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Everything posted by truchaos

  1. In the spirit of all hallows, I would like to request a /thriller dance. Head bob, zombie right, zombie left.. etc Flash mob on fleet go!
  2. I am really curious to see what is considered utility and what is considered to be a discipline's core abilities. Would it be possible to post up the 'utility lists' for each of the classes and if certain utilities are locked into certain disciplines within those classes? Take the increased absorb for shield from the lightning tree of sorcs- as a full spec'ed corruption I consider this ability to be a requirement in the build, not a 'utility'. All the full spec'ed corruption sorcs I know take it- if it was locked behind the lightning disciple that would be a sad day.
  3. First off, the vote kick system has fail safes for what you described. If you were always in combat as you claim to have been- you could not have been vote kicked. The vote kick system is more attuned to afk players than actually removing an active member (even if they are idiotically active) in a warzone. Second, what most likely happened was you received a kick from the warzone itself for failing to leave what it considered to be the spawning/safe area. Take a moment in the next warzone you play to look at your buff bar right after you respawn from a death in the start area (or after the clock goes active at the start of the warzone). You will see a debuff there called 'deserter'. If this debuff runs out you will be automatically removed from the warzone- in combat or not. The only way to clear this debuff is to leave the safe area- in NC, the first little platform is still considered 'safe'. There *is* a message that pops up on your screen warning you about being removed if you do not leave the safe area, however I think you only see this if you stay behind the holding screen. The game thought you were hiding from play, which in a sense you were. There are two exits to the spawn area so you could have avoided the spawn camping if you really had tried.
  4. Most expect you to have pvp'ed at least some in your leveling process and have what they consider to be the acceptable minimum of pvp gear.
  5. I'm just taking a guess here, but OP- are you one of 'those' players that charges into the fray right as the VS starts and tries to chain plant the bomb with the entire other team beating on you? Only to die, respawn, run back in, and try the same thing that just failed over again?
  6. The only way this 'buff' to healing sorcs might make some difference is if the 'Hindered' effect also locked out any sort of leap/gap closer targeted on us as well. If it is just a snare and every melee can just loleap/force speed/hold the line/etc right after us anyhow it is pretty much worthless.
  7. I'll give you a hint- the numbers at the end of the match on the scoreboard... lie. I've had 60+ 'kills' on the boards as a healer before. Kills/big dps numbers do not necessarily equate to effective game play in an objective based system- unless you are talking about the atrocity that is the Arena, but the screen cap you linked is regular 8v8 warzones so I'll just ignore that for now. Yes, healers counter dps. You make red bars go down, we make red bars go up- That is, in short, our job. Though it truly boggles my mind that you have chosen to single out the currently overall weakest of the healing ac's for your claim of 'op'ness'. Sorcs/sages have a single dcd... the only dcd in the game that is also channeled, effectively taking the player out of the game for up to 8 seconds depending on if channeled fully (and the stacking 'buff' that is received after the end of the channel does not grant stun/gravitation effects immunity thus can be completely negated with smart gameplay by dps). They are also the lightest armour of all the healing ac's with the best of our healing being channeled abilities and the worst resource management concept for a 'light' class that I have seen. The problem you are having is that a sorc/sage can be healed while channeling their dcd- can you name another class in the game that cannot be healed while their dcd is active? The only ones that I can think of is the short debuff applied by the escape of assassins/ops- but the debuff is only active (10 seconds) if the player remains in stealth thus out of combat and essentially not *needing* heals. The debuff is negated instantly if the player drops stealth allowing them to be healed normally.
  8. Oh come now Neves, I thought you enjoyed chasing me all around the warzones... As a healer I try to watch the tank that slaps his bubble on me, but if he goes charging off in a random direction chasing some enemy healer and leaving me out of guard range with the enemy dps not even giving me the decency of screaming 'Surprise!' first then he is not going to be high on my list of getting heals. On the other hand, if he actively peels, taunts, ensures to his best abilities that i'm not being drug off into some dark alley by enemy dps, and guard swaps when i'm not under fire to another team member who is... he then gets special treatment including his immortality. If it is a dps that go charging headlong into the sea of red- you get one chance. I'll pull your derp tunneling backside out of the fray once. If you leap back in instead of losing the enemy and letting me get your health back to an acceptable level... you are on your own. To me, an average healer is someone who realizes they have green abilities and they know that they should use them on allies. They try to do their job, but may not have the positioning and timing down perfectly. For the most part, they can keep people topped off and heal their team up against equal odds with light pressure with heavy support. A good healer is someone who has good situation awareness in regards to where they are, where the other team is, and the objectives of the match. They can keep their team up against slightly outnumbered odds under relatively decent pressure with light support. Understands some basic tactics of their class beyond 'I heal you!' A great healer can somehow keep their team up under dogged pressure with very little support as well as completing objectives, interrupting key enemy abilities, cc'ing enemy healers, predicting the flow of dps focus before a friendly target is within risk, understands both their class abilities and those classes around them- working with those abilities and not against them.
