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Everything posted by truchaos

  1. I don't have a problem with the dps ops on my sorc or my merc healers, their dps side needed something so that we would even consider taking them on pve operations. What I do have a problem with is the buff did not come with a hand-in-hand re-balance to the scoundrel/operative healing spec's absurdly easy resource management and low skill level verses the other healing AC's in the game.
  2. Three simple changes/revisions would aid in sorc/sage healing and resource management. 1. Revert the change to consumption/noble sacrifice- return the 'no hit point loss when consuming' to the stacks of Force Surge & Resplendence. This will aid in force management vs risk in both pvp and pve settings. No other healer has to risk themselves in such a way to regain their resources like sages/sorcs. 2. Dark Heal / Benevolence- Add a new line to Force Surge/Resplendence that makes these instant while stacks are active. Each instant cast consumes 1 stack (stacks to 3). Do not change the overall force cost. This would be similar to the tactical/upperhand insta heal of the scoundrel/operative only they also have the force cost still attached and can be cast outside of stacks if needed. 3. Dark Infusion/Deliverance- Increase the base healing for these. They are the longest hard-cast heal (both base and spec'ed into) and should pack the largest single target healing punch in the game. Right now for the cast time vs the healing done, it is less than the other healing ac's. Personally, I would like the cast time reduced to what it used to be, but I'd be happy with a base increase in return for the insainly long cast.
  3. I've had two force barriers interrupted by my character 'coughing' from being splashed with the virus in warzones by others exploding on her. I've got a stack of the antidote, but there have been a few times I have forgotten to re-apply it after a death and thus- infected.
  4. Blood, skulls... blood for the blood god!
  5. How about simply giving us all the option to opt out of arenas for regs since some of us never had the desire to run arenas in the first place? Problem solved.
  6. And yet someone using tactics (albeit tactics you do not like) combined with their class/spec's skills was able to defeat 4 100% health players. If he/she had been able to corner/kill each of you in the remaining time would you still be enraged?
  7. I have both a merc bodyguard and a mando field medicae, I know your pain in that.
  8. If they brought back 8v8 with this change, I would be fine with it- however, as it stands right now I really have no desire to run arenas unless the devs also add/modify sorc heals so that i do not feel as if I am a determent to my team simply by playing my preferred class.
  9. Ban 'pre-mades' and force only solo queue and you are more likely to see players in the same guild/voi on opposing sides of a warzone with same faction games. Meaning what the OP is complaining about would be more likely to occur, not less. That being said- I'm not sure that this was even the case for the supposed 'spy' in the OP's warzone. It reads to me like his team was wiped out trying to hit mid and, once they were wiped out, the defending team predicted that they would be headed to the second node (as is the typical flow of battle in ACW) and, from the OP's post, lemming-ed that direction to defend.
  10. I have one, thanks- it would seem my sarcasm failed to translate into text with my statement. I won't forget to add the next time
  11. To quote one of our main op healers- 'Probes! Probes for everyone!' *mad laughter* If all the rolling hots of the scoundrel/op were canceled by them going into stealth, then you might have a point.
  12. Truthfully- no dots should be completely uncleansable. I know some of you are shaking your heads at that, but wait and hear me out before you reach for the pitchforks. The problem with having completely uncleansable dots comes down to the basic balance of healing vs dps. Healing output is currently balanced against the ability of a smart healer to negate some incoming damage through use of properly timed cleanses. Take that aspect away and now you are having to balance healing around unavoidable damage which means healing has to be stronger overall to account for it. You should not be asking for your dots to be uncleaseable- but be more punishing if they are not cleansed. For instance- having a ravage/master strike style dot (the last tick is the big hit) would punish the healer that doesn't/can't get it cleansed. As it stands in the game dots are amazingly easy to apply (the lack of true resists), extremely short duration, and many are the result of unavoidable attacks/procs (the dots from pyro's come to mind here). For a healer the window of time to cleanse a target effectively is very short and many times only proves to last the gcd of the cleanse before the dots are re-applied. As a sorc healer, my expunge has already been nerfed once (the change to madness was indeed a overall nerf to sorcs, not a buff) and I would love to have some sort of 'dot block' effect tied to what is left of my utility.
