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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. you don't start getting the top tier gear until level 200 or so so not for 2 years.


    This. This so much. I play this game to have fun, not as a second job, and thanks to the idiotic Command crate RNG gearing system I would need to treat it like a second job to have ANY chance of a worthwhile payback--and just a chance, because all the boxes are random and not at all reflective of the effort I put in!

  2. I have 220 gear and every rng box has given me some sort of 230 gear. I'm on level 4. First box gave me a modable 230 lightsaber. I'm quite happy. I don't know can you still do ops in 220-230 gear?


    That's nice for you. But your selfish white knighting of EAWare is ignoring the many other people who have posted on this forum saying they haven't received ANY gear from the boxes AT ALL. Good for you on the RNG liking you, but you alone are not the be all and end all determinant on whether this system is good or not for the game. Get your nose out of your rear end and look around.

  3. The traditional way? Like in 4.0 where everyone geared in 2 weeks then quit unless they were altoholics.


    I know everyone likes to claim otherwise, but the reality is once the average person min/maxes their main they seldom play it anymore because their sense of progression stops. About the only exception is ranked pvp players and there isn't a whole lot of those.


    Not defending the current system (although I don't hate it), just saying players needed to be slowed down.


    I'm a pretty average person... and once I'd gotten good gear on my characters, I didn't quit. Instead, I worked on clearing the HM/NiM content I hadn't done yet on those characters, because that was the whole point of grinding towards good gear in the first place. So your assertion is patently wrong.

  4. That's ... extremely disappointing. SnV is one of the two ops I've done, and it's reallly long. If you only got a C level and a half out of that at 16 man SM? That's not at all what I would have expected from the hype. I would have expected at least 4 in the first "level band" and maybe tapering off to 3 or so at the very highest end, for SM 16-man.


    Yep. Hence why I'm upset. Not only did they break their promises, but these RNG crates are so terrible in their drop rates that I've lost all urge to grind Command levels at all even on my main, to say nothing of the several alts I used to do end game content on. I don't need a second job, and that's the kind of time commitment it would take for months on end to even TRY to get back to the same level I was already at the day before 5.0 dropped!

  5. I have to say this thread reads my mind and frustration. I agree with the OP.

    I am not a PvPer, never have been and never will be. My region of the world the server lag is terrible, and Ive even had to step away from raiding (which I loved) I managed to bring myself to push my toons through WZ to earn the unique sabers that simply don't drop anywhere anymore. Im an RP player for the most part... and for my jedi/sith characters, yanno, their saber is very damn special! Now numerous of my toons have the red inventory, and no longer can use their weapons... They ant just change the requirements on rewards like that, we met the requirements and earned those rewards at the time we got them.


    I actually did write a ticket expressing the issue, and requested that they perhaps revert the requirements on pre-5.0 ones, and keep the 5.0+ ones with their new requirements, but it was a polite reply of basically 'cant do anything about it, find new lightsabers.'


    You getting that response seems to confirm that these new Valor restrictions were fully intended, not 'just a mistake' as some white knights would like to claim. If it was a bug, you'd get a 'this is a bug, send a bug report' boilerplate response.

  6. And this is why nobody takes these forums seriously anymore. A slight oversight during a chance, and one that can be easily corrected at that, is immediately blown out of proportion as evidence of their total lack of player regard, and it is used to infer to intentions that aren't even remotly shown at all.


    That is why even Bioware doesn't listen to you anymore. You've become an incomprehensible bunch of people who cry "Deception!" for the least issue.


    I'm saying EAWare doesn't care based on everything they've done to this point, especially in 5.0, not just this one little thing. Don't try to turn this around on the paying customers with concerns by slinging mud all over the place. How about you drop the insults and ad hominem attacks against everyone who is unhappy with the current situation if you don't want to be painted as a 'white knight'? If you think EAWare just 'made a mistake' in putting all those PvP items and decorations retroactively behind a Valor wall, then say that instead of bashing everyone who's upset for daring to be upset.

  7. You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.

    Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

    If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

    If that's WZ's, same deal.

    I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>


    You're still not getting it.


    In a fair gear system, the people who put in the most effort and do the hardest stuff get the best gear. RNG boxes are inherently unfair. They don't reward the amount of time, skill, and effort put in. You can end up with NOTHING useful every single time you open a crate, which means you may NEVER get the gear you need no matter how much you play.


