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Posts posted by Hoppinswtor

  1. After an additional 10 parses over the last couple weeks, I've managed two over 9200, six over 9100, and 2 in the 9000 range. They must be factoring responsive safeguards into the "5 percent below target dps" because otherwise Arsenal should be doing close to 9400.


    Returning the energy costs back to what they once were should elevate a good parse to about 9300-9400, which is where it should be. I mean come on, we're using twice as many rapid shots as IO and AP.....

  2. However planned right a sorc will win any war of attrition with any class, safe perhaps a good operative. Actually a somewhat decent operative will most likely kill a great sorc 1vs1 in most cases, if he plays his self-heal right, and counter the sorc's escape correctly.


    Might take a while tough.


    An average operative should always beat sorcs. Decent mercs should always beat sorcs. Rage jugs, fury marauders, and deception sins should generally beat sorcs unless the sorc has a ton of LOS. A lot of it boils down to LoS...but if your opponent is a livelord, you won't have the long-term resources (e.g. you will run out of force and have to consume).

  3. Umm no, to keep from overheating with my pyro, I have to use my base attack what good 4-5 times more than other rotations, that's just plain stupid. Plus I have little to no closing attacks up till I hot level 59, which is also stupid in the extreme.


    So no, it's not fun to sit there and have to mindless spam the regular attack waiting on optimal heat to unload with my other attack.


    According to parsely, competent pyro parses on a 2.5 million HP dummy seem to be using rapid shots around 12-15 times. Rapid shots frequency is consistent with arsenal, only a little higher than IO, and about twice that of AP.

  4. well. if you say it's just best of the best. and the best of best apparently average 8.7k dps on 2.5 mil dummy..... well damn, we're in even bigger trouble than i thought lol. :D:D

    but really, when i'm told to please swap to a healer next time because my sage doesn't do enough dps to clear hm kephess in ec.... even though we had another dps die even before the boss actually came down, well. that tells me something lol. they didn't assume it could be because of hte guy that died. no. it was because i'm a sage dps.


    The best of the best average about 9300 as madness and 9400 as lightning - possibly more. You should never dummy parse less than 9100 as either spec unless you make mistakes, have subpar gear, etc - even if your crits are awful.

  5. Carnage should get a 700dps nerf. Its dps outperforms any class in NiM.


    Carnage needs a 700 dps nerf, Fury needs a 300 dps buff, and Anni needs a slight dps nerf (50-100). Anni should still be the highest parsing spec in the game in 5.4 due to the nature of marauders (reasonably challenging, purely dps melee class).


    As an aside, let's not forget about those operatives. Cocealment and lethality need to be nerfed by 300 and 500 dps respectively. Deception needs some kind of nerf as well; a good crit parse for deception should be 10k, not 10.5k.

  6. Lightning is still superior to madness in every situation, which is a problem.


    A competent lightning parse is 9400; a competent madness parse is like 9300. Lightning is also more mobile and has almost the same amount of aoe pressure if you use affliction properly.


    Madness should be close to IO; a competent madness parse should be about 9800. A 4 percent buff is needed.

  7. Good to know that they continue to be aware of it and continue to plan to look into the idea of possibly fixing it in 5.4. They should reset parsely in 5.4 to reflect the changes. The real #1 lightning parse is this:




    Everything using CL bug is irrelevant, and that includes raid settings, pvp, etc.


    A good, mistake-free lighting parse with decent crits is 9500, not 10k. Anything 9700 and above is basically 1-in-1000.

  8. Difficult to say because there are too many variables. Everyone's playstyle and experiences are different, but I'll share my own. If I had to rank them from easiest to hardest in terms of performing well in PvP, they'd be as follows:


    #8 - Mercenary. Moderate rotation difficulty. Excellent DCDs. Low damage. Excellent survivability. Great heal spec. By far the most beginner-friendly ranged class, taking that honor from Sorc since 5.0. Merc used to require a lot of finesse....not anymore. That honor goes to Sorc now.


