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Posts posted by Skirata_Kal

  1. I never had any problems with the Mario games, Tomb Raider, etc. And I certainly had no problems with jumping in other MMO's. There is definitely some issues with this game engine. Saying "oh you must suck at jumping games if you can't get these datacrons" is simply trolling.


    With that said, though, I've found that dropping the settings down to Very Low, paying attention to when to use Sprint and when not to use it, etc. did help considerably. Even then some of the datacrons take some persistence, but none of them are impossible. But yes, there are issues with this game engine that no other game I've played has.


    Even on a brand new machine, using the performance recommendations in these forums, some jumps, if tried on any graphics setting above Very Low, will still give you a fair number of jumps where you will hit the spacebar before you reach the edge and your toon will still just run off the edge without jumping. That's the game not the player.


    Again, though, I agree they're not impossible, they're something different to do and therefore shouldn't be taken out. They're optional, though I do agree that every little boost to stats does help so that does seem to create a perception at least of them being required. I also agree that a better tracking method is needed (the Codex is NOT sufficient...I still use a spreadsheet with penciled check marks).

  2. Completed the quests on one toon, bought the speeder...not sure why...not particularly thrilled with other 'rewards' so no incentive to do for other toons. Was an interesting diversion from the usual day to day though, so I wouldn't call it the failure that some do. Nothing to write home about either.
  3. And yet if Bioware were willing to give us an answer in the matter's primary discussion thread people probably wouldn't feel the need to start new threads.


    I think the thread WILL get shut down, definitely, and probably with nothing more than the usual 'No talking about morality and religion and politics, go to the right thread to discuss this shiz' response, but I think people will keep breaking the duplicate thread rule (on a range of topics, not just this one) if Bioware stays silent on so many issues the playerbase want to know about.


    Oh I understand. The person I was responding to was trollishly trying to make something of my motives for reporting this thread that wasn't there. I definitely understand people wanting more info on this topic.

  4. Doc hits on the female JK pretty readily. But there are humorous options for slapping him down so I was fine with that. To be honest while I can certainly see the argument for concern I'm far less concerned about NPC-initiated interest than I am about people hitting on NPCs without realising they're about to do so because someone forgot to put the [Flirt] tag on the dialogue option.


    No arguments here :) I also think it's worth keeping in mind that as an MMO you can't reload a save game to correct a mistake either.

  5. My sub is up in 10 days so they won't be getting anymore of my money. If crossing the line is being intolerant of homophobia then that's a line I proudly cross.


    I also find the fact that it can't be discussed without it being reported just because of the topic sad.


    Homophobia? Really? Where are you getting that?

  6. So when Mako flirted with my BH was she throwing something in my face because I missed that part lol. :rolleyes: Also I know what DA2 is because I couldn't bring myself to finish the first one it was so boring.


    Didn't get that far on BH yet, but yes if you didn't initiate it then I could understand some having an issue with it. In fact now that you mention it I do seem to remember Kaliyo propositioning my Operative without him having given her any flirts. That too I feel should have been player initiated (and don't even try the 'realism' argument lol). Keep it player initiated and noone has a reason for concern.

  7. I do agree that the romance-related features need to be more clearly marked. Some aren't really marked much at all. If you don't care much about them either way it's probably no hassle but for people who want to avoid them or pursue them having clearly marked lines is pretty vital.


    Agreed. And a well done romance can be a great story enhancer. But both sides (three if you count the ones who don't want ANY romance) should be considered and treated fairly (which if they're clearly marked as you say should make it so).

  8. They quit playing a game because an npc hit on them? Companies really need to stop making MMO's. There really is no way to win in this world.


    Or maybe they should just make the romance options actually OPTIONAL AS PROMISED. I can't speak for the world, but I'll go on a limb and say that many people expected 'optional' to mean that they themselves have to initiate it as opposed to having it thrown in their face as DA2 does. Kind of like the way OGRA's are now in SWTOR where you have to select the 'flirt' option. Oh, and DA2 isn't an MMO :rolleyes:

  9. No actually I already reported you and they will probably lock this thread ASAP so people with your views can go back to posting on the fox nation blog.


