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Posts posted by Skirata_Kal

  1. UPDATE:


    The Black Hole District weekly is back up!:)


    Nope, it's still bugged for many. It's now listed but when you try to pick it up, it says "You're not eligible for this conversation". Some people can get it on some of their characters but not on others. Some can't get it at all. So for some people it's fixed, for some it's not. So they made SOME progress, but not completely.

  2. This might surprise the people who have me branded as a hater, but I actually agree with the OP on some things. It is a fun game and does have alot of potential. With that said, there is alot that is worthy of criticism and there have been some major disappointments (yet I'm still here leveling alts with my wife who is still having fun). It would be much less hostile in these forums if we could somehow get rid of two groups:


    1. The true haters who have been trolling since before the game was even released

    2. The fanbois who think the game is 100% perfect and who brand anyone a hater who has the audacity to criticize the game in any way shape or form...or even worse...those who make suggestions.....


    Yes, I know, dreamworld fantasy...


    For me, it's like this. I NEVER complain about a game being too easy. And I mean NEVER (I can bring MANY witnesses in to a court of law who will testify to that lol). 1.4 has been out how long? My guild of very casual, yet better than average skilled raiders finally got together this past Saturday and we all made our first attempts at Ascalion (sp?).


    We got a late start so we didn't have near as much time as we normally do before people start having to hit the sack. We downed the first two bosses on first try. We wiped once on 3rd boss since the explanation the raid leader gave from the video he watched wasn't real clear, but after seeing what actually happened it was all clear and we smoked it on next try. Similar thing on 4th boss (with one bad trash pull before that, so we're up to 3 wipes). Then the 5th and final boss. That was much more challenging but each try we learned a little more.


    Unfortunately, due to our late start we only got 4 tries in and we only had him down to 62% on that last try. Our other guild group (the weekday clan) got to 20% on that boss on their first night. We're talking about people who have a very casual outlook on MMO's yet aren't scrubs who, for the most part, are accustomed to their MMO raids taking 2-3 months to clear. I don't mean this as a complaint, far from it, but...think about it...a casual guild clearing all but one boss from the new raid that fast...with a good chance of having that final boss figured out as soon as two to three weeks after release. I'm sorry, but that's a problem...(and since we're casuals, HM and Nightmare don't have much appeal)


    That's why I find myself asking, what will we do once we've finished all 8 class stories?

  3. Jumping in other games is nothing like in SWTOR. I for example enjoy the jumping puzzles and Vistas in GW2, but even though I have all the datacrons with my main in SWTOR I still think the jumping physics in SWTOR is just crap.


    Yep, this is the only game where I've had issues with this sort of puzzle. This game engine isn't up to that task (yes, they're not impossible, but skill isn't the issue here).

  4. +1 to you Sir ;)

    I too became a pro-jumper because of Donkey Kong :p


    Yea, I did Donkey Kong, Jungle King (which lawsuit forced change to Jungle Hunt), then later Tomb Raider, Mario world, etc. They were fun. I agree the datacrons aren't impossible, but the crappy game engine does cause some jumps to be more difficult than they should. Skill is NOT the issue here at all!

  5. So I am intent on making a friendly guild that does PvP, Flashpoints, and questing. It will be called <Centurious>:D


    List your character name here and I am online at 5:00-6:00 on most days. Weekends I Play alot more.

    contact either(depends which one im online with.)


    2. totalager


    Btw Harbinger server.


    Friendly isn't allowed on Harbinger. The fact they let me on there should tell you something.

  6. Yea, in the past, I usually suggested dropping your settings down to Very Low and being careful which jumps you have Sprint active for and which ones you didn't. These choppy graphics that hit randomly ever since 1.4 released though...yea, they're much more difficult now, even some of the easy jumps that used to be doable with little to no effort.
  7. Definitely Korriban. Very well organized, very logical quest progression, very well done story.


