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Everything posted by MORTTUUM

  1. I've searched the forums, and read dozens of posts, and thew New Player Guide, and the Game Manual... But I can't find anything that tells how you actually access the Codex Entries... Is this possible (I thought I saw something to that effect in a post a few days ago), or are they just there for show?
  2. ^ This, exactly.
  3. There's a set of Vendors (one for each main class, Consular, Knight, Agent, BH, etc.) on Coruscant and Drommund Kaas that will now be visible. You can take that "Legacy Gift" to the appropriate class-Legacy Vendor and trade it in for the item it's decribed as (example, "Main Hand Weapon Kit" will get you a Blaster Rifle (Trooper), Pistol (BH), etc.). Personally, I just sold mine, as I couldn't see any real use for a Lvl-14 Blaster Pistol...
  4. Seriously??? I've been playing for about 3 months now, and my highest is 35. Admittedly, I'm playing 6 chars more-or-less concurrently, but even if I'd just been playing one, I doubt I'd be much above maybe 45. But then, I don't live in front of my PC playing SWTOR...
  5. Sorry, my Star Wars geedom is pretty much limited to the movies...
  6. hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both !!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Around the Galaxy in 80 ppParsecs, by H Solo (umm, Mr. Han, a Parsec is a distance, not a measure of time. Did you really dump that load of Spice, or did you do something else with it?) I've Got Big DeathStars, by D. Vader (it's hip, and you can dance to it). Down the Trench, and Up the Exhaust Port, by L. Skywalker (Ummm, Master Luke, about that title...)
  8. I've gotten so fed-up with my Sentinel wearing a hoddie (I spent time making sure he looked good at creation, and don't like having my mohawk hidden) that I'm thinking about picking up some Orange Smuggler armor and just putting my Might/Guardian Armor & Mods in it... Edit: Well, I went andf did it. I bought the Smugglers' RD Armor Jacket/Chest-piece, and put my Sentinel's Might Armoring and mods in it... Looks FANTASTIC !!! Especially for my Wesley Snipes-ish Jedi ! Long cape, but no hood getting in the way and messing up my mohawk.
  9. I've always thought the "Must Speak Basic" requirement for a playable species was pretty lame. If you like it, you'd play it. If you don't like it, nobody is going to force you to play it. So what's the problem? Op, /agreed.
  10. OP, I fought that thing with my Sentinel EIGHT times, and it waxed the floor with my corpse every time. Tried different armor sets, Stims, rotations... no good. So I went and played an alt for the rest of the evening. NEXT day, I went back and tried it again; splattered it all over the cavern 1st try. Moral: NEVER fight Mission-line ending-Elites when you're tired. Do the End-of-story part while you're fresh, thinking clearly, and reacting well. Good luck !
  11. Excellent point. As for the OP, I've often wondered why my Sentinel and Marauder are constantly finding WILL drops. Aim and Cunning I can give/send to my BH and Trooper or give to Vette/Quinn, but Will is usually so useless (Kira's fully outfitted already) that I actually created Inquisitor and Consular alts just to have someone to send the stuff to. It's all down to RNG...
  12. Good point, and not limited to the Latin-based "romance" languages. but not really applicable to my original arguement, as the films were made in English.
  13. I note that all your examples are feminine, while the movie quotes are definitively masculine. Now, while I might buy the idea of 3PO being feminine, is Luke?
  14. Yes, you did. But, again, ALL player-characters in this game are exceptions to the rule. What's the difference if one is a slave-turned-Inquisitor (NEVER going to happen, in ANY universe), and another happens to be a free Droid?
  15. What some people seem to be missing is the fact that a 3D semi-flight-sim shouldn't be all that hard to add. SWOTL (Sectret Weapons of the Luftwaffe) was a 3-4 FLOPPY disc game from the early-mid 1980s that had fighters (X-wing, TIE Fighter, etc equivalents), Light Bombers (Fury, Mantis, etc. equvalents), and Heavy Bombers (capital ship equivalents, where the player could pilot and/or operate the turrets). It doesn't have to be a full-blown flight sim; that's just asking too much. But a decent full-motion Space Combat system is really what any STAR WARS game needs to properly BE Star Wars.
  16. Is it really? At the end of Star Wars (the original), when they pull R2 out of lLuke's X-Wing, the mechanic says, "We'll get to work on HIM [emphasis added] right away," and Luke tells 3PO, "He'll be alright." Strong suggestion that R2 was considered more than just property. I'm not saying it's common, but NO player-character in the game is ordinary to start with. They'd only work as Republic, almost certainly not as Empire, at least without Legacy unlocks, but they'd certainly be doable lore-wise. (Note that the above examples are far from unique, at least in the films, which are the most significant definition of what is and is not Star Wars.)
  17. If someone chose a "silly" name to start with (Legacy or otherwise), why should anyone believe they won't do so again, and again? Why be "supportive" of someone who wants their mistake, made out of laziness, apathy, or something else, rather thatn expect them to accet the consequesnces of their own actions?
  18. Actually, the arguement against Wookies (or any of the other species) not speaking Basic really doesn't hold water. After all, all the playable races already understand all the "alien" gobbledygook anyway, so what difference doea it make if your char speaks in gobbledygook? Droids would also be fine, since everyone's ship automatically includes a Droid companion already.
  19. I'D be up for it ! LOL, but the key is "wheightless" Even foils have a noticeable amout of wheigh/inertia to them after a couple minutes...
  20. Ture. But for a lot of us (based on #D Space Combat being the #1 request in their survey from a couple months back, http://www.nowgamer.com/news/1333873..._features.html) seem to agree that a Star Wars game without proper Space-flight is just not Star Wars...
  21. Don't know her name, but the female (!!!) BH in the "Malgus attacking the Jedi Temple" cinematic. No guy in a bar fight would hit a babe like that, and she blew up a bridge ...
  22. Having done Live Steel combat IRL, I can say, from personal experience, that this is partially true, but very dependent on a number of factors. 1) It's not "easy" to dual weild, at least not if you plan to use the off-hand weapon for attacking rather than strictly for defense. 2) Power is less important than speed and accuracy; it's incredibley difficult to beat someone with a Rapier and shield (or main Gouche) while wielding a Claymore. You get one swing, and if they block that strike, you're hosed (gutted) by the speed of the other guy. 3)Conversely, I never lost a duel while using my 1100s hand-and-a-half, becuase, more than anything else, it was fast; 16" hilt, hands max distance apart, treat it like a hockey stick; not a lot of power, but fast enough to snap it around even a fast opponent's defese, because nobody expects that long a blade top be that fast. How all that applies to a lightSabre, which presumably has a weightless blade... honestly, nobody knows.
  23. 3D Sapce Combat id coming (when, I don't know, but probably not real soon...). 3D Space will, at the very least, change scenarios a lot in and of itself, even if they remain basically cut-and-paste.
  24. +1 for the OP, +1000000000000 for this one.
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