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Posts posted by Skirata_Kal

  1. Actually no. They weren't PvP flagged cause it has happened to me and some others the other day. What it is is that they use an AOE to aggro your companion, which in turn, aggros you. Not sure if it is intended, but it shouldn't happen on a PvE server.


    ^This. Harbinger has these roving bands too. It's easy to see. A Republic toon, name in blue is attacking a quest mob and then a member of the roving band goes over to the Repub guy's healing comp, does an aoe and then suddenly the name of the Repub toon and his comp turns green, followed quickly by said toon dying. Reporting the griefers has yet to do any good.


    Personally, I think it should be impossible to flag for PvP on a PvE server outside of warzones and designated PvP areas (like Den and Ilum) and you should be unflagged once you leave those areas. If you really care about world PvP then roll on a PvP server for crying out loud!


    With that said, I'd be ok with things as is, if they would just punish the griefers and fix the above exploit. I've played MMO's long enough that I know not to buff anyone who has a green name, not use my aoe's when people with yellow names are around, etc. It still seems eyerolling dumb though that players on a PvE server have to go to that effort to avoid undesired PvP.

  2. There are a decent amount of them laying around. They are just so damn small to see it's hard to find them sometimes, not to mention when only half of them are showing when they are sticking out of the snow.


    They actually changed it. When my original toon went through there you had to wait forever to get a respawn for some of them (it was like one or two per hub). Last night on my Sentinel, they were all over the place out there. A better example is the Rattaki leaders Belsavis daily. That one is very much cutthroat, especially with so many people being allergic to grouping.

  3. Make that 9 FE HM and still no IA drop.


    Random is random :) My Scoundrel (Operative's mirror) is mostly Rakata with a couple of Columi pieces just from 3 weeks of EV and KP on story and HM with some HM fp daily/weekly thrown in. Other toons of mine haven't been so lucky...now that you mention it, my lvl 50 Operative isn't that geared either...then again I don't play him as much as the Scoundrel

  4. Ive been on this forume for about 25 minutes now, and already im seeing moans and groans about SWTOR. Why? Yes this game has its flaws but so does every game! instead of slating and listig the bad stuff, list some positives and some improvements/features youd like to see in the future! for example, i Love the customisation features on Armor, lightsabers, Blasters etc,. But i want to see epic expansions and more mounts! maybe even some animal mounts if its possible, and more and more companions! Dont forget this games still a baby, lets get together and help it develop into a awesome rebellious teenager, not crush it as its learning to walk.


    It's true that the game is still a baby, as you put it, but it is competing with other MMO's as they are now, not as they used to be. You are right, this is a fun game and I am looking forward to see what else it has in store, but that is not going to stop me from commenting on those areas where I feel there is room for improvement (how else are the devs going to figure out what's working with the community and what's not?). Now, do some of us spend too much time talking about those negatives and not enough praising the positives. Probably.

  5. I'm loving the LFG. I probably ran 3 flashpoints before 1.3 and i've done at least 40 since then. If they had this at lanuch the game would have 50% more people but that's water under the bridge.


    The only change I'd like is an NPC in the fleet/Ilum that gives you the option to return where you were questing. Right now you need to choose between questing and running flashpoints and it is limiting people from running them (especially while leveling).


    Agreed. On the one hand, it is nice to end up on fleet for a quick turn-in of the daily, but it would also be nice to be able to get back to the quest area quickly too. One of the devs did say they're working on something but there's no eta.

  6. Except WoW jumped straight into x-server with their auto-queue lfg. Any previous iteration was horrible and no one used it. Rifts queue times were still fairly long even for tanks, at least back before I left.


    Here, where tanks get instant queues while DPS gets an hour+, its all about the ratio. A ratio that, even if you were right, will only ever help some servers SLIGHTLY while hurting those with a healthier tank population.


    Bioware needs to even that out by implementing dual spec like they should have done WITH the tool, or give greater prizes to those roles that are in short supply .... not jump on the cross server bandwagon.