    I'm not denigrating the way you play the game or what you want to get out of it. Stop denigrating the way me and other people play the game. It's a mass ad hominem attack.

  8. Medical equipment is the vendor supplied "white" grade material needed for Biochem. This simply gives you an opportunity to gain them from missions (which is less expensive, but takes time) rather then buying them from the trade skills merchants.


    It should show if a mission produces these, unless it is a random result from missions in general. So maybe bug report that and see.


    Your ignorance is showing. Diplomacy missions have never in the past awarded Medical EQUIPMENT. They awarded Medical SUPPLIES. The description on the Diplomacy missions is flat out wrong. I have Diplomacy on a toon, I can confirm those missions still give out Medical SUPPLIES only. I have tried them all and not obtained any Medical EQUIPMENT. If someone's getting Medical EQUIPMENT from a Diplomacy mission instead of a Bioanalysis one, that's both a bug and a problem with the Crew Skill mission display.

  9. I was always very careful to note in my defenses that "if they did this" or "they could do this." Well, it doesn't look like they listened to me. As I noted elsewhere, I haven't really played the new game yet, but early reports don't sound good. Especially if they did not make good on the promise of a crate an hour for casual play as the median rate, and more crates for harder/larger-group activities. That's not cool at all..


    They absolutely did not make good on that promise. Casual play gives you tiny amounts of Command points. For example, I have been told each Warzone gives you only 20 CXP. It would take many, many hours of casual solo play to earn even one Command rank. By contrast, I did a 16 man SM run of SnV (the longest op in the game with the most bosses) last night and earned... a whole Command level and a half for my time. And that crate awarded me nothing but Jawa junk and companion gifts.

  10. To all the white knights coming into this thread... those of us who are unhappy about this system are not just 'whiners' who want everything handed to them on day one. Any person who cares about gear in an MMO is used to having to grind for it. If all this system did was make the grind longer, then we'd deal with that.


    The real problem is twofold:


    1) Command crates are random, which means you may NEVER get a full set of gear, no matter how hard or long you grind out old content (that you may be sick to death of by this point after doing it hundreds of times already). There's even a fair chance you will not get ANY useful set gear EVER, simply because each box is random and the odds attached to each box are the same regardless of how many levels you've already acquired. This is patently unfair. Putting in effort should give you some kind of guaranteed reward at some point down the road, not make you play the lottery with long odds of getting a reward.


    2) Command crates do not reward skill or dedication to a game. A person who hits a Command rank from farming starter planet missions (a breeze with level sync) gets the exact same chance of getting a piece of end game gear as someone who hit their Command rank doing 16 man nightmare mode ops. This is demoralizing for players who like to push end game content. They've all been thrown back to square one, and have no way to plan out getting back to the exact same place they were before. Premade raid teams can't help their members out by planning out loot distribution, because it's all entirely random. Some members of their team might get fully outfitted in record time, while other vital members of the group will get nothing. People also aren't going to be willing to play alts to fill holes in raid teams because that means they'll have zero chance to get set gear for their main!


    It's not about the length of a grind. It's about the grind rewarding you with NOTHING 95% of the time. It's about feeling like all the effort you're putting in is meaningless. It's about how you now have to put in tons more effort only to very likely end up with NOTHING to show for it. It's like being told that not only the amount you get paid at your job (or whether you get paid at all!) is now going to be determined by random chance every pay period, but also that you have to work 16 hour shifts now instead of 8.


    That is why people are upset. It's not that we want everything handed to us. We're fine with a longer grind so long as it's fair, but RNG boxes are the complete opposite of fair.

  11. I actually like some of the 5.0 changes and I enjoyed the new chapters for the most part. However, the Galactic Command system is, in my opinion, the worst thing EAWare has ever done in this game. It blots out all the good will generated in me by the few hours of new content we were given, and has also destroyed any and all motivation in me to try to re-gear my toons. What's the point? I'd just be re-gearing to run through the exact same content I've already cleared dozens of times over the past five years. I don't have the time to grind to Command Rank 300 on all the toons I previously raided on just to farm RNG boxes that may give me NOTHING.
  12. I suppose in the age of the meme, it's easier to throw a one-liner and call yourself a winner. It's easier to berate people who don't share your opinion, because it's too difficult to actually have a clear point and argue for it. No, I'm not a "fanboi" nor am I a "white knight". I suppose I've just seen players throw temper tantrums on a game's official forum too many times by now to be surprised.


