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Everything posted by Sylriana

  1. haven't people been complaining about raid content being too easy anyways?
  2. Except no one said anything about making the game a "lobby game". They're asking for functionality to make it easier to find groups for multiplayer content. That begs the question though: If your complaint is against "lobby game" style play. How exactly is sitting in the fleet for an indeterminate amount of time somehow a better alternative to being able to simultaneously look for a group and play the game with a modicum of efficiency?
  3. What of it? It's standard fare in SW... I mean, pretty much every droid you meet in the movies at least has the ability to emulate sentience if they aren't a proper AI outright. If anything some of the more mindless droids you see in TOR are the anomaly, not the AI.
  4. So.. an MMO isn't an MMO if it isn't inconvenient and painful to get things started? That's an odd set of criteria. Presuming relatively comparable representation across the servers, multi-server LFD doesn't actually do anything to address that though.
  5. They complain too. Sorcs/Sages are upset that lightning/tk isn't very good. Mercenaries/commandos complain about not having an interrupt and being super immobile... as well as how Seer/Corruption gets leagues better AoE heals than them while having almost the same single target healing. Powertechs/Vanguards complain about AP/Tactics doing bad damage. Quite a few specs prioritize surge pretty highly...
  6. Because I wanted to play a Chiss and shoot a bunch of probes at people. They ended up being so much fun I'm considering making a Sniper instead of a Gunslinger, though that's in part just because Op isn't as fun as I thought it'd be.
  7. .. C3P0 is a useless protocol droid. Jarjar is a wealthy former general and senator who's even more manipulative than Palpatine. The answer here is obvious.
  8. From my experience most servers make it hard to find groups for heroics. Generally I notice the only time I actually see people looking for groups for heroics is when I'm not available to do them ( seriously. I started a trooper last night and I saw at least 15 different people try to form groups for the Ord Mantell heroics, but by the time I got to that side of the island and picked up the quests, there was absolutely no one running them. ) I'm sure though if you're proactive enough and possibly leave a server/name/faction up on the forums you'll start running into people who're more helpful though.
  9. What makes me facepalm is having to play some stupid force alignment balancing act just to be able to have the customization options I want. Once a week my Sentinel has to go kick a puppy to make sure she can use a red saber offhand. Customization options should be greatly expanded if anything, not contracted.
  10. That all of the blaster rifle using ACs are melee oriented? Seems like actually shooting the thing would be the more obvious choice here, but guess not.
  11. The "he always shot first and I'm just fixing the confusion" bit smells like a troll to me. It's very clear in the original film he didn't ( and he didn't shoot first in the original novelizations either ) That said, with the whole "How could Greedo have such terrible aim" bit, I have to point out: Was Greedo actually intending to kill Han in the first place? Logically if you were trying to extort credits from Han that killing him might not be a wise choice, Nevermind that if execution was the goal of the job, Greedo probably should have/would have attempted to kill Han immediately, rather than have a chat with him first. Under this assumption you could excuse Greedo's miss instead as a warning shot in an attempt to cow Han into paying up.
  12. Admittedly this is a sort of pointless topic, but I've been a bit curious on this subject for a bit and wanted to know if anyone had any opinions or insight. Basically, in KOTOR ( and after some research, the EU in general ) the Jedi Sentinel was the halfway point between the martial focus ( Jedi Guardian ) and the force focus (Consular) with an occasionally noted increased willingness to learn and use common tech... essentially the star wars equivalent of a fantasy setting's battle mage. In TOR though, the sentinel is redefined as the balls-to-the-wall killyoudead lightsabers specialist, and the battle-mage title instead goes to the Shadow (which is apparently a subtype of Sentinel in some versions of other things.) Not sure where I was going with this post.. but.. yeah.
  13. I play on Ven Zallow Imperial ( RP-PvP ) and Ebon Hawk both. ( RP-PvE ) I don't think I've ever actually run into someone who RPs on the former. The latter seems good.. though admittedly the only other RP server I've tried other than those two was Sanctum, which seemed fairly hostile in nature for the brief time I was on it.
  14. Really? I have to completely disagree. My Sentinel leans back and brings her arms up, pausing for a moment before sweeping her lightsaber forward, sending a wave of death and pain right into the enemy's face. My Juggernaut just sort of pouts and throws a hissy fit. It's something my three year old nephew does when you tell him you're not buying him ice cream.
