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Everything posted by Prapcaster

  1. Can hardly blame people for just death matching. I used to but there's nowhere to go to actually pvp. Last remaining pvpers are all grouped into 4-5 pvp guilds across the entire game. Queueing 4's with the intention of actually getting good matches is point less because if you run a standard tank, heals and 2 dps chances are you're gonna go against some random bot team and neither side has any fun doing that. So queueing 8v8 to fight other premades is really the only option and there's no incentive to actually win other then some chump change tech frags. We need real rewards not these garbage armor sets that they're making now. Give it a year tops and you won't see any premades anymore. Actually you probably won't see anyone but node clickers either.
  2. Oh bet. I think I'd agree that sins and pt's do more then jug in arenas if it's tanking. Jug has a decent cleave but the slows plus cleave from pt and sin outshine it by a mile imo.
  3. Their openers are absolutely better then jug but the overall damage from rage jugs that take dominate is pretty much unrivaled. 70k-100k crits every 5 or 6 gcd's is just nuts.
  4. No you don't. You said you play on SS and I haven't touched that server for about 4 years. Look man I get it you got farmed and getting farmed is never fun. But from the looks of it you hate an entire guild and everyone in it. Looks to me that this isn't really a one sided problem. If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you get off the forums because you're too soft.
  5. Ranked. It was the seperate queue that's severely missed now. There were rarely issue of 8 mans ever being on the same team and certainly not in 4v4. Better pvpers who queued for ranked were trolled and harrassed then and they are now too. People were posting how mad they were that the ranked players didn't leave the game when ranked left. I think you need to look up the definition of elitist. An elitist isn't someone that's better then new players. An elitist is someone who's condescending to new players and gatekeeps certain areas of the game. That's not what premades are. Stop throiwing around empty insults to make yourself feel better please I used to like her a lot until I read up on how she treats other content creators on reddit. It's really sad because there's more then enough views to go around.
  6. They did have that. And the casuals cried about it for 9 straight years until they removed it.
  7. Irrelevent. Your incoherant ramblings aren't swaying anyone of this "constant wintrading". My guess is that you're person #56674565476567 claiming wintrading without knowing what it actually is but you saw it said on the forums a couple times and like how it sounded so now you thorw around that token phrase.
  8. That's extrememly winnable if people are smart enough to run as much cleave as possible.
  9. I don't believe wintrading is happening in any way at this point. Before ranked was removed I didn't condone it but I definately see why people did it. the titles and flairs looked great. But what's the point of wintrading now? Some mid titles that nobody cares about and a bit of conquest points? Nah man it just ain't happening.
  10. I don't understand why they don't just put the mod vendor either by the pvp vendor or combine them into one. These destructing gear missions from hyde and zeke are complete nonsense that does nothing but waste your time. It feels like they're just adding all these gear runarounds as ways to confuse new players. I constantly see people begging on fleet for someone to tell them how to gear because there's zero help for them and the "content creators" gearing guides just confuse them even more because they're always extremely long winded instead of just telling them to go from point A to point B.
  11. I'm suprised they haven't made a payload delivery type match like in overwatch. I feel like that would be a good middle ground for people who play obj and people that wanna killfarm.
  12. In other words people play swtor to kill time after work and play funner games on the weekend since none of their friends play this anymore.
  13. Pretty sure most people have just gone to WoW, New World and Overwatch. This game has nothing left to offer to pvpers and raiders so what's even the point of playing it for end game content. The only reason I still play it is for nastalgia and I like playing with my friends. But let's stop kidding ourselves this game will NEVER be as good as we all remember it. This is as good as it's gonna get. Just grindy bullsh*t in place of fun competition because swtor is slowly but surely being abandoned by bioware for micro transactions.
  14. You're right they shouldn't recieve blame but the devs tried to blame it on them in the first 7.2 livestream when they claimed it was all to combat toxicity when in reality they were too lazy to tweak the leaderboards in the slightest way. The devs have driven a wedge between the games communities and I'm not sure if bringing ranked back would even fix it.
  15. pay 500 cartel coins to get higher crit
  16. Stop using logic on these forums brother they'll remove your post for that
  17. If only there was a rating system that seperated higher skilled players.
  18. Nothing to do with throwing it's them removing an entire game mode that demanded a skill gap. Now it's just every person who did story to level 80 with level 40 gear able to queue. they need to add a gear qualification or something. But they won't because pvp is being abandoned for micro transactions.
  19. The people getting globalled in 2 gcd's in arenas is sure driving me away from the game
  20. I think it's fair to assume that with them not even addressing that 8 mans are even an issue is them saying they've more or less abandoned pvp. Adding a grind instead of actual competition was pretty much their way of saying shut up and deal with it. Pvp had a good run but it looks like the devs are just looking for ways to collect paychecks with as minimal work as possible now. Sucks to see because this game used to be genuinely amazing and could've been the best mmo to exist if they hired capable people to run it.
  21. At the risk of getting another comment removed I'll try to talk about this. 8 mans I agree are a bad thing full stop. 4 mans are just friends who enjoy playing with each other and shouldn't be touched. The biggest issue is the match making. If the hidden mmr is as invasive as bioware has told us then these 4 mans are just damage farming for fun and are gonna go against the people that are more or less free kills because their loss record is so terrible from solo queueing. A lot of people complaining are the same people that are also getting farmed by competant pug teams and they'll still blame premades for that. Not all the complainers but a lot. How do you even fix that? Make the game a single player game and remove the online?
  22. 98% of the people who call themselves pvpers now are 3k dps node click spammers so the bar isn't very high.
  23. Gear doesnt equal skill. But people who have 340 gear are most likely skilled. If people are using gear that isn't min/max'd through enhancments they're gonna be at a pretty severe disadvantage.
  24. Taylala is a pretty good example of all this. I'll be real when she first started queueing ranked a season or two ago she was a pretty easy kill. But she's been askiNG around and hanging out with better players and has gradually become tons better from doing this. Most people just like to blame other people for where they're at.
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