  9. I would give just about anything for the return of 'no health loss on consume with stacks' that I so fondly recall from launch. As the main sorcerer healer for a 16man NiM ops team I find myself taking consistently more damage over the course of encounters than any of the other healers (merc, x2 ops) due to my lighter armour and lack of 'activate and forget' dcd's. That being said, as the healer who is taking the highest ambient damage from encounters- it makes the additional health cost of consumption a larger risk that it might first appear. No other healer has to sacrifice their personal survivability in order to maintain their resource management nor does any other healer have not just one, but two negative afflictions associated with their resource management. As well as sorcerer healers are constantly sacrificing a gcd to work this management into our main rotation effectively makes our heals less than the other healing ac's due to the lost time. A suggestion that could be a middle ground without completely negating the negatives of consumption and force management across both PvP and PvE would be if Static Barrier was altered to absorb the inflicted damage from Consumption/Noble Sacrifice (this could be added to the healing tree's 5th tier talent 'Corrupted Barrier' if it is intended only for those who are spec'ed mainly as healers- this talent currently only adds a 1% dot heal to a sorcerer's personal barrier). The standing PvP 2 piece set bonus would become even more powerful (reducing the lockout on the debuff of barrier) and the 4 piece PvP/PvE bonuses could be shifted to further reduce the damage inflicted by Consumption/Noble Sacrifice to make it so the sorcerer/sage was not chewing through their protective barriers with abandon. I would absolutely sacrifice the +50 force for a lower Consume health cost. Without questions- as I don't even use the 4 piece set bonus in PvE due to it being in short worthless. This would not be a permanent negation of the health loss- the negatives of Consumption would still be there (health cost and degradation of force regeneration) but could be buffered through barriers and proper use of Force Surge stacks for the healing tree. Something that I think should also be addressed in the healing side of this is the disparity between the main 'big' heal of sorcerers/sages and the other healing ac's. With a base of 3 seconds, Dark Infusion is a full .5 seconds slower than operative's Kolto Injection and a Mercenary's Rapid Scan- without being equivalent in healing vs cast time of the other two ac's (in fact, the 9% main stat spec bonus available to the operative will push them above an equally geared sorcerer in hps when looking at the balance of the effective numbers). Is there any reason that Dark Infusion could not be brought to the same cast time as the other healing ac's or increased in potency to make up for the disparity in the cast?
  10. Because none of the dps you do in a match matters unless the target dies? Learn to cc, to break off and hit off-nodes, to force the flow of battle in your team's favor through tactics not derp-tunneled dps.
  11. Let me guess... that evil healer healed to full and made you pay. You also don't insta-respawn in real life. Guess we should just nerf that and make it so when you die you have to start over on a new character?
  12. First off- ops/scound HoTs are spamable. Clease the HoT and it will just be re-applied (much like the burn dot of a pyro pt/vg). This will do nothing but waste a cd for the sorc. The problem that sorcs have is the fact we have no targeted instant heal that we can spam on the move- bubbles are NOT heals, they defend against further damage but do not restore heath to the sorc's team. Light armour plus a utterly idiotic resource management tool (harming myself to regain force? Like I have health to spare under focus), the longest hard cast heal in the game (that isn't higher in return than other healers main heal) coupled with the only dcd in game that is channeled (forcing the player to become self-stunned for the duration if they want the full effect) makes for why we are behind other healers in warzones. Give me back my no-health loss on consume for stacks, beef up my main heal, and/or give me a instant/dot heal that is actually effective and perhaps the other downsides to being the squishiest healer in game will balance out.
  13. /yell does not work cross faction. Only /say (30 meters range) and /emote* (only pre-set standard game emotes such as /wave, /laugh, /dance, /cartelfalorofthemonth, etc- you cannot use the custom /em <fill in the blank>) work in cross faction. This is rather annoying as on Jung Ma- we are a PVP-RP server. /say is a base part of our server's concept. At time I do like to speak to players on the other faction that are friends/etc in /say at the end of a warzone. Nothing in the lines of trashtalk- more of the 'Haven't see you around in a while jedi, great game...' etc. Could I swap over to an alt to say 'Hi'? I sure can- and have done so before when it suits me. But, most of the time i'm looking to hit the next queue so a quick /say is better- limiting this is limiting my server's playstyle. Too many people these days have thin skin.