    WoW did jump into xserver, that's true, but initially it was restricted to battlegroups (in principle, somewhat similar to the megaservers we have now). When the battlegroup restriction was lifted, the queues went down considerably. There's just no getting around that fact.


    I do, however agree that dual spec would help and as I said before, I'm content with what we currently have in game. I was more vehement in my support of Xserver back when it appeared that Bioware was absolutely opposed to mergers and they were only talking about transfers, where MMO history clearly shows that voluntary transfers never help fix pop problems. Now that we know what those 'voluntary transfers' really were, I'm not as vehement and am ok with what we have and I happily resubbed ;)

  7. First to WoW's queue times: the battlegroup restriction was not what caused your dps queue times to go down, it was the perks they started throwing to tanks/healers that did that. More badges/satchels/etc.


    Second: to those who still don't agree with me, I don't think you understand human psychology. Most people don't like being responsible. Face it, healers and tanks get the brunt of the blame when a group wipes. Pugging as a tank will suck more often than not, and depending on how thick your skin is, you might even give up on it totally (I'm very close myself). The RATIO of tanks/healers to dps on every server is going to be very, very close. Sorry, but statistics don't lie.


    Again, cross server will not help queue times for highly desired content (i.e., level 50 HMs. planetary quests are almost useless to begin with, so why queue for it?).


    Something else that *will* help queue times? Dual spec. I would queue as a healer on my merc, but I'm primarily a RDPS for our guild op runs as we have enough healers.


    Most tanks/healers (I was a healer on my main btw) laughed at the perks. Those did VERY little to increase the number of tanks/healers. And many of those tanks/healers quit queueing when they got their desired goal. Yet the queues still stayed low. Statistics may not lie, but they don't always have the whole answer and they can be manipulated and twisted, especially if you don't take all the variables into account (it was the instructor of a college level Statistics Calculus class that taught me that btw). Real life results don't always conform to the stats sheet.


    You are right about needing a thick skin to be a healer and a tank, though, which is why they're not as numerous as dps. I also agree that dual spec would help.

  8. Cross-server will NOT help level 50 HM queues *in* *the* *least*.


    Math is hard, y'know?


    It did help considerably in WoW, especially after the Battlegroup restriction was lifted (my dps queue went from normally 40 minutes to 15 minutes by the time I quit the game). Sometimes reality defies simple math ;) With that said, I'm happy with the single server tool we currently have since it was coupled with a server merge (let's be honest and call it what it was), at least for the time being. And you may be right about some of the complainers being on ignore lists. The other day, my Sage was in a queue. Just as I entered the queue, another dps of similar level was complaining about having been in queue, for the same fp, for 45 minutes. 5 minutes later, I was in the fp and he wasn't in the group and was still complaining. Very few people were responding in general to his complaints which in and of itself is unusual for that server. That's just one case that may have another explanation, but it certainly has to be considered as a possibility. It's also possible that some of the complainers are on light servers and haven't accepted the merge yet.

  9. It is an old artifact of times when in other games you used to only be able to play one faction per server. Some people have just settled into this a default way of doing things. Another factor is that in hardcore RP-PvP "spying" is cut down on by having only one faction per server. With access to all factions on a server, spying is used to gain an advantage ( learn tactics, who are the key players, etc ) for adjusting tactics of the other side. This was used extensively in MxO. I was in a guild that specialized in infultration and selling of information about the 3 factions and guilds in that game we all had our mains and are "spy alts" (Yes I am THAT Urael from MxO :p ). Something to think about. :cool:


    LOL, yea in WoW when we wanted to go for the "For the Horde" or "For the Alliance" achievements, we'd log on our lowbie alts to check what was going on before going in. On one occasion, my horde guild was getting ready to hit Darnassus so I put my Draenai Shamy in position and kept reporting over vent. We were having a good laugh over the Alliance trade chat that I was observing. They hit Tyrande then one of my guildies dropped a fire elemental totem near by shamy. Despite having done nothing to flag, the elemental one shot my shammy. I yelled over vent "You killed my shamy! Fine! See if I ever help you guys again!" We all had a good laugh over it though of course.