    Tython was visually pleasing and also well organized, but not with quite the feel that Korriban had. Ord Mantell had a very interesting story for both Smuggler and Trooper but just didn't feel well organized. Hutta felt very disorganized, but at least the BH storyline was fun. IA wasn't bad...I was just glad to be off the planet when that part of the story finished though lol.

  8. Will all the bashers and naysayers about them meeting their commitment for 1.4 release in September also admit they were wrong and harsh?


    Prolly not. :p


    Of course not! We haters have reps to maintain afterall! ;)


    I think I can honestly say I wasn't in that particular group (If otherwise, you now have my apology and confession). Now wether this brings me back active for a few days or few months...jury is still out, but I do like some of what I see in the patch notes (on the other hand, if our guild of over 200 keeps having no more than 4 people on at a time...our GM has already gone back to WoW for MoP).

  9. Ever try inviting somebody to a team who uses ascii that another player on the team is asking you to invite?


    "Hey, invite Bob to the team. Only it has a funny hyphen in the "o" and you might need to figure out which one it is."


    So then you get to guess if it's Bõb, or Bôb or Bób or Bób or Bðb or Böb or Bøb or even B¤b, until finally you just get sick of trying to figure it out and ask for the guy to send you a message...but wait...you yourself are using Wråïvéñ because somebody else took your name. So now Bðb himself is having a hard time trying to send you a /whisper...Wow, what a mess.


    Extreme and unlikely case, but you can see my point.


    After nerd-raging for a day, I went back to my toons that needed a change and changed them to the same name but added an apostrophe then "original" or "first" at the end (e.g. Kicker changed to Kicker'original...no that's not really my toon's name just an example lol). Yes, I'm sure some would say it's lame, stupid, or worse, but at least the first part before the apostrophe is recognizable without the funny codes that I'm too lazy to look up. And if I encounter the person who 'stole' my name in pvp and they're on other faction... :D

  10. Ever try inviting somebody to a team who uses ascii that another player on the team is asking you to invite?


    "Hey, invite Bob to the team. Only it has a funny hyphen in the "o" and you might need to figure out which one it is."


    So then you get to guess if it's Bõb, or Bôb or Bób or Bób or Bðb or Böb or Bøb or even B¤b, until finally you just get sick of trying to figure it out and ask for the guy to send you a message...but wait...you yourself are using Wråïvéñ because somebody else took your name. So now Bðb himself is having a hard time trying to send you a /whisper...Wow, what a mess.


    Extreme and unlikely case, but you can see my point.


    You might be surprised how often it happens, but I agree that it's the exception and not the norm ;)

  11. Funny. As I recall everyone and their grandmother were complaining that servers were too empty. Now, everyone is complaining that they are too full. Guess there truly never is a "win-win" with people. ;)


    It's a Papa Bear, Mama Bear thing. Everyone wants the "Just Right" Baby Bear experience (or am I remembering the story wrong? Been literally decades for me lol). Unfortunately, every person has a different idea what is perfect. Anyway, Dead servers are definitely no fun for most of us (long queues no groups, etc.) On the other hand, it is possible to have too many people on (especially on Harbinger, as it was before this latest merge where everyone was allergic to grouping and it was ninja-fest and killing stealing ad naseum). This latest merge has made the problem worse, at least temporarily, though again, it has benefits too (shorter queues, more people for fp's, etc) and instancing can/does help some. I guess it depends upon which aspect is most important to you. "You take the good, you take the bad..."

  12. Yea, I always have to laugh at the people who talk down to clickers. I'm mostly a clicker and have dished out my share of pwnage in MMO's over the years. With that said keybinding your most commonly used abilities does help considerably and there are UI adjustments that you can make to minmize the risk of accidentally unlocking the bars (as others have pointed out). From a design aspect, I agree that the default UI isn't the best way. In fact, I think it should be a drop down menu option...though I'm sure some might prefer it to be a handy click-able.
  13. I agree. Being as so many people are not even bothering to read the note they put up in the login screen after maintenance.


    I guess they give the player base more credit for reading and reading comprehension then is warranted.