  14. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you are a dps. How about, in reply to your limit of 'only dps' in arenas- limit it to 'only perfect comps' of one healer, one tank, one melee dps, and one ranged dps? If you are getting miss-matched wz's, then you are running regulars. That is the risk of the reg queue.
  15. You obviously have never rp'ed/had contact with Alpha Company before. They are a owpvp with lite rp guild. Holding in-character open world patrols of crossover/contested planets that heavily includes pvp interaction (attacks on bases/defending their home bases/responses to ganking/enemy captures and interrogations/etc). They tried to 'play nice' with the strictly rp group, and it didn't turn out so well as rping a soldier in a galactic war setting without the 'war' part becomes rather bothersome.
  16. Would a merger of the servers change my playstyle? Nope, i'd still be rocking the 16m hm/nim content for pve and whatever queue I felt like that day for pvp (besides gsf... not interested in that). Would a merger of the servers affect my guild? Perhaps, there is always some shifting when mergers happen though it would settle out quickly as we have a solid core. I have a few alts on Pot5 and have my legacy tag there, personally I prefer the overall attitude and respect of Jung Ma's gen pop- along with regular warzones seeming to be of a higher standard on Jung Ma (this might be due to the fact that we have such a smaller pop that we don't have as many... clueless players?). My only issue would be character names in the end- if they merged the servers then there should be a few criteria considered in the naming aspect: A. Character level (a lvl 1 should not take the name from a lvl 55 being force merged into a server), B. Character playtime (if both characters are equal level and one has ~10 days playtime and one has ~100+, the higher playtime character should get to keep the name- barring that character has been logged in in the last 30 days). C. Sub vs free to play (This is pretty simple- paying subscribers get the name over free to play accounts.)
  17. Mandos have a baseline ability (hold the line) that allows them freedom from roots/snares/kbs/pulls. The anti-root/snare (does not provide immunity to pulls/push/kb) ability of sorcs/sages will still need to be speced into with the coming 2.7 changes, it is merely lower on the healing tree than it was before. Mandos also, as ranged, have their baseline attack able to be used while strafing/kiting between their class abilities as a filler- ask any sorc/sage where their baseline attack is- I would be willing to bet money on it not even being on their main bar/keyset (it sure isn't on mine!). Mandos have the ability to override one of their cast abilities into an instant (more if dps and this is getting buffed with 2.7), sorcs/sages do not- infact they took away their insta mez because it was 'too op'. Mandos have an ae knockback with snare effect, allowing them to continue kiting without spinning to direct the frontal cone of the sorc/sage kb. Want me to go on?
  18. Recently, on the Jung Ma republic side (I typically play imp but have been enjoying my field medic commando again lately), there is a certain player who claims to be 'fed up' with bads wanting to be carried in warzones. He claims to have carried/tried to help too many bad players without any result in their skill level increasing through game after game, so his answer to this is to strip down naked and /dance in warzones while demanding that the team carry him as he has done for all the bads. He cannot be vote kicked because he charges into the middle of the fight to do this (just respawning and repeating the charge>dance cycle if he dies) and our low server pop does not allow for reliably dodging him (I don't believe in quitting games either way). The sad part is he is actually a fairly skilled player with full (or nearly) min-maxed gear. He is just... fed up with idiots. The downside is that he is punishing everyone in the process, both those who are actually trying and those who are not.
  19. The heal itself is not getting set to a 6 second cd, the return of their free resource (TA/UH) on the heal is. They can still spam 3 instants (1 getting refresh of the free one, then 2 more til they are at 1 ta/uh). This doesn't count the ta/uh returns from probes in this time either. The sorc barrier means we are channeling 8 seconds of 'look! I'm doing nothing for my team.. hope you guys can live that long without me!' Being immune to interrupts will mean little if we are not white bar'ed out of cc's as well. It was a unasked for 'addition' to an ability that needs to be totally reworked to begin with. Let me actually do something in my dcd like every other class in the game can!
  20. I've noticed this lately on my merc/mando healers. (both speced into the increased cleanse) I used to be able to cleanse off the sap of an op/scound, now... it does nothing. This has to be a bug, report it in game so this can get fixed. We don't need MORE favoritism towards ops/scoundrels in any shape or form in pvp.