    Some of us have reported this thread since the beginning (it is a duplicate afterall and posts on both sides have crossed the line the CM's created). Ever since the layoffs the team isn't that fast. They'll probably get to it eventually but the fact it made it to page 10 should tell you something ;)

  10. I think gay/lesbians should be respected if they respect you. And once they buy the game they show that they respect BW. If some people get annoyed by the flirt option in the dialogues with same genders, it could be implemented somehow as a flag that can be enabled by those who want it.


    Careful. As I said in an earlier post the Community Team considers talk of toggles (or flags as you put it) as "discriminatory and insulting".

  11. Kyriosgundam, why does it exactly bother you? Other Bioware games have same gender romance in them.


    The relationships are not forced, they are up to the player to choose. What harm is there in adding them? None. EA has openly come out in support of real life same gender issues.


    I mostly agree with you, however the way Bioware handled certain aspects of it in DA, DA2 and ME3 sure didn't feel optional at times. They could have been done far better. As I said before, though, if it's done like the OGRA's currently in this game, then those concerns will probably go away.

  12. I'm a "too each their own" type myself, so SGRA won't be game breaking for me as long as it is optional (which I believe it will be based upon how OGRA has been done...at least it never felt forced to me.) Before the game came out, I did have some concerns in that area due to the way Bioware called it optional in DA2 and it didn't always feel that way. And then there was ME3 with a poorly designed convo where a guy is getting over losing his husband and your two convo options are one that sounds like a pickup line and another that is down right rude. I guess a middle ground "I'm sorry for your loss" was too complex a concept...Hopefully if/when it's added to the game it will be better thought out than DA2 and ME3 so that those of us not interested in it can avoid it, kind of like the way the OGRA's are currently.
  13. Didn't read all, so apologies if a repeat. From the Smuggler story at end of Tatooine:




    Male Smuggler with Corso as comp. Also present are the naive Jedi chick, the provocatively clad Sith chick and a crime boss (can't remember names). The fun starts when Risha interupts the conversation with a holo call (this only works with male Smuggler if he selects the flirt option with Risha).

    Smuggler: "Risha, I have a Jedi and a Sith fighting over me, but I only have eyes for you."

    Naive Jedi (to Smuggler): "Nothing you say ever makes any sense!"

    Sith Chick: "Awwww....she's never been kissed before."

    Risha (to Sith Chick): "A real professional, I see..."




    I was laughing so hard, I died during the ensuing fight and had to do it again from scratch.

  14. Yeah, man, that low level gear they sell in the shop will ruin the game!


    I agree that the leveling gear isn't necessarily the breaker that some are taking it as, but his other point was referring to the POSSIBILITY that subscribers MAY have to pay extra to get the Makeb content (at this point, we don't know, of course). And on that, I agree that if someone with a sub has to pay ANYTHING extra for content then I too will be done. Again, we don't know which way it will go so I'm still in "wait and see" mode. I'm still enjoying leveling alts though I am tired of Denova.


    Edit: Now if the bonus from CE and 'reimbursement' from monthly sub ends up being enough for that new content, I may amend the above...maybe lol.

  15. But if in the survey, people said they would purchase the Makeb mini-xpac? We don't know all of how or what people said on the survey. I believe the survey laid out a blue print of things that are gonna happen. As long as I am having fun. I don't have a problem.


    The real problem is that they initially said "40% cited the sub as their reason for leaving and MANY of them would come back if it were f2p." Then they started saying "40% left the game due to the sub and ALL of them would still be playing everyday if it were f2p." That kind of changing story effects credibility and breeds skepticism. A consistent story would have helped considerably (though there will always be the haters that interpret their doom-and-gloom way and the close minded fanbois who interpret it in their "we're saved" way)

  16. So, you knew (or should have known) all of this before you purchased the game and loaded a subscription. Yet you bought it and subscribed anyway.


    I don't get it. It's like buying a truck and then complaining that it's not a car. :confused:


    That has been done. It was not remarkably successful. It lingered for years in a state of ill health. It did serve a small loyal sandbox fan base though. ;)


    Good idea actually. Walk the talk. :)


    Have to agree with Andryah here. It was made clear from the get go that this was NOT intended to be SWG2. It was known from the get go that this was going to be a themepark MMO. And SWG was only successful in the eyes of a very small population which is not a good goal for an aspiring MMO.


    Now, with that said, I wouldn't mind a few sandbox-like features put in. I too would like to see the little things like chat bubbles and being able to sit in a chair (their absence isn't game breaking for me by any means though). I too, would like to see pazaak, dejarik, swoop racing, free-flight space battles, etc.