    Take a look in the mirror there before you post again, friend. You're the one characterizing paying customers voicing their concerns and complaints on a public forum specifically provided for customer feedback as 'whiners' who don't play the game but just post on forums (factually untrue on the face of it), and calling their clearly aired grievances devoid of threats or profanity 'temper tantrums'. You're the one who hasn't voiced any actual clear point on the issue, but instead denigrated the people making their own points with the snide aside of "Why do you think you even deserve an answer?"


    You are doing exactly what you are trying (and failing) to call others out for. Since you've now degenerated into personal insults towards my intelligence (based solely on my holding an opinion on a video game different than yours), our conversation is over. Ta ta.

  13. You pay for the developers to talk to you?




    Must be a recent add-on to the subscription I've never seen before.


    Oh, EAWare white knights, how you amuse me so...


    Whenever people buy a product or service from a company, and the company in question does something to screw those customers over, customers have the right to complain and a fair expectation of receiving a response rather than their concerns/complaints being ignored en masse. Why? Because it's a GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICE for the company to try to keep its customers reasonably happy so that they will keep giving the company their money! This is Customer Service 101, for crying out loud.

  14. ... that's retarded.


    I'm in awe of just how badly this team can F-up everything they touch. Ravage. Ghost Walk. Comms.


    I think they just don't care anymore. EA's just put the game into maintenance mode and is trying to see how long they can keep people paying with the absolute minimum of effort put in. This means making people grind everything AGAIN because it's cheaper than regularly producing new content that can't just be finished in a day (i.e., the KotET chapters).

  15. They said you should and if you don't because you are EXTREMELY UNLUCKY to contact them and they'll give you an out.


    There is no 'luck'. There is just odds, and a random number generator in the game that determines what you get from each crate. Every box has the same odds. It's a fallacy to think if you've opened a lot of boxes and gotten nothing out of them so far, that you have a higher chance of getting 'lucky' next time. Everyone has the same odds of getting nothing.


    Wouldn't it just be better to have a FAIR system where actual EFFORT was rewarded to begin with, rather than every person who fails to ever complete a set or even get anything worthwhile (and from the odds I'm seeing, it's going to be a lot of people) having to contact support to kick up a fuss just to try to get SOMETHING?!

  16. Mob gear in general exploring and group content was randomly picked. Loots from bosses was randomly picked, the gearing crates added in KOTFE were randomly picked. Times when I played Flashpoints with others and got gears drop for a class that wasn't in the group was high. Yeah they did make the drops more appropriate eventually. But in my experience they still seemed random, only difference now between that and the older systems is that its now in magic boxes.


    Apparently you didn't understand the old system at all, if you seriously think the new system is anything like it.


    If you did a flashpoint, you knew a particular quality of gear would drop from each boss, depending on the difficulty level. It might not be what you needed, but SOMETHING would be there. With crates there is ZERO guarantee you will get ANYTHING, and completing each Command level means it's an even longer grind to reach the next level!


    If you did an operation, you knew that X boss would drop Y gear token, PERIOD. You might not win the roll to get that token that time around, but you could always go back and do it again, and the operation would not get incrementally harder and longer to complete every time you redid it to try to get that gear. There was a guaranteed payoff.


    Now we have no guarantees, no payoff for effort and skill, NOTHING. Some people may NEVER get set bonus gear, because each crate is random and can contain absolutely nothing worthwhile every single time.

  17. I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


    Because gear is completely random, some people may NEVER get a full set of drops, even if they do grind all the way to Command Level 300. Theoretically, some people could NEVER get ANY worthwhile gear drop. That's the problem. Each Command crate is a one shot deal. You can't go back and redo that Command level--each one you pass makes it take even LONGER to get the next crate to potentially get NOTHING AGAIN!


    This is the least fair system possible. EAWare has screwed us over in the biggest possible way since launch.

  18. Some orange rifles (on my Jedi Sentinel, real useful there!), a few companion gifts, some green Jawa junk, and a green implant. That's it. Absolutely nothing to show for hours of play.