  10. Why is playing both factions on one server such a big deal?


    This is something I'm not understanding and I really would like clarification on.


    For most of us, it is not. The issue is that some of us have 50's of both factions, but on different servers. We did just as much 'work' as those who have them on same server. Again, though, as I stated above, it's not the end of the world if I don't get HK lol. I loved KOTOR and found HK funny, but he was by no means my favorite comp in that game lol.

  11. You can do all these things since 1.2


    True, however some people had imp on one server and repub on a different one long before 1.2. In the case of my friends and I, our Imp guild was assigned to one server. When we found the login queues unacceptable, we rerolled republic toons on a different server. Some of the friends ended up liking republic better while some perfered Imperial so we go back and forth. Eventually those servers died out (both were quite healthy for some time) and now we're on Megaservers, though again different ones, thanks to the mergers...errrr...voluntary transfers. We have 50's on both, so the 'lazy' remarks have no place here. Now, not getting HK is by no means the end of the world for us, but I understand the complaints of some. I do hope at some point they reconsider this req, but if they don't, life goes on lol.

  12. In all honesty I think less and less players are using the group finder now because of the horrible experiences they have been having. I personally have stopped doing FP's because of how incompetent players are. Healers dps'ing, tanks not using their tank form. It has gotten pretty bad, at least on Jung Ma.


    On Harbinger, especially during peak time, the queue's aren't bad at all and every group I've had so far has been at least decent.


    My sage was on an Athiss run yesterday where the healer bailed after the first trash pull (despite having no issues on that pull). The lead requeued us to get another healer and then we proceeded to 3 man what we could while we waited. Even though my sage isn't spec'd for heals, he does have a couple of heal spells and a bubble. We got the first boss and then cleared trash to the 2nd boss. We were actually doing ok on the 2nd boss until the tank got knocked down into the courtyard where a bunch of trash mobs were (I told them we should have cleared it lol). The other dps dropped group at that point. The tank, who had lead, requeued us again and shortly after, two more people joined us and the rest of the run went smooth from there.


    Last night, my healing Scoundrel was in a HM False Emperor PuG that went so well I kept asking "Are you sure we have this on Hard Mode?"


    So overall, I'm happy with the groups I've had via the new tool and the wait times have not been bad at all (I grab daily, queue and am usually in the fp by the time I get to my quest area or soon after lol). The one notable exception is getting a PuG for Lost Island Hard Mode that can do LR5 lol.

  13. Last night in KP HM, we wiped on Fabricator when one healer and a tank dc'd mid-fight (they're a husband and wife team). For the next 20 minutes, every time they logged on, they dc'd again within seconds. We finally had a straight 5 minutes where they didn't dc and we proceeded to down Fabricator on our next attempt and we finished the run (unlucky run for the first timer in the group, alot of the drops ended up getting randomed to companions lol). In the case of that couple though, we think it's their ISP since it happens to them a couple of times per week, as opposed to the game's server problems...then again, I live 20 miles from them, have the same ISP and have had no such problems...who knows? lol
  14. Jesus. This is how it starts. When people think other people are just too bad at MMOs to grasp the simplest parts of it. If someone doesn't have their class buff it's probably because it has slipped their mind. Perhaps they came back from a long AFK and got right back to it. Or perhaps they've been at it a while and didn't notice when it fell off. It's not the end of the world and you should probably find better things to do than find the most mundane crap to worry about.


    Yep, most of the time if I don't have my buffs on, it's for the already stated reasons (i.e. mind on something else, didn't notice it was off, etc.). I do buff others as I pass them, but only if they're unflagged (habit from my WoW days).

