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Everything posted by MORTTUUM

  1. I've seen somewhere that they intend to release "Grey" aligned gear at some point in the semi-near future. But that leads to penalizing everyone who doesn't play, as you put it, "goody-tweo-shoes", "pure evil", or "true neutral". What about those who play "rational good"; 5000 LS/1000 DS? Just learn to accept the consequences of your choices, yeah?
  2. And here I thought it was just me doing something wrong... /AGREED !!
  3. Won't happen, That would require too many new cinematics for Companion conversations. I like the customization ideas, but they. too, would probably require more Cinematics (unless they all are forced to take place in an unmodifiable compartment...).
  4. This. But I [b]DO [/b]wish there were more Orange Armor-skins to choose from.
  5. Fully agree. I finally bought a Helm for Kira, and she looks like she's running around with a lamp-shade on her head...
  6. Nice inherent contradiction there, OP. Cotrary to your (badly flawed) overall arguement, I, and everyone in my guild, are playing multiple chars at the same time. I personally have 6, Sentinel, Marauder, Vanguard, Mercenary, Shadow, and Assasin that I'm enjoying, more than anything, the STORY-lines on. Enjoy your boredom, I'm having a blast.
  7. Only example of pneumatic doors I can think of in SW is the Security Office door in the Death Star which overlooked the hanger the Millenium Falcon was docked in. The one where the extra-tall Stormtrooper bashed his head...
  8. This is a joke, right? I have Mercenary, Vanguard, Sentinel, Marauder, Shadow, and Assasin. I find Sentinel/Marauder the hardest to level/keep alive. Talking PvE, not PvP...
  9. I support this idea FULLY. Even if it was a Vendor, and for a price, I'd do it for every toon.
  10. And WoW players' posts on their forum were any different? I think not. I play that sink-hole for about 3 months before getting fed up with the mindless pointlessness of it. At least TOR feels like a moving story. Besides, it's a GAME, entertainment, not some sort of "challenge" to be beaten to prove something. Anyone who plays any game for the purpose of "proving something" (whatever that "something" may be) is... lame is about the nicest word I can think of here.
  11. I've RP'd before, a bit, but only around a table with friends. Does RP in SWTOR mostly involve using Chat? Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, and I can't think how else it would be carried out. I play on a PvE server now, but would like to try an RP server as I tend to RP my toonsn in my head anyway, sooo...
  12. Make it 3-4 times the diameter, or possibly adjustable. Would be rather helpful in those areas where the MG can't quite show your durrent location, and the out-of-the-way spot you're trying to get to.
  13. My Assasin romances anything in a skirt (... well, you know what I mean), because that's just the kind of guy he is. Besides, for my legacy, he needs (at least) four "friendly" females somewhere along the line, as that's where my Mercenary, Marauder, Vanguard, and Sentinel & Shadow (twins) all come from; all different mothers... My Sentinel, on the other hand, is roamncing Kira, because he want's to "bring balance to the Force."
  14. I figured that's what everyone did...
  15. I LOVE this idea. But I'd be very willing to settle for a paint'shop... Just color-skins, then, and no story-line difficulties. Yes, I want the Red Baron paint-job on my Mantis; it is a tri-'plane' already anyway
  16. Since everyone now gets "Sprint at 1st level, just remove it as an "Ability", an make Sprint-speed the default movement speed. Toons can still be slowed "in cpombat", and the Speeder-speeds can remain the same, but it seems a bit silly to have it as a 'skill' that takes up a slot in your action bars.
  17. That was kind of my point. The Sith are basically opening the door to sedition withing the highest ranks. Any slave, unless taken from their parents at a very early age (say before they're 5 or 6, at which point they're the children of slaves, but not really effective slaves themselves) are most likely going to want to do more harm than good for the Empire. An inquisitor has the potential to do a lot of damage, and if they're downtrodden to start with, they're going to have a lot of reason, and plenty of emotional drive, (hatred) to become powerful in the Dark Side. It just seems like a really bad idea for the Empire... but then, that is why Empires fall...
  18. OK, now THAT makes sense. The only real sense in the idea that I can see.
  19. So Slave-to-Ruler is strictly a BW/TOR idea not founded on some outside source?
  20. I like green/gold (yellow) as a color combo, so both my Marauder and Sentinel use green and yellow sabres. Dual-sabres are single-color (which is annoying, but wtheck...) so my Shadow and Assasin use Yellow.
  21. If you're really ROLE_PLAYING, why is the gear so important? If your toon answered the questions "rightly", he should feel good about it. If he answered a few "wrongly", the not being LS-5 is the repercussion...
  22. BINGO !! It's control, not subjugation or denial, that leads to strength and success, always. If the Jedi insist on total subjugation of emotion, they're as stupid as the Sith are, and for exactly the same reasons.
  23. This has always stuck me a a stupid-beyond-belief arguement. Sith are, by definition, individualists; "It's ALL about ME." What individualist would bother with "the rules" when it comes to something which has no material effect on their success? None. Jedi are, at least in principle, all about helping others. What does any aid-worker care about the source of the aid, as long as it feeds the needy (or whatever)? None. As well, color preference is not a decision one makes rationally, it's in the brains' wiring. Your favorite color was not "chosen" by you after deep consideration, is just is your favorite color. Neither Jedi nor Sith, for their own reasons, would use a color they didn't like if they didn't have to.
  24. I've see all the movies, and read a few of the early EU book (Zhans, a couple Rogue Squad, a few others). Where does the idea that the Sith would choose slaves, of all things, to train in the Force to be Inquisitors? Who came up with this idea? I just started playing an Inq, and find it odd, and annoying, to be called "slave " all the time. Weirdest concept I've ever heard of...
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