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Everything posted by Prapcaster

  1. Inititially I thought that's what they were going to do because it would be an even better system. All they did was make the hidden matchmaking elo visible which was a huge mistake. If you get around 70% or more in 8v8 the queue becomes super slow so I've seen people bomb their win rate just to get matches faster. It's like wintrading in reverse lmao.
  2. This would have meant even just for the leaderboards to continue as is, would have taken a large rewrite to how we handled player data. That's a direct quote. So please stop acting like a little brat that can't comprehend the laziness of the devs. Pretending to be stupid for bait is a really unaatractive quality.
  3. just say you didn't read it lil bro it's fine. You're kind of throwing off 5'3" energy if I'm being real.
  4. Not being skilled enough to do it or being too lazy to do it. I can't say either of those are better or worse then the other.
  5. This https://forums.swtor.com/topic/926287-follow-ups-on-pvp-in-72/#comment-9731390 under the "why not keep leaderboards active" bit. He straight up admits they can't figure out how to get it to work then rambles on about positive play for the rest of it. They've done everything but promote positive play the past year. They need to just tear the band-aid off already and say they're no longer working on pvp and be done with it.
  6. yor realise they admitted to removing it because they didn't know how to change the coding right? They still for some strange reason haven't removed that embarassing post about it. It had nothing to do with its population and even if it did, look what's happened. The pvp community has completely disappeaered from this game and nobody but conquest guilds actively participate in pvp. It's a pointless minigame now.
  7. Oh no my friend I'm talking about when you fully admitted to it on the Dulfy "guide" that you made. Nice try with the diversion tho. Your anger is a dead giveaway that you know you're wrong.
  8. Why are talking like your discord messages weren't leaked to the entire population of the game of you straight up admitting you wintraded
  9. They were warning us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twyeRiIu8ns&ab_channel=GameZone
  10. He also praised it when it first dropped saying how good the titles and achievments were
  11. That feature on the new forums has really shot them in the foot lmao. I've seen them lurk on quite a few threads so at this point they're just blatantly ignoring the criticism. Pretty sure they only even come on the pvp area of the forums to delete "rude" comments.
  12. It wouldn't even have taken them more work to keep 8v8 ranked as well as 4v4 ranked. Two seperate ques with two seperate leaderboards. That's the biggest issue I've always had with this team. There's zero middle ground it always one extreme or the other. Old buddy I used to play with years ago who was a coder or something like that for bioware. Not a dev just an employee. According to what he told me they polled a bunch of ranked players and most were in favor of adding 4v4 ranked but they never told them it was gonna cause the deletion of a game mode.
  13. Not really. They're just harrassing and farming people who can't put up a fight and get farmed whenever an actual comp is formed. Quite the good group of players that kick a wounded dog when it's down. I'm sure most people know who I'm talking about but the person in that guild who is the biggest offender was dogwater for years and couldn't even crack bronze lmao. Also he was on the forums for months after crying that premades are unfair and now it's all he does. Edit: Also thhought I'd mention the fact that they had a member that was catfishing guys into sending him money, paying his sub and had them buy a new pc for him.
  14. I knew that guys from bergeron colony from like a decade ago. Pretty sure he was in an rp guild back then and he did zero pvp and couldn't really clear anything in pve either. Unless he got really good at the game in this time he's got zero credentials to talk about anything in this game outside of running dailies.
  15. I've come to terms that there will never be a time where pvp guilds are a thing. Back before 5.0 was a great time but the game has forced them all out. Only pvp guild left on sf that regularily queues is no idea and those guys have the personalities of early 2000's tv high school bullies that don't like the exchange student.
  16. Midbies bracket is a facade so new players don't know the game is dead until level 80. they see all these people queueing up lower levels and think "wow if this many people play this game at low levels imagine how many play level 80" and then they sub for a while.
  17. Facts. It starts out that I'm in a premade and it's the only way I win. When they find out I'm solo queueing it turns into me hacking somehow. When they can't prove I'm hacking it turns into exploiting the maps. These are same losers that we all know irl that never got a real job and always complain on their socials that the world is against them. They've learned that they can abuse this mentality in a video game to bully and harass anyone with zero consequences. But the ranked players are the toxic ones lmao
  18. I've been playing gw2 a lot lately when the queues die here. The pvp is much worse and allowing other levels and disregarding gear does nothing to fix their game. I play burn guardian and I'm more unkillable then a skank tank in swtor. I can kill 3-4 people in an opener and have zero chance of dying most of the match. swtor is in a better state then most mmo's pvp aside from new world and wow.
  19. I love solo queueing as a healer. The problem is the odds of getting on a team full of rp/conquest players instead of a team iwth people that know how to pvp is super high. That's not even pvp at that point it's just watching people get deleted in 2 gcd's. There's zero fun in those matches and it just makes you spec into madness to tryhard pvp. I don't understand the logic with allowing super queues for this long aside from a last ditch attempt to keep the last few pvpers here after the ranked removal fiasco. Edit: Pressed send to early lmao. I also agree that having a dedicated solo queue for at least 8v8 would be a queue killer. There's times when you're waiting 7+ minutes solo queueing when you're getting against premades so imagine how terrible it would be when it's filtering them out.
  20. you also have to be a femboy to play ff14
  21. They read the forums daily. Say anything hostile to the devs and they'll have your post removed with a detailed message why they removed it in under 15 minutes. Refer back to my previous comment. They don't care. The only dev that was actually trying to meet people half way was railroaded by the dev that left bioware the second his 7.0 critisizm started. And that last somewhat decent dev looks like he's staying with bioware.
  22. I disagree with that. Around launch I pvp'd all the time and was just a free kill because I straight up didn't understand the game and would press buttons randomly. There really weren't guides at this point so the information wasn't there. It took several months of a pvp friend to straight up tell me ability by ability to use until I understood the game. But now there's guides overflowing on the internet and people still choose to ignore rotations and whatnot. There's zero excuse to be terrible as people are in pvp right now. It's not ignorance from them it's pride and negligence that prevents a lot of bad players from improving. This obj>damage mentality is certainly adding to people refusing to learn.
  23. Honestly I just think they don't care anymore. Balancing patches used to be catered to pvp balancing and now it's just general pve tweaks by the looks of the past year or so. They no longer care that certain specs can obliterate everyone on the map without even breaking a sweat. They no longer care if people can make a super queue team and sweep the map of all the noobs. They no longer care that people are leaving the game in herds because their pay isn't changing so **** those people. They just don't care. This game is nothing but a monthly paycheck and the only opinion that matters is their chosen streamers that shill out cartel coins to fleet rpers.
  24. That's the truest thing I've ever seen. On'y reason I even play anymore is a raid team that I'm on. I sometimes do my weeklies just to get tokens but since all my friends quit in season 2 pvp is just a hollow void.
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