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Everything posted by me_unknown

  1. well, do you want me to prove with this stsatement that you 1. didn't have read my post 2. are lying about your sage/sorc 3. and finally that your only intentsion is to talk bulls_hit? if so you did well. i said explecitely that a HEALER SAGE can heal up again from the <30% hp he still has after the opening sequence. but a DD sage CANNOT! so how exactly am i palying my sage bad? you seem to froget that the op also has a stunnbreaker and you can close the distance of a knockback in a second!
  2. why are you talking about 26k hp of a jugg tank when he is talking about a sage? a sage in bm won't have above 17k hp at best. i want to repeat: i am on your side about dd ops being of lower value compared to most other classes. but you are wrong when comparing with sages/sorcs! if you compare your dd op with a heal sage, then please compare a heal op with a heal sage.
  3. sure. though i must admit i only saw it doing BM ops vs BM sages and champ ops vs champ sages. considering that the difference between champ and bm is not big at all i would say, yes he can if done right.
  4. sure there is. probably not on your skill rotation but on your build/equipment. don't know. but i see this happing very often on our server. there are many operatives that brings T2/T3 sage down to <30% before they even can react. oh and some of them can even handle the stunbreaker nice. let me tell you how: you get the first stunn. no if you chose to break it you eat the second one. if you wait for the second one well, you wno't get stunned again. now, i have root on my knockback. so usually i knocked back opponent can't come back so fast. but if i have a stunnbreaker, the op can use it to break the root (yes it works!). i am at this point always slowed. now i have to purge the slow, 1GCD and apply a slow to my opponent, again 1 gcd and maybe a bubble again 1 gcd. he does not need more than 1 gcd, at most 2 to be again close to me. and give me the final blow. if a stunn him before he can do so i actually can get out of range, with my very low hp. but as good as this sounds in practice it doesn't work so good. not only i have to stand still to damage him as my dots are not doing much damage. and even with the slow on my telekenetic throw he will come close and then i am dead. do we have a chance if all palys well, if we have time to run around waiting for the dot to kill them from 100% hp down to 0%? yes. is it likely? no way! believe it or not, but your blaster does similar damage than what most sages can do on the run. well it is less, but you start with at least double the hp and you are chasiing the sage not vice versa.
  5. jesus. it IS literally 20% less PENETRATION!!!! penetration =/= DAMAGE! as long as your opponent does not have 100% mitigation due to armor!
  6. no, i think you missunderstood him. if the sage/sorc has no stunnbreaker ready, he will be below 30% hp when he is able for the first time to take action. a good op can bring a sage down to <=30% from full hp without the sage being able to take a single action. now if the sage is a healer he obviously can heal up again. but a dd sage is dead!
  7. maybe you are doing something wrong. on my sage i get regularly down to <30% by the same ops again and again. but i currently stopped playing my sage anyway. so ops aren't a big problem anymore. i agree on problems of ops, they can right played eat sages/sorcs easy, but with the other classes they have very big problems. that's why i would never claim them to be overpowered!
  8. and you want to be taken serious on this discussion? let me explain you what it means but i expect from you to apologize for posting about stuff you have no clue about! say your opponent has so mauch armor that it means a 30% damage reduction. hence an attack does only 70% of its maximum damage. if your attack has say 80% armor penetration then it will do 1-03*0.2 = 0.94 - 94% of its maximum damage. no you said your armor penetration got reduced by 20% (catually this usually means not by 20% but by 20 percent points - an additiv change). hence you now have only 60% armor penetration. so... 1-0.3*0.4=0.88 , 88% you lost around 6% of damage. and the less armor an opponent has, the less you lose. edit: but at least you are right with your statement that sometimes logic evades people. it seems to evade you by a very very long distance.
