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Everything posted by glenbruton

  1. 1) I couldnt care less about 2) I dont see it happening 3) Depends on the server. The aussie ones are packed so I cant comment here as its fine for me 4) Needed badly. Even if 2 of them are just Hutball with a different layout/hazards.
  2. Then you hit max level and hit the same problems as every other MMO
  3. If a group decides to burst you, you're going to either die while stunned or die while not stunned.
  4. This makes no sense. You want no difference between players and then state there is no difference between players. Don't expect MMO PvP to vary much from the formula. They never have, maybe never will. I suggest going off and trying Tribes ascend. Pay a few $ and kit out a class to max, then your equal to all the others with a class kitted out with the best gear.
  5. This is what I use http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GRGRz0rRrRZMcbZb.1 and it does quite OK. Overall though If you like your build you have better theres nothing wrong with it at all.
  6. glenbruton


    Wait... Im specced tank and Ive managed to solo down flag guarders plenty of times in Civil War..... PT shield spec is OP too?!
  7. The range is the main problem. I can swing a huge vibrosword but throw about 6ft?
  8. OP title uses the word "Evidence" then supplies none. Its not hard to upload and link stuff. Reeks of troll.
  9. I had fond memories of WAR PvP and I'll have fond memories of SWtoR's story and levelling up. But yeh.... they have kinda stuffed up the PvP which was all that was keeping me going at 50 , all I know is that the TTK is super low now and thats bad. Perhaps the warzones (except hutball , much<3) were designed for low TTK. But really I know SWTOR didnt care for PvP, I mean look ath the range warzones at release. Pretty skimpy.
  10. What are you talking about? WAR had 3 warzones in each t4 zone (9) plus 1 for each city (2) plus one for each of teir 1,2 &3 (3x3 = 9) . Then they added two(?) with patches. So thats around 20 ! and threee quarters of them were pretty good (unlike...voidstar for example). http://warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Scenario
  11. You should end up using flame burst more often as a ST. Its solid damage (well for a tank...).
  12. I did it as a pure shield tech with no help @ lvl 49. Buy some greens for you companion and go do it again.
  13. whats wrong with some pre-season practice? I dont get it.
  14. Not every class gets every power. If you want a knockback play a class with one.
  15. Absolute baloney! I just hit 50, I have done exactly this and I hit like a wet paper bag against the BM geared people. However you have to give people something to aim for so I guess its not so bad. Way better that WoW's gear bump back in my day.
  16. Its preposterous! The designers clearly have no idea.
  17. Wait. With classes being mirrored and teams being evenly numbered the only imbalance that the OP is talking about would be player skill and the odd bug here and there....
  18. try and stay in sight of the ball carrier (edit: this means running past people that need heals sometimes). best tip I've got for you.
  19. The complainers need to heed my general MMO advice. If class X is so awesome it needs nerfing you should shut up and roll one That way everyone gets to play the class they want to.
  20. All i see is class type and a red name in PvP
  21. This is correct. it can go in either hand even if its the size of a small car.
  22. Take the others argument to an illogical extreme. Standard troll tactic In the context of the OP my original comemnts stand just fine.
  23. Healing is fine. Its definitely a case of L2P and get your own healers. If healing really is OP how come hardly anyone rolls one?
  24. No becuase its an MMO. All MMOs have the same nerf/buff cycles
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