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Everything posted by CrazyScruffy

  1. the article was clear that the old set bonus gear will only be in effect until you hit lvl 76. Now all set bonues will be on those 3 legendary item slots and you can have 2 equipped making it so you can have 2 set bonues
  2. So according to the article it sounds as like there will be many set bonuses and you can help pick which ones
  3. Thanks Jackie, this looks like a nice change and I'm excited to see how it plays out
  4. seems worth it to have only healers have rez if there really will be no cooldown on it
  5. its not stealing. We all have personal loot now so it's not like there are rolls on said items
  6. well since enemies can be shared for credit without being in a group, competition shouldn't matter
  7. If you want Limitless, I would get that before 7.0 drops. Once it drops we won't have our renown lvl anymore, as we'll be 5 lvls under the cap. we will need to start over (just as we did when we had command lvls and switched + increased lvl cap when it changed to renown)
  8. its not an MMO however. Its open world and story driven. If it was an MMO they would have made that clear
  9. No it won't. They straight up said no new engine for SWTOR. They hear us asking for one, but they aren't doing it
  10. the rotgut can only be found when the event is active, so you'll have to wait for it to come back around
  11. better yet do in end game chat or on Nar. If you're on Tat there is a good chance the group is already full and there is no room for you. Or you may be on someone's ignore list and that is preventing the grouping together (or vice versa)
  12. No you cannot change the location of the terminal. But the good news is you do not need to use the terminal to leave your SH. You can use the exit area feature on the top right of your mini map or use any of the legacy, solo tab, or other transports at your disposal
  13. again this seems like a lot of galactic season lvls. its sounding like you were more expecting you get all the rewards for just subbing, which wasn't the case. and if CS said you got all the rewards you actually unlocked, that should be it
  14. You may have been subbed the whole time but did you actually lvl up to 200 in galactic seasons? if not then when the season ended you wouldn't just be granted said rewards. And if CS said you got all your rewards I'm guessing you did not hit 200
  15. Cross-faction pvp only happened to help with que times. Now its important to stress, you pick your story (i.e. Knight, Consular, Smuggler, Trooper), now choosing a different combat style does not change that aspect. So even if you choose Knight story but warrior style, that doesn't make you an imperial player or a warrior. You are still locked in to the republic faction and knight. i don't see that changing or allowing cross faction beyond pvp
  16. Yep they did announce it early and guess what? It didn't launch in September. 6.0 dropped October 22nd. That's why they don't like announcing expansions that early. Because they'll set a target date, then push it back and everyone is pissed. "I made plans to take the whole week off... thanks bioware :mad:" so yeah just be patient
  17. People claim that lvl sync is when the problems began. But do you remember the time before lvl sync? You could be 5-10 lvls higher than the planets enemies. You could walk right by without them aggroing. Could cheese ops (even nightmare ones). You could easily solo the world bosses. But at the same time the same people claim the game was harder back then... sure maybe initially but once you lvled up more it was pathetically easy. So where exactly do you draw the line on how to make the game harder or easier? And lets also not forget that 7.0 is coming with new game scaling, which could make this entire thread irrelevant anyhow
  18. I agree with you. It would be nice if more people could be involved. And you're also probably right that most have a common issue. But if they were to respond about a specific or even a few specific countries, the can of worms would be then be open. And we all know what would happen next; more players would demand to know why their country wasn't allowed to participate. So sometimes the simple answer is the best answer. It is the 10 year anniversary so I'm sure more things will be coming they haven't announced yet
  19. It doesn't matter if there is a cash prize involved. Different countries have different rules and regulations. And also why we don't get a comprehensive list of why some countries aren't allowed to participate. It would be long, tedious and wouldn't change anything. It does look like they're going to look into ways to get more countries involved in contests, but it's not that simple to do just on the fly
  20. yes and no. You get credit and a special version of the deco
  21. yeah its unfortunate but its impossible for any class to get all codex entries.
  22. If its the one I'm thinking of, all imperial characters can get the codex. There is a Colicoid right outside the entrance of a inquisitor story line, and one up on the hill that will grant it as well. However, hard to know for sure without knowing what species you are missing
  23. I'm 99.5% positive it is only a VM drop. It would be nice if it dropped on SM.
  24. lol its not magic. there have been hundreds of people requesting this change for years. sorry if you feel you were left out since they didn't make more rooms for you. But with how smaller guilds already struggle to fully unlock a GS, this would further impact them negatively. and its not a trope, you are not forced to do change up your SH. If you are so concerned about completion percentage and prestige that is on you, despite it honestly not meaning anything especially since its a video game. you can keep you SH how it is with all your admirers and go play content you want to
  25. but completion percentage and prestige means nothing. most 100% SHs do not look good. so again you don't have to redecorate, you are choosing to do so
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