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Everything posted by unseenmaji

  1. As a testimony to EA and Bioware we should all just quit now bugger waiting for a patch that they delay longer to get sub money tyring to cover the cost of the 300 million, trust me they are dragging it out to get as much out you as possible ive quit already wont be renewing it once my sub is ran out. Because games on horizon and a free game to play that pretty good is at http://www.pathofexcile.com
  2. Indeed and employees inside whom got released have said that it would fail that EA would rush it sale for release then not care what happens after, you see EA sees let make a big amount cash who cares about the long term goals as long we get a profit. They havnt even made the money they spent they made probably around 170 million and the game is said to have cost 300 million they were hoping the starwars name itself would pull in about 10 million players which would gave them 1.7 billion which is about 1.4 billion profit. This wasnt the case and companys need to boycotte EA how many times have we seen EA ruin companys games and damage their names. I am telling you this over this game Bioware would have lost alot of fans that will go else were now than buy there games, whoever decided to involve EA ruined it, EA has a bad track record and is the curse of gaming.
  3. Early releases before game is ready is the reason so many are failing, but honestly people lack any creativity whom is making it that why it always rehashed quests but there is hope because Guild wars 2 has realised that and has changed things added new experiences I feel GW2 will be the next gen mmo it pvp sounds awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4VKhrCDWfg&feature=g-vrec&context=G2547291RVAAAAAAAAAQ that is awesome.
  4. You making a joke sounds like it. You realise EA is involved therefore it wont suceed.
  5. let fanboys and yesmen ruin games, they done it on every other mmo just kept telling it ok everything ok then games die and their like what happened...
  6. You have to admit the your gear is better than me will be gone though, it will come down to skill, also did you know they are having a way of giant battles that apparently will have sieges and many other interesting ideas. It is also free to play and no buy to improve model, people can buy looks and things which dont impact balance of game or affect anything so pay to win isnt part of it. It new and may be the future of MMO if they do it sucessfully.
  7. You need to understand some people actually come as guilds and leave as guilds, there is others doing the same. So he would be speaking for his guild they would be deciding a new game to play together not all guilds dont form a active community.
  8. Guildwars 2 is looking to be a great game, have you seen the open world pvp they are planning to install that is going to be good also they said they are removing gear advantages and leaving it down to peoples skill, so in pvp enviroment people are equal in gear it comes down to skill so the game will be about having fun not grinding items just to compete. check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4VKhrCDWfg&feature=g-vrec&context=G2547291RVAAAAAAAAAQ
  9. seems to me your only one acting in anger and malipulation, we meant those whom pointed out about EA failures, are you one those conspiracy people? do you think it time that the real problem be discussed and also other companys realise why they are being harmed?
  10. Problem is alot people are yes men, they dont understand that they shouldnt accept lower standards it only makes worser games, EA I feel is destroying gaming industry think of all the games which have done bad with name EA involved. You know if they keep stoping people from speaking their views those people will just leave and the population will decline it when people arnt pointing out problems that they given up on them. It sad that yes men and fanboys cant see it the ones whom have higher standards make the gaming industry greater because we dont like being treated as numbers like EA does.
  11. Is bioware EA no seems you cant read, we clearly have said that EA has caused many companys to fall and that they have now damaged bioware. Seems you didnt notice we didnt say Bioware employees.
  12. This thread is a thread of truth and if they censor it just proves the point that they are afraid of anything negative said, now I am saying that I feel true reason for the troubles bioaware has had in recent games is EA.
  13. No we are saying that because of EA rushing them it is not the game it could have been if they had achieved open world game that allowed for proper space battles and traveling to worlds even and everything wasnt instanced as well and it had more content and wasnt totally focused on single player then it could been a mmo to rival WOW as it stands now it not even close. We are saying EA ruins companys and it has happened time and time again im suprised they not be sued for destroying these companys reputations.
  14. Btw do you know if EA was involved with Dragon Age 2, no.1 was great but the second one was terriable, Bioware has made some great games in past, Bauldersgate being one the older and for it time extremely good, Dragon age more newer and great as well plus the mass effect series, I think EA has had impact on their recent games.
  15. I agree I think companys need to boycotte EA they seem to ruin things and seek aid from others, if you think about it this is truly EA fault, they probably even forced the instance based style cause it quicker to do than open world.
  16. EA forced the release of Hellgate London early same thing people put up with it for few months waiting on a big patch which was meant to fix everything, when the patch wasn’t all it was cracked up to be people left anyway eventually after only 10months the servers got shut-down and company disbanded that made it. EA has forced starwars the old-republic out early unfinished just like Hellgate London was even the employees have said in blogs that they only care about the money and don’t even treat their employees well, they predicted it would flop that people would join because it Starwars but without that name backing it is nothing. I feel that this game is heading the direction other mmos went and if the 1.2 is a disappointment many people will unsubscribe. The problem is EA it has ruined so many companies even lead to many being shut-down they push for releases to get money and dont see the end goal, I feel that this game needed 6months more development time even a year and it would been a greater success. Personally because of EA involvement I hope it does flop they need to understand customers are not numbers and treating us as such only results in us not supporting them, Bioware made a mistake getting associated to EA, which is one most disliked companies in gaming and they have damaged the reputation of Bioware as they have done before with other companys. I pray this 1.2 is a miracle and revives the game but I feel it wont be and will let down alot of us we will probably play a little then get bored again. The game is too instanced based and isnt open world that is one main reasons it is dieing. If they shutdown the threads which are negative then that is sign of it decline for they are filtering out anything which is said to be bad about the game which is wrong and is censorship.
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