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Everything posted by Prapcaster

  1. Not entirely. The bulk of the rewards for the new pvp seasons are in match acievments like damage medals. Sure there's a few milestones for winning but there's still little to no incentive.
  2. Yep that's him. He's been trashing the players and devs ever since he quit. Which makes me think it wasn't a voluntary departure.
  3. This blew my mind too. They're really banking on people not remembering the game past 6.0. In 5.0 there was 8 man premades and it was the worst pvp in swtor history. It was just healers and skank tanks queue syncing to get on the same team. The lockout won't stop this because they'll just keep declining pops until they get it right. The age of the solo player is dead and gone.
  4. So half decent means to afk and put the game on another monitor while you watch netflix and make a call when you hear yourelf get attacked?
  5. I actually meant to reply to another guy but it was early for me and I hadn't had coffee lmao my fault
  6. The 4v4 queue is now completely dead and all the serious pvpers have left. So why would people be queueing 4's in 7.2.2 when they're fully capable of doing it now? It seems like you're just another person talking out of their ass. This is nothing more then the devs attempt to make pvp afker friendly because those are the people that spread the most toxicity.
  7. The lockout just in general needs to be reduced to 5 minutes or just removed if thet can't figure out a way to make it work with dc'ing
  8. marksman sniper is nearly a copy paste of marksmanship hunter with a bit of mercenary in there too
  9. @EricMuscoAre you guys planning on replying to this thread like the others? It's been almost a month with no news after the announcment with zero middleground being met.
  10. This is facts actually. People play madness because it's easy as piss to get good numbers plus the self heals are great. But if you play lightning with elemental the numbers are better in cleave situations. Losing phase walk sucks but since it's just regs now it's not a huge deal.
  11. They remove extremely well selling items on the cartel market all the time. You're not even making any valid points. You're literally just a troll that's trying to bait people into arugment just like peepee'nero did. Log off and touch grass.
  12. The most profitable area of swtor in the past aside from micro transactions obviously has been pvp. Starting the 8v8 ranked. People left WoW in herds to play the 8v8 ranked and a bulk of them left when it was made 4v4. But more people that hated that there were no arenas came back for the ranked which ofc added a lot of revenue to the game. Fast forward a while more and they remove pvp gear which killed most of the remining pvp guilds in swtor. So please explain to me how removing yet another feature that requires you to pay a monthly subscription is a bad idea. Because I just see you repeating the same nonsense arugment over and over again. Coding a new season into the game does not cost them anything. The reson they're removing it is because they have such low talent in their coding team that it should be criminal.
  13. As much as I hate when people cry bugs for losing operative is pretty broken with the rubberbanding and lag. Few days ago in a huttball an operative rolled though one of the ramps and I lost 40% of mu hp without even being able to attack them.
  14. They get feedback from people like swtorista who doesn't even get 20k dps
  15. It's a big win to you because those rewards were locked behind skill
  16. I'll rephrase that. I don't think it's an issue because anyone can make a couple buds in the game and get good with a meta premade and fight the other premades so yeah it's a skill issue issue if people are malding about it you right. But objers can easily beat them by just walking 4 inches outside of mid and afking a node.
  17. Premades have never been the issue. The issue is 1. People will queue as skank tank, sorc heler, and double lethality and just dominate people that aren't just meta abusing to pretend they're good. 2. Pvp even in regs is so dead that you might only go against one premade the entire night. Which I get why that's demoralising but it didn't used to be that way. But taking away the ability to queue with friends is a pretty counterproductive thing to suggest in an mmo.
  18. This also confused me. Ranked is already a small community but at the very least all of them still sub to the game. If you take away the subscription wall from pvp entirely maybe a handful of people will keep their sub to raid. I just don't see the logic from a bussiness perspective.
  19. When I played the pts a few days ago you could actually place them on live bodies as well
  20. That's not the flex you think it is. If you're relatively geared you can out damaged 98% of people in regs spamming your basic attack all match or get top of the leaderboard afk farming obj on a node.
  21. Just speaking on the toxicity, the reason it's even noticable is because the community is small. If you look at games with cross server queues in their ranked system like WoW. There's still bad/new players queueing up but since the queue size goes to tons and tons of players from every server you don't have to play with them match after match. Get one bad player and there's no need to tell him to get better gear because you'll most likely never see them again. But here since they refuse to add cross server queues there's a chance you'll get that person in 320 gear 10 matches in a row. Anyone would get toxic after that happens.
  22. Yeah I myself am a forever silver and had no shot at getting any of the gold/top 5 rewards. I loved to see the stuff that only the top maybe 2% of the game would get from higher rewards. Now everyones and their cousins cousin will have the rewards and it just kind of sucks. But oh well life goes on. As for New World it had a really rushed launch which lost a lot of it's players, But they recently patched it and fixed most of the issues so the pvp is really great atm. To me it feels like a combo of eso and god of war.
  23. See ya'll in new world and WoW
  24. I mean every ranked mode in every mmo is miniscule compared to the casual modes. Take WoW for example. It's the exact same way as it is in this game. Everyone there knows the top 5 players like here and it's waaayyy smaller in comparison to regs simply because it's harder to get into. When I played guild wars 2 it was the exact same as well. It's to be expected. What you don't do is push those people who are paying customers out of the game because you don't know how to balance it.
  25. Confirmed wintrader in the pts section btw
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