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Everything posted by truchaos

  1. If you healer is having to spend most of their time healing themselves instead of their team then there is a good chance they were not receiving the peels/support they needed. As a healer I am the de facto primary enemy target and I've gotten into the habit of mousing over the deaths column at the end of the warzone to check the 'damage taken' numbers. I wish that number was actually shown without the need to mouse over it- people might then realize just how much punishment your healers are taking to do their jobs. 300-500k+ damage taken numbers were common for my semi-retired commando healer (lack of escapes plays a heavy factor in this, my sage takes slightly less due to her mobility). I can't count how many times I've raged in helpless fury as I have watched tanks die merely from overbleed guard damage as i'm stunlocked under heavy focus fire. That being said, there are a lot of very poor healers out there but there are also a lot of factors that go into the mix- Are you a squishie low geared dps trying to facetank a BiS smasher/pyro far from the node/objective? Are you a dps who dives blindly into the middle of a sea of red without waiting on support? Are you aware of where you healer is and if you are consistently line of sighting them? Are you trying to kill that full spec'ed tank with free casting healer support while your own healer is running for their lives from the enemy teams' untaunted/free-ranging dps? Are you a tank that slaps a guard on the healer at the start of the match and then runs off at seemingly random? I can typically save 'Idiot'... but no matter how hard I try I just can't heal 'Stupid'.
  2. An organized team with awareness can deal with an enemy grappler trying to set up a pull if the character is visible. Otherwise you have to get lucky with a scan to pop the stealther out before s/he sets up.
  3. And what about the hybrid/tank shadows/assassins that yank you into the flames? I think the shadow/assassin pull should be tied to a 'Surprise!' emote. At least you can see the PT/Vanguard grapple coming...
  4. Just how far is it from the center of the Huttball map to the goal line? Just a thought....
  5. Right now the problem with the 'fake' pvp quests of the Gree event is that it is really a pve quest simply dumped into a pvp area without a true reason to pvp. The area should have been faction based pvp and there should have been two pylons for orb turn-ins- one imperial and one republic. Only one pylon could be active at a time- in order to activate a faction's pylon that faction must hold a central powersource around which the orbs spawn. Control can be challenged two ways- by one faction attacking and deactivating the enemy's pylon itself, or by attacking and swapping the powersource at mid. Both points would require defenders and entice the faction based communities on a server to actually work together rather than the FFA system that is actively hurting the communities right now.
  6. Have you ever entertained the thought that not all dps specs/ advanced classes should have super high burst? If you want high burst then you play the class that has it- however, this leads to another issue that is in the game right now: The burst damage in game is insane vs the health pools of players. Increase base health pools and you will see sustained damage come more into play- but you will also see a lot of tears from those have come to worship the 2-3 global kills.
  7. How about diminishing returns on multiple dps jumping on a single target as well then? Wait, I forgot, Healers aren't actually supposed to be able to have a chance to survive/do their job against facerolling dps that already have a higher damage output than healing in the game.
  8. Tuesday's patrol is Tatooine (so that we can look out for ganking before the speeder races). Drop me a line ingame and I can set our patrol path to 'happen upon' the meeting if you would like.
  9. We just play on a rp-pvp server because we enjoy the actual... owpvp!
  10. It is called awareness. Take those moments right before the match starts and actually look at your team mates. Correlate names with the visual characters, what their AC is, relative gear level is, what stance they are in if they have one, etc. Set your mental triage list and focus target before the action starts. I will agree that the LoS issues in game can be frustrating at best for a healer. I can See the character in question, but I can't heal them because of the knee-height rock/spar that is between us? In Everquest there is a game command that allows the player to decide what they see names wise. You can toggle off names entirely, show only the first, show first and surname, etc. Other players can have their full titles/surnames/etc on and visible, but if you have '/shownames 1' toggled then you would only see the first name of the character in question on your screen. This wouldn't be a bad thing visually with some of the larger-than-life titles/names I have seen in the game- cleaning up the visual spam so to say.
