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Everything posted by Ngamok

  1. But any good Marauder / Sentinel / Shadow / Assassin - both tank hybrid will easily kill a PT / VG. Also, there is almost no way you can kite them forever and they heal themselves back pretty good. All players being equally geared.
  2. Welcome to making PT / VG useless then. If you limit any all the abilities to 10m and 4m, you can kite one indefinately.
  3. http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/Ngamok/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-05-25_00_14_14_035938.jpg Highest Damage, and check out my objective points though not hard to get on Voidstar. Level 12 BH. Somehow my level 15 Sentinel screen shots are not in my folder. Dunno what happened there. But most of them were of me doing 2nd to 4th on damage with awesome objective points.
  4. Yea, when I get home, I'll post some screen shots of my lowbie BH and Sentinel. Lowbie PvP is so fun.
  5. I do it all the time on my lowbie BH. I topped DPS a few times from 10-12. It's not hard if you know what you are doing. I also topped DPS most of the time on my Gunslinger, he is now 47 and still doing it. Have to keep my Valor and level the same so it's taken awhile and I JUST started chapter 3 so I can get the buff on my 50 Trooper and my other alts.
  6. I like it too. My level 20 Jedi Knight can get the trooper and smuggler buff now as well as Sticky Grenade when my Heroic moment is active (not finished chapter 3 on Smuggler yet). But yes, it's mostly alt friendly.
  7. It's an MMO. Do you group up to do Heroic quests? Do you have dungeons and raids? Just because you can solo your class story, planet story and side quests doesn't mean the game is single player. But you are right. In EQ, you basically had to group to get XP especially for the AA points. Druids were the only class I know that could kite stuff around given enough room.
  8. You can only finish a companion quest line by being in Chapter 3 in your class quest. No companion will open up the entire line until you get to chapter 3. So you have to finish the entire quest line for the companion to get the bonus. I should have added that to my post above.
  9. Just to clear things up. - You don't need 10k affection. You just need to finish their entire quests / conversations. Some companions finish up at 9200 some at 9500. Of course there is nothing wrong with capping them at 10k. - You get a buff for each type. Ranged tank, melee tank, ranged dps, melee dps, healer. They also give you a stat buff per type. These don't stack. You can't max out a ranged dps on 1 character and 1 on another. it only applies once. - Also Human gives a presence buff. - Also crafted "Leadership" armor as mentioned.
  10. This guy pretty much sums it up. PTs / VGs are pretty solid burst DPS. Outside of their cool downs and managing resources, they are only going to auto attack. Also 1 defensive cool down means anyone who pumps out more consistent damage will usually kill us.
  11. Operatives / Scoundrels have 2 in combat stuns (1 melee and 1 ranged) not to mention the opener, 1 damage reduction for a few seconds and a get out of jail free card if no dots on them. Troopers / Bounty Hunters have a 12s 25% damage reduction and 2 in combat stuns (1 ranged and 1 melee) Since armor doesn't really amount to much especially with internal damage all over the place + elemental attacks, I wouldn't say they have less survivability.
  12. Nah, VGs and PTs die pretty fast since they only have 1 defensive buff. It's either they kill you or die trying.
  13. I hope not. Special events that happen for a week, yes if they are Dev driven.
  14. LOL, I died so many times to those goblins in Everfrost Peaks my first day. And when night came I couldn't see my way around out of the Barbarian Starting city.
  15. As I already play (Day 1) on The Fatman, I will just keep on playing.
  16. I kinda think you were from Bloodfin. But, fighting at Lake Dread, MASC City, VOD, and all over the place was much more fun that fighting at Restuss. I tried it for 1 day when I thought I'd give the NGE a try since I had to log in and give Brisc all my credits and I moved my one house off Talus.
  17. In PvP, heavy armor means nothing since most attacks bypass it. nice Try. The Powertech that leaps has the skill talent from the tank tree, not the DPS tree so he isn't doing as much damage as the DPS Powertech. Nice try though.
  18. i can imagine the lag now just like ilum.
  19. Which is why Alderaan is pretty bad. Why have a Speeder go to one of the side points rather than forcing everyone to go mid and have to run to the sides to defend. It makes it that you have to out gear or out number the defenders because they will always just fly right back into the fight to prevent the cap.
  20. I can almost guarantee that 8 people won't be on the ball carrier and kill them in 2s since the ball carrier would have been at the ball faster that 3/4 of the opposing team. Also, how fast do you think people join a warzone when their queue pops? You might get 2-3 other people in under the 30s, but 4 people in a warzone will still cause the warzone to shut down. Also, I am sure it boils down to luck on them pulling it off to not get more than 4 people in for that 30s.
  21. Ngamok

    Huttball - PASS

    In Tom Hanks Voice - There's No Passing in Hutt Ball.
  22. I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON. If 8 people are on the opposing team and at 15s before the doors open 7 of them drop, the 30s end of match counter starts going off. So the Sage/Sorc whatever has speed burst ability now has 15s to get to the ball after the doors open which is enough time to grab it before the game ends. As soon as the Hutt Ball is grabbed, the team that is holding it at the end of the match wins. Do you see this or not how it's impossible to stop someone grabbing the ball and the game ending 2s after the ball is picked up? Do you think you can run up to that person and focus fire him down through their bubble in 2s before the match ends?
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