  13. Try again- it works. I made a point to TEST the fact that it works before I ever posted. Evasion cleanses 'un-expungable' madness dots.
  14. At minimum the un-cleansable dots should be visually marked as such: with something akin to a glowing red boarder on the icon or other distinct marker to set them apart. That way I don't have to guess at what could possibly be cleansed and what can not- and saving a precious gcd.
  15. Actually, it is kind of a big deal- to those of us that play healers. One of the few utility points of a sorc/sage healer was the ability to cleanse force dots. In 8v8 there was no way to keep a team fully cleansed of the dots from a madness sorc, not with purge (excuse me.. Expunge) having a cd and only stripping 2 effects at a time, the speed at which dots/snare effects could be re-applied, and with the proc allowing crushing to be insta-cast (bypassing the ability to stop its application through interrupt). Mostly, I could keep myself and maybe one other partially free of rolling dot damage by limiting the uptime of crushing at the cost of a global for purge instead of a heal. Now I can't even cleanse myself of a madness sorc's dots- But an Operative can cleanse it off themselves with Evasion- which can be talented to refresh faster in the healing tree. Great job devs. Thanks.
  16. So, you prefer the 3-5 smash/veng jugs and snipers camping you on respawn games? The ones were you spend more time looking at a door timer than actually playing in the warzone? For healers to exist in pvp they have to be strong enough to make a difference to a team or we are not worth the spot, it is part of the game balance. However, just like certain dps classes, that means if one (or more) of the healing ac's is too strong/easy it can throw the entire balance off when multiple are present. Right now scound/ops are too strong in their ease of survivability, utility, resource management, and overall healing output. They have all of the tricks (and them some) and none of the flaws of the two other healing ac's.
  17. Then you would have to disable warzone re-spec'ing and limit how many of the other ac's there are allowed in each match as well. You could use something like the groupfinder queue and lock out re-specs upon accepting the warzone, but then you run into the issue of people picking the wrong role/a role they are not spec'ed for. One of the biggest issues right now is one of the three healing ac's is too strong (scoundrel/ops) due to the un-interrupt-able instant heals, lack of the need to actually manage their resources with the absolutely trivial cost of their main healing tool of probes, and their multiple escapes. Increasing the cost of probes and adding a short cd to lol-roll would *help*. Scoundrels/ops don't have a target limited heal either- Changing emergency medpac/surgical probe to 'allied/friendly targets' only (not usable on themselves much like hammershot/rapid shot healing is limited to others for mandos/mercs and unnatural pres is limited to self-only for sage/sorcs) would force them to hard cast heals on themselves and be subject to interrupts and actually managing their resources.
  18. It is more our population that limits such things- I know that I have seen the base invaded and helped toss the imps out in the past on the repub side with Alpha Company (we tried to get into the imp base for a few hours one evening and were rather disheartened that we met with the invisible wall) and I have been the invader on the imp side with Reign. The base typically does not have the body count on our server to make a truly enticing target.
  19. /signed This would allow for continued gearing of new members (or core members swapping mains) while still working on the NiM events.
  20. Something that most forget is having a sorc/sage healer in any given warzone will skew the dps numbers on the final scoreboard due to bubbles. The damage absorbed by bubbles counts towards our healing numbers... but not your dps!
  21. Get to 55 and you will get a daily/weekly again.
  22. truchaos

    lol bolster

    Wearing pvp gear in pvp warzones should be a better choice than A. Going naked. B. Going in with pve gear. C. Going in with grey/green understated gear for the tier. I'm not sure how the devs cannot understand this.
  23. The issue I have with HO/HTL is that it is being given to the base class groups of both Trooper and Bounty Hunter- if it had been only merc/mandos getting the ability as an AC trait that would have been different. So, getting away from multiple attackers is great... as long as your multiple attackers aren't vanguards or powertechs!
  24. You mean the roll/dash 'escape' they gave to gunslingers/snipers (classes that already have high defensives via their leap immunity, roots, knockbacks, stuns, and low cooldown anti-stun/interrupt cover screens to assist their high burst) and ops/scoundrels (apparently their combat stealth, stuns, spamable instant healing in heal spec was not enough for the most survivable healing class) instead of mercs/mandos? Where is my jet pack jump/escape?
  25. I just want my female /taunt back- waving my hand in the air and then telling them what to kiss was epic.
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