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Everything posted by TyrannisWP

  1. The best spec is to reroll another class. Unless you have a really good healer and tank with you all you're going to do is get stun locked and die over and over again.
  2. Good players play scrapper/concealment. Bad players sit in the back and tab dot the enemy team thinking they're being useful.
  3. If you're using a rifle for mando dps you're losing out on a lot of damage so the animations should be the least of your worries.
  4. how many fps do you get in a warzone evan?
  5. I could make a list of keyboard turning, force speed backpedaling, undying rage at 100%ing , kolto overload and energy shield at 1%ing, yolo into the enemy team and dying idiots from every guild except DS. By the way sicari reacts to you it doesn't seem like you're in DS so there's about a 3% chance you're a good player, 8% chance that you're an average player, 40% chance that you're a bad player and a 49% chance that you're a completely **** player. So lets not be pointing fingers here especially from someone who still won't put any of his toon names in his signature so we can confirm you're the bottom 89%. In addition I'd like to ask why your sig is "solo kills vs deaths, nothing else matters" because I don't see ANYONE getting consistent amounts of solo kills in warzones. Maybe you're saying that you don't matter or maybe you think that one or two solo kills a game is an accomplishment or something but either way I'd like to know.
  6. For all the people hoping that we are going to get buffed in 3.0 you can stop hoping and just roll another class. DPS op is actually getting nerfed again in 3.0.
  7. Dear Bioware Using my eyes is too hard. Please hold my hand when I use the GTN. Sincerely, Everyone that wants changes to the GTN to protect against this "scamming"
  8. This has happened to me three times in the last 2 days. I saw that they said that they "fixed" it and it hadn't happened to me in a very long time so I thought they had but maybe they broke it again.
  9. if you cleared HM you can clear SM without having your eyes open, sound on, or hands on the mouse or keyboard.
  10. We could have crafted another 40m points last week just to spite you guys but we didn't need to.
  11. 2/10 only because you actually got people to respond. Very poor delivery and effort otherwise.
  12. TyrannisWP

    Overpowered IMPS

    0/10 pls try harder
  13. You should be running the 24/0/0 build. It's really good in arenas.
  14. 0% chance technically challenging would take too much time no
  15. I almost believed that you were serious for a second lol.
  16. Merc dps: Chasso Sent: Kelly-kelly Mando dps: Zach Dunno who that sage is you're talking about though since not many people in triumph both heal and dps on their sage besides me. I think wvmwvmwvmwvmwvm is the best sin on the server too
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