    Personally, I think Bioware's biggest mistake was attempting to get an old school community going while going with a themepark. A sandbox game works better for the old school community types IMHO. I, personally prefer the themepark model myself (I get my community fix from my friends, family and in-game guild).

  17. Care to explain why? Like I said, the questing and datacron farming may balance out a little bit, but it's a ton easier at the lower levels on Empire. There is a quest on DK to just roam the city talking to people, another where you just disarm bombs and throw them in a terminal. "The Thing That Czerka Found" on Tat has an entire encounter removed on the Imperial side.


    As for the gear, you can't argue that Republic gear looks a ton worse than the Empire counterparts.


    Courscant is far better organized than Dromund Kaas so no, early leveling isn't easier for Imps nor are the datacrons. About the same actually in my experience (and I have 50's on both sides). Also, once you know the questlines I find I can run a Repub through Taris far faster than I can get an Imp through Balmorra which Imps do at the same level that repubs do Taris.

  18. Okay, so my general mindset as a tank in FP's.


    -Attack and hold aggro of the strongest mob in every pull, usually the elite. AoE anything nearby, but otherwise I ignore the trash and leave them to the DPS; they die in 2 seconds and don't cause much damage anyway. My priority is the strong/elites/champions. I can always use challenging call if needed.


    -Always put guard on the highest leveled or geared DPS, since they're the one most likely to take threat from me. Switch guard to healer for boss fights since I can usually hold boss aggro with taunts and skills like guardian and hilt strike.


    I have yet to receive any complaints about my tanking, and in fact get compliments fairly often, but I just wanted to ask to make sure I'm doing my job right, should I be trying to pick up the trash too? I usually don't since they're so spread out and I don't like having to chase down every piece of garbage, and the DPS can kill them quickly enough (and they don't cause much damage to DPS/healer anyway), I tend to focus on the toughest mob from every pull. Is that fine what I'm doing, just focusing on the big mobs and leaving trash to the DPS?


    Jedi Guardian, btw.


    Sounds, for the most part you have it right. There are some boss fights where it's better to have the melee dps guarded rather than the healers. Just don't be afraid to ask questions, most groups are helpful (in my experience).

  19. Only one Cathar was shown. Can't make any conclusions on how customizable the race will be just from seeing one individual character.


    Very True, but you gotta admit that if you're going to hype something via a video you should at least pick a better shot than that ;)

  20. Hi folks,


    I wanted to take a bit of time to explain the reasoning behind the weapon selection on the vendor. As you know, each SWTOR event that we do is unique and this also applies to the variety of items offered. That is, if you don’t find anything that you think is useful during this event, you may find a different assortment of items in the next one. Your feedback is definitely appreciated and we’ll look into different ways to improve our item selection in the future.


    Thanks for participating!


    Not going to shoot the messenger as some might be prone to do, but you might want to let the devs know that this philosophy won't work well unless the events become more frequent. If you want people to get excited about something like this then there really needs to be a "something for everyone" feel. A vanity pet that looks like a re-skin of something already in game, a 90% speeder, and a sand people outfit aren't exactly a huge motivator for some people. For me, myself, the "something new" was enough to get me to try it...for ONE of my toons. Certainly no motivation to go through it again for any of my others. With that said, it was a fun diversion for a brief time, therefore I wouldn't call it a total failure as some do. Some of them do make some good points though.

  21. I've heard people say both: some that it doesn't, some that it does.


    I'm afraid that even it does, it might bug out or something. Before I convince everyone to disband and form a new one, I want to make sure it'll even work, and work consistently.


    So can anyone verify?




    One person I talked to who tried it in an ops group said that only one group of 4 in the ops got credit and it was the group that had the person who actually completed it. I myself haven't tried any of the event quests in an Ops group. <shrug>

  22. lol! Thats great! Not the case on Harbinger though... could barely see the terminal. grr... But hey, it worked out. Grouped and got it done in about 10 mins. Ran with my robot just to make sure. lol!


    Yea, Harbinger is brutal. I did get a group for one of the event quests though (the one in the Works) which just about gave me a heart attack. People like those in that group are the exception on Harbinger and not the norm. Harbinger is definitely a "find a good guild and stick with them and only them" realm.

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