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Everything posted by unseenmaji

  1. I am saying some people in game enjoy the evil choices take pleasure in it, that counts for them being evil in eyes of God that is what im saying. I am also against this game it is not what it was advertised to be.
  2. Bioware lied to the player base and has lost alot of respect, it wont be getting much help but you can bet the ones whom left are making it known to others why they left. People are talking about the game but saying it sucks.
  3. In my view if SWTOR fails and costs them financial loss it would be good for gaming industry overall showing to companys that rush releases with lack of something new will not be tolerated by the gamers any longer. Some peoples standards are much much lower than others but people whom are thinkers for themselves dont stand for such treatments.
  4. You do realise it one games with worst press atm, people are recommending to other gamers to avoid it that it bad and full of problems and was released early, others are saying to boycotte ea and bioware games all together as a statement against money grabbing releases. What reality are you living in that you cant see that the game is failing and that the word of mouth will actually be it down fall. Are people in denial so much the obvious is missed. The choices suck and have no impact on the way the game goes really it could been so much more appealing with more impact and fact is anyone whom wants to choose evil choices is not a good person and deserves the wrath of god.
  5. I find it unfair as a consumer that people whom did longer month subscriptions are not automatically given back remaining time as refund if cancel. For who wants to play a game for 1month and have payed for 6months but want to quit game so dont even login in those 6months it almost like theft. A refund needs to be offered to be fair to consumers. Infact I say class action lawsuit for those whom want the money back from subs which they canceled which are longer than the 2 months.
  6. Starwars isnt even that good of a universe anymore anyway, the Starcraft universe is much more interesting. Honestly for it time back when videos were the thing starwars was good idea but now it old hat and need be shelved.
  7. That is not same as someone whom pays for 6months, if they use it for 1month and dont enjoy it they have right to be refunded the 5months to come and leave the game.
  8. Your best bet is to contact the company and tell them look I accidently clicked the wrong subscription and want refund for the months ahead for I only wanted to try it for a month. It is wrong of them to not give refunds for months not even yet here there is no reason other than greed for them to not refund.
  9. Anonymous may not liking way EA has gone about things. Cooperate greed needs to be exposed and the truth revealed it sad when money becomes first over custom satisifcation.
  10. You realise that is if those people hang around for over a year to even make back what they spent. It doesnt have 1.7million subs.
  11. more fail from the abomination that is EA/Bioware.
  12. Indeed, let the Anonymous bombs drop for EA is a company of greed which works for the devil...
  13. Wasnt very nice of Bioware/EA to do there intentions arnt good it all about keeping subscibers and making money alot us aware of the real reason they did it.
  14. He saying this for people whom run out before it comes, to get the free month they have to resub even if it was a day before it. So what he pointing out is that it a ploy to make people resub to get the free month, you dont get the free month if your not currently subscribed when the 25th comes around cant you read between the lines?
  15. Question most us should ask ourself why did we buy a game from EA when we know they are always fail. I dont see this game lasting a yr I see it floping majorly when bigger mmos come out and losing alot to Diablo 3.
  16. You might end up losing ya friend for making him join a broken game, it about to be a ghost town next month.
  17. Your right bro it was misleading but there people whom can see a plane hit building and believe the story the media tells them so no different here, some are yesmen mindless robots consumers that dont think for themselves so your right this was a ploy to money grab as was suspected when trying to keep subs up for finanical records, good to see some people have a IQ over 30
  18. Get to lvl50 then your opinion maters not someone whom just began the game and doesnt have any experience in it. You said I only just began playing it many people liked it until saw it for what it is.
  19. The ranked pvp wont change the gameplay, the gameplay is real reason most have left. It isnt appealing and feels more like a job than fun. The die hard fans will always defend even when deep down they know there is problems, it called denial it when someone enters into a psychological state were they dont want to believe the truth.
  20. You wont be when actually get to end of it, the solo player game is fine but it when you see what it really has to offer then you will know why so many have left.
  21. You kidding me, that not what the investors are saying, get your facts straight. There is not alot more people there has been no growth in the game at all infact it is decreasing and if people want to go into denial then that is your choice but in the stockmarkets it doesnt lie and when people say SWTOR is a bad investment sell your Stock in EA now they arnt saying it for heresay. 1.2 and the events after it have damaged the repetation of bioware/ea more than you want to accept, many players are angry they were not included in the free offer of 30 days, which was a ploy to increase sub numbers to make a better finanical report because as long as people are subed they can claim it as sub numbers even if your not paying. It was a ploy to bring back players whom had already quit and when people whined and whine they expanded it to keep them happy but original reason for it was a marketing ploy.
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