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Everything posted by Ngamok

  1. Rishi Cliffside overlooking the water Hoth Bunker as mentioned would be cool. Were you thinking underground?
  2. Does the birdman ever become a companion in any way in SoR? NO. Does Lana, Koth, and Theron become s summoned companion in KotFE? YES. There is a difference.
  3. BECAUSE, you are in the cutscene with Theron. If it were more obvious it was meanth for one of the others, then put one of the others there instead of looking over his shoulder. And since I haven't played since 2012, ALL other choices didn't have 3 people and you always knew who it was you were supposed to interact with.
  4. Recently started SWTOR again since last playing in December 2012 I believe. Played about a month and decided to resub for the KotFE content and used my 60 token to try it out. Rolled a Gunnery Trooper. Since most of the old content was mainly 1 on 1 cut scenes, it was pretty cut and dry on which companion you did the affection quests with. On my Vanguard Trooper I did the romance with Elara and on my Marksman Smuggler it was Risha. Well with KotFE it's a little different and I got to this part: With the conversation it's mostly with Theron enjoying his time at the bar so I picked option 1 thinking that the flirt option was for my new companion / contact. In fact, you are looking over his shoulder when the options appear. It's almost 30s before the next part comes up to talk to Lana. So obviously I picked talk to Lana. Well, I went through the entire thing and didn't think anything of it. I later went and googled it and found out that I was supposed to pick option 2 instead of one to get the romance option to appear with Lana. Well, TBH, I really wouldn't care except for the fact that I might miss other content in the later chapters. I don't know where they will take them in the later chapters but now I kind of missed out on that. Since everything I read here seems to point to BioWare not doing anything about it, I was hoping they could add a little part in Chapter 10 that fixes this for the people who are in the same boat as me. It doesn't even need to be acted out. It could be just like the Chapter 9 stuff where I am just staring at Lana without talking and it gives me my options at the bottom so I can pick the romance option. Any thoughts on it?
  5. Yea, I wish there was a hide head slot option for companions.
  6. Yea, I try. But I don't do dailies and rely on quests / pvp / flashpoints / operations for cash. Dorne is in Columni and BM gear. Aric is in Tionese gear. Yuun gets the worst hand me downs. Tano got my old Centurion / Champion tanking pvp gear. M1 4X looks the same no matter what !
  7. I use crouch in place rather than roll to cover.
  8. I think EQ is a lot smaller, lol.
  9. Exactly. It's like saying because Steam is the #1 digital service, whatever they say goes on games. At most they have like 4.5 million people logged in at once. If you take their high and low points you might say there are anywhere from 6 to 8 million steam users. There are more gamers out there than 6 to 8 million that have no idea what Steam is.
  10. What would changing the hub central do? Instead of idling on fleet, you'd idle on Coruscant / Dromund Kaas. I'd rather have fleet to idle on if that's the case because then, you don't have the people leveling + the people idling on one location.
  11. Not really. Do you quest? Check. Do you gain abilities? Check. Do you get a choice on specialization? Check. Do you have spells, swords, guns? Check. Do you do stuff in group from time to time? Check. Every MMO or group game follows the same checklist. They just have a different twist.
  12. But for 30 cents a day, you can help a child in Africa.
  13. GW2 is a clone of WoW with a GW skin. Will you get bored of that as well after a few months? Sure it'll probably save you 15-30 bucks when you do.
  14. $60 x 1.7 million = $102 million $15 per month x 1.7 million = $25.5 million per month Depending on how many people have been paying per month, I'd say game has paid for itself a few months ago.
  15. Pretty much this. Anyone who buys a CE for digital items is a fool and fell for a marketing gimmick.
  16. No, it's just how people are today. People are just to used to a said model and expect every MMO to either be equal to it or better. If it's not, the come QQ of the forums and start bickering with everyone and post hate threads all over other message boards. You think that EverQuest would have survived in this world today with all the bugs it had? Who remembers pet pathing in Sol B how pets would aggro everything because of it. Do you think people would stand for break ins to the Plane of Fear and risk losing all their stuff? Staring at your spell book to regen mana? Todays gaming world is vastly different than it used to be and people expect free stuff for little time invested because they don't want to have to work hard for it. It changed at some point and I'll leave it up to you to decide.
  17. So you are saying that maintenance people taking care of the servers, security measures for your information, the GMs, people that run the website, developers working on new content as well as fixing some things, the building(s) that house all said staff and servers, pensions, insurance for employees, 401K, any other over head that I have missed....are all free and they don't need our money to operate? You referenced 2004. Did you play WoW? When was the first expansion? How fast was content out then? SWG was out then. How fast was content out for that? Any other MMO you might be comparing this to that you paid a monthly for and got stuff faster? I see you mentioned RIFT. RIFT did pump out stuff faster, only MMO I can think of that I played that did.
  18. I liked your article. I pretty much agree with just about every point you hit on.
  19. They told you server transfers were coming since December? Did you roll on the wrong server Day 1?
  20. Fatman has a higher population cap. Thx re-rolls from earlier.
  21. LOL, right. Gimme $10000000000 if you are on the list tomorrow.
  22. They raised The Fatman's population cap because of the re-rolls. So it's out of whack on numbers. Look at the old TOR Status numbers as to why The Fatman was always #1. It's also nice to see more than 1 server now with a healthy population in which I hope people are having fun with. When I get home I will be bring my Operative over to POT5, see sig.
  23. I can tell you that Nostalgia and Strong Community ties is why The Fatman is thriving. Lot of us old time SWG Bloodfin players went there and brought all our friends that we met along the way on both sides.
  24. Mith Marr EQ player here. And yes, you HAD to group to do most things in EQ unless you were a druid and could quad kite stuff. I guess Bards could do it too, lol. But yea, since I have come from EQ > SWG > WoW and many other games in between too numerous to list, I know how it feels to find people to do stuff with. The MMO crowd now is the I WANT IT NOW crowd.
  25. Think about it. What will happen if they let us choose. Everyone will go to server X because it's popular if given a choice of X, Y, Z. So then after a while, Y and Z will have to be merged because 10000 people to X, but 10 people went to Y and Z. It' easier to merge a bunch of servers and see how population balances out and not just let people over load 1 server again and leave the others dead still.
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