    Alot of us read it and understood it, but didn't like it. It's a day later, I've had a good night's rest and I'm ok now ;)

  14. I even said the same thing in this thread. Most of the @handles are different than their forum names for security reasons. Still I really love that method of handing naming issues. No worries of someone taking your character name. The only name that you have to worry about someone taking is your @handle when setting up the account. Everything is tied to the @handle.


    Yea, and I think a combination of something like that and the way GW2 does it (19 characters, allows spaces, etc.) would be great too...in fact, I've often said of late that if anyone makes an MMO that has the best parts of WoW, TOR and GW2, they'd have a customer for life with me lol. Neither one by themself does it for me, but they each have something I like (and things I don't)...I know..expecting an MMO that I think is perfect will probably only have me playing it...lol.

  15. Everyone is given that about the legacy change. If she likes the old one, tell her to put in the same one. Everyone is given a chance to change their legacy name. Its not unique anymore.


    Yea, thanks, I believe I had actually heard about that but had forgot about it. At least one half of the marriage is happy now lol.

  16. I already had 1 and 3/4 feet out the door even before this issue came up. I had to change legacy and character names with the first batch of "voluntary" transfers. I was a little miffed, but understood and accepted that. Now with this new merge, my wife and I find our imperial server and republic server on the same server. My republic toons, for the most part were already on Harbinger, but the Imperial toons were on DPB so they're new to Harbinger. As it turned out, only one of my imperial toons needed a change, my Marauder. Again, a little bit miffed since I liked the name, but he's new to the new server so I accepted that. My Gunslinger, however was already on Harbinger for quite some time! And that toon was also forced to name change. Complete B.S. To think I was once branded a fanboy of this game...such promise, such disappointment. To the inevitable fanboy trolls who say it's silly to get irate over a name, it's not just this issue. This is one issue among many and each one is another straw on the camel's back. Right now the only reason I'm keeping my account active is because my wife is still leveling alts and she occasionally needs help (and the old version of Harbinger was 90% d-bags). Speaking of my wife, she's been told she has to change her legacy name...which she's had since her first toon to get a legacy and has been active on Harbinger for quite some time...
  17. Happy with the game and its current state, and happy that they're transitioning to F2P so quickly instead of sitting around on their butts doing nothing about it.


    People are making a stink about how many people left the game, but how do you know why they all left? Where are you getting your information from, and what's the size of your population sample?


    EA's own words. 2.3 million copies sold, 1.7 max subs, now down to 600k-800k (a guess based upon "greater than half million, less than a million"). 40% left citing the sub. What about the other 60%? Saying that most people left due to the sub is misleading and inaccurate. Now, yes the remaining 60% probably left due to a variety of reasons, but it still makes "F2P is going to save the game" types look ridiculous.

  18. You're absolutely correct. I'm mean I have no objections to growing the game, and if they make more money with F2P and that translates into more content for us, I'll certainly be excited then. But in the mean time a little apprehension and some hopeful optimism (maybe even against my better judgement) seems to be what's on the menu.


    Nothing wrong with that. I too, overall, like the game though there have been some huge disappointments. I'm still hopeful that things turn around, but I'm finding it hard to be optimistic. I'll continue at least until I've finished all 8 class stories, mixing other games in between. After a couple of days of GW2, I find myself thinking that if someone were to develop an MMO that had the best parts of GW2, SWTOR and WoW, they'd have a fan for life in me lol.

  19. You still haven't said why it makes sense for the one guy in the group who isn't targeting the boss if he's doing his job to be responsible for interrupting. The tank and DPS have at least 3 interrupt abilities between them, and if they can't handle that they need to L2P, end of story.


    EDIT: Yeah, a healer could use target of target to see when he needs to interrupt, just like a DPS operative could be responsible for purging debuffs. But the point is those ways are just totally inefficient.


    Maybe it's the tank and dps are wanting to be carried by those 'lazy' healers :D

  20. Healers should not have to interrupt. You've got three other players actually targeting the boss. If those three are so un-coordinated that all of their interrupt abilities are on cooldown at the same time...that group has bigger problems than a healer who just wants to concentrate on healing.