  11. /wave Zek-anlai! I know the feeling all too well and *sigh* when I get random apologies from dps for hunting me. As 'known' healers on the server we are marked the second we hit the warzone and the next thing we see is 2-3 smashmonkies licking their lips as they fly through the air at us. Rinse, repeat for the entire match. Players also seem to be clueless in regards to what it means to protect a healer as well. Simply tossing a taunt at the mara that is getting all too personal with me helps, but should be followed up with an active peel. Sure, you reduced his damage, but if that is all that is done it does nothing to stop the true bane of a healer: interrupts, cc's, and pushbacks.
  12. I make the list on my alt but not on my main?
  13. The EWH Medic set requires the WH Tech pieces in turn. Posted a bug report in game and ranted in mumble about it.. please, for the sake of ner vode fix this!
  14. You mean after respawning.. twice? Since we were inside your own base ~20 meters from your med-center?
  15. As I said before, we have had some lean times lately for turnouts- the bane of the server it seems. It would be better planned if you had contacted us beforehand to ensure the patrol was still planned as we have patrolled Hoth a number of times and found only endless white expanses. (In all honesty, after numerous patrols when the only thing we saw was npc's and our own shadows or rarely running into the lone player who did not wish to rp- it has been hard to get people interested in going out on the patrols at all. We used to get multiple reports every night of attacks on bases... now we might get one or two a week. It might be time for us to raid a few Imp bases and see if we can get your blood up again.)
  16. *smirks* You mean- hiding in the warzones and running circles on the Imp Fleet? If we could attack your fleet we would have done so long ago! Name a time and place dar'jetii... and bring some friends. You are going to need them to drag your bleeding corpses off the battlefield. (If you can't catch me on Æris to set up possible times/places then look for me on my merc, Wyrd)
  17. We have been somewhat slack in our patrols lately due to overall low bodycounts on both sides of the server. There are few things more boring than patroling an empty planet. Even our CTA's have been on the lean side lately. Come on Imps... stop hiding in fleet and give us something to respond to!
  18. The ability to place a marker on a target is a critical, team-focused ability in both pvp and pve- expecially in a game system that does not have built-in voice coms. This statement is coming from someone who plays both a full heal-spec'ed commando and merc. by the way- I know that a big target gets put over my head the *second* I enter a warzone. I have come to expect it and play as if I am marked no matter what team I face. Now, that being said... I am also for having the mark fade upon the death of the marked target and need to be re-applied. The reason for this is that it would force the enemy to actually have to pay attention beyond lolsmashing and give those who are typically marked (healers) a bit of breathing room when they first return to the field.
  19. I would far, far perfer a forward jump/teleport or a templated/targeted jump ability than a backwards self-punt. I get backwards punted enough by juggs/guardians pushing me around or sorcs/sages force waves, as well as I would think a backwards leap would be a lot harder to negotiate the maps when you are strafe kiting/pillar dodging.
  20. I have always wondered why Trauma Probe and Kolto Shell are limited to a single target when sorc/sage bubbles can be placed on their entire team (I know it is high force cost to do this- the cost of trauma probe/kolto shell is significant as well) and a ops/scoundrel can stack healing probes on multiple targets at once. Unlocking the single target limit on this very deep in the healing tree ability would help commando/merc healers deal with the massive amount of ae damage that is inflicted in a warzone.
  21. I think the biggest issue that people have with stunbubble is the fact that you can put it on your entire team. If the stun part only was applied to the sage/sorc's self-bubble then it wouldn't be a problem and you would get to keep the cc.
  22. If you truly believe that sages/sorcs don't have damage, survivability, or utility... then you are doing something very wrong.
  23. truchaos

    Need a Death Match.

    We all know how fun deadlocked Voidstars are: Two teams lolsmashing each other at the first doors for the entire warzone... getting no where and accomplishing nothing beyond ego-padded numbers. That is exactly what a simple arena team deathmatch warzone would be like. But that is so much fun.... right? The only way that a 'deathmatch' style warzone would works is if the map itself was an extensive, multi-tiered maze style layout with traps/pits/ramps/hazards. Basically taking the Huttball map and combining it with Voidstar's multi-point spawns (depending on where you are slain in the map) and amplifying the map size to that of Novare Coast or Civil War. You could even theme it around a minotaur-esque type maze using the Esh-kha race and Belsavis as the world-setting. Two teams enter the maze and the team with the most total combined medals (healing/damage/kills/protection/damage taken/etc) at the end of the countdown wins. The only downside with this is that you most likely wouldn't be seeing the massive ego-bloating numbers on the scoreboard at the end of the match (which seems to be the only thing that most calling for a deathmatch style warzone want) because people would have to hunt/chase/EARN their medals.
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