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Everything posted by Sylriana

  1. Except people aren't talking about doing a "rotation". Only a minimal aspect of a class' toolkit goes into an actual "rotation" ( and even then it's not a true rotation for most classes, it's a priority queue ).
  2. need more specifics if we're going to give you advice for the future. Try again please OP.
  3. I find my Sentinel, Operative, and assassin the most fun if I had to pick.. Though honestly, the only class I didn't find especially fun was Sorcerer, and I probably should have given the class more time.
  4. Credits are pretty easy to come by though through dailies, PvP, etc.... I ran out of money much faster in Vanilla WoW between stocking up on fire resist potions and keeping two sets of gear repaired.
  5. I can see medals for scoring being really painful. Suddenly in Huttball you have a sniper trying to run the ball in, refusing to pass because he wants that extra medal. That's definitely what I want. And on the other hand, it's de-facto punishing you for playing your class "properly" if you're playing a class that shouldn't be ball carrying or bomb planting. If we need to incentivize objectives more, just make the reward for winning larger or the consolation prize smaller ( or both ).
  6. Really? I always thought the TTL in this game was surprisingly long for Warzones. I mean heck, even when my sniper ( relatively squishy ) gets jumped by a Scoundrel ( built entirely around that alpha strike ) the fight still lasts ~10 seconds, much longer if I manage to get some spacing. Going up against a Vanguard/Juggernaut with a healer backing them up? Yeah, that's going to take a loooooong time. The only time my health really evaporates is when I get focused down by two or three people... which is, y'know, kind of expected... Admittedly, if I'm fighting a Sage who forgot to bubble and never casts their heals and I get back to back Ambush - Probe - Followthrough - Snipe crits their healthbar kind of vanishes too. But frankly, unprotected squishy vs high burst class should be rather quick. Admittedly, I'm from a background of games where dying quickly is the norm... so maybe I'm just used to it.
  7. Up until endgame my friends and I just used Mako to heal us through heroics and flashpoints.... much quicker ( and usually more effective ) than getting an actual healer.
  8. I admit. I don't care very much about the issue, but it is surprising how many people here say customization is a bad thing. Naw. It's a matter of class identification, nothing else, which is why a change like this probably won't happen. Bioware immediately wants you to be able to discern what AC you're playing against from a brief profile look based on their armor and weapons. It's not really that big of an issue. Try playing an operative, they have a lot of off handed attacks ( darts, knife attacks, grenades ) and still use a blaster rifle. It certainly wouldn't be any sillier than my flamethrower phasing in and out of existence when I start and stop using it respectively.
  9. Obviously the incentive for staying needs to be greater than the incentive for leaving.... hence wanting to punish someone for leaving ( nevermind the other reasons that make that the best decision )
  10. So.. you're complaining about leechers, but will leave the game if you can't guarantee to yourself that you'll be carried to victory?
  11. Hey. I personally totally support the OP's decision. He's perfectly validated in leaving any Warzone match he wants... He should just be penalized 50 commendations, 1000 valor and shouldn't be allowed to queue for another 30 minutes afterwards for doing so.
  12. How can it simultaneously be FOTM and not popular?
  13. On the off chance it isn't a troll: We can't give you advice as long as you're being so vague ( and that's what you should be asking for. Advice on how you could handle the situation more appropriately in the future ) on the details of combat. That said. The operative basically caught you exactly where any operative wants to catch you. Alone, in the open, getting their opener off, apparently with some cooldowns up ( or a lack of use of appropriate skills on your end ). The concealment operative will and should have a significant advantage in that situation, as it's the entire point of the spec
  14. Except.. not. Most likely Option 1. Except with an actually realistic increase (10-50%) in yield rather than the pointless hyperbole. 2 and 3 is a pointless nerf to a crew skill that is already balanced, 4 will by extension restructure the way the crew skill works in a bad way. 5 would probably be implemented in some way, though not in the way you're thinking, as the only equalizing that needs to happen between Biochem and the other craft skills is for the others to have better access to high tier schematics ( so raiding doesn't obsolete them ).... which would hardly be gamebreaking. This is a false argument though, because giving the non-consumable crew skills the ability to sell their BoPs is purely beneficial (or at best neutral, if the items end up being unprofitable ) from a trade perspective, whereas doing the same for Biochem fundamentally changes the crew skill and directly impacts the rest of its market ( and going back to the previous post, removing those entirely would only be partially harmful because of the imbalance in quality at top end ). In the former case, you're essentially saying you'd be more than happy to broaden your market base in exchange for me collapsing mine, in the former you're offering to shave your head if I chop off my leg.. it's hardly an equitable trade.
  15. "I'm tired of being the worst tanking class in the game, so I'm going to go play the worst healing class in the game as a change of pace" Also, disagree with the first part. Juggernauts are largely viable end game. The content is doable, the larger problem is that Assassins are a bit better than them, and Powertechs entirely outclass you. That's not excusing it as a problem, but there's a difference between overall and general viability, and as long as you're posting lines like that, the thread will be flooded with people saying "But I cleared the content, you're just terrible", even though that has nothing to do with the actual topic.
  16. To word it better: Have the armor granted by the armoring modification be multiplied higher by your max armor proficiency. Conceptually this would allow you to use "orange" quality items that look nifty, rather than having to reject certain pieces because they don't have the appropriate armor class. Might be nifty, and eliminate the need to add redundant armors to social item vendors, or something.
