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Everything posted by JediElf

  1. So I was reading up on some Chiss lore, (in preparation for some RP), on the Wookiepeedia http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Chiss (and it really confusing, really, really confusing),when I came across this... "In addition, they experienced a greatly accelerated growth rate compared to Humans, which contributed to their reaching maturity faster than Humans. Thus a Chiss at the age of 10-years held the physical maturity of a 20-year old Human. This in turn resulted in a culturally-imprinted emotional maturity that was many times above that of their Human counterparts.They were capable of living up to 80 years old where a Chiss was considered venerable; children were between 1-10 whilst they became adults between 11-13 and were considered full adults by 15-50. Middle-age followed between the ages of 51-62, and those aged 63-79 were considered old." Umm....what? They age rapidly? or just mature rapidly? If they live to 79 years isn't that about the same aging rate as a human? How can that be rapid? Can someone make sense of this for me? How old would a Chiss character be, in this game.
  2. I think Bioware did it right this time. The personal story is personal, and it's not tied off in a raid. No longer are players shackled to 'end game' in order to see how the story turned out. It's clever, and gives this MMO a unique feeling. I think that perhaps they could spare some resources and make some 'side stories' perhaps culminating in an epic questline, available at all levels of play (normal, hard, nightmare), that ends in a raid...but with the raid being optional. Perhaps that would keep 'end gamers' happy while giving questers and lore folks some love as well. It's an idea...
  3. So what? No really, so what? Let the DPS meters come, then I'll know the people tht i really want to group with...and it wont be the kid spamming Recount after every single pull, or the raid leader screaming in vent due to .02 less DPS. Dear Zod! I'm so happy I picked an RP server.
  4. If he can pull that off, if he really can...then that man is a god among MMO devs. I can't wait to see what 1.2 will bring. ^_^
  5. Bleah, I don't need a meter to tell me how good of a player I am. If it falls down dead, and I didn't stand in a fire, then I've done my job. The only reason that I can see for combat meters to be of any use, is in Nightmare Raids and Nightmare flash points. Anyone who would spam a Recount, on Normal difficulty, and then proceeds to yell at new players, deserves to be ridiculed and scorned.
  6. Can we just get these romances already? A few of my characters, are going to be really lonely, on the way to max level. I wish they wold give us a timeline, or a confirmed date, or tell us that they are working on it, and recording voice for it...or something. Come on Bioware, I love you guys, but something very big is missing from this game, something you guys do very, very well. Please guys....soon?
  7. "You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now let's see how well you handle it." - Dark Helmet Personally I'd rather have them spend more time on voice acting and cinematic scenes, than on phat leewtz. For me, that's the real treat of this game.
  8. I'd be satisfied with that. My issue comes when the 'hardcore/ePeen' crowd demands that the developers spend all of there time on 'their' content, while the rest of the game waists away to nothing. If the hardcores can be happy with just nightmare mode (and some exclusives), and allow the devs to spend time on continuing the class story (solo) in the game, and giving casual some gear (that looks good). Then all will be well. I have a feeling that's not going to happen... (You know this got me to thinking. Rift was a game that was almost exclusively for raiders. It had a fast level up, and then an endless parade of hardcore raid content. It really was a game that was not for the casual gamer...why didn't the hardcores flock to it in droves? I've always wondered why....)
  9. You do win, and what you win is better than any purple piece of gear.
  10. This game needs more people like you. All MMOs need more people like you.
  11. Ohh that wold be cool! While you main story continues you could do 'odd jobs' aka. 'epic quest lines' in which the story ends in a raid, or a nightmare mode encounter. That wold be brilliant, and it would balance both...well.... the apparent need for 'epicz', and the need to continue the rich solo story line, for people that don't want to raid. Hell they could even make the epic quests all in text. I've read that most of the ePeen/Hardcores spacebar though the dialogue anyways. That would free up money, for the voice acting, in the main quest.
  12. I think it's really clever how your characters personal story isn't tied to an end game raid. This was one of the huuuge mistakes that WOW made. Once things end in a raid then players are forced to deal with people, that they might not want to deal with, or they get bored, locked out of end game, and un-subscribe. By keeping the raids 'self contained' in terms of personal plot lines, it allows players to experience their characters journey from beginning to...well to the end 'so far'. Yes it's a mostly solo aspect, but I believe it's handled very well. SW:TOR is a very different kind of MMO. Almost 'one of a kind' in the way that it's presented, and how it caters to a group of players (who really enjoy lore, story, and art), that before now, have never been fully catered to. This isn't a game that caters to the eSport/ePeen pro gamer crowd. This is a game where finally, finally, it's the story that really matters, and I think for some pro gamers, that's a hard concept to grasp. Perhaps this is a game where have the most purplez, really doesn't matter at all....for once.
  13. They need to at least try. They have to. Destroying the community, in order to pander to Alpha Male posturing, could be an even worse business decision in the long run. SW:TOR will loose what makes it unique among MMOs.
  14. Never mind..... I'll never understand the ePeen crown....ever.
  15. Yes but what mental shape are they in, when they leave? With little exposure to the outside world, and no real way to handle their emotions. It can't make for a nice life....and it would make them more dangerous, than a crazy Sith.
  16. All of this...all of it....100% amazing post! This sums it all up, all of it. Uruare, you are my hero!
  17. "You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now let's see how well you handle it." -Dark Helmet
  18. Ok I didn't know what to expect...but OP? That was wickedly clever! Well done!
  19. Why do we even need ePeen anyways? Why is it so essential to an MMO? Can't we just enjoy a game for what it is? Can't we just appreciate what the developers worked hard to create? Why destroy something like SW:TOR with envy, rivalry, and greed? The servers are really nice places to be right now,you can actually talk to people, have a real conversation, and get help if you need it. Why destroy a good thing like that? Why?
  20. Didn't you say 'Enjoy your empty servers?' Oh I found it.. Just pointing that out there.
  21. Nail. Head. Hit. Dead center. Thank you.
  22. I don't think so. This game is far from dead, and I'd rather have a less full server full of people that appreciate the game, than a server full of jerks who just wave ePeens around all day. The days of 'casuals' and average players being in servitude to raiders is over. We don't need you guys, not here, not this time. I actually enjoy the /1 general chat for once. We can have real discussions about a variety of topics and lore, we help one another with flashpoints and heroics. It's finally good to see some real human behavior in an MMO, free from the chest thumping gear rage that most MMO chat channels produce.
  23. Excuse me? I'm not here to fund 'your game'. I pay my subscription, to fund my game. This is the kind of attitude that people don't want in this game. We are not little peons, supplying the big boy raiders with mats, and supplies. Those days are over. What I strive for is my own personal goals, I don't need gear to fuel my gameing sessions, not in this game.
  24. Not true for everyone. The people that devour it quickly, have only themselves to blame. That's not Biowares fault, at all. Also how does one define 'content' if it'snot the art and the story? Even the flashpoints contain story elements, and cinematics. Art is woven into this game, more tightly than any other MMO before it. If you take that away what do you have left? What kind of game is it? How can that be fun? Why try and force the game, into something, that it's not meant to be?
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