    #7 - Operative. Easy rotations. Average DCDs. Average damage. Excellent survivability. Roll around, puts hots on, troll, win lots of regs. Only OP in terms of survivability, but still easy. Great heal spec. Not quite as beginner-friendly as jugs, but easier to survive on if you know what you're doing. Some of the best objectives players main operative.


    #6 - Juggernaut. Easy rotations. High damage. Average DCDs. Average survivability. Pretty much has always been one of the easiest classes to do damage on. Does a ton of damage and stays alive long enough unless being focused in arenas. The essential beginner melee class. Capable of doing 8k dps routinely in regs.


    #5 - Assassin. Moderately difficult rotations (skewed toward easy because of Hatred). Average DCDs. Moderately high damage. Mediocre survivability. Very balanced. Deception has a far higher skill cap than hatred, which is by far the easiest spec in the game. Great tank spec. Perfectly balanced class, relatively speaking.


    #4 - Sniper. Moderately easy rotations. Excellent DCDs. Average damage. Excellent survivability. Tankier than most tanks. OP but not necessarily easy due to its stationary nature.


    #3 - Marauder. Moderately difficult rotations. Excellent DCDs. High damage. Moderately high survivability. OP but not necessarily easy. Would be #1 if it wasn't a little OP right now. The only thing that really makes it OP besides its overtuned damage is that obfuscate utility.


    The next two classes, under normal circumstances, are near the bottom of the list. However, 5.0 is...different. If you're up against a decent team, these next two classes are a bit harder to play optimally.


    #2 Sorcerer. Easy rotations. Poor DCDs. Low damage. Average survivability. Underpowered with a lack of defenses. Old sorc would've been WAY lower on the list. Mediocre heal spec. A mobile glass cannon that can lose a ton of DPS if the player doesn't know how to balance survivability and damage.


    #1 Powertech. Average rotation difficulty. Poor DCDs. Above average damage. Low survivability. The weakest class in PvP at the moment. Requires excellent mid-range positioning, good use of LoS and kiting, flawless use of the two hard stuns, and just overall heightened awareness due to its status as a glass cannon. Would be lower on the list under normal circumstances, but everyone is a livelord in 5.0 and PTs have been left behind. Mediocre tank spec.

  9. Before I say anything, I'm going to point out that I don't dislike alacrity. I run a ton of it on some specs (carnage and mm are the biggies). However, I am fairly confident that it is a Dps loss more often than not. But I'm not especially concerned with raw dps when I am playing carnage. I'll take a small dps loss to get my burst windows, choke, and awe up more often.


    As far as raw dps goes, I disagree that the uptime problem is overblown, especially if you're melee dps but fair enough because there is more to it than that. Not only do you need to maintain uptime, you need to maintain a perfect rotation in order to utilize the CD reduction fully. Realistically a good player playing against other good players will put this partially to use but certainly less efficiently than on a dummy.


    Anyone who is aware of this, and you certainly are, ought next to look into just how much better is alacrity than mastery or power on a dummy? The math is out there but poorly disseminated, as it requires you to get someone like Bant or his replacement to run the numbers.


    The answer is that even on a dummy with a perfect rotation is barely better than mastery or power. Less than 3%, usually about 2.5%.


    I will leave it to anyone aware of this or reading this post to decide for themselves whether or not they think they can actually turn a 2.5% advantage into an advantage in the madness of the pvp moshpit. I personally don't.


    As such I run alacrity if I think it will help me kill people for a given style (carnage) and don't run it for a style where I am just trying to get kills via overwhelming pressure (hatred).


    Food for thought. Also, phone posting is cancer.


    this is actually well said, and you bring up a good point. As a sorc, for instance, I am constantly tunneled due to the nature of my class (even if my positioning is perfect); I often have to disengage and heal. That's why I tend to run lower alacrity as that spec. When it comes to conc ops, they tend to rely more on "hit and run" tactics, so alacrity may not be as optimal.

