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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. I have said this before...and have yet to see any reason NOT to do this.


    Make the highest tier of gear, craftable. No, this tier of gear will NOT require a single thing from raids. No, this tier of gear will NOT require a single thing from heroics.


    This is what it would require:

    - 1k mats handed to a trainer of every green tier of crafting material your craft uses. Yes, this is an obscene amount of materials, this is how you will get the schematics. This would mean each craft would be handing in 18k of materials and require a tonne of gathering or bartering to get.

    - To actually make the armor/weapon/relic/implant/etc, you have to work it up. Meaning you must make the tier 1 version, then use the tier one version with tier 2 crafting mats to turn it into tier 2...and continue all the way up to tier 9 where in finally you will have a piece of raid gear. In this way no mat becomes useless, and old planets never become dead zones as crafters will have to keep supplies of EVERY material high to continue making more.

    - This also gets rid of a huge hassle to those who prefer to craft over doing other things, no need to raid or HM FP. Connecting crafting materials to these game modes is always a pointless problem, there is no reason gear should be exclusive to these individuals. After all, raiders raid because they like raiding right? Not for the exclusive carrot...or so they love to say.


    You could even add in a bit of randomness to the process, each time you rank it up it could a chance to have an augment slot automatically put into it. Crit chance however is zero, no freebies for this.


    This gear must have UNIQUE looks! As in, no CM sales, no past drops, and for the love of god no stupid crap hanging off of it! I'm looking at you BH armor with a cell phone tower on it, or the trooper armor with a satalite dish off the helmet. You would make people incredibly happy if you make each tier (for the armor anyway) look a little different. This would actually go a long way to making amends for not putting many new armor assets into the game that weren't CM related.

  2. Screw the raiders, apparently losing them hasn't hurt the game's profitability to the point that it would be worth wasting development time and money on creating a new one (that one group would manage to beat, then the rest follow that strategy like lemmings, then complain that they're bored again after they finish beating the bosses like the loot-filled pinatas they are).


    BTW since when does running the same raids over and over constitute 'actually playing the game' as opposed to running the same warzones over and over?



  3. So let's say you had a Defiant Vented Lightsaber and you were rushing to clean things out of your inventory for some reason, you accidentally delete the Defiant Vented Lightsaber before binding it.


    All hypothetically speaking of course, but you're saying you'd be alright with just taking the hit and not receiving your item back?


    I would be smart enough to buy it back. When I do my mass vendoring, I check what I am selling, aka I read every name...I do not just click it away unless it is green or blue.

    If I had to rush to clear out inventory...I sell all trash then jump into whatever it is without worry, I expand my inventory pretty big, have the droid vendor to summon, and if it needs more expeditious I just dump it into my cargo bay.


    Take responsibility, and/or tell impatient people to wait while you take another 2 minutes to deal with your inventory.

  4. Instead of creating two faction-specific ship strongholds that're going to be basically just smaller guild ships, how about something faction-neutral, like a luxury Hutt cruise ship. I bet Guss knows a guy! ;D


    Just sucker Nemro out of one...or the Hutt the smugler deals with on Nar Shadaa...


    or...lets show the galaxy the Alliance is fully formed and here to stay and have an alliance battle cruiser as a stronghold option.

  5. It was always easy.




    Closed, invite only Beta (before they started letting in pre-orders and such) Act 3 planets were tuned as H2's...and you honestly needed 2 people. Corellia was punishingly difficult.

    To solo in act 3 and onward you had to be on top of your game, actually interupt the right skills while letting others just fire off, by NOT using your healing companion (it would take you too long to kill things before they killed you) unless you were a tank, and the actual "heroic" missions were all 4 man missions more punishing than the FPs at the time.

    The devs actually tried to kill you. Was quite fun.

  6. You do NOT need new raids to keep a game thriving and alive. You DO however need to keep putting out fresh and new group content in general. Raids in and of themselves are a dying game play style, and frankly if you aren't in the dungeon for 3+ hours it isn't a raid...it is just a short bum rush of content...and lacking in the legs to truly make it into a raid.

    Honestly if they were pumping out FPs every 2-3 months that actually were challenging in HM, most of the crying would stop. Survival FPs like colicoid games would even be worth playing.

  7. Guess it's the same for all of us. What annoys me is those cutscene make us see what the game could be although we end bashing critters multiple time with a glowing stick as with a fly swatter on reluctant cockroaches.


    Yet there's one thing that still makes me grin in SWTOR: a well timed Force push and the Commando concussion charge on enemies, making them fall from so high!


    Voidstar, so much fun jumping across before the bridges get up and then force pushing the sap that stood there into the void below.

  8. If she's a shapeshifter, then what about ALL previous comp customs working on her? :D


    This could just be fore walking around, and she could change back to normal in a fight to forgo any weirdness with the animations.


    This is pure gold.


