell them, and buy embers, you get about 6 of the latter for selling the former. Not seeing much of a problem here OP. no need for 'serious discussion' even if they'd all stop their holidays and conference call you for an hour over a simple game mechanic.
  22. Try a Gui reset Ctrl+U in -game. OR maybe try a repair. Where you log into the launcher, log in as normal with your Password. Before hitting play, your account name should appear top right. If you click on it you should get drop-down with several options, one of which shows a Cog icon, marked settings. Click on this. There should be a repair box to click. The repair may take a few minutes. It basically checks all files are up to date and does other stuff in the background. I can't say for sure, but it might reset the icons back to what they were. GL. - If this doesn't cure it, then you may have to speak to a real person, rather than raise tickets.
  23. 5 million is about the going rate, for a bare-bones guild ( ship, GB HQ SH) depending on how much you've unlocked. When I sold < Federal Agents> my buyer put the credits in GB. - Then I withdrew the amount and promoted them to GM before quitting. All passed off amicably. I'm sure there were a few decos and some bits and bobs in the GB, but nothing worth more than a few 1000s of credits.
  24. While there are new and sometimes large credit sinks in the game, there are still billions in the economy and lots of ways to relieve other players ( quite legitimately) of their hard earned credits. With rare mats going at 250K to 1.5M each, with dyes and crafted items being in demand, with raw materials needed, there is still the opportunity to prize credits from their characters and put it in one's own bank. If you reduce your spending to minimum and just play the game, credits trickle in. If you play clever, you can make millions every week, by doing conquest, dailies, FPs, ops, PVP, GSF and stuff. You dont always have to have a full gear set, with augments, in the exact style of your choosing from the CM.... Just cut your cloth to suit your budget. GL.
  25. looks like you may be the only one. It's a deal. I'll add you to friends and pass it over.
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