  10. Most of this "uptime" stuff is true but somewhat overblown. If you have 10 percent alacrity, you would see full benefit from the alacrity after 10 GCDs; you're getting an extra GCD at that point, thus making the alacrity pay off. Thanks to defensive cooldowns, even the burstiest of burst specs won't kill a decent player in 10 GCDs or less.


    Hell, I'd just go with Bant's min-max guide (substituting accuracy for power for sorcs and concealment ops). Seems to work fine.




    With all the defensive cooldowns in this game, one could argue that speedy players would fare better than slower, harder hitting ones. Take 'em by surprise and don't give 'em time to react ;)

  11. At the very least Thundering Blast should work with supercrit for lightning, right now it'll consume a recklessness stack but gain no damage from doing so, which is ridiculous


    They fixed that. To clarify for people, there are three types of crits. In order of potency, they are: regular crits, which inflict base damage plus crit percentage; autocrits, which simply add crit chance to the crit multiplier calculation; and supercrits, which are merely autocrits with extra crit percentage factored into the multiplier.


    As we all know, Thundering Blast is an autocrit as long as you have Affliction rolling on the target. Regular Thundering Blast autocrits will do roughly 110-120% extra damage depending on relic procs and critical rating. Recklessness provides an extra 60% crit chance, turning your Thundering Blast autocrits into supercrits that will deal 170-180% extra damage.


    For instance, Bubble Princess Fiona has a crit chance of 44% and a crit multiplier of 71%. Under normal circumstances, each attack has a 44% chance to inflict an additional 71% damage. Autocrits, however, deal additional damage equal to crit chance plus crit multiplier; in this case, 71% + 44% = 115%. For simplicity's sake, let's say her Thundering Blast base damage is 8000; this means her autocrits will hit for (8000*1.15) + 8000 = 17,200 damage.


    Bubble Princess Fiona gets FOTM Reroller Sorcalicious down to 15 percent health and wants to kill him with a big burst move. She pops Recklessness and casts Thundering Blast. But her Blast is already going to crit, so that extra 60% crit chance will be applied to the multiplier: 44% + 71% + 60% = 175%. It will do (8000 * 1.75) + 8000 = 22,000 damage....


    ...except Sorcalicious sees Recklessness on the buff bar and pops his barrier while Thundering Blast is in the air. Fiona sighs and goes to pick on that PT in the corner.

  12. Look, you can fix lightning burst by increasing the base dmg of thundering blast by 15 percent and increasing the Shock dmg buff by 15 percent. Thundering Blast autocrits and supercrits will hit 15 percent harder; if you pop everything, you'll see TB supercrits around 30k. Shock will crit for 12k if used during crushing darkness; right now, 10k crits on shock are pretty rare, making it hardly better than lightning bolt. Indeed, you can omit Shock entirely and still get within 100 dps of a typical parse. That needs to change.


    These two buffs will lead to a 400 dps increase on a dummy, which is a bit too much; lightning doesn't really need a raw dps increase, so we need to nerf something else. Why not kill two birds with one stone and also lower the variance on the parses? Do this by reducing Forked Lightning and Forked Darkness dmg by half. These forked abilities are a major source of the variance in Lightning parses; sometimes they contribute 400 dps to a parse, other times 800. By cutting that in half, you're basically redistributing some of the dps from crapshoot RNG into reliable and consistent burst.

  13. iI's all in the livelord nature of merc and sniper. Both classes have insane amounts of passive mitigation and passive self healing relative to sorc; a sorc's defenses are almost all active (on the GCD). Snipers and mercs can dps while maintaining 1-2k hps in passive self-healing alone (not to mention lots of other mitigation features like ballistic dampers, energy shield, etc); A sorc has to lose 2-3k dps to achieve such levels of survivability, and eventually force will become an issue.
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