  17. The funny thing is. I completely agree with that point. But they've already accomplished that for Biochem. That's not terrible game design. Terrible game design is forcing players who want nothing to do with a certain aspect of gameplay to spend time messing with it. Think of the huge conniption your average raider would have if 1.2 made it so you had to PvP in order to get top tier raiding gear (or vice versa). Leave crew skills to the people who actually want to craft and don't make people who aren't interested forced to be involved in it ( I know one of the major design changes that pissed me off more than anything in WoW was when 3.x made having 2x maxed crafting professions mandatory ). Generally adding arbitrary combat advantages is just a way for the developer to conceal the actual problems with the crafting system in a game ( back to WoW: the fact that outside the service crafters the craft skills were largely garbage... funny enough, the same problem TOR is having right now, except TOR only has one short-term value / service crafter ). I still think this is a weak argument though. I put the effort into making sure I have a beefy stockpile of consumables for my use.. its hardly my fault, Bioware's fault, or a Biochemist's fault if you're unwilling to do the same. The only tangible advantage that Biochem has is that basically every item it wants to sell is top tier, while many of the other crafting professions have their gear outstripped by top tier gear from raids/pvp ( especially the modification making professions ).... and that's an issue with the other professions, not an issue with Biochem. Oh.. The "just do the same for every other crew skill" argument, while valid, is a bit of a misleading argument... because by and large making those items BoE is purely advantageous to the crafter, while in this instance such an endeavor would fundamentally change the way the crew skill works ( which is especially grievous because it's the only crew skill in the game that sells short term value items, taking that away would alienate any player who prefers that style of trading )... whereas giving my cybertech the ability to sell those high end speeders is just gravy.
  18. At other tiers they're equal ( equal meaning the same, and therefore also not an advantage )
  19. That does seem to be a big point of consternation whenever the topic of Op healing comes up. I think they intend it just to straight forward mean "A lot of healing in a short time period", under which spells like Bacta Infusion work just fine, where the move isn't practical to use constantly ( because of its CD in this case ) but packs a big enough punch to help support someone through a high damage phase. My guess is that they intended KInf to be in the standard efficient rotation and then use SP as burst, but they made KInf to expensive and weak to be work in that role, and SP, with its piddly little 1.38 coefficient, is too weak to really make a good emergency burst (compare Bacta Infusion with 2.28 or UWM at 2.72). I have trouble believing the latter is the case, simply because it's difficult to think they'd screw up so badly as to have the moves usages almost reversed (almost because Infusion is almost never worth casting, but the only situation it is is when you need an emergency heal and SP can't keep up ), where infusion is too pricy to use regularly but has a decent HPCT, and SP is too weak to actually sustain someone through heavy burst, but cheap enough to allow you to go extend your rotation out for quite a while if you weave it in. Either way, trying to figure out what the devs expect of our playstyle can be difficult to figure out and doesn't really help the situation. As it stands SP is trying to serve simultaneously as our efficiency heal and our burst heal (failing at the latter), and KInf goes largely uncasted outside a few niche moments.
  20. If Biochem's best medpacks are BoP still then they would need to adjust those to be in line (I don't have a biochemist and just assumed the top tier medpacks were nerfed too) To rephrase, the comment about a disadvantage is reminding you all (since you seem to constantly forget) that Rakata stims/adrenals give less stats than their top tier BoE counterparts. Which makes it silly to say there's a "combat advantage" when anyone can get the exact same quality of stim/adrenal or better themselves regardless of crew skill. So the truth comes out. It's not a matter of worrying over a "combat advantage" that doesn't actually exist. You just don't want to spend credits. Uhh... This has been answered several times already, but again: Because it fundamentally changes the way the crew skill functions (funny people here are whining about how trade skills should be about trading only, but also want to screw with the way we operate as a trade skill) and messes with the market, nevermind inflation. And because in general, there's no real reason to make the change anyways, and fundamentally restructuring things on a whimsy is poor design.
  21. There's no reason. Sometimes it's just fun to run around and press buttons. Well duh. Dalaran wasn't the main city until Wrath. Ironforge/Orgrimmar was the cool place to run around and do nothing in Vanilla.
  22. Incorrect. This was the case a few patches ago when Rakata stims had more stats than normal stims. Post change, Rakata is actually inferior to the top tier BoE consumables. Taking full advantage of your "crew skill perk" as a Biochemist is a combat disadvantage not the other way around.
  23. Disagree on three other skills: Grav Round > Tracer Missile. The actua projectile for tracer looks nice, but the casting animation looks really silly when you're chain casting it. Ion pulse > fire pulse. Big blast of lightning or a tiny little puff of fire.. Pulse cannon > Flamethrower. I like the way pulse cannon looks and sounds a lot. Mostly though this is an issue of Flamethrower's particle effects being choppy (around the base it doesn't always look like one continuous stream, instead leaving a bunch of partial animations hanging in the air. )
  24. Well clearly that's what the devs intend, with the way Surgical Precision is designed. Probably part of the issue that our efficient heal is also "intended" to be our emergency heal. They should probably retool the talent's secondary effect to work with KInf or something (Since infusion actually is our burst heal).... and let us cast it while moving or something (DS too.... oh, speaking of DS, consolidate that trashy two tier DS buffing talent.) though that's more housekeeping than raw buffage...
  25. Disagree here.. Darkside trooper story is awesome. That said, Bounty Hunter story is way more fun (IMO) and bounty hunters themselves are actually a better class than Well, the BH actually -is- more powerful than the trooper. In minor ways (a few animations, and the resources aren't quite equal), but still. Animation wise I think the BH generally looks better too. Nevermind the physical advantage, but flying up and unloading a hail of bullets is far more intimidating than firing explosive round three times in a row. Though on the flip size. Pulse cannon is a lot more stylish than flamethrower. And there's something really satisfying about smacking a sith lord in the face with the butt of your rifle.
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