  15. I just started leveling a sniper after maining an Op for a while. sometimes the same faction aesthetics are just too cool though. I'd rather be summoning probes than throwing boxes everywhere
  16. The one that annoys me the most is when dying in a flashpoint and medcenter rezzing teleports you out of the instance ( loading screen ) and then you run back in to rejoin your group ( loading screen ). Frustrating as heck, especially when certain deaths force you to release. Oh.. and I just had a mission on my Agent that required me to go to Dromund Kaas, run to furthest point in the city from the spaceport, then go to the fleet and immediately go back to the same place I just was on Dromuund Kaas. That was a serious *** moment.
  17. Unfortunately, the reality of it is that covert stuff doesn't really work for this sort of game. The game is built around running around and killing groups of enemies... deviating from that ( especially since only half the imperial agent class gets stealth, which prevents any stealth oriented missions ) makes things apparently go weird. Also the undercover stuff in this game feels really off outside Hutta. There's something really immersion breaking about your character basically saying "Yeah. I'll openly fight against the Empire. Hold on one second though, let me fly to the Imperial Fleet to buy some new shoes and then go blow up one of your military bases for this random Moff who wanted my help earlier first. Basically though the answer is that Bioware would rather play it straight than invest that many resources into retooling aspects of the game to fit more comfortably in the IA's story (you can't really blame them though). So you run around with everyone knowing your name doing gruntwork for random field officers and doing things to totally ruin any chance you have of establishing a decent cover with actual espionage and subterfuge kept to an utter minimum. I think the worse part about the IA is that despite being a supposed elite secret agent for a massive empire.... you're probably the most low tech class in the game. A cloaking device or glowy wall thing ( depending on class ) and a wrist mounted dart launcher are literally all you have in the way of gadgets... and your standard equipment consists of a knife, a rifle, and some grenades. That right there is what breaks the whole "james bond" feel.
  18. I think the OP is overestimating the patience of the community at large. If the team does as he suggests and devotes most of their resources into bugfixing instead of new content in 1.2.. we'll have equally loud or louder complaints about how Bioware can't meet deadlines when it comes to updating their game and how the game is stagnating because of a lack of new content.
  19. I actually disagree. Dramatic shifts in playstyle within a class aren't necessarily a bad thing (quite the opposite, sometimes they can improve longevity by giving you more options to explore). Looking back to that MMO that shall not be named, I think one of the reasons I kept playing some of the classes as long as I did was specifically because of how changing certain class' talent specs was almost comparable to playing a new class entirely. TOR has the advantage of more nuance ( because those wildly different specs are instead self contained classes with multiple specs of their own ) but you lose the ability to dramatically shift around your style ( with a few exceptions )... I think that losing that dramatic shift sort of hurts the game, and creates an incidental effect where certain ACs feel "incomplete" because of the way they force themselves to forgo class mechanics in order to 'save' them for the other AC ( at least, this is sort of how I felt regarding my operative, where suddenly the class' unique and arguably defining mechanic is suddenly rendered irrelevant and useless, without any option to utilize it at all. I have all of these vestigial abilities that I actively want to avoid utilizing, and it makes the class feel unfinished. I sort of get the same vibe from the sorcerer, though to a much lesser extent, and with the knight/warrior ACs, while I don't feel incomplete per se, the divisions do feel largely arbitrary in nature ). In that respect, sometimes I think BW might have been better served making this a 4 class game with 5 talent trees per class instead.
  20. Not necessarily. Especially since in regards to replayability, we're not talking about rolling a completely new class, we're talking about rolling the alternate version of the same base class ( i.e. greatly diminished replayability ) .. It seems you're drastically overestimating the percentage of the playerbase who'd be willing to replay the same class again were they to get disgruntled with their main ( as opposed to quitting or making an entirely different class ). It'd probably help some if so many of the ACs didn't feel like an incomplete class because of this division.
  21. Disagree with needing to flag it as a 2 player quest. It's definitely soloable at level 7 or higher as either Sith class ( though leagues easier for the inquisitor ). It just happens to be a slightly harder class that requires thoughtful use of consumables and cooldowns. The popup says Group phase, which just denotes any phased content that's not related to a class quest. It has nothing to do with how many characters it's tuned for.
  22. It's not deception if you know it's happening. The argument that a class isn't overpowered because they haven't been nerfed yet doesn't actually go anywhere or contribute to a balance discussion either though.
  23. If they ever added a third faction, my guess would be a Hutt faction over anything else. It'd even allow them to recycle the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter classes.
  24. Personally it always seemed rude and insulting to me when people set themselves up in a public space and then get annoyed OOCly when other characters involve themselves. At that point you're practically just taunting other players.
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