    However, only companions that she could actively have met (no companion customizations that the STORY hasn't given you yet).

  9. Oh you want more actiony combat? Terra and Wildstar are that way....those ghost towns are that way for a reason.

    MMO's attract a type of player, they aren't into super twitchy combat typically. See GSF as a clue as to how popular twitch mechanics are for standard MMOers.


    Also, those combat mechanics were HORRIBLE, they gave you the illusion of being actioney when in reality each enemy had a sequence you simply had to follow to always score hits and to never take damage yourself if you followed it. It was more like playing "simon says".

  10. If you are complaining about the Shroud aspect of it, give up on it or fall upon your own sword already. The Shroud was not completed by a lot of people. Of those that completed it, they tended to complete it while they were a subscriber, thus...by logic, making it a subscriber bonus meant that the people who completed the Shroud missions would get to see the finale of it.

    You chose to not keep your sub up, you deserve to lose out on it. You are not entitled to it.

    As for purchasing it...15 bucks is quite low considering keep on raising that price tag anything under a hypercrate isn't enough.

  11. So my idea was that if a player does decide to abandon a planetary story arc (note I am not referring to not class missions) then the player can restart the arc but they must go all the way back to the starting npc to begin the storyline again instead of abandoning and then not being able to do it again.


    When you abandone it you can go back to the NPC of the lasts tep you did it on...

    I've done this several times. Always on Quesh for example, and have gone back to do the planetary on a few characters.

  12. I've always prefered (when I have done raiding, used to raid all the time...burned out...now you won't catch me in raids) that a boss be a "survive first" type. Frankly DPS check boss fights are BORING. The dps just try and post as big of numbers as they can. The tanks usually fall asleep on such bosses.


    I also enjoy when a game throws some PvP features into a raid. The boss reacts like a player in terms of how it is affected by abilities, etc. It throws a curve ball and forces the group to be more flexible.

  13. Isn't there at least one intervening period that's Nataly a Dark Ages as far as knowledge retention goes? Collapse of the "current" galactic republic, I mean.


    Well, between current old rep and the movies there is no "collapse" but there is plenty of reason to just forget and for information to become extremely rare. We know for a FACT that the empire of the game loses and completely collapses. The Republic wins this war for it survives completely in tact from now till the movies. However, the Chiss could retreat from the empire itself as the backward slide becomes fully evident and taking on an isolationist policy. Did whatever reparations the Republic itself requires, then chose to remain quiet in isolation. Eventually common knowledge of their species would fade out.


    Heck what was common knowledge a hundred years ago we seem to have completely forgotten already today. They have 3k years to forget things.

  14. Seems like that's what you're going for, though. I assume that from what you initially wrote. I guess you have "show dark side corruption" turned on. Either way I've found the best way to shut down someone trying to insult you is to take is as a compliment. They don't know what to do, usually they say "hey I'm trying to insult you dummy" which is an automatic win <thumbs up emoji not found>


    I'm all for a "sexy toggle" for both genders. I'm big on customization and it's one of the things I find lacking in SWTOR, in character design especially. 4 body types isn't enough, and I HATE pre-rendered faces, even though my girlfriend says my Consular looks like me. And sure, there's a vast amount of outfits but they're still copied and limited and a big part of that falls on gender lines. I'd like alot of new outfit options honestly (I want my Twi'lek to wear a mask and have her lekku showing, for example) but that's beyond the score of this thread.


    In your Odessan area, around Hylo, is a vendor that sells the Scion armor set. The helmet is just a mask that only covers the face. The Scion set is legacy bound so you can pass it along to anyone if your twi'lekk isn't there yet.

  15. I'll now add this to the Possessed Hunter heroic that I no longer do. I never had a problem with this quest before but now that this thread has appeared I'm sure there will be an increase in occurrences going forward.


    At the risk of flooding the pvp instances, it's a really great idea to utilize them when available, for world bosses, non-instanced heroics, any mission/objective that might be stolen by other players due to poor design, etc. People are so scared of what open-world pvp means that there are typically zero to 2 players on even in primetime. The chances of running into anyone at all is miniscule. (This is on Harbinger, btw)


    On Ebon Hawk I've ran into people from the other faction doing heroics in the PvP instance, we just wave and go right on doing what we were doing. It is just assumed if you are there you are there to avoid idiots mostly.


    Though I DO wear my full PvP set while going to that instance just in case. I have been jumped once, yet the interloper wasn't wearing PvP gear so he got cut down pretty quickly.

  16. I do not know where, but some world drops are now buried horribly because they were level specific AND location specific. Corellia has 3 full sets of modable armor that drop on it, yet your chances of getting them to drop now (they only dropped from gold and epic enemies) are almost nill as you would need to be level 50 and farming golds there to have a chance at it.


    Same problem with Manaan research, if you are 55 when you runt hat FP you will get research data every boss, if you are under or over that, your chances are almost nill.

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