  15. Despite what I said earlier, I do agree that HM LI would be VERY difficult for a group of new 50's (if not darn near impossible). Especially if both dps are melee against LR5. In fact, I wonder what Sniper/Gunslingers do on those fights (neither of mine are 50 yet), since that fight requires mobility yet their best attacks are from cover and the enrage timer on that boss isn't very forgiving.
  16. I don't know, as inconvenient as it can be sometimes, I actually like ending up back on fleet where I can turn the daily in fairly quickly. What would be real nice though is if we could get the daily from locations other than fleet and then port back to our quest location after finishing the run, so that we don't have to keep going back and forth between quest area and fleet so much. Then again, if things are too convenient, maybe fleet turns into ghost town which would offend some...I don't think Bioware will be able to win on this one.
  17. You'll do nothing for queue times and destroy any sense of community accountability.


    What community? What accountability?


    The only evidence of 'community' I've seen in this game, whether the server is high pop or low pop, has been via guilds. Xserver would have no effect on them.


    Accountability? LOL. That hasn't existed since Vanilla WoW (maybe a little bit into BC). Reporting someone, nowadays gets you, the reporter mocked and placed on 'do not invite' lists.


    Every bad behavior associated with xserver, existed in same server groups long before the xserver tool and have already occured in this game both before the lfd tool and since.

  18. I could take you much more seriously without the juvenile "LMAOs" and the wall of text. Apparently you support cross server tools. I happen to disagree. Thank you for agreeing with two of my points regarding current inadequacy of the existing LFG tool. Fix it first please then consider expansion.


    If you call that a wall of text, you should spend more time on the forums lol. Yes, a little less laziness on my part plus some paragraph breaks would have made it better to read, I'll admit. As for the "LMAO's", sorry if they offend you, but after so much time listening to the "xserver kills communities", "same server means accountability" and similar nonsense...it just gets old after a while. But I can agree to disagree. I know my opinion is not universal lol.

  19. Its funny all the talk of community and accountability.


    Right now with the current system.


    1. People ninja

    2. People suddenly drop group without a word

    3. People are bad players

    4. People act like jerks


    What would a X-server LFG do to make this worse? LOL


    Exactly! And reporting someone as a ninja does no good, other than to get yourself branded as a 'Do not invite'

  20. Those people will ruin their rep on their server, and in time, get instantly vote kicked from any group if they continue that behavior. Cross server would negate that.


    I have witnessed no evidence of that 'self-policing' in this game, or any MMO for that matter since back in the Vanilla WoW days.

  21. LFG tool in PvE is bad enough now. No gear check. Whole team is punished with a mandatory restart (for bonus) when one goon quits. No avoidance for ninja looters. After an instance you can ignore the awful - I grant you that.


    Now add in increased anonymity from cross server queues and the ******tery will simply multiply. FPs can take an hour and a jerk quitter on the last boss screws the whole team.


    PvP takes ten minutes and you still get some credit win or lose.


    Makes sense to me.


    I certainly never said the LFD tool is perfect and I agree there are things that can be done to improve it, but what we have is a huge step in the right direction. As for the increased anonymity...LMAO! Again, there isn't one single bad behavior that ever happened in a xserver group that hasn't also happened in a same server PuG. And you think there's no anonymity on same server? LMAO! I've seen numerous times in this game and in others where the person who reports a ninja is the one who ends up getting mocked and ostracized! Yes, there was a time back in Vanilla WoW where ninja-ing loot, even accidentally due to a mouse jump was the death of getting a group on that server for you...those self policing days died LONG before xserver came about though. The one point of yours that I'll concede is that it does suck that a jerk can keep you from credit in a PvE setting but not in the PvP setting. But I hardly think that justifies punishing the many good PvE players because of a few jerks. And let's be honest, PvP ain't perfect either. A baddie there can affect your game play too. At least they've worked out some ways to punish AFKers and I'm certainly open to them making improvements to the PvE side as well. Having a check to make sure someone is geared enough for what they're signing up for is definitely one that I would support.

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