  21. It is not being 'given' to all sorcs/sages like hold the line/hydraulic overrides were given baseline to mando/mercs. It is being moved down the healing tree to make it so you don't have to spend quite as many points to get it. A sorc/sage still has to spec into it- spending precious points for a survivability increase that dps builds don't really have to spare. Now, my biggest issue with the entire setup is Force Barrier itself. No other dcd in the game forces the character using it to stop all gameplay. No other dcd is channeled. Everyone else hits a button and poof! Their dcd activates and they continue with their jobs. Sins can still attack while shrouded, jugs can still tank/dps while reflect/endure/etc is up, marauders can still rip your face off with undying up, mercs/pt's can still move/cast/etc with shield/hydraulics up, snipers can still shoot with entrench up (and soon to be Move without losing it!~), the list goes on... Sorcs get to stand there and channel. This effectively takes them out of team play for that time. It is one of the main reasons that I seldom channel FB more than 2-3 ticks. The self-stun is my issue and where I would like to see a change. Not after the fact. I would like to see the actual barrier Do Something while i'm standing there like a juicy steak. It would be tied to the top-tree talent (sorry hybrids, there needs to be a benefit to being full tree). Just some suggestions: Corruption: The force pulses outwards in healing waves, restoring nearby allies. (healing waves) Lightning: Overcharged static fills the air around you, arcing between nearby enemies and hindering their attacks. (area damage+attack debuff) Madness: Tendrils of force reach out to ensnare the minds of your enemies, strangling their will to continue. (area snare+damage if they move)
  22. We notice in pve Teebs... not only do we have to wait for you to get your stacks before engage but now it is 'omg I'm not done kolto shelling everyone!' I've noticed the change on my merc/mando in pvp, more so in dealing with the splash damage from ae effects (or the tab-dotting sages/sorcs) than personal survivablity though.
  23. Negative on the highlighted part. Only the healing spec of sorc/sage has root-break on force sprint and it is half-way up the tree. If you get 'kited to death' by a full/hybrid healing sage/sorc, then it isn't the issue of the sage/sorc as the devs have told us we are to 'run away, h2f, and make them pay!'
  24. First off, welcome to Jung Ma. Secondly, I can relate to your situation as I rerolled here from a full PvE server myself (what is now Shadowlands) so I was faced with many of the same questions. Jung Ma is a fairly tight knit, small server. You are not offten going to see multiple fleets and (depending on the side you pick) the time of day can heavily influence the bodycounts in warzones. Due to our smaller population: If you are good, your name will be noted/stand out here... the same goes if you are bad. Coming from a pve-rp server, you are going to have a fairly good base to relate to our pve/rp community here on Jung Ma. Both sides have a healthy pve crowd, I personally heal for a 16m hm/nim team on the Empire side and there are many other guilds that run everything from pug'ed storymodes to hard core teams. We have a number of guilds on both sides that are rp/storyline focused (everything from 'type-only/character concept' guilds to free form). You will find guilds that are lite-rp-pvp/open world pvp driven such as Alpha Company (trooper only with strict uniform/interaction regs) and others that are focused on the 'war' between the factions. The main difference you will see comes into the pvp addition. There is no choice in flagging when you are in open world- unless you are in a sanctuary area. Most of us merely toggle on our flag upon character creation to avoid the annoying pop up every time you travel anywhere. I personally, have two sets of armour on my main-geared characters- but that is more because I am an end-game healer and 78's bolster like wet paper in warzones. In open world, it depends on what I am doing as to what set I am wearing- mostly it is just my pve set but if I am looking for trouble or know the area is aggressive (rakghoul/gree events) I'm in my full pvp set. In open world, you are red... what that means differs depending on who you chance upon. To many- we are at war... Red=dead. However, the community as a whole has very little tolerance for lowbie griefing/camping and will (most of the time) come to the aid of those who formally request it. If you rage and rant like a child, however, you will be pointedly ignored and/or entice trolling. There are some notable names that tie rp heavily into their character's open world pvp (Kneel before Zod!) but you might be surprised at the lack of encounters you face- remember, we are a fairly light pop server. Do not be afraid to ask for help, you would be surprised at the alts/mains that will go out of their way to aid a well requested (or rp'ed) inquiry. The community is very friendly and encouraging- Feel free to drop me a line in game if you wish.
  25. They already tried this and gave away free 'Recruit' gear. People would not wear it. The forums were flooded with QQ's about it- You cannot fix stupid so the Devs side-stepped stupid by taking the 'choice' out of wearing recruit gear with bolster. The problem is... they made bolster too good, it should never have been as good as actually wearing pvp gear. Knock the bonus down to ~1850 exp or less max on bolster and it would help overall.
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