  9. in that case, sorry but learn to play! 1. you can position yourself in such a way that you cannot get knockback down the catwalk. 2. my full champion sage gets usually by similar equipped ops down to 15-30% without me being able to do a single action. the rest gets eaten by the blaster in case i can get out of melee range at this point. and just to explain 1. more in detail: i meanwhile learned to position myself so well that at most once in 5 hutball matches someone manages to push me into fire or down a catwalk. there are pillars you can stand at to prevent getting kncoked back, you can position yourself along the catwalk to not fall down, etc. learn to position yourself!
  10. i very hope for this change! actually people are already quitting at the first sign of a loss. and others are just ideling after they got their medals. do not forget that we also are getting ranked warzones. thus to allow some competition there must be a significant lower reward for the looser. i prefere mass quitting morons at the beginning then to see them extending a useless match. at least then i can quit too.
  11. no chance. the server are already so limited regarding the maximum number of supported players that it is already hard to find people for hero quests or flashpoints. allowing this would make impossible and would totally destroy pve for the few that are still trying to enjoy it. no way. before such an idea would have the slightiest chance they need to make server allowing at least 5 times the number of players on it. this would also solve open pvp issue and other problems but i doubt this will ever happen. swtor is on the way of its end. server with a top pupulation of 400-500 players is only a delayed death.
  12. there were a last man standing mode in other games with stealthers. there are various easy mechanics to solve this. even wow had one in its arena system. you could put a power up of stealth detection at certain places and you can start increasing stealth detection after some time too. @topic: i would love something like this. but most important for me are arenas, 2on2 / 3on3 / 4on4
  13. Oo a drop of 20% armor penetration is not a 20% damage reduction !!!
  14. because you can't do this in 1on1. they only can do this if left alone.
  15. hmm, you realize that if you see it this way you would be 100 times more usefull playing a different class? edit: let us just take a vanguard with a tank build: he can also slow people arroudn, but while moving! he can reduce the damage of a lot of opponents by 30% nearly all over the time, he can pull an opponent into your group or a chasing one away from your friend, he can jump on somebody and root him for a few seconds, and he does similar single target damage, though less aoe damage... but he can eat MUCH MUCH more damage before he dies. well, and he can better carry the ball edit: to get it right: most of this can a dps vanguard do as well, but at the same time even do double the damage. i tried to chose a bad one to show you how bad sage actually is. oh, and i did 250k-300k damage with my tank specced vanguard already while i was in the 40s usually while i only paid attentnion to objectives. vanguard just an example.
  16. it is already known that what is shown as biggest hit can be wrong. there was another thread where someone posted a screen shot where the stats claimed he hit with 9k as his biggest hit. though it was proven to be impossible. don't trust the biggest hit statistics
  17. F I R E T H E D E S I G N E R ! ! ! I thought this is star wars and not CLOWN WARS!!!
  18. beside the fact that they are getting nerfed in 1.2 they are already one of the two weakest classes!!! (refering to the non-healer speccs).
  19. nerfing the hybrid specc means weakaning an already one of the weakest classes even weaker. with hybrid people at least hat the fun of high total damage numbers at the warzone stats screen due to aoe.
  20. this is so true. it is so stupid to balances classes around pve instead doing it primary on pvp while you always can fix pve balance in the environment!!!
  21. they are moving stockstrike surge from combat tech to tactics? Oo this would kill iron fist like builds. could you explain this please? edit : or do you simply mean the talent already existing in tactics?
  22. this is not true. you assunme you get your procc immediately after the 6s internal cd. but with a 45% proc chance this is not the case, not even with the 60% of the rocket punch/stock strike which you can't spam as it has a long cd on its own. edit: i am neither defending nor battleing these changes. i do not know how dramatic they are or not.
  23. buble blindness is something a good dd sorc/sage would never skill anyway. it is actually gimping you! it is something that if then only maybe for a healer specc could be usefull, but it weakens you as a dd sage!
  24. i wouldn't say to dumb. when i got 50 first time i had no clue about this. how should i? as if it is anywhere kind of explenation or something.
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