    ^This times a million! Though the advice to use Target of Target is good suggestion that shouldn't be dismissed.

  21. LOL, looking at the title I'm guessing you'll get a fair number of uneducated opinions passed off as educated ones, though even that is a matter of perspective I supose.


    In my humble opinion, there is certainly cause for concern about this game. The reasons are as follows, based upon MY OWN experience (others will differ, disagree and even call me a hater despite the fact I like the game and hope it succeeds...i.e. I hope I'm wrong about some of this though I fear I'm not):


    1. 2+ million copies sold, only 1.7 million stuck around long enough for a sub, down to 1.3 million subs in May and now according to latest investor call, somewhere between 600k-800k (guess based upon them saying less than a million and greater than half a million). I'm sorry fans, but there's just no credible way to put a positive spin on that.


    2. Going f2p less than a year after launch when they had repeatedly said it wouldn't be a good fit for this game (now it's supposed to be the game's salvation...we shall see...I hope they're right, but not optimistic).


    3. Some analysts say f2p can add millions of new players while others say they might lose as much as 70% of remaining subs...that one's a wash, because after all, what do analysts know? (and with the way they word it, it is actually concievablly possible for both sides to be right lol).


    4. It's a theme park MMO where they endeavored to have a "great, wonderful community experience." Theme park MMO's simply aren't great for communities, a Sandbox works better at community building IMHO. I personally prefer theme park's since my community experience comes from guild, friends and family (and RL neighbors lol). With that said, I would never have objected to some Sandbox elements being added.


    5. Unrealized promises (e.g. monthly updates). Granted, if it's a choice between monthly game breaking bugs or less frequent updates, I'll choose the latter. Bioware needs to be more careful with its promises, though. We remember lol.


    6. Inconsistent stories. Initially "40% cited the sub as their reason for quitting and MANY of them would still be playing if it were f2p" then later they said "40% cited the sub as their reason for quitting and that they would ALL still be playing if it were f2p". Might be subtle, but that kind of changing story doesn't help with the credibility and trust area. Neither does initially saying "If you have a sub, you won't have to pay extra for content" and now they're saying they're not sure if Makeb will be free for subs or not. Not very promising so far.


    Make of the above what you will. Obviously, some will disagree and that's ok. Again, I love the game and really do hope they pull it out, but when looking at what made other games great and then looking at this one...the optimism meter is a little bit low, I'm afraid.

  22. You know, I see that quote quite a bit on these forums, but I also see people complaining about the fact that the Q&A is gone. How can they be mad about something going away that they didn't like? Just throwing it out there.


    I think most people liked having the Q&A, they just wish that it had more concrete info...and let's be honest they were softball questions for the most part (some exceptions of course). I agree that some people were unreasonable with their expectations (you're not going to get full details on future content from ANY game company these days) on the other hand there were alot of reasonable questions that were simply ignored.

  23. You have to run it as administrator.


    Yep, Right Click on the ventrilo icon, select properties then compatibility tab and then make sure you have the "Run this program as administrator" toggled on. From then on when you double click the ventrilo icon it will run it as admin.

  24. DPS meters can indeed be useful tools. I, personally, am satisfied with the MOX parser. I use it to test out various rotations and some of our guild uses it in raids though it's not a requirement. Despite that, I lean toward agreeing with the crowd that says it isn't necessary. Too often, a dps meter is a griefing tool or epeen meter. In WoW, there were numerous times when we ended up kicking the top dps out of our raids because they tended to be d-bags to those who did less than them and often they weren't doing what was best for the raid at the time (raid awareness as some have mentioned). It was funny how often we'd wipe with one of those d-bags then replace him with someone who didn't do as much dps as him, but had better raid awareness and so we got the boss down on the next attempt lol.


    Come on Georg Zoeller ... help a brother out.


    OP, in case someone else hasn't already said it (I only skimmed the other posts), Georg isn't with Bioware anymore so he can't help you ;) .... unless there's another piece of news that I've missed

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