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Everything posted by Capt_Beers

  1. I recently started leveling a new Sorc and got in to the 30-59 bracket I have to say that experience could be quite jarring for a new player. As an experienced player (also experienced with the class as I have a Sage too) I know that bolster is broken, I know that I'm missing some very key utilities/skills and that things will even out eventually. However if I were on my first toon or was trying PvP out for the first time it would be a very jarring experience indeed. I'm taking 6-9k damage on average form most other players while hitting for about 3-4 maybe 5k if I'm lucky against them. In arenas I'm piled on immediately (not hating on it, it's a totally valid strat) and easily killed in the space of one stun. Without CD's or at least a little help I'm dead within in 3-4 GCD's. Hopefully BW fixes this mess because it is very likely adversly affecting PvP in end game brackets as well in more than one way: - People just get frustrated and quit PvP or the game entirely. Speaks for itself. - They stop PvPing until they get to 50+ or 60 and lose out on a ton of valuable experience. This results in people learning to PvP in the 60 bracket which is just a terrible place to start learning - The people who are playing at 45+ are able to get away with a lot of mistakes against lower level toons. There were a lot of 1v1's/2v1's I would have easily won if I had been a higher level due to sloppy play by the other players. I would imagine plenty of people have developed bad habits form winning these easy match ups.
  2. Thanks bud :-) http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/ro0wn
  3. The title of the thread is "Stealth exploit in Corellia Arena"...
  4. I loved SWBF2 but I won't be pre-ordering until I see some game play. If it's just Battlefield with a SW skin that would be extremely disappointing.
  5. That's pretty hard to say since less pops could very well mean 0-1 an hour
  6. Star Fighter has it's own forum, this would probably be better off being there.
  7. Maybe we shouldn't have classes based on their opponents not doing anything?
  8. This change only affects you while white barred. You are immune to hard stuns/mezzes while white barred.
  9. Official SWTOR PvP forum super villian
  10. +1 for saying "I got distracted form posting on a video game forum with work"
  11. I open myself up and I only get hurt.
  12. Dulfy is great of you are doing PvE but PvP is completely different. Do you have any videos of games? Maybe we can help you improve? Sage healing is extremely strong right now. They have great mobility, excellent AOE and single target healing and pretty strong survivablity with the right utilities. What utilities are using?
  13. The Rescue change would actually be pretty cool but Sages are far from under powered and are probably the best arena healer atm. 0/10
  14. The Elo (seriously, it's not an acronym, Harvand Elo made, it's named after him) system works. The pop just isn't there. BW decided instead of you never getting a pop to just widen the acceptable range in rating difference the longer you are in queue.
  15. I really miss my old AP PT. Pretty much stopped playing the toon all together in 3.0. I always felt the damage was fine for what it was. I thought it should be a little bit tankier, maybe a better flat DR or a stacking DR or something but I really liked it's rotation. It was possible to "burst" people (I think mostly because they didn't expect it so no CD's got popped), the rotation was easy but required you to be mindful of your heat and most of it's procs were guaranteed so as long as you kept your priority list straight you were good to go. The AoE cleave was great, Immolate's animation is awesome (it's shame about Fire Pulse though), ED > Rocket Punch > RS was a fun combo. I was disappointed when I saw they were getting Scorch as opposed to a direct damage ability. RIP in piece Pyro
  16. A Scoundrel/Commando team could work. AoE stealth > sap tanky/healy one > E Net and explode the squishier one could work. Only survivable counter to that is to be a Jugg I would think. Either way the team on the receiving end is going to use a lot more to stay alive than the attacking team.
  17. I'm done with his thread. You two haven't given a single fact supporting how a wins only system would be better. All you have is conjecture is that it will boost participation because reasons. You haven't addressed any of the problems with this system: - Inflation, with no penalty from losses the number required for tier 1 just keeps going up. - No meaningful matchmaking is even possible never mind issues with population (which will still exist btw). 50-0 and 50-200 players are the same in this system. How can you make balanced matches from that? - It incentivizes quantity over quality. You don't have to be good, you just have to win games. Even if you have a 25% win ratio as long as you play lots of games you will go up in ranking. - A win over someone with no wins and a win over someone with 500 wins would count the same. Beating people who have never won a game should not move you up in anyway. - If you think quitting is a problem now, just wait until there is no penalty for it. People will bail once a teammate dies in the first round. Since playing more games is better than playing good games in this system no one will stay in matches that aren't a sure thing. Some people probably wouldn't even stick around if they had a Commando or a Mara on their team. I'm not a huge fan of solo ranked as it is. It is plagued with problems both design problems and community problems. That being said changing it over to this would fix nothing and make what's left of the ranked PvP in this game an even bigger joke.
  18. And the system you are in support of will either not fix anything or make it worse. There is nothing constructive about this idea because it will not work. Your entire reasoning so far seems to be the current system doesn't work so this one will. What my rating is doesn't really matter, I played about 12 games and stopped playing for a while. I understand what a rating system is and how it should work. The problem with the system we have now is population. The system would work infinitely better with a higher population but we don't have that. I still play because I play with friends and I still enjoy doing a couple of WZ's a day. Switching from an Elo rating system to this "just count wins" system would trivialize what's left of this games competitive PvP. I don't think solo ranked should be a thing but if you were to remove it there would be no ranked PvP because people can't bring themselves to queue for group for some reason. So despite how I feel about solo queue it's what BW is sticking with.
  19. The acid pits are so broken and inconsistent they aren't worth bringing up until they are either fixed or BW confirms they function that way by design.
  20. Wow, you missed the point of that statement so badly it makes me wonder whether or not you are even human. When someone who is performing well in an area says "I know I'm not the best" despite their good performance it usually means "I know I can still improve." Now I don't know Kre'a and I've never played with him but it seems like he knows what he is talking about and genuinely cares about the game. You on the other hand are salty as hell that you aren't in the top so much so that you feel the need to diminish what everyone who is doing better than you has done. It's like because you can't get to the top form the bottom it's impossible that Kre'a did it and because he did the system must be broken because there is no way he succeeded where you failed.
  21. Nothing short of a miracle will boost this games population. Removing the last semblance of competition from PvP certainly won't do it. The PvP we have now isn't very competitive but switching over to a system that just says **** it everyone gets rewards or, what is more likely, is even more broken than this one (no way to do any kind of meaningful match making, crazy "rating" inflation, no penalty at all for trolling/win trading etc). It will alienate top tier players (why play if your 50-0 char gets the same rewards/rating as the 50-300 character), it will alienate casuals (they probably won't play the number of matches needed to move up), trolls will be able to go even harder since there is no rating to be lost (as long as they win once and a while they could even stay in the same rating as top tier players), getting a late start tot he season pretty much ends it for you, I mean I could go on forever. There is a reason any rating system worth it's salt takes losses into account. To be honest all I hear in these threads is "I want the rewards and it's stupid I can't get them."
  22. The bonuses all stack. combining a sub XP bonus, guild XP bonus, XP stim and the Legacy XP perks on a 2XP weekend will net you in the area of 495% XP.
  23. I always try to do that but then I think "What if a new player reads this. If no one points out that's wrong they will probably think it's right."
  24. I hate it when I do that lol. The same way I waste my KB on Vigi/Veng from instinctively hitting as soon as they land.
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