    RNG boxes for gearing didn't work for PvP in 1.0, EAWare. Why on earth did you bring it back?! This may be the worst idea you guys have ever had--and you've had some doozies in the past!


    I'm giving up on end game content for good. This kind of grind where you literally spend days at a time doing the same boring miserable stuff over again with NOTHING to show for it in the end is not fun and not worth doing for me. For the first time I'm seriously considering unsubscribing from the game. If I'm not working towards end game gear anymore, no reason to keep paying money when I can RP just fine on Preferred status with a few cosmetic unlocks.

  19. How much do you guys want to bet that if it was the Cartel Market that was bugged, they'd be bringing down the servers IMMEDIATELY to fix it, rather than waiting for next patch (maybe, possibly, if we're very good) to get it working again?
  20. Hey, I'm a child at heart too. But I have the decency to not complain about the smallest things in this game. Quite frankly, people seem to not understand, that the best way for a game to be shut down, is customer dissatisfaction. If people keep screaming up about the tiniyest details. It won't be because people are leaving the game that makes it shut down, it's because there seems to be no ending to the anti-game behavior going on. And for me, it seems more and more likely, that people keep complaining, without really having tried what they complain about, just in order to complain.


    So I thank you guys who complain continuously (should be read as a sarcastic note)Because it will in the end be your fault that the game shuts down. Because you don't appreciate what comes into the game and are willing to dismiss its new implementations, even before it comes about. The launch of DvL was a clear evidence of that. At some point EA will say we don't care anymore and close the game down. Many people complained about Galaxies too, and ever since launch of SWTOR, I've heard people wishing for the same structure as SWG. How about enjoying the game as long as we have it, complain only about the larger issues of the game or leave it to those players who actually enjoys it. Noone's forcing you to stay.


    So basically you're painting every single person who complains as just being a whiner without any merit to their complaints, and trying to accuse them of getting the game shut down in advance of that even happening. Rather than, y'know... there being actual serious issues and legitimate problems people have with the game, and the forums are one of the main ways for players to have their voices heard.


    How's building that strawman going for you?


    EAWare is not going to shut this game down over posts on a forum. That doesn't make any kind of business sense. They will shut this game down when they decide the game is no longer cost effective for them to keep up (for whatever reason), simple as that. That's how businesses work.

  21. [*]Group Content - We have stated before that right now, there is no new group content coming in the short term roadmap. However, we do want to let you know that the team is working on group content as we speak. It is our plan to reveal more details later this year. Just to set some expectations, this isn't confirming any specific type of content (Ops, Wzs, FPs), but group content is in the works.


    Translation: We finally got it through the skulls of our corporate overlords that we've alienated a lot of formerly loyal players with the huge dearth of group content. We want to try to keep from hemorrhaging more players (especially with people unsubbing over the new Grind vs. Grind non-event), so we're going to try to get people's hopes up by making vague promises of there being more group content of some type maybe someday if we can manage that we might tell them about later this year, and that we might not, who knows? We can't say what kind of content it will be because we actually haven't worked on any group content at all yet, and we want to keep as many people on the waiting game hook as possible!

  22. There is no change. I'm at the vendor now and there are still the Bind to Legacy sets available. The BoP sets that are on there have always been BoP.


    Some of them were always BoP, like the Scout set and the Acolyte set (basically the ones that had different appearances for different factions under the same name), but most were BoL. I'm pretty sure the knife on the Republic vendor was BoL before, considering you can't use it on any Republic toon or companion...

  23. Look at the prices on the gtn and it's clear that the inflation of the credit in game has gone nuts. There are just too many credits and therefore insane prices like items going for 50 million or more, some over 100 million.


    And those prices went up dramatically since 4.0 ..Clearly people have too many credits, so now we get less of em.


    People have too many credits from 1) buying them, 2) being whales selling CM items at inflated prices, 3) exploited credits from multiple different exploits allowed to go on for MONTHS, 4) using bots/macros to farm Slicing/Treasure Hunting, bots which are never banned or even penalized. I see the exact same cheating bots farming Yavin nodes that I did 6 months ago when I reported them all.


    Solo players running heroics are NOT the source of there being too many credits in the economy. The missions are WEEKLIES.

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